Tamak Swas1

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Here are Causes-Symptoms-Prevention-Diet-Treatments.

Bronchial asthma or simply asthma is called as Tamamka swas rog in Ayurveda, is respiratory disease characterized by obstruction of air way or respiratory tract especially the trachea. The incidence of asthma is on alarming rise in the modern times. This is largely believed to be the result of environmental pollution and climate change. Surveys carried out in developed countries depict that every one in five children is affect with the disorder. The most unfortunate thing is there exist no cure in Allopathic medicine for asthma. The patient have to carry a device called inhaler that removes the obstruction from the respiratory tract. Bronchial asthma can be triggered by many factors such dust, pollen, some foods, clothes, hair etc also called as allergens which over sensitize the immune system to produce responses like redness of skin and eyes, obstruction to breathing etc. Asthmatic person has bouts or attacks whenever he is exposed to these allergens. At times the bouts can prove to be fatal.

CAUSES OF ASTHMA According to Ayurveda Asthma is a Kapha dosha. The heart and the lungs are filled with a fluid called shleshaka kapha responsible for proper respiration. Any vitiation in this fluid causes the bronchial asthma. However vatta and pitta doshas are also said to be described to cause asthmatic troubles in certain Ayurvedic texts. Mostly the cause lies in the internal constitution of body of the patients.

Clinical manifestation however show a different history of Asthma that are summarized as follows

Presence of particular allergen as described above in the introduction. Presence of food preservatives or colors or additives as monosodium glutamate. Use of certain drugs like aspirin or beta blockers. Change in weather. Symptoms of bronchial Asthma Wheezing sound and shortness of breath. Tightening of chest muscles.

SYMPTOMS OF ASTHMA DUE TO VAAT ROG The attack is prominently seen in the morning hours when the vaat dosha is most active. Dryness of skin is seen and mouth feels dry.

Person suffers from persistent dry cough and wheezing. Constipation persists. Patients prefer hot drinks to cold drinks.

SYMPTOMS OF ASTHMA DUE TO PITTA DOSHA The attack is observed during noon time when pitta dosha prevails. Cough and wheezing is seen with discharge of yellowish phlegm. Asthmatic attack is accompanied with fever and sweating. The person is irritable to the surroundings. The patient prefers cool air and surroundings.

SYMPTOMS OF ASTHMA DUE TO KAPHA DOSHA Since kapha dosha is active during the morning and evening hours, so the attack generally comes at this time of an hour. There is discharge of clear white phlegm along with cough and wheezing. Occasional congestion of chest is observed with whistling sound during the intake of breath.

PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF TAMAK SWAS ROG (BRONCHIAL ASTHMA) The first step while controlling all types of Asthma is to identify the cause of it. After identification of the cause one can assume that half the battle is won. Another important factor in combating this dreadful disorder is keeping the surrounding of the patient clean and vacuum dried. Asthmatic patient should strictly avoid deodorants, perfumes, air and room fresheners as they consist of aerosols; the culprit trigger factor. Smoking for asthmatic patient is like a death knell.

Regular exercise both active and passive immensely however these set of yoga aasan will definitely prove highly effective in treating the problem- SURYA NAMASKAR, SHANKA AASAN, SARVANG AASAN,USHTRA AASAN, MATSYA AASAN etc. DIET CONTROL DURING BRONCHIAL ASTH One should strictly adhere to light and simple diet and avoid heavy and difficult to be digestible food stuffs. Supplementing the diet with lots of fluids enhances the process of digestion. One must keep away from fermented and stale food stuffs. Fish and sea foods should never be placed on plate if you are to avoid the attack.

TREATMENT OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Cows milk and cows urine or filtered cow urine have been sufficiently quoted by the scriptures to highly effective in treatment of TAMAK SWAS ROG.

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