The Dazzling Fast Nervous System

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Your Dazzling Fast Nervous System

Mateo Gomez

Ch. 1 The Speedy Brain and Nervous System

Table of Contents
Ch. 1 The Speedy Brain and Nervous System Pg.3 - 4 Ch. 2 A Tour Through the Brain.. Pg. 5 - 9 Ch. 3 Flying Through Th Nervous System ....Pg. 10 Ch. 4 Crazy Diseases That Can Sway Your Brain....Pg. 11 - 13 Ch. 5 Keeping Your Brain Running Every Minute ....Pg. 14 Ch. 6 Fast Facts About the Brain .Pg. 15 - 16 Ch. 7 Conclusion..Pg. 17 Fun Game...................................................................Pg. 18 Glossary.Pg.19 Bibliography......Pg.20

Your brain and nervous system are like the bodys own internal computer. Without them you wouldn't be able to see, touch, hear, smell, and taste. Also, your body would not respond to your movements and it wouldn't be able to do the processes needed for you to survive.

Ch. 2 A Tour Through the Brain

Cerebrum First of all comes the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the part of the brain that helps you think. Your memory lives in the cerebrum. It has two halves, one on either side of the brain. Scientists believe that the right side helps you think about abstract things like music, colors, and shapes. The left side helps you with math, logic, and speech. The right side of the cerebrum controls the left side of the body, and the left side of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body.

Without your cerebrum you wouldn't be able to think. Without your cerebellum you cant keep your balance. Without the pituitary gland you wouldn't be able to grow. Without the brain stem the body wouldnt be able to do all the functions it needs to survive, like digesting food. The nervous system is essential for all living things. Without it, you cant live.


Brain Stem

Next up is the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the part of the brain that helps you control your balance, movement, and your coordination. The cerebellum is at the back of the brain beneath your cerebrum. Thanks to your cerebellum you can stand upright, keep your balance, and move around.

Another part of the brain is the brain stem. The brain stem is in charge of all the functions your body needs to stay alive. It tells the heart when to pump more blood or it tells the stomach to start digesting food. It also sorts through millions of messages that the brain and the body send back and forth.

Pituitary Gland Hypothalamus

Furthermore is the hypothalamus. It controls your bodys temperature. When your body is too cold, it tells the body to start shivering. When the body is too hot, it tells it to start sweating. Both shivering and sweating are attempts to bring your bodys temperature back to normal. Lastly, comes the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland controls growth. It sends hormones that tell your body to grow. This gland makes you grow into men and women. It also plays roles with different hormones, like ones that help you control the amounts of sugar and water. It helps you keep your metabolism going.

Ch. 3 Flying Through the Nervous System

Ch. 4 Crazy Diseases That Can Sway Your Brain!

Like all systems, there are diseases that affect the nervous system. To start off with is Guillian- Barr Syndrome. It is a rare disease that affects the nerves outside the brain. It is caused when the immune system, which usually protects the body from invading germs, mistakes the body's own cells for bad cells and begins to attack them. The nerves outside the brain are called peripheral nerves. They transmit signals from our brain to our muscles telling them to move. They also transmit signals such as touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. When this disease causes these nerves to be temporarily damaged, these signals malfunction. The person may have weakness or problems moving, and may feel tingling in the arms or legs.

The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The brain is connected to the spinal cord, which runs from the neck to the hip area. The brain produces electrical signals, which together with chemical reactions let the parts of the body communicate. Nerves send these signals throughout the body. The spinal cord also carries nerve messages between the brain and the body.

Epileptic Seziure



Another disease is Epilepsy. The person who has an epileptic seizure may lose consciousness or may seem unaware of what is happening. They can make movements the body has no control over or they may experience unusual feelings. After a seizure they may feel tired, weak, or confused. People have seizures when electric signals misre. The brains normal electrical activity is interrupted by this, causing a temporary communication problem between neurons. Rabies is also a serious infection that attacks the nervous system. If it is not treated the brain can swell and the person could die. A person can get rabies after being bitten by an animal that carries the virus. It is more common on wild animals like raccoons, rats, bats, foxes, and skunks. An animal infected with rabies carries the virus in its saliva. It affects animals because its nerves no longer work properly and the animal cant swallow its saliva. Rabies can be cured only if you get a series of injections. In conclusion, because the nervous system controls everything we do, rabies can make people very sick.

Ch. 5 Keeping Your Brain Running Every Minute

Ch. 6 Fast Facts About the Brain!

To keep your nervous system healthy you should eat healthy foods that contain calcium and potassium. Don't drink alcohol, don't take bad drugs, and take healthy drugs if your doctor tells you. You should get a lot of exercise and wear a helmet when you ride or play sports that require head protection. Do challenging activities such as puzzles, reading, playing music, making art, or do anything else in which you can use your brain!

Am Did azing ! y o yo u uk n r o p gla w i t u itar , nd of a is t y pea he s ize !

? w o s n e t K a r u e o p Y o d i n c i i D r a t r c b e l e Th uch e it could ! b l m t u a o b h s t t t r a e w w o 0 p 1 a t h lig

Cool! If the brain was lifted out of the skull and spread out it would cover a newspaper page!

e r ! o r e m p e u r S a s n i a an r h B t y r t e u t o w a d . Ab ! o r o l e b at w 85%

Wow! Your hypothalamus is like the thermostat of your body!

Ch. 7 Conclusion

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Studying about the nervous system has made me realize how important it is. Without it you would be no more than a dead person because the body wouldnt be able to help you do all the things needed for you to survive. There would be no signals to tell the body what to do. This system is very important for you and for all people because without it you cant live.

Thermostat- An automatic device for controlling temperature

Nervous System Word Find Directions: See how many words you can nd.
Abstract- An idea without reference to an actual person or thing. Brain Stem- It is the part of the brain in charge of all the functions your body needs to stay alive. Calcium- A chemical substance found in teeth, bones, and lime. Cerebellum- It is the part of the brain that helps you control your balance, movements, and your coordination. Cerebrum- It is the part of the brain that helps you think. Epileptic Seizure- When a person loses consciousness or seems unaware of what is happening. Hormones- A chemical substance that act like messenger molecules in the body Hypothalamus- It is the part of the brain that controls your temperature. Metabolism- Is a collection of chemical reactions that takes place in the bodys cells. Metabolism converts the food we eat to energy needed to power everything we do. Nervous System- The system that helps you control everything you do. Neuron- A cell that is a functional unit of the nervous system. Peripheral Nerves- The nerves located outside the brain and spinal cord. Pituitary Gland- It is the part of the brain that sends hormones telling your body to grow and do other things. Potassium- A soft silvery-white metal substance essential for living things. Process- An action intended to achieve a result. Spinal Cord- The cord that carries messages to and from the brain. Swell- To grow larger beyond normal size. Thermostat- An automatic device for controlling temperature.

Websites: - Kids Health- - Enchanted Learning- Thank you for reading my book. Please comment my book.

Books: - Blood and Guts Author: Linda Allison Click here.

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