Church History II

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CHURCH HISTORY II For history to make sense it has to be interpreted theologically.

What is God doing, not because of what people did, but in spite what people did. Martin Luther He prayed to St. Anne when he was caught in the storm. In those days, Christians would ask the dead to pray for them, just one would ask a living person. This is because the Catholic Church believed the dead did not cease being part of the community of saints after they die. But the official doctrine of the Catholic Church stated that it does not worship the dead. Luther first learned the doctrine of Justification by faith in the Augustianian monastery. Martin Luther had a mentor Johann Von Staupitz. Staupitz would tell Luther to just believe that Jesus died for his sins, and that is enough, but Luther was so overwhelmed by his view of Jesus as a vengeful judge. Luther understood justification as God making one righteous. But he was troubled by the fact that he could not live purely righteous. He later discovered that God sees you as righteous, and then he makes you righteous. God sees me as righteous (status)(positional righteousness) --- God makes me righteous (state) (progressive righteousness. Diet of Worms Luther refuses to recant. Scripture, conscience, reason are the three pillars of Protestantism. From Martin Luthers famous quote. Fredrick the Wise staged a kidnap to safety at Wartburg Castle for eight months. There he translated the New Testament into German. Emperor gave an Edict outlawing Luther. The edict did not have effect, because people were impressed that Luther could stand the Pope and the Emperor and still survive. Luther married a former nun Katherine von Bora and this subverted the profession of priesthood at the time.

The word protestant came up when the 14 Germans princes protested the use of military force to flash out Luther. In 1530, Luthers successor, Philip Melanchton, wrote Ausburg confession. It has 28 articles of faith. Reasons for the success of the Reformation 1. No single European who questioned the existence of God. A fertile spiritual environment. 2. High veneration of saints 3. Dramatic rise of lay brotherhoods. 4. Disillusion with the secularization of the church and the papacy 5. Psychological anxiety and heavy financial burden due to penance system. 6. Renaissance- Christian humanism: going back to the sources. 7. Invention of the Johann Gutenbergs printing press Three pillars of Reformation Supremacy of the scriptures Priesthood of all believers Justification by Faith

Magisterial Reforms Anabaptists advocated for the separation of church and state. Heidelberg Catechism- for Calvinism The Thirty-Nine ArticlesAnglicanism One of the reasons why the church grew in China, even in the midst of the Communist persecution, was because the missionaries left a Chinese Bible. ENGLISH REFORMATION Anglicanism is the largest protestant denomination in the world. It arose from the English Reformation

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