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2nd year 1st semester 1st assignment

Recruitment and selection process in Tesco


BBA 203



Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 1. Define the terms recruitment and selection. How do these processes enable an organization like Tesco to get the right people to fill its posts? ................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Describe how job description and person specifications are helpful in the selection process? What other purposes might a job description is used for? ........................................................................................................... 6 4. Analyze Tescos methods of attracting and recruiting candidates. Outline what you consider to be the main strengths and weaknesses of one of these methods?............................................................................................. 10 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 References ............................................................................................................................................................... 14

Human resource management defined in A handbook of human resource management practice by Michael Armstrong as A strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organizations most valued assets the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives. with key functions of organizing, resourcing, human resource planning, reward management and employee relations. In Tesco the biggest private sector employer in UK spread its trading over 13 countries; the number of both non-store and store-based employees are growing all the time. They also have an International Sourcing team of more than 1000 people in 20 countries whats value according to their web Our success depends on people: the people who work with us and the people who shop with us.- is given as this case study where we should considering about resourcing function of Tescos HRM process. In this case study recruitment and selection of Tesco is been study and thorough out can identify how Tesco be the biggest employer and still manage human resource effectively and efficiently. According to human resource planning the vacancies is being understood. And the recruiting process of choosing the right person for the vacancy by analyzing job description and person specification are being observed. The method they attracting and recruiting candidates for those vacancies which mostly is the internal recruitment method is similarly studied. Evaluation of benefits for Tesco of using interview method and assessment centers in the selection process is also done.

1. Define the terms recruitment and selection. How do these processes enable an organization like Tesco to get the right people to fill its posts?
The number and categories of people required should be specified in the recruitment. Program which is derived from Human resource plan (A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice page409- 410) .It means that recruitment is linked with planning. Is the process of developing a pool of qualified applicants who are interested in working for the organization and from which the organization might reasonably. Select the best individual or individuals to hire for a job. (International Students Edition Managing Human Resource Edition 13 page 183)

To select that kind of individual attraction needed. Ways of attracting right person for the correct job Walk-ins Employee referrals Advertising Websites Professional/ Educational/Association E- recruitment Word of mouth Factors considering setting recruitment plan. Cost Time taken Labor market Mobility of labor Legislation on gender, race, disability discrimination. Methods of recruiting I. Internal Job posting Promoting & transfer Union through assigning Retired employees & dependents of deceased Employee referrals II. External

Advertising Employment agencies College recruits Employee referrals Walk-ins E-recruitment III. Alternative ways Leasing employees Overtime Part time workers Temporally workers Out sourcing

Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualification to fill jobs in an organization. Selection Process Concerned with identify the best candidates or candidates for job form among the pool of qualified applicants developed during recruiting process. Steps in selection Medical exam/drug test

Supervisor/team interview

Back ground investing Employment testing aptitude ,achievement

Initial interview in HR department

Completion of application

When we considering about the recruitment process Tescos the process of recruiting depends on the job that available and mostly internal recruiting method.

1. As first Tesco looks for Internal Talent plan to fill the vacancies. 2. This process that lists current employees that looking for a move either at same level or on promotion. 3. If there isnt any suitable person internal management develop a training and development program. 4. And use internal E-recruitment method to advertises post in Tesco intranet. 5. If external recruitment methods used the advertise in their public web site 6. External vacancy board.

7. Made applicant online for managerial positions. 8. Chosen applicants must have an interview followed by attendance centre. 9. People interested in store-based jobs with Tesco can approach store with their CV / register through job centre. 10. The store prepares a waiting list of not selected applicant to make a pool of suitable recruits in order to call if another vacancy occurs. 11. For harder to fill or more specialist jobs, such as bakers and pharmacists external recruitment methods used. Like its public web site & offline media, television, radio or advertising Google or in magazines such as appointment journal. Human Resources planning. Selection process

Performance appraisal Job analysis Training & development Basis line management function Compensation
Figure 1

(International Students Edition Managing Human Resource Edition 13page 156

2. Describe how job description and person specifications are helpful in the selection process? What other purposes might a job description is used for?
job analysis is the process of gathering & organizing detailed information about various jobs within the organization so that managers can better understand the processes through which they are performed most efficiency. (International Students Edition Managing Human Resource page 155) Job analysis conclude with two main part .such as, Job description Job specification Job specification means statement of the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities of the person who is to perform the job. (International Students Edition Managing Human Resource Edition 13page 93) Job description designates the statements of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job to be performed. Selection process means the steps that conclude to choose the right person for the right job within the organization using the job specification & job description. Thus there are direct connections between the selection process & job analysis. In Tesco Company as a useful element in workforce planning they insist of having a clear job description including details of The title of job To whom the job holder is responsible. For whom the job holder is responsible. A simple description of roles and responsibilities Person specification include

The skills Characteristics Attributes That person needs to do a particular job. At Tesco these documents are combined to deliver the necessary information. And together it provides the basis for organizational job advertisement for internal applicants. And send a clear message to people who apply for the job

To attract the suitable people Act as a checking device to choose. Right applicant forms the interview. Set the target and standards for job performance.

And those show how a job holder fits into Tesco business or not .They help Tesco to provide benchmark treatment for each job responsibilities and skills and select process of recruit the right person . As figure (0 .1)in screening of the selection process .Tesco matches persons specifications for the job and persons curriculum vitae and job description includes the details they are assigned to do. Other purposes Tesco use job description are Human resource planning. Identify skills ,required for jobs Compare current skills with future needs Recruitment Selection Induction To inform employee job responsibilities Training & development To determine training objective and training content. Performance evaluation

Wage and salary administration Health & safety To identify job related hazards. To take job hazards prevention actions. J

3. Tescos methods of recruiting and attracting is depends on situation but candidates are mostly from Internal Talent plan either from current employees that looking for a move either at same level or on promotion. If there isnt any suitable person internal management develop a training and development program, use an internal E-recruitment method to advertises post in Tesco intranet. If external recruitment methods used the advertising in their public web site External vacancy board and applied online for managerial positions. The store prepares a waiting list of not selected applicant to make a pool of suitable recruits in order to call if another vacancy occurs. Harder to fill or more specialist jobs, such as bakers and pharmacists external recruitment methods used. Like its public web site & offline media, television, radio or advertising Google or in magazines such as appointment journal. Strengths and weakness of using internal recruitment in Tesco Strengths Can reduce the cost of recruiting employees from outside. More accurate view of candidates skills. Stronger commitment to the company. Increasing employee morale. Less training and orientation required. Sustain knowledge and culture. Employee performance is getting high as they know the carrier ladder.

Weakness Failed applicants become dissatisfied. Limited number of candidate pool to choose from. External candidates might be better suit for the job. Another vacancy will be creating within that has to be filled. Business may become resistance to change, by not new perspectives and attitudes brought in Strengths and weakness of using external recruitment in Tesco Strengths New perspectives and attitudes brought in Adoptable Large number of candidate pool to choose External candidates are better suit for the job Avoid ripple effect

Weakness Demotivate internal employee High cost for selecting process Induction and orientation costs Cultural shock High turnover rate

4. Analyze Tescos methods of attracting and recruiting candidates. Outline what you consider to be the main strengths and weaknesses of one of these methods?
In the external management recruitment selection process of Tesco they use few uniform stages.

Vacancies advertised on Tesco website and other media, such as national press

Successful candidates invited for interview

Successful candidates from screening attend

Unsuccessful candidates sent letter

Assessment Centre

Successful candidates invited to second interview

Successful candidates sent offer letter and contract

Figure 2

Interview means Face to face conversations between prospective job applicant and representatives of the organization (International Students Edition Managing the Human Resources -Page230).Techniques of handling interviews. They are Situational interviews- applicant is questioned about a particular incident and asks how he reacts. Structured interviews-interview to collect information about beliefs, facts attitude and behaviors. It can present one to one, may be through Internet or telephone. Been directed before and scripted the questions what staging standardized interview method so they can evaluate the candidate.

Unstructured interview- interview to explore wide range the candidate and its nondirective, non-structured and responded led which cover variety of topics through open questions. Semi Structured interview- combination of both unstructured and structured to collect qualitative information about views opinions and experiences by asking open ended and close ended questions. Thus Tesco use two interview on screening process there are benefits like Provide opportunities for interviewers to ask probing questions about the candidates experience and to explore his suitableness Enable interviewers to describe the job (a realistic job preview) and the organization in more detail, suggesting some of the terms of the psychological contract; Provide opportunities for candidates to ask questions about the job and to clarify issues concerning training, career prospects, the organization and terms and conditions of employment; enable a face-to-face encounter Give the candidate the same opportunity to assess the organization, the interviewer and the job. (A Handbook Of Human Resource Management Practice page 440-441) Using assessment Centre for screening is another effective method that Tesco use.

Assessment Centre is used in selecting the applicants who choose from first interview. The assessment centre takes place in store and run by managers. They help to provide constancy in the selection process. Applicants are given various exercises, including team work problem solving exercises like critical incident analysis etc. Candidates approve by the internal assessment centre then face to the last interview to find out whether candidate has job requirement. Advantages in this method are Can observe candidates in the problem solving process and predict their future performance fulfill the requirements to handle the job. Can understand new recruits strengths and weaknesses before recruiting.

Can make a pool of employees that reject in selection this time but up to the level of employee need to recruit future employee vacancies. Identify the skills, knowledge, and attributes that employee shows and the job he should be assign to. Minimize the induction cost.

This assignment contains a comparison, of human recourse functions and their application in real world. In this assignment, we have considered the firm Tesco, the largest employer in UK. Not only that but also this assignment explains what a job description is, what a job specification is an all other HR function are, So we have explained how Tesco has applied Several HR techniques to manage their worth farce in an efficient manager Collecting information with regard to applicants job vacancies recruitment, selection, is a difficult task and in the assignment we have explained how a firm as implemented HR theory in the real world. In the selection process Tesco uses job description and job specification to get information with regard the job and in the internal recruitment process, use a talent plan and then they advertise on internet about job vacancies. And in the external recruitment process they advertise on their official web site regarding job vacancies available. Further in this assignment we also have maintained about interviews used by Tesco in selecting their employees. They also do a screening of job applicants to get and overall idea on employees qualifications.


Name of the book or Website


Published year and the edition

Publisher and address McGraw-Hill Book Co-Singapore

Human Resource Management. An Experiential approach Human Resource Management. A Critical Text

-H.Jhon Bernardin -Joyce E.A Russell Edited by Jhon Storey

1998 2nd Edition 1995

Routler 11 new Fetter Lane, London ECA4p 4EE

Cases in Human Resource Management

Edited by Ann E. McGoldrick

1996 1st Edition

PITMAN PUBLISHING,128 Long Acre, London WC2E 9AN

A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice

Michael Armstrong

2006 10th edition

120 Pentonville Road , London N1 9JN United Kingdom 525 South 4th Street, #241, Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA

Tesco PLC

Tesco PLC, New Tesco House, Delamare Road,

Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England EN8 9SL Personnel and Human Resources Management G.A Cole 2002 5th Edition Gamut, The Tower building, 11 York road, London SE17 7 NX International Students Edition Managing the Human Resources. International Students Edition -G.Bohlander -S.Shell 2007 13th Edition Thomas Higher Education, 519 Natorp Boulevard, Mason OH 45040, USA

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