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1. Name of Respondent ______________________________________________ 2. Age group a) 0-18 years b) 18-25 years c) 26-40 years d) 41-55 years e) 55 years < 3. Gender a) Male b) Female c) Others 4. Marital status a) Single b) Married c) Divorced d) Separated
5. Education 6. Annual Income

7. Occupation

a) 0- 10 b) HSC c) Under Graduate d) Graduate e) Higher a) 100000 - 200000 b) 200001 - 300000 c) 300001 - 400000 d) 400001-500000 e) 500001< a) Students b) Business c) Service d) Professional e) Retired


Pre-purchase process:
8. What kind of the product you bought recently? a. High involvement b. Low involvement . 9. Mode of purchase: a) Online b) Offline c) Both 10. Factors which I consider while buying the product/service (This question can be asked to answer on a scale of 1 to5)

a b c d e f g h

Brand Quality Variety Availability Service Features Aesthetics Price

Purchase process:
11. Factors which have influenced you while making the buying decision. Please rank the following Rank 1 being most influenced factor.

a b c d e f g h i j k l

Advertisement Friends Family Members Technical person recommendation Previous experience Service Workplace culture Peer group Accessibility of the product Product information Durability of product Others

12. What are the sources which you prefer to gather information about the product or service which you buy? a. Internet b. Company website c. Other comparing website d. Visit Store e. Newspaper ads f. Promotions



What are the parameters which delighted you during the purchase process? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Information about the Product Access to the technical details of the product Cash on delivery Offers or cash discounts Cash back facility Warranty Brand which I prefer Product display Trial and test Free insurance for the product which you buy Financing option Emotional Connect

m. Others.

Post purchase:
14. What are the factors which delighted you post/after purchase? (Please rate the following statement on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 being most delighted factor).

a b c d e f g h i j k

Meet the commitment made on service delivery Quality of service Flexibility Door service Time taken for the exchange of defective product Connect with customers Customer relationship Installation within next day of purchase Faith in the brand Free installation Others

15. Did the product which you bought reach your expectations? a. Yes b. No 16. Of the following statements what induces makes you most to repurchase. (Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5)

a b c d e f g h i j

Disposal offers Buy back Schemes Easy availability Product quality Duration of the product Uninterrupted service of the product Continuous interaction with company people After sales service Exchange offers Others

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