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Jami Shlensky Managing the Learning Environment Describe the context/situation: The environment in 5th period Algebra 2 class

can be very distracting. It is difficult for students to come in, take out their materials, and settle down within a reasonable time after the bell rings. Many students have trouble not talking to their neighbors while others have trouble motivating themselves to complete the assigned work. There are nineteen students in the class of varying levels and abilities. Only one student has a documented IEP, however others, behaviorally and academically, are not performing on track with their peers. A common theme is to give up if students are not being directly attended to. As a result, a noisy and unproductive classroom environment is often harbored. Operational Definition: I am hoping to decrease the amount of disruption, lack of focus, and chatter at the beginning of class. I hope that students will be able to come to class, sit down, take out paper and a pencil, and complete the warm up problem, quietly, within three minutes after the bell rings. Baseline Data: Depending on the day, the class adjusts very well, or very poorly from passing periods to class. Based on the baseline data, students improved the second day with no verbal instruction or prompting. However, the presence of students who are disruptive is still frequent.
Name MA CB AC CJ AL CM JM JP TP CR JR SS NV DLW DDW BW MW DY DZ Feb. 4 x + + x + + + + + x + + + + + Feb. 5 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Proposed intervention:

-desired outcomes or expectations: I hope, that as a result of the intervention, students will come to class, and within three minutes, be adjusted, ready to learn, and warmed up for the days topic. In order to communicate this to the students I will explain to them that they are to come into class, sit in their seats, take out a piece of paper and pencil, and quietly complete the warm up problem posted on the board every day. I will tell the students they have 3 minutes when the bell rings and when those 3 minutes are up, the problem should be complete. As a reminder, the daily warm up will visually display these instructions as well. -Antecedent strategies: I will create a daily warm up problem with visual reminders as to what the expectations are (see attached example). I will remind students when they walk in the doors to sit down and complete the warm up problem on the board. I will give them a halfway warning and a thirty second warning. I will praise students who are getting to work right away and gently remind students who are causing distractions to focus on the warm up problem. -consequence strategies: If a student can receive a plus every day for a week straight they will get a small reward on that Friday, such as a piece of candy. When the whole class can receive a plus every day for a week straight, I will bring in a large reward such as cupcakes or cookies! data collection: I will collect data on a daily basis. I will collect data using a chart. If the student, by the end of the 3 minutes is quiet, has out a pencil and paper, and has completed the warm up problem, they will receive a plus next to their name. If they are causing distractions, not working, or not prepared for class, they will receive a minus next to their name. An x will indicate an absence.

Daily Warm Up Please take your seats, take out a piece of paper and a pencil, and factor the following trinomial! You have 3 minutes once the bell rings. 3x2 + 13x - 10

Solution: (3x-2) (x+5)

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