Medications: Jason Yu Discharge Plan

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Jason Yu Discharge Plan

Medications -Instruct the patient to continue taking his medication regimen as ordered by the doctor. -Inform the client to take his medications on time or as directed for the full course of therapy. -Educate the patient about the side effects of the medications that he needs to know. -Instruct the patient to check the labels of medicines before taking it.

Exercise -Explain to the client the value of exercise in our body like active range of motion. -Instruct the patient that exercises performed should be within normal limits. -Encourage the patient the proper breathing exercises.

Treatment -Instruct the client to continue drug and chemotherapy as ordered to attain the maximum therapeutic effects of such. -Discuss to the client the complications of his sickness. -Instruct the patient to report to the physician promptly any changes on health condition. Such as allergic reaction, high blood pressure or all of the unusualities that may happen to him. -Educate the patient on the importance to keep all follow-up appointments. Follow-up is needed to check for cancer recurrence or spread, as well as possible side effects of certain treatments.

Health Teachings -Ensure patients safety. Make sure a watcher is present with the patient at all times. -Encourage the patient to have adequate rest and sleep. -Instruct the patient to do daily hygiene and grooming which includes daily body bath and hand washing. -Teach the patient and family how to promote healthy lifestyle like regular exercises and having adequate resting periods. -Educate the family about the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of their surrounding environment. -Inform the family of the patient about his condition and the necessary information for his treatment.

-Advice the patient to avoid strenuous activities until full recovery is achieved. -Instruct patients significant others to provide emotional and social support to the patient. -Teach patient how to do proper wound dressing. -Follow up check-up after a week. -Instruct patient the frequency of taking medications. -Instruct patient to wear mask when going to crowded places.

Outpatient Orders -Instruct patient and significant others to have follow-up check-up. -Encourage patient and significant other to notify the physician immediately if any unusualities in the health status have occurred. -Encourage the patient to comply with all the regimen and instructions given to him. -Continue medication as ordered.

Diet - The client is on diet as tolerated (DAT) and can tolerate any food he desires that is nutritious. Report to his attending physician any unusual food reactions and if the patient feels that his body disagrees with the diet regimen that he is in. -Inform the patient and significant others the importance of following a healthy diet such as avoid drinking alcohol, low fatty foods, avoid salty foods, increase iron intake such as ampalaya, raisin and liver. -Instruct patient to increase oral fluid intake and high fiber diet. -Instruct the patient to continuously take his supplements such as Prosure and Anlene to get the optimum health benefits on following both medication and diet regimens to maintain patients current health condition. Spirituality -Encourage the patient to understand his situation whatever may happen. -Advice the patient to keep on praying and never lose hope if any negative results will arise.

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