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Creating a common future: the keys for sustainable destinations - Myanmar

Phyoe Wai Yar Zar President Myanmar Marketing Committee Joint Secretary General Myanmar Tourism Federation

Current tourism in Myanmar

Political and economic reforms/liberalization 2011-2013 Sustainability & Responsibility highlighted Policies/Plan of Action formulated Opening of Opportunities & Incentives for travel & investment

Sustainability: Strengths
Renowned friendliness of its people Substantial cultural and natural heritage reflected in a Diversity of tourism products and destinations Genuine hospitality and spiritual values

Flagship Tourist Destinations Yangon Mandalay Bagan Inle Lake Golden Rock Pagoda Ngapali Beach Cultural-Historical Spiritual-Pilgrimage Nature Ethnic/Community Study Recreation/leisure

Sustainability: Challenges
Demand vs. supply for hotels Insufficient measures to interpret, protect and conserve heritage sites and buildings Poor waste management Weak and ineffective stakeholder engagement in planning processes Dearth of tourism-related research Lack of human, technical and financial resources to improve tourism planning

Sustainability: Opportunities Responsible Investment in Hotels and related Tourism Actionable responsible tourism policy, its aims and action points Implementable Tourism Master Plan

Myanmar Responsible Tourism Policy: mission and guiding principles

Tourism is a national priority sector Broad-based socio-economic development Maintain cultural diversity and authenticity Conserve and enhance PAs & environment Compete on product richness quality Health, safety and security of visitors Strengthen institutional capacity Trained and rewarded workforce Minimize unethical practices

Myanmar Responsible Tourism Policy is led by the following vision:

We intend to use tourism to make Myanmar a better place to live in to provide more employment and greater business opportunities for all our people, to contribute to the conservation of our natural and cultural heritage and to share with us our rich cultural diversity. We warmly welcome those who appreciate and enjoy our heritage, our way of life and who travel with respect.

Myanmar Responsible Tourism Policy: Strategic Programs

Gender, environment, partnerships

2. Build human resource capacity

4. Develop quality products & services

5. Improve Connectivity & infrastructure

6. Build Image, position & brand

Innovative financing, regional cooperation, access for disability

1. Strengthen institutional environment

3. Safeguards & destination planning

Sustainability: Opportunities
Substantial growth in visitors and potential visitors interested in Myanmar Emerging market segments seeking new destinations and experiences Creation of more inclusive and balanced growth through income generating opportunities for local people

Thanks very much!

Myanmar the place to be

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