Work Plan Template English 20-3-13

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NGO Name NGO Number (if already registered with the EYF) NGO Type PROJECT RESPONSIBLE
Who is in charge of this project? This person will be the contact person for all questions and comments concerning this work plan (application and report) First name Surname Email Telephone

Title Provide a title that summarises the work plan in two lines. Title of the project Work plan Submitting a work plan to the EYF? This part is for you to explain why you identified elements from your strategic approach and narrowed them down to a work plan to be submitted to the EYF (6,000 characters maximum) You are asked to attach your organisations strategic approach document for the coming year(s). Some organisations call it 1

vision or action plan. It is the internal document that maps the way forward for the whole organisation and concerns many aspects. In this section, identify which parts would constitute a coherent work plan funded by the EYF. The work plan described here should only include or refer to activities for which a grant will be requested from the EYF. For example, it could be one specific line of action that fits the Council of Europe priorities and will be worked on for a longer period of time, or it could be a transversal issue that crosses the different action lines (for example, if you intend to intensify the training element in each line of action, or to introduce gender mainstreaming as a transversal element, or would like to work more specifically on participation with various topics). Please state the aim and objectives of this work plan. Please explain the rationale and reasons for targeting certain activities from your strategic approach, and explain what makes this particular work plan coherent. Strategic approach Which document should you provide? Please attach a document that reflects the position of the organisation as to its future actions/commitments and strategies validated through your decision making structure. What binds it together? This section is to help you explain the red thread that runs through the work plan you are submitting You have 3,000 characters to explain the following: - what is the link between the activities in this work plan? How are you going to ensure the transition between each activity? How are you going to build from one to the next? - identify the main phases and logical succession, and explain how this will help you meet the objectives. You should not describe each activity in detail as this information will be asked later in the form. Why apply to the Council of Europe? You should explain the reasons for applying to the European Youth Foundation and mention in which way this work plan contributes to other work done at the Council of Europe Explain why the European Youth Foundation should give financial support to this work plan, or, in other words, in which way does this activity support the work of the youth sector of the Council of Europe (priorities, existing programmes, concepts used by the Council of Europe, use of publications and resources from the Council of Europe)? How, in return, will you give visibility to the youth sector of the Council of Europe and the EYF? TOTAL COST AND TOTAL GRANT REQUESTED Please indicate the total cost of all the activities in the work plan. 2


Why the EYF?

The total grant requested cannot exceed 50,000. You should find co-funding for the international activities. The EYF will not be able to cover more than 2/3 of the total cost of the international activities calculated together (i.e. the 2/3 rule will not apply to each separate international activity). Total cost Total grant requested (See below the form for the individual activities. You will have to provide information on each activity of your work plan. Copy the section as often as necessary).

IMPORTANT Your application form will not be examined without the following documents: o o Your organisations strategic approach Details of each activity o Programme per activity (draft programme that you can adapt later) o Budget per activity (using the template available on the EYF website)

For each activity, you will have to provide the following information Title Give a short, meaningful title to each activity and indicate its number chronologically in the work plan Title of the activity Activity number Scope You will have to choose between international and local. Please note that the some conditions apply to international activities (participants from 7 different countries; four working days; 4 team members from different countries). Scope of the activity International local


Give an overview of what you want to do You will need to be able to summarise your ideas very clearly. You only have 3,000 characters to convince us! You have 3,000 characters to - indicate where the activity will take place (town and country); - briefly describe what you want to do. You need to summarise what will happen during the activity, from beginning to end and to highlight the main theme(s) and the main intentions and/or objectives; - outline the concrete steps in your project and/or in your activity; - explain how the flow helps meet the objectives described above; - give an indication of the approach (i.e. how you will lead the participants through a learning process). If this is an international activity: you are reminded that the same criteria apply as for one-off international activities (4 nationalities represented in the team, balanced geographical representation of a minimum of 7 countries represented, European dimension) If this is a local activity: please explain why you chose this particular context and how this is still linked to a broader context. 4

GPS coordinates Why GPS coordinates? This will help us keep an updated map of EYF activities on our website. To provide GPS coordinates, please follow instructions on the EYF website. Country Town GPS coordinates

Added value?

What justifies this activity being included in the work plan? This is to help us assess the importance of this activity in the work plan and to understand in which way it is an essential part. (3,000 characters) If this activity is the first one: how is this going to lay the foundation for the rest of the work plan (common ground or starting point)? If this activity comes after another one, how does it build on the previous one(s) and take into account what has been achieved? And also how is it a stepping stone to the next one(s)? You should be more concrete here than the description given in the field Flow and think in terms of outcomes, people taking part in the activity (participants and team members). If this activity did not take place, to which extent would it endanger the work plan?

Programme Attach a draft programme with the main blocks. You can adapt this version later in the course of the implementation of the work plan, depending on needs. Who? Who is involved in this activity? This section is about the team and the participants. (3,000 characters): - indicate the team members, with their country of residence (4 nationalities needed for international activities); -how will your project team work together at all stages, and how will the experience and expertise of each be taken into account? - define the profile of the target group and explain how they will help you achieve the objectives set for the activity? - explain how you will choose them (criteria and selection procedure); - dont forget to add the number of participants per country. WHEN? How many days of work with the target audience? This includes working days with the participants directly, either in one activity or in a succession of small actions. 5

Start day End day Number of days

Participants by country Where from? You need participants from a minimum of 7 member states of the CoE for an international activity. You should ensure a balanced geographical scope. Country Number

Total number of participants Budget How much will this activity cost? Attach a provisional budget for this activity. You should use the template you can download from the EYF website.

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