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Spring 2013

CE 414 Pavement Analysis and Design

CE 414 Pavement Analysis and Design

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course has been developed to provide students with the needed knowledge to analyze and design flexible and rigid pavements.

CE 414 Pavement Analysis and Design

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have gained knowledge in the following areas: Pavement Performance: Explain the difference between structural performance of a pavement and functional performance. Identify distress types common to flexible and rigid pavements. List several means for evaluating the functional performance of pavements.

CE 414 Pavement Analysis and Design

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have gained knowledge in the following areas: Traffic Analysis: List the types and axle configurations of typical highway trucks and their corresponding standard loads. List the various types of aircraft gears, wheel load magnitudes, and wheel and axle spacing. Convert mixed traffic into an equivalent single axle load for flexible and rigid pavement systems.

CE 414 Pavement Analysis and Design

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have gained knowledge in the following areas: Pavement Analysis: Calculate stresses, strains, and deflections in flexible pavements. Calculate wheel load and temperature stresses in concrete pavements.

CE 414 Pavement Analysis and Design

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have gained knowledge in the following areas:

Pavement Design: Design new flexible pavements using the AASHTO method, and proposed Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide. Design new rigid pavements using the AASHTO method, PCA method. Design a continuously reinforced concrete pavement.


The course outline will serve as a general guide for the order of the class work. However, it is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor at any time during the semester. Class attendance is expected and participation is encouraged. Good attendance will lead to better understanding of course materials, better grades. The important course information will be discussed in class; however, the student should be cognizant of the complementary material in the reading assignments. Students are encouraged to ask questions in class.


Homework assignments should be presented in a professional way so that the grader can easily follow your steps to the solution. Whenever possible, students should use word-processor; excel graphs, etc. to present their solutions. Please box or underline your final answers. Each homework assignment will be given approximately one week to complete. If you cannot turn your assignment in on time and feel you have a valid excuse, please see the instructor about making alternate arrangements for submitting your assignment. On the cover page, write the course number and semester, homework title and number, your name, and the date.


Late homework will automatically receive a 20 percent deduction. Late homework will be accepted up to one week after the due date and will receive a maximum grade of 50%. This privilege will be withdrawn if any individual abuses it. If you miss a test without approval or certified medical excuse, you may take a makeup exam at a designated time near the end of the semester. Only one such exam will be given. If you miss the final without a valid excuse, a zero will be averaged into your grade.


There will be two mid-term exams and a final exam. The final examination will be comprehensive. Grades are distributed as follows: Hour Exam #1: 15% Hour Exam #2: 15% Final Exam: 40% Homework: 20% Attendance: 10%

Pavement Types




Flexible Pavement

Rigid Pavement

Rigid Pavement
Concret Pavement Contraction Design (CPCD)

Rigid Pavement
Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement (JRCP)

Rigid Pavement
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Rigid Pavement
Post-tensioned Concrete Pavements
Post-tensioned concrete pavements remain in the experimental stage and their design is primarily based on experience and engineering judgment. Post-tensioned concrete has been used more frequently for airport pavements than for highway pavements because the difference in thickness results in greater savings for airport pavements than for highway pavements.

Composite Pavement
A composite pavement is composed of both hot mix asphalt (HMA) and hydraulic cement concrete. Typically, composite pavements are asphalt overlays on top of concrete pavements. The HMA overlay may have been placed as the final stage of initial construction, or as part of a rehabilitation or safety treatment. Composite pavement behavior under traffic loading is essentially the same as rigid pavement.

Rigid and Flexible Pavement Characteristics

The primary structural difference between a rigid and flexible pavement is the manner in which each type of pavement distributes traffic loads over the subgrade. A rigid pavement has a very high stiffness and distributes loads over a relatively wide area of subgrade a major portion of the structural capacity is contributed by the slab itself. The load carrying capacity of a true flexible pavement is derived from the load-distributing characteristics of a layered system

Pavement Type Selection

Selecting a pavement type is an important decision. Like other aspects of pavement design, The selection of pavement type is not an exact science but one in which the highway engineer must make a judgment on many varying factors. .

Project Selection

Life-cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) LCCA is an engineering economic analysis that allows engineers to quantify the differential costs of alternative investment options for a given project. LCCA can be used to compare alternate pavement types (flexible versus rigid) on new construction projects and rehabilitation projects.

Life-cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)

LCCA considers all agency expenditures and user costs throughout the life of the facility, not just the initial investment, and allows for cost comparison of options with varying design lives to be compared on an equivalent basis. LCCA offers methods to determine and demonstrate the economic merits of the selected alternative in an analytical and fact-based manner.

Life-cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)

LCCA helps engineers answer questions like: 1. Which design alternative results in the lowest total cost to the agency over the life of the project? 2. To what level of detail have the alternatives been investigated? 3. What are the user-cost impacts of alternative strategies?

Questions ?

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