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MAY 2013

Theme-Based Ministry Resource Flyer

UUofSCV Mission
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Clarita Valley enhances the lives of members through spiritual development and active service in the community. We offer a diverse, non-dogmatic spiritual home to all who share our values as dened by the Unitarian Universalist Association. We provide a liberal religious voice, a social justice presence in the Santa Clarita Valley, and a stimulating and supportive environment to help our members on their own spiritual journeys during all stages of their lives.


Artist: Bill Hallett

If you have been at worship services these past several weeks when I was in the pulpit, you may have noticed the incorporation of some magic tricks: pulling a red tissue heart out of mid-air, tearing it into pieces, then causing it to reappear whole and linked to another heart through a string of smaller ones; pulling flowers out of thin air; etc. These effects, if well-rendered, are intriguing to many because they appear to be true. And yet, of course, they are illusions! In my own efforts to learn and share such illusions appropriately, I found myself awe- struck by: 1. their ability to illustrate truths (such as the love that connect us to one another and the power of the unexpected to take our breath away) ; 2. the human tendency to equate reality with that which is visually perceived. And, if its not visually perceived, to consider it something other-worldly...along the lines of a miracle. All of this makes me wonder how much of reality we are unable to perceive. For example, what special effects are being employed in the media to shape our view of and response to reality? What is factual? What is true? Whats the difference between those terms, and does it matter? What does all of this have to do with a value-driven religious identity? The 4th UU Principle our congregaPons covenant to arm and promote is: a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. As we round out this years theme based ministry, shiRing into congregaPonal focus on truth, I encourage you to consider what truths have been handed to you? Which have been rejected; which were hard-won? How do you know when something is true? What signicance does truth-telling have in your life? What truths, if any, need to lie dormant, and which need to be told? And, can you give as good as you get? In Awe & Gratitude, Rev. Stefanie

What symbol do you associate with TRUTH?

Tuesday, May 7th, 7:00 PM SHARING CIRCLE: a

meditative evening of personal reflections on SALVATION. Invite a friend! Led by Gerri, at the Chalice Center.

Unitarian Universalists of Santa Clarita Valley


Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. 22900 Market St., Newhall, CA

The UUofSCV Chalice Center 22916 Lyons, Suite 2B (Check the calendar for hours)

The Reverend Stefanie Etzbach-Dale

MOVIES: An Inconvenient Truth (D) Dear Frankie (PG-13) Madonna: Truth or Dare (R) Beowulf (PG-13) Carbon Nation (D) Agnes of God (PG-13) The Awful Truth (D) Diary of A Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth (G) YouTube Video: TMI, Don McMillaN BOOKS FOR ADULTS: Lundberg, C. David. Unifying Truths of the Worlds Religions Armstrong, Karen. A Short History of Myth Campbell, Joseph. Myths to Live By Walter Truett Anderson. The Truth About the Truth Stokes, Phillip. Philosophy 100 Essential Thinkers Singer, Michael. The Search for Truth BOOKS FOR CHILDREN: Braver, Vanita. Pinky Promise Berenstain, Stan. The Berenstain Bears and the Truth Rankin, Laura. Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie Breathed, Berkely. Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big


1. UUofSCV is part of the San Fernando Valley Cluster 2. The seven UUA Principles are a creed 3. Unitarian Universalism is a place for like-minded people 4. Truth is the last theme for the 2012-2013 church year (Answers: 1. Yes: along with the churches in Canoga Park, North Hills, Studio City and La Cresenta; 2. No: creeds are unchanging statements of faith you are required to believe. The UUA Principles are periodically reviewed/revised, and they reKlect what UUs covenant to afKirm and promote; 3. No and Yes: UUs have many different belief systems, but they share a belief that values like individual worth, reason, freedom, justice, peace, democratic process, etc., are worthy; 4. Yes: the next round of themes will begin in

Quotes to consider:
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. Henry David Thoreau Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Buddha Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Marcus Aurelius In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against. Malcolm X The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth. Maya Angelou Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.

READINGS FROM THE SLT HYMNAL: 460, 500, 597, 671, 690 HYMNS FROM SLT HYMNAL: 187, 190, 189, 293, 403, 297

1. How do you know when something is true? 2. Is it always good to tell the truth (if not, why; if so, why and how)? 3. Think of an experience you had that can be described in different ways, and still be true! 4. What truth is reGlected in your actions?


UUofSCVs Theme-Based Ministry is a religious exploration program offering a variety of opportunities for people of all ages to engage with timeless theological themes - encouraging spiritual literacy, relationships, and a stronger sense of responsible personal theology. Over the past two years UUofSCV has explored: forgiveness, death, faith, hope, justice, love, brokenness, transformation, transcendence, unity, vocation, gratitude, peace, grace, prayer, letting go, salvation, and truth. Please do share your experience, questions, insights and ideas for additional resources and themes with Rev. Stefanie and/or the Committee on Shared Ministry: Sara Brown, Rick Kamlet, Gerri Brehm. The 2013-2014 themes, starting in September, will be: vision, evil, democracy, god, creation, religious authority, redemption, freedom, and mercy

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