Workshop English Level 2: Restaurant and The Statements in The Chart

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WORKSHOP ENGLISH LEVEL 2 Name:_________________________________________________________Date:_____________ 1 Write the dishes for each category on the menu.

Potato soup - ice cream sundae - fruit juice - Greek salad - jello - spinach salad fried squid soft drink - coffee - grilled steak shrimp cocktail - pudding chicken wings - mixed green salad - broiled fish - tomato soup - baked chicken spaghetti and meatballs - peach pie - Fish soup - ice tea - Fruit cup - roast lamb sparkling water - Minestrone soup - onion salad


Main Courses /Entres



2 Are you ready to order? Now you have to write your order using the menu from Julius Restaurant and the statements in the chart. For dessert, Ill have Then Ill have the To drink, Id like For my main course, Id like the I think Ill start with the

a)_______________________________________________________________________________ b)______________________________________________________________________________ c)_______________________________________________________________________________ d)______________________________________________________________________________ e)_______________________________________________________________________________

3 There are 22 words in the puzzle related with food and categories of food. Find and write the other 20 missing words. Look in these directions Example: * Fruit: coconut, plums, oranges. *Vegetables: carrots, ______________, broccoli, ____________ *___________: chicken,_____________, _____________,________________ *Grains: noodles, pasta,____________, ______________ *Sweets: ice cream, _____________, _______________ *_____________: fish, __________, ____________, ____________, ___________, ___________ *Oils: coconut oil, _________________, corn oil. *Dairy Products: cream,_______________, _______________, _______________

WORKSHOP ENGLISH LEVEL 2 c l a m s b r e a d q s t s e a f o o d v x r h y p i e a f r u i t y r l i j r k l i m c c c i o n i o n s x t a v o m b a u t a a z u k n c b s c r y t u r k e y o v t h e c e s q u i d n c e d w r q a r e t t u b r s r a r g m e a t t r k a m b e e f c n b b i p u z p w b e s e e h c o l i v e o i l i n u e

4 Organize the dialogue between the customer and the server. Write the number on the line. Customer ____Im ready to order. ____What does that come with? ____Ok. Id like the spicy shrimp soup. ____Then, I think Ill have the roast beef for entre. ____No, thanks. __1_Excuse me. ____Id like to start with the crab cake. Then Ill have the green bean salad. Does the salad come with tomatoes? ____Water. What kind of bottled water is there? ____Do you accept credit cards? ____Still water, please. ____Ill take the check, please. Is the tip included? Server / waiter ____There is sparkle water and still water. ____It comes with rice. Would you like the French fries? __2_Are you ready to order? Or do you need more time? ____Yes, it comes with tomatoes. ____Certainly. ____Anything to drink? ____Yes, of course.

5 Unscramble the sentences. Example: delicious /onion soup / sounds /The: The onion soup sounds delicious a) b) c) d) isnt / This /ordered /what /I: _________________________________________________ are / What / in the mood for? /you:_____________________________________________ banana pie / there /on /is /menu/ the:__________________________________________ a /is in mood for /Jenny /spicy soup: ____________________________________________

Grammar: Count and non-count nouns Count nouns Name things you can count. They are singular or plural. You can use there is (for singular) You can use there are (for plural) Example: There is an egg and there are two apples in the fridge. You can use a, an or a number with count nouns. Example: There is a carrot and there are six peppers. You ask questions with How many Example: How many carrots does the salad need? Non-count nouns Name things you cant count. They are not singular or plural. You just use there is. Example: There is milk in the fridge. Dont use a, an or a number with noncount nouns.

You ask questions with How much Example: How much hot pepper do you like?

WORKSHOP ENGLISH LEVEL 2 Hay There is Note: you use there is with anything or nothing. Example: Is there anything to eat? No, there is nothing. Affirmative There is enough lettuce to make a salad Negative There isnt enough lettuce to make a salad Yes / No question Is there enough lettuce to make a salad? Information/ Wh question How much lettuce is there to make a salad? Exercise: There are

Affirmative There are vegetables on the menu Negative There arent any vegetables on the menu Yes / No question Are there vegetables on the menu? Information/ Wh question How many vegetables are there on the menu?

1 Which are count and non- count nouns. Look at the picture and classify them in the chart.
Eggs Tangerines Butter Water Potatoes






Count nouns

Non-count nouns

2 Look at the previous picture and use there is or there are to describe the food you see in it. a)__________________________________ e)_________________________________________

b)___________________________________ f) _________________________________________ c)___________________________________ g)_________________________________________ d)___________________________________ h)_________________________________________ 3 Complete each question with how many or how much and there is or there are. a) b) c) d) e) ___________________water __________________in the bottle? ___________________yogurt__________________in the jar? ___________________avocados________________in the bag? ___________________margarine_________________on the dish? ___________________eggs _____________________in the carton?

Grammar: Some and Any Some and Any We use some and any to describe an indefinite number or amount. Examples: There are some plums in the fridge They are bringing us some hot milk Is there any cheese?

WORKSHOP ENGLISH LEVEL 2 We use some and any in questions with count or noun-count nouns. There is no difference in meaning. Examples: Do you need any cookies or cream? Do you need some cookies or butter? Some Any You use some with: non-count nouns and You use any with: non-count nouns and with plural count nouns in affirmative plural count nouns in negative statements. sentences. Example: We dont want any butter and we Example: Sally needs some sugar and some dont need any lemons. eggs. Exercises: 1 Complete with some or any. a) b) c) d) e) f) I dont want _________more soda, thanks. Sara needs __________ salt for her soup. There are ____________ slices of pizza in the fridge. We are making__________pies for the party. There isnt ____________ grape juice in the pitcher. Is there ______________ pepper in the pepper shaker?

2 Circle and write on the lines ten adjectives that describe healthfulness of food.

1______________ 2______________ 3______________ 4_____________ 5_______________ 6______________ 7______________ 8______________ 9_____________ 10_______________ 3 Write an, a or the in the correct places. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Bogot is _______interesting city. That sounds good. Ill have_________ lamb special. Shirly isnt _______big soft drinks fan. That dish isnt on_______ menu tonight. ______restaurants in Colombia are famous in America. It comes with _______ salad. // Ok, Ill have _______salad Im in the mood for_________ onion dish.

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