Analysing 'Haunting in Connecticut' Fiolm Trailer (Excel)

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5 Seconds No Video

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10 Seconds

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Fade in deep string istruments (minor key)

15 Seconds

Birdseye view shot above connecitcut

Deep String instruments (minor key)

20 seconds

Woman driving a car upto a house for sale Deep String instruments (minor key) (mid shot) + Woman's voice over

25 seconds

Establishing shots of inside and outside the slow piano music + woman talking: house for sale (extreme long shots) 'It's Perfect'

30 seconds

Family moving into the house (mainly mid single voice choir + man voice over: shots) 'Well it does have a bit of a history'

35 seconds

Boy moving into the basement (mid shots)

slow Piano music + conversation between mother and son

40 seconds

mother and son trying to open a locked door in the basement

slow Piano music + conversation between mother and son

45 Seconds

establishing shots of the whole family sleeping (close ups)

Classical music coming from the basement tv (sound bridge)

50 seconds

boy living in the basement turns television sharp bass drum sound and string of (close up) and a black figur in the instruments screeching televisions reflection walks out of site

55 seconds

estbablishing shots of strange things happening such as a burning doorhandle and an old box being found under the floorboards (mid shot and close up)

creepy piano music + woman voice over: 'Who put these things under the flooorboards'

60 seconds

boy walks into an empty room and the image of a boy pushes past him quickly, he bass drum and screeching music then inexplicably dissapears (mid shot)

boy shows the girl some old photos and explains 'I've seen this kid almost everyday creepy piano music since we've been here' (close ups)

65 seconds

70 seconds

girl bites into a rotten apple and proceeds to open the fridge to find that all the food deep bass music with screeching is abundant with mould (close ups)

75 seconds

boy sleeping in the basement and a shadow of a figure on the wall slowly moving towards him (mid shot)

heavy bass music with screeching gradually building

80 seconds

Woman looking through old newspaper cuttings and photo's about old seances held in the house

low tone piano music + woman conversing with her son telling him seances were held in the house (voice over)

85 seconds

mother and son talking about things appearing after the seances in the house and it cuts to a clip of the son laying in bed, looking up and seeing a shadowy figure

low tone piano music and mild screeching + woman conversing with her son (voice over)

90 seconds

low tone piano music and sound cutting between a clip of a preist talking to bridge of a priest whilst talking to the family and the mother looking under the family saying 'There's something the bed at a moving object in this housing. Something no longer living and not yet passed over'

95 seconds

boy attemting to enter the hidden room in low humming the basement but the door slams shut

100 seconds

cutting between the boy opening the hidden basement room door and newspaper cut outs of the seances

screeching music slowly building (tension)

105 seconds

cutting between the door shutting on the boy in the basement and real life footage of the sance

music completely stops and sound bridge over it: 'And it wants your son'

110 seconds

Clips cutting of an unknown language being cut into his skin

Deep music fast paced quickly building

115 seconds

quick clips about 1 second between the house rotting and a first person view of a camera going up the stairs

Deep music fast paced quickly building

120 seconds

Girl getting srangled by a shower curtain

Deep music fast paced quickly building

125 Seconds

Loads of clips strung together to quick to differenciate (about 0.5 seconds each)

High pitched screeching quickly building

130 Seconds

even quicker clip cutting

High pitched screeching quickly building

135 Seconds

Shot of the window leading out out from the basement with a title overlay

echoey thud as the music stops and the titles appear

140 seconds

Boy walks over to the locked door and looks at his rash in the reflection, a ghost'y creepy out of tune piano music and head screaming in pain then emerges on a screech as the face appears the other side of the door and it cuts to black

145 Seconds

Picture of the film credits such as the distribution and production company, producers names and the website

creepy out of tune piano music

150 seconds

Creepy out of tune piano music

Green screen

Screen Caps

Lionsgate and Gold Circle Films

Northern Connecticut'

Based on a true story'

No titles

no titles

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no titles

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no titlles

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no titles

no titles

This Spring'

no titles

no titles

no titles

no titles

no titles

The Fear'

Is Real'

No titles

No Titles

No Titles

The Haunting In Connecticut'

No Titles


Coming Soon'

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