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May/June 2001


Well we warned a $1 million prize,
you didn’t we? though, we bagged
Last year’s the Morningstar
PIMCO Secular Portfolio Manager
Forum that is. of the Year award
Only a month or for the second
so after time in three years
NASDAQ 5000, which went a long
we came up with way towards
this UNBELIEV- proving that
ABLE forecast surviving well
that maybe over can best be
the next few years the U.S. and other accomplished through the use of the
global economies might suffer a break- PIMCO tribe’s 3-4 year secular outlook.
down of sorts. We suggested a better
than 50/50 chance of a recession during But hey, who’s counting (besides us)
our secular timeframe due to a number and anyway, Richard and Tina, the
of “lightning bolts” that individually or winners from Survivor I and II are
in concert could put an end to already has-beens and not even on the
Goldilocks, if not yank the halo right off talk show circuit anymore. What’s new,
of the head of our New Age Economy. what’s hot, what have you done for me
The popping of the U.S. equity bubble, lately? Well, we’re still into surviving
central bank overreach and Japanese of course, but for this year’s theme we
economic malaise were three promi- thought we’d switch networks and
nent precipitating factors that the feature a reality game show that’s
PIMCO girls and boys believed might captured the imagination of Americans
lead to the big R, which would in turn and the English alike. Let’s play – The
cast investors onto a deserted island or WEAKEST LINK! To do so probably
the Australian Outback a’la “Survivor.” involves more wit and indeed sarcasm
We adopted that theme for our than yours truly can muster. I’m no
Investment Outlook and it influenced match for the dominatrix of London,
our investing style as well – winning Anne Robinson, who emcees the TV
lots of immunity challenges by purchasing version. Every so often, PIMCO portfolio
predominantly high quality bonds managers liken our trading floor to the
and extending duration with the long Tower of London, but that’s another
Treasury bond at 61/2%. Instead of story. The show’s title and theme
Investment Outlook

though, is a great lead-in to our own view Senator. Yeah, right. But as long as that
of the next 3-4 years that there are more was the accepted tautology then stock
than a few weak links in our global P/Es at 2 or 3 times historical norms
economy that could result in slower made sense, as did that well-worn
growth for years to come, so I thought phrase “it’s different this time.” Turns
we’d use it and hope that you dear out perhaps it wasn’t so different after
reader could at least half comprehend all. Take a look at Forum guest speaker
what we came up with this year. Admit- (Mr. Irrational Exuberance himself)
tedly that might be as difficult as using Robert Shiller’s chart displayed below.
an ashtray on a motorcycle, but give it
at least a pathetic go, will
you? We’ll even answer U.S. Stock Market: A New Era or Irrational Exuberance?
some of the questions 1600 120
Major Innovations
for you if you promise S&P Composite Prices (Left)
1. National Railway
1200 S&P Composite Real Earnings (Right) 2. Car 90
to BANK SOME OF 3. Factory Assembly Line
THE MONEY! Are you 4. Nationwide Telephone
800 5. Radio 60
the unpopped kernel 1 3 5 6. Rural Electrification

in our bag of popcorn? 400 2 4 6 30

Let’s start the clock.
0 0

Secular Review 1871 1882 1894 1906 1918 1929 1941 1953 1965 1976 1988 2000

Our current secular stopwatch actually Source: Robert Shiller, Yale University, Morgan Stanley Economic Research

began sometime in the early to mid ’90s

with the blossoming of the New Age Now there’s a real secular chart with some
Economy, fed by visions of endless meat on its bones. Lots of “new eras” are
technological productivity advances displayed over its 130 years – from the
and realities of New Age stock markets railroads, through the development of
that ascended to unprecedented the automobile, to national electrifica-
heights. You all know the story by now. tion. None of them produced a signifi-
Computers, the Net, biotech, agritech cant blip in real earnings growth which
and countless other breakthrough forms the basis of stock price and P/E
innovations would lead to a doubling of expansion. Should we really believe it’s
historical productivity growth rates and different this time? NASDAQ investors
therefore double digit, even 30-40% and S&P owners alike (as seen in
annual increases in some corporate Shiller’s chart) did – and still do. So did
earnings. Cisco, at one point last year business corporations who invested in
the world’s largest corporation in terms an accelerating amount of,
of market capitalization, was going to telecom, and high tech equipment,
double in size every two years for as much of which now lies unused or at
long as Strom Thurmond has been a least underutilized. So did American

May/June 2001
workers who found jobs down to an experts, shows a pronounced disparity
astounding 3.8% unemployment rate between what is known as “labor” and
and spent wages, capital gains, and “total factor productivity” or TFP.
freely given “in the money”
options at an accelerating rate. Growth in Productivity
So did foreign investors who Percent change from
3.0 year ago, smoothed
managed to accommodate a
near 5% of GDP current ac- Labor Productivity
2.0 Capital
count deficit and pump the Deepening
1.5 Impact
dollar to unforeseen heights Time-varying (TFP)
by purchasing U.S. stocks and
corporate bonds, reflecting the
same belief in New Age 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
miracles. Source: Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

These were more than likely all It’s the labor productivity that markets
bubbles, folks – and still are. But the and corporations have been focused on,
dream lives on. And all these dreams and that productivity measure has
perhaps somewhat simplistically rest indeed accelerated in recent years,
on one singular assumption: the belief rising at a faster rate than at any time
in higher than average productivity in since the 1960s. But TFP, which includes
our New Age Economy. Greenspan not only labor but plant and equipment,
believes it, stock market investors has barely produced a ripple – in fact, it
believe it, and corporations chase it like has gone down over the past few years.
the Holy Grail. It is the link that justifies That means that labor productivity is
all these bubbles as well as much of the up and corporate profits are up because
world’s faith in the American capitalistic of “capital deepening” (the amount of
model as the economic paragon of the capital employed per worker) – not
21st century. But, just how strong of a link necessarily higher total factor produc-
is it? As Anne Robinson might query, tivity (the efficiency with which both
have we all been IDIOTS to believe in it? capital and labor are used). It means
that Americans have invested in more
What’s New machines but not necessarily ones that
Shiller’s chart would suggest as much, are any more productive than during
but there is additional theoretical smoke the past 130 years – to cite Shiller’s
here to be concerned with. The following example again.
chart, advanced by Secular Forum guest
speaker Stephen Roach, who along with So? Why don’t we just keep on buying
Northwestern’s Robert Gordon ranks at more machines? We will, but not as
the top of the world’s productivity many, and that makes all the difference.
Investment Outlook

Because prior levels of investment have lottery ticket, the next cycle is almost
been made possible via increasing certain to be less exuberant than the
amounts of debt as well as IPO, venture last. And there is after all not only
capital, and other equity financing business investment but consumer
which now is much harder to come by, spending that must slow down.
the ability of corporate America to
“deepen” capital at anywhere close to America’s (–1%) personal savings rate
recent levels is more than suspect. This must eventually rise to higher levels as
link of the New Age Economy’s chain suggested in our March Investment
falls under the category of “all good Outlook. We look for 2% U.S. GDP
things must end” or at least slow down. growth over the next 3-4 years instead
Productivity’s recent downturn, based of the 4% growth experienced since
upon serious disruptions in business 1997, largely due to the return to earth
investment has begun to influence the of productivity growth rates, and the
economy and investment markets alike, need to rebuild consumer savings rates.
suggesting that the peak has been seen,
even if the end is not near. If productivity is a fragile link then
there most assuredly are others – many
But is it a cyclical or a secular peak of them outside the borders of the U.S.
you imbecile? Good question, Anne. of A. This is a global economy these
Because if the Fed can pump up the days and a global chain, even if America
economy with its 250 basis points of has been the strongest link up until
cheaper money, then why not party- now. Japan is a basket case and a valid
hearty for another 10 years. Maybe, but candidate for the weakest link. It awaits
not likely. With private consumer and serious structural reform and monetiza-
corporate debt at historically high levels tion via a weaker YEN. No believable
and with investors finally believing that steps have as yet taken place, although
stocks are not just a one-way winning new Prime Minister Koizumi’s mod
hairstyle is as heartening as anything
U.S. Private Debt % GDP we’ve seen in the past few
2000: 4Q 135.3% years. We’ll need more than

makeovers to fix Japan how-
ever. Elsewhere, emerging
nations have strengthened their
balance sheets and reserves
over the past few years of
prosperity, yet disasters await
in Argentina and Turkey to cite
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
the weakest of the links in the
Source: ISI Group
emerging chain. Contagion can

May/June 2001
likely be isolated if the G-10 is 2% or China too promises to prosper, but its
more growth positive, but it is not there economy is no global engine simply
now and may not be for six months or because it’s internally driven and still
longer. This is a global tender spot and too small to pull a weakened U.S. back
a weakest link possibility. to normal. It prefers to export rather
than import just like Japan, just like
There is more hope elsewhere. Europe, Korea, just like about every other
to point out the obvious, might be a country with the exception of the
stronger relative link than in the ’90s United States. This export/import
simply because it’s been less bubblish. disparity is crucial for analyzing the
global outlook for the next 3-4
IT Spending
years. The world’s biggest pool
Europe May Catch Up
of potential consumers lie in
China, India, Mexico and
Percent of Nominal GDP

South American nations with
demographically younger
citizens. Yet getting the goods
U.S. to these potentially voracious
18 Europe
consumers is no easy task
16 Japan
what with internal policies
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00E 01E 02E 03E 04E 05E
geared towards exports. In
turn, the financing of internal
Source: Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
consumption is still light years away
from the U.S. model which utilizes
It’s had its telecom and MP3 fiascos credit cards, individual home mortgages
and its banks are in deeper hock to and securitization of assets to keep the
emerging nations than are ours, but spending campfires burning. This weak
its private market balance sheets are and almost missing link between the
still in better shape and structural developed world’s savers and the
reforms are on the way – lower taxes, emerging nations’ potential consumers
Sunday shopping in Germany – who is at best an opportunity lost for global
knows what’s next? According to prosperity over the foreseeable future,
Morgan Stanley’s Roach, Europe and at worst a deepening drag on
should become the world’s largest IT global growth as the G-10 nations
buyer over the next 3-4 years, coming continue to age demographically
close to match our own IT capital stock over the next 3-4 years.
as a percentage of GDP. Look for
Europe’s economic growth rate to The inability to get the goods and
match or exceed that of the U.S. for financing to match demographic demand
the next few years. is but one faulty link or transmission
Investment Outlook

mechanism that characterizes the the budget surplus has characterized

world’s economies today. Back in the U.S. and European government behav-
U.S., it’s become apparent for years that ior for a few years at least. Rarely over
the banks are not as influential as they a secular time frame have politicians
used to be in cooling or speeding up the fought to assume the mantle of the
economy. The elimination of Regulation “most frugal” but we came close during
Q in the ’70s was the first in a series of the U.S. elections and our current $300
steps that elevated a host of disparate billion surplus is proof of this political
entities such as FNMA, GE Capital and pudding. Our Forum concluded, how-
its look alikes, hedge funds, mutual ever, that this fiscal “tightening” of
fund investors, vendor financiers, and sorts, in the U.S. and Europe, may in
of course PIMCO and institutional fact have contributed to the existing
pension funds, towards a pinnacle or upcoming recession more than most
of influence on interest rates, quality realize. Not only was the secular move
spreads and the availability of finance. contractionary by reducing government
The old foundation of bank reserves as spending’s influence, but as PIMCO’s
the primary influence over the domestic Paul McCulley put it, we managed to
economy is not only hardly debatable, delever the good credit (the U.S. Trea-
it’s near laughable. The Fed’s and sury with a printing press) and lever the
Treasury’s control over the domestic bad credit (the private sector) at the
financial balance sheet therefore has same time. The tipping of the growth
been seriously weakened by time, scales towards private overexuberance,
deregulation, and technological as we’ve pointed out, resulted in an
progress. There is no significant linkage Austrian School boom of private invest-
or control over investment preference ment, which is now culminating in an
other than via the blunt hammer of Austrian School bust. Better to have
short-term interest rates and the increas- less of a surplus than more at this point
ing attempts at moral suasion – some we concluded, a direction which seems
call it cheerleading – by the Federal more than possible given the decline of
Reserve. In such an environment the tax receipts on both a national, state,
weakest financial link, whether it be and local level.
LTCM in 1998 or some fresh overag-
gressive candidate in the future is Investment Implications
bound to increase the possibility of
But enough of these discussions of weak
major financial accidents and with
economic links. How many readers
it the volatility of interest rates and
know what the Austrian School is,
credit spreads.
Mr. Gross? You, Sir, are the idiot for
going on so long. OK. OK. On to the
Fiscal policy was a link that drew close
investment conclusions. As I told our
PIMCO inspection as well. The cult of
100+ Secular Forum participants from

May/June 2001
literally the four corners of the globe, have a bias towards widening in the
we cannot invest in GDP futures or early portion of our secular period
productivity options. When all is said as sub par economic growth trans-
and done, the task of the FORUM is lates into subdued corporate profit
to tell us where to invest our clients’ growth in the U.S. and Europe.
money – domestically or internationally, Opportunities for high yield and
long duration or short, high quality or corporate bonds will be better in
high yield. If we can’t translate an 2002 and beyond. PIMCO remains
economic outlook into a portfolio of committed for now to higher quality
bonds then the three days of discussion investments with mortgages forming
could better have been spent on the golf the centerpiece of our yield product
course. So here are some investment despite higher volatility. If 10-year
nuggets that hopefully will turn into Treasuries remain within our
gold for your portfolios: forecasted range, prepayments
will ultimately subside and render
1) Sub par U.S. and global growth optionality in mortgages relatively
will continue to prolong a impotent.
disinflationary environment in the 4) The higher forecasted volatility of
U.S. and Europe that leaves infla- yields in the U.S. should impart a
tion in a 1-3% range over the next steepening bias to the yield curve
several years – lower in Europe, over time.
higher in the U.S. due to the even- 5) Stock and bond total returns over
tual weakening of the dollar and the the secular time period will be
ultimate strengthening of the Euro. fortunate to reach 6% annually.
The relative technological “deepen- Stocks have a better chance of
ing” of Europe should be a factor negative returns than do bonds.
as well, as their productivity is 6) Emerging market bonds will be
temporarily raised. more attractive next year than
2) Interest rates will be range bound currently. We will opportunistically
but volatile – especially in the U.S. pick up the pieces and put together
due to our riskier transmission the emerging market chain should
mechanisms. Ten year U.S. Treasuries, an opportunity present itself over
now at 51/4% should move between the next 12 months.
41/2 and 61/2% from now until 2005.
Euroland rates could average 50 to So there you have it. And what is
100 basis points less due to its lower PIMCO going to do differently as a
inflation, more attractive currency result of our three days of work? Not
and ECB focus on inflation as that much you half-wit! Not just yet at
opposed to growth. least. Didn’t you know this year’s output
3) Quality spreads should continue to was more of the same? PIMCO bearish
on the economy. Clowns! Well, yeah snail that we devoted most of our
maybe Anne, but at least we’re in there attention to the existence of the U.S.
pitchin’, trying to figure out secular productivity miracle. Would we have
answers to longer-term questions. In the devoted only a few sentences to our
process we’ve managed to bank a lot of choice of the weakest link? Obviously
money for our clients. And look at it this not. If productivity comes back from its
way, baby – bond people are supposed to current cyclical depths and regains its
protect principal – you wouldn’t want us 1995-2000 heights, then stocks soar,
to ever bet the farm or get up to that investors’ animal spirits return, and
$125,000 question would you? That’s bears go into hibernation. If U.S.
better left for a riskier game called, productivity has been primarily a
“stocks for the long run.” cyclical, over-investment mirage, then
super-bulls prepare for thy matador.
In the meantime, and if you stayed with PIMCO sides with the latter not the
us this far, aren’t you dying to know which former. AMERICAN PRODUCTIVITY
is the weakest secular link? After all, IS THE WEAKEST LINK! GOODBYE.
we’ve discussed a bunch – including
U.S. productivity, Japan, emerging William H. Gross
market contagion, export/import imbal- Managing Director
ances, faulty financial transmission
mechanisms, fiscal surpluses, and, of
course, a continued deflating of the U.S.
equity bubble. Not even mentioned has
been the price of energy and a potential
credit crisis in this country’s most
populous state, California. Which one
should we be most concerned with?
Well it should be obvious you limping

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P.O. Box 6430
Newport Beach, CA
(949) 720-6000
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All data as of 4/30/01 and is subject to change. The return on both individual
securities and mutual fund investments will fluctuate and the value of an investor’s shares will fluctuate and may be worth more or
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tion of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Such opinions are subject to change without notice. This article is
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performance of any PIMCO Fund. The NASDAQ Composite Index is a broad-based capitalization-weighed index of all NASDAQ
National Market & Small Cap Stocks. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged market index generally considered to be representative of
the stock market as a whole. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.

Each sector of the bond market entails some risk. Municipals may realize gains & incur a tax liability from time to time. Treasuries &
Government Bonds guarantee timely repayment of interest and does not eliminate market risk, shares of the funds are not guaranteed.
Mortgage-backed securities & Corporate Bonds may be sensitive to interest rates, when they rise the value generally declines and there
is no assurance that private guarantors or insurers will meet their obligations. An investment in high yield securities, lower rated
securities, generally involves greater risk to principal than an investment in higher-rated bonds. Investing in foreign securities may
entail risk due to foreign economic and political developments and may be enhanced when investing in emerging markets.

For additional details on PIMCO Funds, contact your financial advisor to receive a prospectus that contains more complete
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