August 2011

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Hina Rabbani Khar is Paks New Foreign Minister
Hina Rabbani Khar was appointed as Pakistans new foreign minister. Khar ,34, is the youngest minister to accept the post. This came as a big surprise for the people. Khar was elected twice to the national assembly during Musharrafs reign in 2002 and during Benazirs stint in the year 2008. She never went public to win campaign. Since she belongs to a political family it is said that for any years the seat was with held by her father Ghulam Noor Rabbani Khar and she gives her winning credit to her political father. Rabbabi offers hope to a number of women in Pakistan not in terms of their lifestyle but in terms of their way to choose their lives. We have in the past few years the evolvement of women in Pakistan. The list includes the likes of Fatima Jinnah to Benazir Bhutto, Asma Jahangir, Sherry Rehman and now Hina Rabbani Khar. Now women are rejecting the roles that many men try to cast them in. Since her appointment as the foreign minister of Pakistan Khar has been continuously criticised because to is too young to handle foreign affairs of Pakistan and that she holds a degree in hospitality management and she even has a degree in economics. But with a country with young population Khar seems to be making place for herself. nalist Saleem Shahzad who wrote about infiltration of the military by extremists. US suspension of aid could be a result of this killing.

Asia-Europe (ASEM) Meeting

A two-day meeting of foreign ministers of the 46nation Asia-Europe (ASEM) held in Godollo, Hungary. This was the 10th ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting. The summit was chaired by Catherine Ashton, the foreign policy chief of the European Union (EU) while Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi took over the chair on 5 July 2011. Hungary is the current holder of the EU's rotating presidency.Asian and European foreign ministers on 5 July 2011 reached an agreement to cooperate closer in dealing with the non-traditional security challenges. The meeting focused on increasing international collaboration in dealing with a cluster of nontraditional security threats ranging from terrorism and piracy to food and energy security, climate change, disaster relief and management, illegal migration and infectious diseases.Next Asia-Europe (ASEM) meet will be held in India in 2013, while an ASEM summit will be held in Vientiane, Laos in 2012.

9.2 Percent Unemployment in USA

The United States Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) revealed that the unemployment in US increased to 9.2 percent for the month of June and over 14 million people were jobless.This reflects the recent slowdown of economic growth. The sectors which showed the increase in unemployment are- health care and manufacturing, leisure and hospitality and manufacturing. USA Suspended Military Aid to Pakistan USA announced that it withheld the 800 million dollars aid to the Pakistans military. This action taken by the US government suggests that US doesnt rely completely on Pakistan in its fight against terrorism.The Security forces of Pakistan were alleged to play a role in the killing of Pakistani jour-

Salient Features of ASEM Meet

The meeting held discussions on regional and in A separate plenary session was devoted to global

ternational issues of common interest, including developments in Europe, Asia, Middle-East and the Arab world. issues such as UN Reforms, sustainable development, environment protection, non-proliferation and disarmament, G-8, G-20 etc.

ASEM meet further exchanged views on, matters

relating to economic governance and the reform of the international financial system, as well as, ongoing efforts in Europe and Asia to overcome the consequences of the economic and financial crisis.

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Indias Response: At the ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Godollo on 5 July 2011, India announced that it would host the meeting of ASEM forum in 2013. India also announced its decision to hike its financial contribution, a 20 percent increase to the inter-regional forum, ASEM. What is ASEM ? ASEM represents over half of the global population and accounts for more than half of the global GDP.ASEM was set up in 1996.It held its first summit meeting at Bangkok.It is a forum of 46 Asian and European countries. 27 countries are from the EU and 19 countries are from Asia India has been participating in ASEM meetings since 2007.ASEM also comprises two international organisations, i.e. the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union, for expanding political and security, economic and socio-cultural cooperation. Outside of the government-level meetings, ASEM also brings together, in individual fora, lawmakers, businesses and civil society groups.In the key achievements of ASEM, the Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN) a ground-breaking research and education network connecting researchers in both continents are included.

State on June 28 2006 after it gained its independence from Serbia.

to close the six-year-old UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), which was set up to assist the parties in implementing the CPA, and called on the SecretaryGeneral of the UN to complete the withdrawal of all its uniformed and civilian personnel, except those needed for its liquidation, by 31 August 2011. emphasized the need for an orderly withdrawal of UNMIS following the termination of its mandate to pave the way for the new UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS).

The Un Security Council decided on 11 July 2011,

the affirmative votes of nine of the Councils 15 members, provided that none of its five permanent members i.e. China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States voted against the application.

Any recommendations for admission must receive

tions contained in the Charter of the United Nations and solemnly undertook to fulfill them.

The Republic of South Sudan accepted the obliga-

Resolutions And Recommendations:

In an unanimously adopted resolution, the Council

South Sudan is Independent

The United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur welcomed the agreement signed on 14 July 2011, between the Sudanese Government and the rebel Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM). The agreement was based on the Doha Document for Peace of the Security Council of the UN. The General Assembly of the United Nations admitted the Republic of South Sudan as the 193rd member of the United Nations on 14 July 2011. It welcomed independent South Sudan to the community of nations. The protocol agreement was signed in the Qatari capital, Doha. The agreement was a commitment on the part of the Sudanese Government and the LJM to the draft document that was required to form the basis of a permanent ceasefire and a comprehensive peace agreement to end the fighting that began in 2003. An estimated 300,000 people were killed since conflict erupted in Darfur in 2003.After the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to acclaim the independence South Sudan became Africas newest country. The last country to join the world body was Montenegro, which became the 192nd UN Member

The Council also looked forward to transfer ap-

propriate staff and supplies, including the logistics necessary for achieving the new scope of functions to be performed from UNMIS to the new Mission and to the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA). The agreement signed between the north and the south Sudan in June 2010, held that their respective forces which clashed repeatedly in the disputed region are to withdraw from Abyei. UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) was given the initial task of monitoring the complete withdrawal of forces from all of Abyei.

World Hepatitis Day

The first official World Health Organizationsupported World Hepatitis Day being coordinated in partnership with the World Hepatitis Alliance was observed on 28 July 2011. The theme for the World Hepatitis Day was This is hepatitis. The slogan for World hepatitis Day 2011 was Know it. Confront it. Hepatitis affects everyone, everywhere.World Hepatitis Day was observed on 28 July 2011 to raise glo-

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bal awareness of hepatitis B and hepatitis C and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. World Hepatitis Day serves to provide an opportunity to recognise viral hepatitis as a major global health problem in order to advance prevention and control. The World Hepatitis Alliance and the WHO jointly agreed that the core global objectives of the World Hepatitis Day campaign are to:

Raise awareness and understanding of hepatitis

among the general public

The country that saw the maximum FDI inflow in 2010 was the United States at $228 billion. China stood at 2nd position with inflows totalling $106 billion in 2010, and Brazil stood at 5th position with inflows at $48 billion.According to UNCTAD, foreign direct investment inflows worldwide climbed 5 per cent to about USD 1.24 trillion in 2010 compared to 2009. FDI to South Asia declined to USD 32 billion in 2010. The report stated that half of the top 20 host economies for FDI in 2010 were developing and transition economies. UNCTAD report projected foreign direct investments worldwide to return to pre-crisis levels this year, with inflows expected to be up to $1.6 trillion.Cross border non-equity modes (NEMs) including contract manufacturing, services outsourcing, contract farming were found to be increasingly shaping the global value chains.

Secure continual support for World Hepatitis Day Generate a sense of urgency amongst all stakeholders to prioritise action

2011 Declared World Veterinary Year

FDAs Center for Veterinary Medicine together with other national and international veterinary groups declared 2011 as the World Veterinary Year. 2011 marks the 250th anniversary of the founding of the worlds first veterinary school in Lyon, France. World Veterinary Year, or Vet2011 is to celebrate the rich history of the veterinary profession and the veterinarians around the world who continue to protect human and animal health.The worlds first veterinary school was founded in Lyon, France, in 1761. The Alfort veterinary school was next to come up near Paris in 1764. Both the schools were founded at the initiative of French veterinarian Claude Bourgelat. Thus the year 2011 marks the 250th world anniversary of veterinary education. By setting up the worlds first veterinary training institutions, Bourgelat also created the veterinary profession itself. Thus, 2011 also marks the 250th world anniversary of the veterinary profession.Bourgelat was also the first scientist who dared to suggest that studying animal biology and pathology would help to improve understanding of human biology and pathology. 2011 also marks the 250th anniversary of the concept of comparative biopathology.

Missile Defence Shield for Russia

Russia made an announcement on 22 July 2011 that it built a missile defence shield which covers two-thirds of the country. The new system is designed to provide protection against missile attacks on Moscow and central Russia. Most of the industry is located in this area. The missile defence system features S-300 and S-400 long-range anti-missiles.The system is likely to become operational by 1 December 2011.

Truong Tan Sang is Vietnams 9th President

Vietnams lawmaking National Assembly appointed Truong Tan Sang as the communist countrys new president on 25 July 2011 following Vietnams 13th National Assembly election. Sang, an arch rival of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung is the ninth president f the country, the first being revered founding father Ho Chi Minh. Sang succeeded Nguyen Minh Triet, who served one term.Sang had been the ruling Communist Party's de facto number two since 2006. He had mounted an aggressive challenge for the prime minister's job before the party's January congress, which determined top leadership posts. Sang, a native of southern Vietnam and a student militant imprisoned by the then US-backed South Vietnam regime, Sang went on to become became mayor of Ho Chi Minh City. He had most recently served as the de

World Investment Report 2011

The World Investment Report 2011 was released by UNCTAD on 26 July 2011. According to the report, Indias position among the top 20 FDI recipients fell to 14th position, from 8th in 2009.

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facto No. 2 in charge of the Communist Party, running the day-to-day affairs.Sang was imprisoned from 1971-73 by the U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government when he served as a communist fighter for the north during the Vietnam War. It ended in 1975 when the north seized control of the former southern capital, Saigon, reunifying the country.

Besides, the nations agreed points,which is as follows:-



Ban on Wearing Veils in Public in Italy

An Italian parliamentary commission approved a draft law banning women from wearing veils that cover their faces in public.The draft passed by the constitutional affairs commission prohibits women from wearing a burqa, naqib or any other garb that covers the face.Italy is the latest European country to approve a law against the burqa. Belgium and France have already banned the wearing of burqa in public.This recent step banning veil has ignited heated debate about multiculturism in Europe. Its related to issues of religious freedom, secular traditions, female equality and fears of terrorism.

ros into Greece to stop debt contagion across Europe. To ease Greece's debt repayments on its loans, the summit agreed to extend them from 7.5 years to between 15 and 30 years in some cases, and at a rate of 3.5 percent, down from 4.5 percent. dertaken by the Greek government to stabilize public finances and reform the economy as well as the new package of measures including privatization recently adopted by the Greek Parliament.

The summit agreed to pour another 159 billion eu-

The Eurozone leaders welcomed the measures un-

The Eurozone leaders agreed to support a new

programme for Greece. This programme will be designed notably through lower interest rates and extended maturities, to decisively improve the debt sustainability and refinancing profile of Greece.

It was decided to lengthen the maturity of future

UNSC Codemned The Syrian Government

The UN Security Council condemned the Syrian government for a deadly crackdown on protesters. The council statement condemned the widespread violations of human rights and the use of force against civilians by the Syrian authorities.This comes as the Syrian army attack Hama, a centre of the opposition protest, with reports of much loss of life.Dozens of people are believed to have been killed in the action against Hama, with residents saying that and army tanks have now entered into Assi Square, in the centre of the city of 800,000 people.

EFSF loans to Greece to the maximum extent possible from the current 7.5 years to a minimum of 15 years and up to 30 years with a grace period of 10 years. to the agreed fiscal targets, improve competitiveness and address macro-economic imbalances. Public deficits in all countries except those under a programme will be brought below 3 percent by 2013 at the latest. the end of 2012 national fiscal frameworks as foreseen in the fiscal frameworks directive.

All euro area Member States will adhere strictly

The summit made a commitment to introduce by

Muammar Gadhafis Regime Declared Illigetimate

Euro Zone Summit

17-nation Euro Zone Summit was held in Brussels, capital of Belgium with the objective of finalizing a second rescue package for debt plagued Greece and calm the financial markets of Europe. The participating nations agreed on Marshall Plan for Europe to revive the financial markets of Europe.

The Libya Contact Group in its fourth meeting held in Istanbul, Turkey declared Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafis regime no longer legitimate. This will potentially free up cash that the rebels fighting Libyan forces urgently need. In addition to the USA, the 32nation Contact Group on Libya includes members of NATO, the EU and the Arab League. The Group also formally recognized the main opposition group National Transitional Council(NTC) as the countrys legitimate government until a new authority is created.

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New Visa Category In Britain

Britain announced a new visa category to facilitate the immigration for exceptionally talented people from India and other non-EU countries in the fields of humanities, engineering, arts and science.The new Tier 1(exceptional talent) category will open on 9 August 2011 and it will have 1000 places in the first year of operation.There will be 500 places available between the 9 August and 30 November and a further 500 places available from the December 1 to March 31, 2012. The immigration category will be overseen by four competent bodies. These competent bodies will advise the UK border agency to make sure that the migrants are the best and brightest in their field.

Famine in Two Regions of Southern Somalia

On 20 July 2011 the United Nations declared a famine, occurring in the Bakool and Lower Shabelle regions of southern Somalia. The UN formally declared a famine in five districts in Southern Somalia. It also appealed for 300 million US dollars by August and September 2011, to bolster its response in the affected areas of Somalia.Parts of southern Somalia suffered from the worst famine in a generation, affecting over 3.7 million people. More than 166,000 desperate Somalis are estimated to have fled their country to neighbouring Kenya or Ethiopia.The UN estimated that humanitarian agencies needed 1.6 billion US dollars for Somalia alone. Tens of thousands of people died across the region, most of them were children.The last time similar conditions took place in Somalia in 1992, when hundreds of thousands of Somalis starved to death.Al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda-affiliated group which controlled large swathes of south and central Somalia, had imposed a ban on foreign aid agencies in its territories in 2009. However, later it had allowed limited access. An estimated 10 million people are affected in East Africa by the worst drought in more than half a century.

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