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Gross Outlook
October 2003


Election season sometimes brings out would be a good counter to print posters
the worst in us or perhaps the worst of importuning the juniors to “Elect ME for
us, depending upon your point of view. Vice President – Bill Gross.” Somehow
Whichever perspective you take, the that semi-plagiarized catch phrase failed
current California recall has reminded me to excite the electorate and I went down
that politics and Bill Gross just don’t seem to a crushing defeat. Then there was the
to mix. It is, of course, flattering to walk time in my college fraternity when I threw
down the street or be exercising in the my hat into the ring for election to what
gym and be asked by total strangers why was as low a position as that proverbial
I didn’t run for governor. But give-ups in dogcatcher. Half the fraternity (or more)
compensation and prestige aside, I excuse hated my guts so I decided to woo them
their exuberance if only because they by placing my name in nomination for
couldn’t possibly be aware of my abysmal the Sheraton Hotel representative – being
failings in the political arena. The phrase responsible for reservations for parents
“he couldn’t be elected dogcatcher” was during homecoming and such. Even
meant for me, and my life history gives though no one else was running, I was
testimony to it. I, for instance, made the somehow rejected on the basis of too
perfunctory run for vice president of my closely resembling “Animal House’s” John
high school junior year class in order to Belushi. So it is on this brief yet more than
stuff my resume with the requisite amount conclusive historical resume that I chose
of goodies to get into a good college. to decline my supporters’ urgent plea to
My opponent was a savvy kid named run for governor of California. As you can
Mike Erickson who plastered “Elect ME see, I pose no threat to the Terminator, or
for Vice President” all over the school’s anyone else in the state for that matter. All
walls, the ME being an abbreviation of of them could beat me, every single one,
his name and a clever way to condense a even illegal immigrants I suppose, once
campaign slogan. Unfortunately I didn’t they get their drivers’ licenses.
get it, I was Clueless, but I thought it
Investment Outlook

Actually I was elected to something During business cycles past, economic

– Chief Investment Officer of PIMCO – recoveries continued for quarters and in
although I squeaked by in the early years some cases many years beyond the initial
because no one else wanted the job, and by jump in yields whether it was Fed or
acclamation in the later years. Sometimes, market induced – or both. Higher interest
though, I sense that my partners’ silence expenses were absorbed as companies
if given vent would scream, “Elect ME for regained pricing power. Demand increased
CIO!” Thank goodness there’s nobody here as unemployment came down and
by the name of Mike Erickson. But being hundreds of thousands of workers found
the duly elected CIO, at least for now, I feel jobs every month. Today the recovery is
it incumbent as the incumbent to speak out structurally different. Global competitors
on issues of the day, sometimes a tad afield – China, India, Brazil, and a host of others
from the bond market, but mostly confined – limit pricing-power by ferocious trade
to that arena. I wouldn’t want to jeopardize policies whether they be currency based
my possibilities for political office by or cheap labor oriented. At the same time,
opining too often on delicate topics such as their competitive exports are responsible
GE, IRAQ, or life itself. Some people might for a structural roadblock in employment
not like me, turn their thumbs from up policies. U.S. companies hire more people,
to down, and not bend their chads in my they just don’t happen to live in the United
direction. Every vote counts as the Florida States. And so a new and stultifyingly
election dramatically pointed out. different business structure means that
profit margins – after the benefit of layoffs
But sarcasm aside, I will continue to and higher productivity are dissipated
opine. Last month and in other Outlooks, – will be negatively affected by interest rate
I wrote about hegemonic decay – “What increases. If so, the recovery will ultimately
We Worry?” – and tried to make the case flounder.
that our domestic economy was vulnerable
on several fronts. If and when domestic Another difference this time is that
interest rates – short-term, intermediate, individuals and companies are much more
and/or long began to go up, then the in debt than they ever have been as seen
housing market as well as almost all of in the Chart below. Up to now with yields
our financed-based service and industrial declining and home mortgages, car loans,
corporations would be affected. In and all sorts of debt being discounted to
addition, I elaborated on the
���� �������������� ���� �� � �� ���������� ������
potential Chinese water torture ����
in which Asian holders of U.S.
Treasuries might trigger such
an interest rate increase and ����

therefore economic stagnation,

as their holdings became larger ����

and larger and therefore riskier

and riskier. Let me elaborate
on why our domestic and
therefore the global economy is
particularly vulnerable to a rise ����

in interest rates at this juncture ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ����

– no matter what the trigger. ������� ������ � ��������� ���� ���������

��� ���������� ��������� ��� ����

October 2003
near 0% yields, the debt levels have not Federal Reserve. He knows better and will
mattered. Who cares, as the Chart shows, only raise short-term yields if and when
that private sector debt as a percentage the U.S. economy appears to have the legs
of disposable income is now 25% higher to withstand such a shock. For all of the
than it was at the beginning of the last above reasons, that day is far advanced
recovery? If you don’t pay any interest on – way out there – back, back, back, back as
it, there’s no limit to the amount businesses Vin Sculley might describe a Barry Bonds’
and consumers can borrow and therefore home run.
spend. My point exactly: if and when rates
do go up, we will all care – the leverage But there are other players in the financial
will work in reverse, the economy will arena, including PIMCO, and they make
flounder. decisions too. Last month’s Outlook
suggested that Clue’s economic and bond
Finally, it’s important to point out that market murderer might ultimately be
most U.S. corporations these days are 1) Zhou Xiaochuan, 2) with a currency
finance dominated companies whether reval, 3) in Beijing OR 1) Toshihiko Fukui,
they make widgets or cars, whether they 2) with a Treasury bond sales ticket, 3) in
sell insurance or overalls. Many if not Tokyo. I described the near trillion dollars
most American companies are profitable of U.S. Treasury securities held by Asian
primarily because of their finance countries and posited that at some point
activities. Sears until just a few months the risk might outweigh the reward and
ago was really a credit card lender, not that the ensuing sales might trigger a
a retailer. General Motors in this year’s run on the bank, a hike in yields, and a
second quarter earned almost all of its beginning of the end for our Hummer
money from its mortgage subsidiary. and Hummvee prosperity. Asia, and
Deere sells tractors, but has a finance arm principally China, might very well be the
that contributes a significant portion of prospective culprit – they have a pretty big
annual profits to the bottom line. Dare I lead pipe that’s for sure and now it’s just
mention GE? It’s really more of a financial a question of motive, not opportunity. But
conglomerate/leasing company. If it brings the fact is that for now, the status quo sort
good things to life, it’s because interest of suits them. They are sucking up a lot
rates are low and their profits are favorably of Treasuries, yes, but they’re also putting
affected. Almost all of these companies a lot of their people to work and in the
as well benefit by swapping their long- case of China, that means tens of millions.
term debt back into Libor-based/short-rate Why revalue their currency, why sell their
sensitive hedges. If the Fed jacks yields, surfeit of Treasuries if they can instead
they will pay through the nose and then employ the outflow of young workers from
some, as will our economy. exterior provinces into Shanghai by fixing
the Yuan to the dollar? In the case of Japan,
One investment conclusion is this: do why risk renewed deflation via a stronger
not expect the Fed to be the hangman by Yen? Some say they should buy dollars,
raising rates. If this were a game of Clue buy Treasuries, do everything possible to
and we were wondering whether the killer keep their exports competitive and their
was 1) Prof. Plum, 2) with a lead pipe, economies above the line.
3) in the library, you can be very confident
that it won’t be 1) Chairman Greenspan, Last month’s Outlook suggested, however,
2) with an interest rate hike, 3) at the that sooner, perhaps later, they would act,
if only because the risk would become that the dirty deed of reval or Treasury
unbearable, but the timing was unclear. sales might never happen. They have
Just a week ago, though, the Yen cracked a point. Waiting for Fukui or China’s
the important 115 to the dollar barrier, Zhou Xiaochuan could be an expensive
a sign that their appetite for dollars and proposition. But what oh what if it turns
U.S. Treasuries might be sated, and that out to be true, or what if the PIMCOs
the long enamored and widely held “Yen of the world wise up to their subsidizing
carry trade” might be on its last legs. U.S. Chinese employment by holding an
Treasury yields have since risen. overvalued Treasury portfolio? And, lest
I sound too apoplectic, the name of the
Still, Asian countries’ apparent willingness next game doesn’t have to be Armageddon.
to trade-off jobs for a bad investment begs A more likely course would posit reduced
a better question. If Asia is subsidizing Asian and U.S. purchases of Treasuries, a
its growth by purchasing dollars and diversification into Eurobonds, a stronger
Treasuries at a premium price, what Yen and Yuan over the next few years,
about all the rest of us? What ancillary more expensive U.S. imports after a lag,
benefits do we get by purchasing a rich a sapping of consumer spending power,
dollar denominated bond? Surely PIMCO gradually rising intermediate and long-
and others get the same interest rate and term rates, a declining housing market
(absent money management alchemy) and yes a near body blow to America’s
we get the same return as do Asian financed-based economy for all the reasons
investors. We therefore are getting the outlined in previous pages. I reiterate: the
short straw, the hind teat, in short, a bad stocks, bonds, and currency of a debtor
deal. We have nothing to show for our nation in the process of reflating are not
investment prowess other than an under- attractive investments. At the moment the
yielding Treasury note denominated in markets are without one – but sooner or
an overvalued currency. So when I wrote later they are bound to get – a CLUE. My
last month that China holds the keys vote, PIMCO’s vote, will be to play the
to the Hummers, I was getting close to game with eyes wide open and our wallets
identifying the culprit in our ongoing and purses close to the hip. Inflation and
game of Clue. What I didn’t suggest is currency protection will be paramount in
that the waiting game is a dangerous one the initial stages of this game of Clue, and
for other investors – they in fact could credit protection in the latter phase as the
be the victims. There are rewards for U.S. economy is mugged by a host of Prof.
playing of course. Instead of 3⁄4% money Plum “act-alikes” with their lead pipes.
market returns there’s 5%+ for holding
long Treasuries and even more if you William H. Gross
shift sectors to corporates and mortgages. Managing Director
Rollers of the Clue dice rightly claim that
Prof. Plum or Japan central bank boss
Fukui might not be the one, or perhaps

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This publication contains the current opinions of the author and does not
represent a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Such opinions are subject to change without notice.
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This publication is distributed for educational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or an offer of any security
for sale. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed reliable, but not guaranteed. Newport Beach, CA 92660

Each sector of the bond market entails risk. Municipals may realize gains and may incur a tax liability from time to time. The guarantee on 949.720.6000
Treasuries and Government Bonds is to the timely repayment of principal and interest. Shares of a portfolio are not guaranteed. Mortgage-
backed securities and Corporate Bonds may be sensitive to interest rates. When interest rates rise the value of fixed income securities
generally declines. There is no assurance that private guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations. An investment in high-yield
securities generally involves greater risk to principal than an investment in higher-rated bonds. Investing in non-U.S. securities
may entail risk due to non-U.S. economic and political developments and may be enhanced when investing in emerging markets.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission.
Pacific Investment Management Company LLC. ©2003 PIMCO. IO019-092303

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