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Traditional Lesson Plan I.

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to: Identify the basic shape square Relate the basic shape square to the things around them Draw the basic shape square

II.Subject Matter a. b. c. d. Topic: The Basic Shapes (Square) Nursery Level Materials: Treasure Chest with real objects, bond papers, cut-outs square, glue References: m%2Fsshape.shtml&h=7AQHx4IYN s%2Fsquare.html&h=7AQHx4IYN

III.Lesson Proper Teachers Activity 1. Meeting Time Good Afternoon Children! a. Prayer Lets start our day with a prayer. Lets bow our heads and feel the presence of God. Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom Gods love commits me here Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, To rule and guide. Amen. b. Attendance Okay Children now lets have our attendance.______how many girls are present today? 9! Very good, so there were no absent for this day. c. Date and Weather Students Activity

(stand and greet) Good Afternoon Teacher (listening)


9 teacher

Yesterday is September 17, 2012. So Children, what do you think is the date today? 18? To make sure its 18. Lets count of from 1 to 18. Very Good. Now today is September 18, 2012. So lets now move on to our weather. What do you think is our weather for today? It is sunny day? How about windy day? Does Mr. Cloudy come out today? Or Ms. Rainy is still out there? Song: Whats the weather Tune: Oh my Darling, Clementine Whats the weather,Whats the weather Whats the weather, everyone? Is it windy, is it cloudy Is there rain or is there sun?

September 18, 2012 yes teacher 1, 2, 3, 4. . . . . 15, 16, 17, 18



Cloudy Day Teacher. Today is September 18, 2012 and it is Cloudy Day 2. Motivation Okay children. We are going to sing a song entitled The Square Song to the tune of London Bridge. Ill be the first to perform. Okay? Ill read the song then we may put some action to it to be more enjoyable. Okay? Song: The Square Song Tune: London Bridge Square have four equal sides Equal sides, equal sides Square have four equal sides One, Two, Three, Four Repeat with tune and action Very Good Children. Lets give our self a Fireworks Clap What have you notice to our song? (singing with action) (listening)

yes teacher


(performing the clap)

Did you hear a shape mentioned to it? there are shapes What is it? Very Good Children. Lets give our self again a Fireworks clap 3. Presentation We are going to have a game. (performing the clap) Do you know what a pirate is? They love Treasure Chest. Do you know what a treasure chest is? Do you know whats inside of a treasure chest? Very Good. Golden Coins. Good News Children. Because I have sneak a treasure chest here from a group of pirates. Now, I have here a treasure chest. Lets see what is inside. Im excited to see what are the things that we may get inside in our treasure chest? Lets start with____ (listening) What item did you get? How many sides does a gift box have? Lets count. (raising their hands) (Get an item) gift box Are they all has the same length? Very Good. Right. All of the object inside the treasure chest are shape square. Square is a shape that has four equal sides and four corners. (thinks) 1, 2, 3, 4! yes wow yes yes, golden coins (listening) yes yes teacher square

(listening) What other object do you think is shape like a square in this room? 4. Comparison and Abstraction Small Group Activity (given by them) Do you understand now the basic shape square? The class will be divided into 3 groups. 3 members each. Ill give each group a piece of bond paper and different sizes of square. I want you to form a house using the different sizes of shape that I gave you. I will show you an example before you work for it. The first group wholl finish first will receive a fireworks clap. 5. Generalization Children, what is our lesson today? Are you aware now what a square is? What is a square? square yes square is shape that has four equal sides and four equal sizes gift, t.v, mirror . . . . (doing the house square) yes teacher

yes (listening)

Can you give me an example of a basic shape square? Very Good. I want you to give our self again a fireworks clap. 6. Application Okay Children. I have a game here called square hunt. I want you to find an object that shapes a square. After that show it in front and describe what it is. ____What object did you get? Very Good. I want you to give our self a fireworks clap.

(performing clap)


(given by the students)

IV. Evaluation Trace the pattern to form a square in the picture.

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