Grade 9 Scope and Sequence Planner

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GRADE 9 Trimester 3:



ADEC FOCUS QUESTION: How do I think about my future? Explore: What are my skills and interests? How do I make good choices? How do I prepare for the future? ALL class work and activities MUST relate to this theme. Even spelling, vocabulary and grammar work should be based around the LOOKING BACK theme. Grammar exercises are based on the language features of each text type and taught ONLY in the context of the text type and the theme. TEXT TYPES: Discussion, Information, Procedure See ADEC Text Type Scaffolds below note the language features. Language features (grammar) MUST be taught in the context of the text type not in isolation. While teaching students to write in each text type: o introduce each language feature in a logical way that aligns with the particular stage of the inquiry , o ensure focus questions align with the text type being studied o allow time & opportunities for practice, o differentiate task, outcome, levels of support according to student learning needs Provide text type samples. Ask students to identify features what do you notice about this type of writing compared to eg. Recount? Then teach them how to use the particular language feature in their own writing. Planning for Community Links & Parent Involvement (KPI 4.1 and 4.2). Suggestions: Guest speakers: employees from a range of workplaces Excursions: various workplaces, universities, HCTs Community information:________________________________________________ Parent Involvement: ___________________________________________________ Authentic audiences : __________________________________________________ Possibilities &

Ensure timing of these events ties in with the sequence of the thematic inquiry, to maximize learning opportunities. Project Planning Considerations Opportunities to demonstrate research, thinking, team work, self management, organization, reflective learning and participation skills need to be included in the project. Project needs to have an oral and a written component Project needs to be based around the ADEC thematic inquiry for Grade 7 Include a cross-curricular link if possible. Include an authentic purpose & audience where viable Project possibilities & suggestions: Careers Fest: students collaborate to create a day of guest speakers and information-sharing about career possibilities. OR Research a career and link its suitability to your personal qualities, strengths, interests. Explain why this would be the ideal career for you. UAE Heritage and Culture: Promote UAE heritage, culture and national identity at every opportunity. Use UAE-based resources, data, information whenever possible. ADEC Thematic Vocabulary: career decisions choices experience satisfaction opportunity confidence academic technical mentor apprentice job application inquire options search select qualification leadership goals vocation training

evaluate direction knowledge university entrance future role model

skills set preparation

resume college

aim for

references planning aspire to

Wee k

THEMATIC CONTENT: Focus Question How do I think about my future? What kind of person am I? Do others see me in the same way as I see myself?

TASKS & ACTIVITIES Note: Hyperlinked documents Introductory Vocabulary Various games and activities to introduce ten words from the ADEC vocab. list: career, decisions, choices, satisfaction, confidence, leadership, options, future, planning, direction. Vocabulary cards to support games. Activity human graph of the future Indicate a line on the classroom floor or in the courtyard. How do I see myself and how do others see me? Students take a series of online & paper personality quizzes and analyse the results. 1. Human Resources Quiz how others see me 2. Picture Selection Test 3. Personality Profile Activity Word Splash: Why do people like you? What are the features of discussion texts? Hard and soft evidence sheet (Shaun Robison) See ADEC Discussion Text Scaffold Students complete a 1st draft and then use the discussion text rubric to improve their draft. Vocabulary: word clumps Discussion Text samples read & identify features of the text type. (Differentiated samples) Activity: Reading comprehension careers in the UAE Self assess the reading comprehension using answer powerpoint. Homework: complete the careers personality quiz online at home and print out your results for inclusion in your portfolio. ( nselor.aspx)Write a 5-10 line paragraph about the effect this quiz had on your possible career choices. Was it accurate? What surprised you?

ASSESSMENT: self, peer, teacher, reflection

Which strand/s & number/s are being addressed each week?

1& 2

Portfolio: Discussion Writing The pros and cons of personality tests. Students use specific examples from their recent experience of personality testing as evidence.

research and develop an argument in a sustained, logical and coherent way, recognizing opposing viewpoints

engage audiences with their stories and descriptions of themselves, their community and the world

What are some possible careers in the UAE? How do my skills and interests complement my personality? What careers might suit me best?

Portfolio reading comprehension answers self assessed using powerpoint

What are some of the issues related to the School to Work theme?

Forming & Justifying Opinions activity & opinions statements leading to 2nd discussion text. Discussion Text planner differentiated support

Write a discussion text on a topic chosen from a list of possible questions.

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