Statistics Unit: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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Statistics Unit

Monday -Pre-test -While students are finishing, have them write everything they know about statistics -Introduce the EU and EQ -Stats in the real world: Have students in small groups for discussion Ads, magazines, commercials, news, papers Ask questions (in lesson plan) and give time for them to discuss then share to the class Quick write: 1 thing they learned and 1 thing they want to learn about statistics Tuesday -Intro: how to represent data -Mini lectures about stem and leaf plots, histograms, and skewness (notes) -Go through examples -Group work -Homework: students collect data from a website and make a histogram and stem and leaf plot, determine skewness, and analyze the data -Exit slip: mean/median/mode Wednesday -Intro: bar graph and histogram, explain the differences -Review of mean, median, and mode Find mean, median, mode with the data from the homework Thursday -Intro: warm up problems with stem and leaf and median -Lecture on parts of a box plot, making one, and analyzing one -5 number summary, interquartile, range -Students will work in groups to make one and analyze it together -short quiz on everything theyve done this week -Homework: Make box plots and analyze them

Stephanie Running

Friday -Students will be broken into 3 groups at the beginning of the class 1. Re-teach everything 2. Re-teach inferencing and analyzing 3. Do it on their own and analyze on a deeper level -Will assess everything weve covered this week. -Homework: write a statistics dictionary

-Small groups will brainstorm all the graphical representations -Discuss when and how to use them Quick Write: give an explanation and examples for multiple types of graphs

Measures of variability -Intro: warm up problem of box plot -Vocabulary: range,

Intro: Show multiple ads with statistics. Discuss how is the data collected and represented?

-Intro: Quick Write: describe random sampling and why its important.

-Intro: ask for any questions of things that will be on the quiz -Quiz

-Intro: Have a jar full of m&ms and have students estimate total candies

interquartile range, standard deviation -Do examples on already made box plots and data that needs to be made to a box plot -Standard deviation on a smaller data set -Exit Slip: Make a box plot and find range and IQR. What does it mean?

-EQ: How can we determine that data is valid and reliable? -Random sampling: what it is and how its done -Representative sample size -Chocoliscious on educa tion/stew/pdfs /Chocolicious.pdf -Discuss data collection and how to do it randomly -Exit slip: write 4 examples of random sampling and representative sample size

-Ad analysis assessment -Jeopardy review game for the quiz Graphical representation Measures of center Measures of variability

-If there is extra time students can create a scenario of correct random sampling for extra credit

-Statistics is used to generalize for the whole population. -Do experiments and simulations multiple times to see differences in estimations and predictions Lengths of words in books Random number generator # of m&ms in the jar

-Closure: remind students to study for the quiz the next day

-Group discussion: gauging how far off the estimations are Homework: Students choose something that they want to generalize. (Websites and ideas will be given)

-Intro: show two histograms and ask students to compare them. Group discussion. -Focus on two graphs. Shape Distribution Skewness/ symmetry Median (if

-Intro: warm up problem on mean and median -Compare 2 data distributions together as a class regarding measures of center -Combine everything to make inferences about 2 different data sets. -Give each group 2 data sets. Analyze in

Work Day on Project

Work Day on Project

20 min to work on the project -Students share what they researched and what they found using statistics vocabulary

applicable) Range Exit Slip: 2 graphs, analyze them from the above topics

multiple ways -Groups share out. Closure: Explain the end of unit project

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