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Silkeborg - Denmark's preferred golf destination. Silkeborg has a unique golf product of high international standard.

In cooperation with the 4 local golf courses, 5 hotels and 2 top campsites, TurismeSilkeborg has planned a 3-year strategy aimed at positioning "Silkeborg as Denmarks preferred golf destination" in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The goal is to increase the brand awareness of the product in Scandinavia, and to attract even more green-fee tourists. The cooperation was initiated in 2010. This year, the focus is Silkeborg Golf Marathon 2012. In 2013, the main attraction will be the Mens European Golf Championships for Teams, a major event held in Silkeborg. The challenge: Entrants are requested to develop a concept for future golf vacation in Silkeborg for the entire family. A unique concept that takes the target audience strict requirements to accommodation and content into account. A concept that makes Silkeborg to the natural first choice in Scandinavia when it comes to family vacations, where golf is the main activity for some of the travelgroup members - but not for all.... A concept that takes account of Silkeborg's other strengths as a family vacation destination. (The Good Life)

Appendix - "About Golf Enthusiasts" excerpts of the report " Strenghts: Nature and Experiences" by Envision and Carat for the regional tourism organization "Midtjysk Turisme"

Silkeborg Hele Danmarks golfbane. Silkeborg har et enestende golfprodukt af hj international klasse. TurismeSilkeborg har i samarbejde med Golfnetvrk Silkeborg (omrdets 4 golfklubber og en rkke overnatningssteder) udarbejdet en 3-rig strategi med sigte p at positionere Silkeborg som "Hele Danmarks Golfbane" i Danmark, Norge og Sverige. Mlet er at ge kendskabsgraden til Silkeborg som golfferiedestination p det skandinaviske nrmarked samt at tiltrkke endnu flere greenfee spillere - og heraf afledte overnatninger. Samarbejdet blev indledt i 2010. Dette rs fokus er Silkeborg Golfmaraton 2012, mens Europamesterskabet i Herrehold p Silkeborg Golfbane vil vre det store trkplaster i 2013. Udfordring / opgave Der nskes udviklet et koncept for fremtidens golfferie for hele familien p Silkeborg egnen. Et unikt koncept, der tager hjde for mlgruppens skrappe krav til ophold og indhold. Et koncept, som gr Silkeborg til det naturlige frste valg i Skandinavien, nr det glder familieferier, hvor golf er det brende element for n eller flere af rejsegruppens deltagere men ikke for alle. Et koncept, som tager hjde for Silkeborgs vrige styrke positioner som familieferie destination.(Det gode liv)

Bilag Om Golfentusiasterne uddrag af rapporten Styrkeposition: Natur og oplevelser udarbejdet af Envision og mediebureauet Carat for den regionale turismeorganisation Midtjysk Turisme

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