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$ Web$Science$is$the$study$of$the$World$Wide$Web$$the$technologies,$people,$organizations,$ applications$and$policies$that$have$come$to$shape$our$everyday$lives$and$global$futures.$Web$ Science$offers$insight$into$the$ $ analysis$of$massive$international$flows$of$data,$ opportunities$and$challenges$of$our$online$identities,$ emerging$practices$of$our$digitally$connected$citizens,$and$$ new$services$that$enable$them$and$new$business$models$that$support$them.$ $ The$understanding$offered$by$Web$Science$to$partners$in$industry$and$government$is$a$ powerful$resource$to$inform$innovation$and$Web$growth$and$to$maximize$economic$and$ social$value$from$the$UKs$emerging$digital$economy.$ $ The$Web$Science$Doctoral$Training$Centre$(DTC)$provides$a$fourVyear$course$of$ postgraduate$training$designed$to$produce$leaders$in$the$digital$economy$$a$cohort$of$80$ students$with$expertise$in$the$economic$opportunities,$the$legal$underpinnings,$the$social$ organisation,$the$technical$infrastructure$and$the$business$environment$of$the$Web$and$the$ Internet.$$ $ The$Industry$Forum$is$the$DTCs$partnership$with$local$and$national$businesses$and$ government$organisations,$to$promote$deeper$understanding$of$the$Web$and$more$effective$ exploitation$of$the$opportunities$that$it$offers$through$training,$consultancy,$discussion,$joint$ projects,$horizon$scanning.$$ $ The$main$effect$of$the$Web$(and$the$Internet$on$which$it$is$built)$is$to$lower$the$barriers$to$ communication$ between$ people$ and$ organisations.$ $ In$ changing$ communication,$ the$ Web$ alters$the$relationships$between$businesses$and$their$clients,$governments$and$their$citizens$ and$ between$ health$ services$ and$ their$ patients.$ The$ abundance$ and$ availability$ of$ personal,$ commercial$ and$ government$ information$ both$ facilitates$ and$ threatens$ businesses.$ The$ technology$of$the$Web$facilitates$criminal$social$networks$as$easily$as$Facebook$and$Twitter$ enable$our$personal$networks.$ $ This$booklet$consists$of$brief$reports$from$five$Industry$Forum$research$discussions$(or$ research$sandpits).$These$topics$in$turn$emerged$from$a$series$of$talks$on$the$challenges$of$ the$Web$to$industry$and$government$given$by$DTC$Industry$Forum$members$at$the$ University$in$December$2012.$$ $

In$these$brief$reports$we$explore$the$effects$of$this$change$in$communication$in$five$different$ areas,$exploring$current$knowns$and$looking$to$unknowns$to$set$the$stage$for$future$joint$ projects.$ $ $ Social$Businesses$.............................................................................................$1$ Open$Data$Business$models$ ........................................................................$4$ Big$Data$...............................................................................................................$7$ Attitudes$to$EVHealth$..................................................................................$10$ Cybercrime$......................................................................................................$13$ ! ! If$you$are$interested$in$participating$in$our$next$round$of$discussions,$and$in$discovering$ solutions$to$the$challenges$that$the$Web$provides$your$business,$please$contact$the$DTC$Office$ to$find$out$how$to$join$the$Industry$Forum.$

! Web!Science!DTC!Directors!

Dr Leslie Carr Dr Leif Isaksen Professor Dame Wendy Hall Professor Nigel Shadbolt$

$ $


Web$Science$Doctoral$Training$Centre$ Level$3,$Room$3053,$Building$32$ University$of$Southampton$ SO17$1BJ$ Tel:$023$80592738$ Email:$$ $ $


Social$ media$ are$ being$ adopted$ by$ business$ around$ the$ World$ as$ they$ look$ to$ harness$ their$ potential$ for$ fast,$ lowVcost$ and$ easily$ targeted$ communication,$ both$ within$ the$ organisation$ and$ to$ customers$ and$ supporters$ who$ have$ an$ interest$ in$ the$ brand$ [1].$ The$ various$ opportunities$ for$ using$ social$ media$ range$ from$ information$ dissemination$ to$ eliciting$ new$ ideas$through$crowdVsourcing$content,$to$realVtime$monitoring$in$order$to$respond$to$a$live$ event.$Depending$on$the$use$of$these$services,$it$is$clear$that$some$form$of$value$is$produced$$$ however$it$is$currently$a$challenge$for$any$organisation$to$determine$exactly$what$this$value$ actually$ is$ $ especially$ when$ there$ is$ as$ much$ content$ being$ produced$ online$ about$ the$ organisation$ from$ users$ other$ than$ the$ company$ which$ may$ not$ all$ be$ positive$ [2].$ This$ research$ whitepaper$ elicits$ several$ research$ issues$ in$ this$ area$ that$ were$ discussed$ at$ the$ Web$Science$DTC$Industry$Forum$(February$2013),$detailing$why$it$is$difficult$to$study$them$ and$ what$ their$ implications$ are$ for$ social$ businesses.$ Potential$ research$ methodologies$ for$ designing$studies$to$establish$initial$insights$into$these$issues$are$also$discussed,$giving$rise$to$ the$opportunity$for$several$Web$Science$research$projects$in$this$theme.$

Determining!the!value!of!social! technologies!to!a!business!

It$ is$ widely$ appreciated$ that$ social$ media$ does$ provide$ some$ sort$ of$ value$ to$ any$ business$ that$ adopts$ it;$ however$ there$ appears$ to$ be$ little$ clarity$ with$ regards$ to$ what$this$value$actually$is,$what$form(s)$it$ manifests$ itself$ as,$ and$ how$ it$ should$ be$ appropriately$ measured$ (see$ for$ example$ [3,$4]).$This$raises$problems$for$businesses$ when$ trying$ to$ justify$ the$ expense$ of$ implementing$ a$ social$ media$ strategy,$ causing$ restrictions$ on$ the$ time$ and$ effort$ that$ is$ put$ into$ it.$ Additionally,$ without$ knowing$ what$ the$ value$ equates$ to,$ it$ is$ difficult$ to$ identify$ areas$ whereby$ their$ strategy$ could$ be$ improved$ to$ create$ further$ value,$ or$ to$ avoid$ a$ persistent$ negative$ value.$ One$ traditional$ measurement$ for$ value$ would$ be$ the$ additional$revenue$a$business$generates$by$ using$ social$ media$ (arguably$ the$ most$ useful$ measure$ from$ a$ strictly$ business$ viewpoint).$ Possibly$ more$ illuminating$ measures$ could$ be$ the$ level$ of$ "customer$ loyalty",$the$relative$size$of$their$customer$ base,$ or$ how$ often$ customers$ use$ or$ buy$ $

their$particular$services$as$a$result$of$social$ media.$ However,$ with$ these$ options,$ working$out$how$much$additional$revenue$ is$ generated$ from$ social$ media$ or$ some$ other$variable$can$be$difficult$to$discern.$

Establishing!the!importance!of!rapid! response!to!a!social!business!

Social$ media$ provides$ businesses$ with$ direct$contact$with$their$customers$around$ the$globe,$helping$to$make$marketing$more$ effective$ and$ easing$ communication$ with$ customers.$ In$ particular,$ social$ media$ use$ can$produce$value$in$two$situations:$when$ a$ crisis$ occurs,$ and$ to$ benefit$ from$ an$ 1$

unplanned$ and$ developing$ situation.$ In$ both$ cases,$ businesses$ confront$ many$ challenges$in$choosing$the$best$response$in$ a$timely$manner.$An$interdisciplinary$team$ with$a$thorough$crisis$plan$can$ensure$that$ such$ an$ event$ is$ handled$ properly$ and$ different$ perspectives$ are$ considered.$ Marketing$specialists$are$no$longer$enough$ for$ this$ task,$ and$ to$ manage$ the$ brand$ reputation,$ the$ crisis$ management$ team$ should$include$specialists$in$sociology,$who$ understand$ the$ dynamics$ of$ social$ interactions;$ and$ psychologists,$ who$ understand$ hidden$ purposes$ and$ can$ provide$ guidance$ about$ how$ the$ response$ is$ shaped.$ When$ a$ crisis$ occurs,$ the$ crisis$ management$ team$ should$ assess$ the$ source$of$the$crisis$and$the$purpose$of$it.$Is$ it$ from$ an$ unsatisfied$ customer,$ or$ from$ a$ group$of$activists?$Is$any$person$with$great$ social$powers$(influential)$involved$in$it?$Is$ it$ a$ real$ crisis$ or$ just$ a$ rumour?$ Knowing$ who$ is$ behind$ it$ and$ the$ motivation$ is$ essential$for$the$business$to$decide$what$to$ do$ next.$ The$ main$ question$ stands$ how$ could$the$business$plan$for$rapid$response$ to$ protect$ their$ brand?$ Moreover,$ how$ does$ social$ media$ fit$ into$ the$ overall$ response$ of$ the$ business$ V$ both$ for$ gathering$ information$ about$ what$ is$ happening,$ and$ for$ channelling$ the$ reaction?$

and$ Twitter,$ will$ last$ the$ test$ of$ time.$ In$ order$ to$ ascertain$ this,$ there$ is$ the$ potential$ to$ audit$ the$ services$ on$ the$ Web$ and$ determine$ the$ average$ longevity$ of$ their$ success,$ and$ indicate$ whether$ it$ is$ possible$ for$ a$ business$ to$ rely$ completely$ on$ a$ service$ over$ time.$ From$ looking$ at$ previous$ sites$ that$ may$ have$ now$ fallen$ away,$it$would$be$interesting$to$determine$ whether$ a$ threshold$ exists$ relating$ to$ the$ level$ of$ user$ generated$ content$ on$ a$ site$ which$ can$ determine$ when$ a$ site's$ sustainability$ begins$ to$ waver.$ Subsequently,$if$it$can$be$established$that$a$ social$ platform$ may$ be$ sustainable,$ then$ the$ potential$ for$ a$ business$ to$ sustain$ its$ presence$ on$ that$ site$ can$ be$ examined.$ Again,$ due$ to$ the$ relative$ shortVterm$ nature$ of$ many$ Web$ platforms$ so$ far,$ it$ is$ difficult$ to$ determine$ with$ any$ certainty$ whether$ a$ business$ can$ V$ for$ a$ prolonged$ period$ V$ maintain$ a$ productive$ and$ valuable$ presence$ on$ them.$ Establishing$ the$ requirements$ for$ a$ business's$ social$ presence$that$can$work$over$the$long$term$ could$ prove$ invaluable$ for$ taking$ advantage$of$these$sites.$$

The$ broad$ nature$ of$ this$ topic$ means$ that$ in$ the$ majority$ of$ instances,$ the$ value$ of$ social$ media$ will$ be$ specific$ to$ each$ individual$ organisation$ that$ adopts$ them.$ As$ such$ it$ is$ proposed$ that$ using$ a$ unique$ combination$ of$ the$ varied$ and$ interdisciplinary$ expertise$ of$ research$ students$in$the$Web$Science$DTC,$with$the$ realVworld$ accounts,$ scenarios$ and$ businessVknowledge$ of$ organisations,$ a$ worldVleading$ design$ of$ case$ study$ research$ could$ be$ developed$ to$ establish$ social$ media$ strategies$ for$ companies$ that$ can$ go$ on$ to$ produce$ tangible$ returns.$ Collaboratively$ producing$ this$ methodology$ could$ not$ only$ vastly$ benefit$ 2$

Discovering!the!extent!to!which!a!social! business!is!sustainable!

In$able$to$determine$the$true$sustainability$ of$ a$ social$ business$ it$ must$ be$ questioned$ whether$ any$ social$ media$ site$ can$ be$ sustainable$ itself.$ With$ the$ Web$ still$ relatively$young,$there$is$a$lack$of$examples$ regarding$ social$ sites$ that$ have$ persisted$ for$ long$ periods$ of$ time$ V$ sites$ have$ risen$ and$fallen$such$as$MySpace,$Friendster$etc.$ V$ and$ it$ is$ unknown$ whether$ the$ sites$ that$ are$currently$dominating,$such$as$Facebook$ $

the$ organisations$ involved$ in$ developing$ the$ approach,$ but$ could$ also$ create$ skilled$ researchers$who$would$be$able$to$develop$ and$analyse$social$media$strategies$for$any$ organisation.$$ $ Future$sessions$should$seek$to$combine$the$ talents$ of$ research$ students,$ social$ brand$ agencies,$ and$ social$ mediaVusing$ organisations$to$develop$robust$methods$of$ establishing$ the$ value$ of$ social$ media$ to$ business.$ This$ could,$ for$ example,$ be$ achieved$ by$ developing$ a$ thorough$ survey$ which$ can$ audit$ the$ organisations$ targets$ and$social$aims,$and$compare$them$to$what$ they$ are$ doing$ on$ social$ media$ and$ how$ this$appears$to$be$producing$value$relevant$ to$ their$ stated$ aims.$ The$ design$ of$ this$ survey$ will$ need$ to$ integrate$ and$ synthesise$ the$ use$ cases$ of$ organisations,$ the$ expertise$ of$ brand$ and$ marketing$ agencies,$ and$ the$ research$ ability$ of$ Web$ Science$ students$ so$ that$ a$ comprehensive$ understanding$ of$ how$ and$ why$ the$ organisation$ in$ question$ is$ using$ social$ media$ can$ be$ gained,$ and$ to$ determine$ what$forms$of$value$they$should$be$seeking$ to$ gain$ from$ doing$ so.$ Building$ on$ this,$ methods$ of$ tracking$ and$ quantifying$ this$ value$ can$ be$ sought$ V$ although$ this$ will$ only$ be$ suitable$ for$ each$ case$ study$ when$ the$type$of$value$desired$is$known.$There$is$ potential$ at$ this$ point$ for$ this$ project$ to$ work$ as$ part$ the$ Web$ Observatory$ [5]$ V$ tracking$ and$ analysing$ the$ realVtime$ fluctuations$ in$ value$ that$ a$ business$ is$ receiving$ from$ their$ social$ presence.$ Only$ when$ research$ such$ as$ this$ has$ been$ completed$ will$ businesses$ be$ able$ to$ reliably$ improve$ the$ value$ they$ are$ receiving$from$their$social$media$work$V$as$ the$ saying$ goes:$ you! cant! improve! what! you!cant!measure.$$


[1]$Altimeter$Group$Network$on$SlideShare,$ The$ Evolution$ of$ Social$ Business:$ Six$ Stages$ of$ Social$ Media$ Transformation,$ 05VMarV2013.$ [2]$A.$M.$Kaplan$and$M.$Haenlein,$Users$of$ the$ world,$ unite!$ The$ challenges$ and$ opportunities$ of$ Social$ Media,$ Business! Horizons,$ vol.$ 53,$ no.$ 1,$ pp.$ 5968,$ Jan.$ 2010.$ [3]$ R.$ Ferguson,$ Word$ of$ mouth$ and$ viral$ marketing:$ taking$ the$ temperature$ of$ the$ hottest$ trends$ in$ marketing,$ Journal! of! Consumer! Marketing,$ vol.$ 25,$ no.$ 3,$ pp.$ 179182,$2008.$ [4]$ B.$ D.$ Weinberg$ and$ E.$ Pehlivan,$ Social$ spending:$Managing$the$social$media$mix,$ Business! Horizons,$ vol.$ 54,$ no.$ 3,$ pp.$ 275 282,$2011.$ [5]$ The$ Web$ Science$ Trust,$ Web! Observatory! @! Web! Science! Trust.$ Available$ at$$


Chris$ Phethean,$ Javier$ Pereda,$ Rob$ Blair,$ Nora$ Alrajebah,$ James$ Baker,$ Gareth$ Beeston$


In$ the$ information$ economy,$ data$ is$ a$ valuable$ asset.$ Companies,$ governments$ and$ associations$create$and$gather$vast$quantities$of$data:$from$inventory$records$and$timetables,$ to$ transaction$ and$ research$ datasets.$ Yet,$ paradoxically,$ the$ greatest$ value$ in$ many$ of$ these$ datasets$is$realised$when$they$are$openly$shared.$$ Open$ data$ is$ data$ that$ anyone$ is$ free$ to$ reVuse.$ The$ open$ data$ movement$ first$ rose$ to$ prominence$ with$ free$ our$ data$ campaigns$ calling$ on$ governments$ to$ release,$ for$ free,$ datasets$which$had$been$collected$using$taxpayers$money,$such$as$national$maps,$or$statistics$ on$ health$ and$ education$ services.$ Sharing$ government$ datasets$ as$ open$ data,$ it$ is$ argued,$ generates$both$social$and$economic$value,$allowing$innovators$to$build$on$top$of$datasets$that$ are$otherwise$underVused$inside$government.$Businesses,$however,$need$not$only$be$users$of$ open$ data.$ There$ are$ also$ business$ opportunities$ in$ being$ open$ data$ providers.$ This$ white$ paper$explores$business$models$for$both$consuming,$and$producing,$open$data.$$

Data$has$been$described$as$the$new$oil$V$a$ raw$material$for$the$information$economy.$ The$ analogy$ points$ to$ the$ importance$ of$ data$ as$ a$ fuel$ for$ growth$ V$ but$ misses$ an$ important$ property$ of$ data.$ Unlike$ the$

excludable$ and$ finite$ product$ of$ oil,$ digital$ data$ can$ be$ replicated$ at$ near$ zeroVcost.$ We$get$the$most$value$from$data$by$using$it,$ rather$than$by$restricting$supply.$$ Business$models$for$open$data$involve$four$ parts:$ open! data! supply! +! added! value! +! value!realization!=!net!benefit$.$ $ Open$data$supply$$ firms$may$draw$upon$ open$ data$ from$ government,$ or$ other$ providers,$ or$ may$ choose$ to$ provide$ their$ own$ open$ data.$ Standards$ play$ an$ important$role$in$making$open$data$usable,$ as$ do$ delivery$ platforms$ for$ open$ data,$


such$ as$ APIs$ to$ allow$ thirdVparty$ systems$ to$ interact$ with$ a$ data$ service$ directly,$ rather$than$downloading$the$whole$dataset$ first.$ Added$value$$ firms$need$to$combine$open$ data$ with$ something$ only$ they$ can$ offer.$ For$ example,$ the$ domain$ expertise$ to$ provide$ business$ intelligence$ using$ open$ data,$or$the$technical$expertise$to$integrate$ different$datasets.$Open$data$might$also$be$ combined$ with$ existing$ IP$ in$ consumer$ products$ or$ services,$ or$ with$ investments$ in$ technical$ infrastructure$ to$ provide$ a$ platform$on$top$of$which$others$innovate$.$$ Value$ realisation$ $ there$ are$ a$ range$ of$ models$ for$ realising$ value$ from$ open$ data,$ from$ freemium$ pricing$ (where$ a$ free$ product$ is$ offered$ to$ promote$ a$ premium$ charged$for$offering)$and$charging$for$data$ analysis$ services,$ through$ to$ using$ data$ to$ better$ target$ marketing$ or$ to$ streamline$ existing$ business$ operations.$ Being$ the$ firstVmover$into$a$new$market,$or$being$the$ first$ to$ take$ a$ service$ to$ scale,$ can$ also$ allow$firms$to$benefit$from$networkVeffects.$$ Net$benefits$ $ using$open$data$can$lead$to$ new$ revenue$ streams,$ brand$ development$ and$ growing$ market$ share.$ It$ can$ also$ support$firms$to$address$the$triple$bottom$ line$of$economic,$social$and$environmental$ impact,$ and$ to$ proactively$ meet$ changing$ market$ conditions.$ One$ of$ the$ most$ important$ benefits$ may$ be$ in$ helping$ sector$ growth.$ Just$ as$ the$ standardised$ shipping$container$facilitated$the$explosion$ of$ 20th$ Century$ trading$ relationships,$ standardised$ open$ datasets$ could$ dramatically$ transform$ certain$ sectors$ of$ the$economy.$

expertise$ making$ sense$ of$ datasets,$ they$ help$ business$ make$ better$ strategic$ decisions.$ Their$ analysis$ of$ government$ prescribing$ open$ data$ has$ highlighted$ the$ potential$for$millions$of$pounds$of$savings.$ Their$ cloudVcomputing$ platform$ intelligently$ uses$ lowVcarbon$ data$ centres,$ adding$ an$ environmental$ angle$ to$ their$ sales$pitch.$$ The$ Ordnance$ Survey$have$responded$to$ the$changing$mapping$market$by$providing$ a$ free$ mapping$ service,$ whilst$ still$ selling$ more$ detailed$ maps.$ This$ free$ service$ provides$ a$ platform$ that$ other$ firms$ can$ innovate$on,$creating$value$added$products$ and$services.$

The$ way$ in$ which$ open$ data$ affects$ firms$ will$ depend$ upon$ the$ structure$ of$ the$ market$ they$ operate$ within.$ The$ promise$ of$ open$ data$ for$ society,$ commerce$ and$ government$ may$ only$ be$ realised$ when$ a$ market$successfully$transitions$from$one$in$ which$ core$ datasets$ are$ closed,$ to$ one$ in$ which$open$data$has$become$the$norm.$ Consider$the$transport$market.$If$providers$ of$ both$ public$ and$ private$ transport$ published$ standard$ open$ data$ on$ their$ services$and$prices,$then$platforms$helping$ consumers$pick$the$best$travel$options$can$ be$provided,$with$the$potential$to$decrease$ private$ car$ use,$ and$ promote$ use$ of$ public$ transport,$ taxis$ and$ other$ services.$ However,$ incumbent$ transport$ providers$ may$not$want$to$provide$open$data,$and$it$ may$take$disruptive$innovation$from$a$new$ market$ entrant,$ or$ a$ number$ of$ smaller$ providers$ to$ start$ publishing$ and$ using$ using$ open$ before$ the$ market$ reaches$ a$ tipping$point$where$open$data$makes$sense$ for$ everyone.$ Game$ theory,$ and$ agent$ based$ models$ can$ be$ used$ to$ understand$ potential$ outcomes$ as$ a$ market$ shifts$ towards$open$data.$$ 5$

Mastadon$ C$ is$ a$ startVup$ hosted$ at$ the$ Open$ Data$ Institute$ providing$ big$ data$ analytics.$ By$ charging$ for$ their$ data$ analysis$ infrastructure,$ and$ for$ their$ $

The$ standards$ chosen,$ and$ technical$ implementations,$ in$ a$ shift$ towards$ open$ data$ have$ significant$ consequences.$ In$ the$ transport$ case,$ for$ example,$ if$ data$ standards$ include$ a$ way$ of$ recording$ the$ carbon$ costs$ of$ certain$ transport$ options,$ then$ services$ can$ give$ consumers$ the$ option$ of$ choosing$ the$ least$ polluting,$ as$ well$as$the$cheapest,$modes$of$transport.$If$ the$ standards$ dont$ include$ this,$ that$ particular$ dimension$ of$ competition$ may$ be$downplayed.$If$the$chosen$means$of$data$ sharing$ involves$ central$ databases,$ or$ restrictive$(i.e.$nonVopen)$licenses,$then$the$ market$ risks$ being$ tied$ into$ one$ platform$ provider,$ where$ innovation$ may$ stall.$ Whereas$ open$ and$ distributed$ approaches$ to$ data$ sharing$ provide$ potential$ for$ ongoing$innovation.$$

challenges$ of$ open$ data$ for$ different$ business$sectors.$$ Through$ agent$ based$ modelling$ we$ can$ look$ at$ the$ potential$ for$ society,$ government$ and$ industry$ to$ see$ the$ benefits$ of$ a$ shift$ towards$ open$ data$ in$ particular$markets.$ Through$ qualitative$ research$ we$ can$ explore$ the$ technical$ and$ organisational$ architectures$ needed$ to$ make$ the$ most$ of$ open$data.$ And$ by$ drawing$ on$ the$ interdisciplinary$ foundations$ of$ web$ science$ we$ can$ bring$ together$ economic,$ social$ and$ technical$ perspectives$ to$ develop$ practical$ understandings$ of$ how$ different$ firms$ should$operate$in$networked$economies.$

Tim$ Davies,$ Richard$ Fyson,$ Terhi$ Nurmikko,$ Manuel$ Leon$ Urrutia,$ Jack$ Townsend,$ Mark$ Frank,$ Reuben$ Binns,$ Eamonn$Walls,$Christopher$Hughes$ Richard$ Stirling$ Open! Data! Institute$ Jacqui$ Taylor$ Flying! Binary$ Mark$Stileman$Ordnance!Survey$

We$ are$ right$ at$ the$ start$ of$ an$ open$ data$ revolution.$ The$ UK$ Government$ is$ putting$ millions$ of$ pounds$ into$ promoting$ the$ Open$ Data$ economy$ through$ the$ Data$ Strategy$Board,$and$the$Open$Data$Institute$ (ODI).$Web$Science$has$a$key$role$to$play$in$ understanding$ the$ opportunities$ and$


Big$ data$ may$ refer$ to$ a$ range$ of$ issues$ from$ the$ capture$ and$ storage,$ to$ the$ analysis$ of$ datasets$too$large$to$be$effectively$tackled$using$traditional$computer$science$and$statistical$ methodologies.$ In$ this$ case$ we$ refer$ mainly$ to$ the$ problem$ of$ combining$ and$ analysing$ arbitrarily$large$datasets.$ The$ underlying$ motivation$ for$ this$ project$ is$ that,$ after$ discussions$ with$ industry$ partners$ including$ the$ British$ National$ Archive,$ Nominet,$ Ordinance$ Survey,$ and$ others,$ a$ key$ theme$ we$have$been$asked$to$help$address$is$how$to$identify$what$aspects$of$their$data$are$of$real$ interest$or$value.$Central$to$this$is$the$ability$to$link$different$forms$of$data$together,$perform$ crossVcomparison$and$analysis$of$data$in$order$to$identify$anomalous$behaviour$automatically.$ In$the$simplest$terms$if$every$line$in$a$dataset$holds$exactly$the$same$information$them$there$ is$no$value$in$keeping$all$of$it.$Value,$or$information$content$is$of$cause$subjective,$however$it$ is$ intrinsically$ a$ function$ of$ how$ surprising$ a$ piece$ of$ data$ in$ relation$ to$ its$ immediate$ environment$(Shannon$1948).$Through$the$process$of$linking$different$sources$of$information$ together$ we$ begin$ to$ create$ Big$ Data,$ and$ this$ new$ form$ of$ information$ will$ provide$ new$ analytical$capabilities$for$both$research$and$industry.$ Developing$a$Big$Data$solution$also$requires$the$consideration$of$how$information$can$be$best$ expressed$ in$ order$ to$ illustrate$ its$ value,$ both$ analytically$ and$ visually.$ For$ our$ industry$ partners,$data$presents$a$challenge$to$traditional$business$processes$and$planning;$typically$a$ company$will$want$to$maximize$some$metric$of$success$when$undertaking$an$action.$In$terms$ of$data$this$is$problematic$since$the$value$of$a$dataset$is$difficult$to$interpret.$$ The$challenge$is$then,$how$can$we$best$develop$a$solution$that$enables$the$linkage$of$different$ forms$of$information,$from$different$sources,$and$use$them$efficiently$to$identify$normal$and$ abnormal$ behaviour$ in$ large$ datasets,$ and$ as$ an$ outcome$ of$ this,$ deliver$ a$ return$ on$ the$ investment$to$industry$and$the$research$community?$$

Axes!of!Integration! !!

Any$ data$ analysis$ we$ wish$ to$ undertake$ depends$ on$ being$ able$ to$ find$ axes$ along$ which$different$datasets$can$be$linked$and$ compared$ together.$ $ As$ an$ example,$ the$ British$ National$ Archives$ store$ thousands$ of$ Web$ pages$ from$ domains$ owned$ by$ the$ UK$ government.$ For$ this$ data$ to$ be$ analysed$ in$ any$ meaningful$ way$ requires$ some$ common$ attributes$ that$ can$ be$ extracted$ and$ then$ used$ as$ a$ vector$ for$ comparison$ with$ other$ datasets.$ As$ these$ kinds$of$datasets$are$longitudinal$in$nature,$ it$ would$ make$ sense$ to$ extract$ and$ use$ timestamps$ (i.e.$ the$ data$ and$ time$ related$ to$a$record$within$a$dataset)$as$a$common$ $

vector$ of$ comparison.$ If$ we$ have$ data$ about$ the$ time$ and$ date$ that$ every$ page$ was$ published$ we$ can$ then$ compare$ and$ triangulate$ the$ content$ of$ these$ pages$ to$ with$many$different$source$of$information,$ including$ news$ articles$ and$ other$ social$ platforms$ (Twitter,$ Facebook,$ etc.)$ to$ identify$ specific$ trends,$ events$ or$ even$ anomalies$ within$ the$ data.$ Using$ a$ timestamp$ is$ only$ one$ example$ of$ a$ common$ attribute$ that$ can$ be$ used$ to$ link$ different$datasets$together;$using$Semantic$ Web$ and$ Linked$ Data$ technologies$ also$ offer$a$way$to$link$and$express$the$data$in$a$ common$format,$rich$for$comparison.$ Understanding$ the$ needs$ of$ our$ Industry$ Partners$ is$ an$ important$ factor$ in$ 7$

developing$ standards$ to$ link$ different$ datasets$ together.$ By$ creating$ a$ platform$ that$ can$ manipulate$ and$ link$ multiple$ sets$ of$data$together$using$different$vectors$is$a$ critical$ step$ in$ providing$ a$ solution$ which$ can$ perform$ complex$ and$ useful$ analysis,$ both$for$Industry$and$Research.$

Large$ datasets$ are$ potentially$ highly$ dimensional$ $ that$ is,$ they$ could$ have$ a$ very$large$amount$of$axes$describing$them.$ This$ is$ problematic$ to$ both$ traditional$ visualisation$ and$ statistical$ approaches$ to$ data$ analysis.$ Typically,$ graphical$ visualisations$ may$ display$ two$ or$ three$ different$ dimensions$ of$ a$ dataset,$ this$ is$ clearly$limiting$when$considering$sets$with$ many$ more$ dimensions.$ Typical$ statistical$ models$ are$ also$ difficult$ to$ apply$ because$ high$ dimensionality$ increases$ the$ probability$ of$ finding$ spurious$ relationships.$ These$ issues$ of$ interpretation$ and$ visualisation$ are$ also$ present$ when$ linking$ different$ datasets$ together$ in$ order$ to$ reveal$ analytical$ insights$ not$ previously$ discovered;$ as$ part$ of$this$process,$we$need$to$offer$the$choice$ of$ different$ visual$ solutions$ in$ order$ to$ extract$ the$ most$ value$ from$ the$ information.$ The$challenge$is$then$how$can$we$develop$a$ collection$ of$ visualisation$ methodologies$ that$ can$ cope$ with$ increased$ dimensionality$ and$ linked$ datasets,$ and$ how$ can$ we$ also$ derive$ statistical$ methodologies$ for$ describing$ highly$ dimensional$ spaces?$ Driven$ by$ the$ discovery$ of$ new$ datasets$ and$ analytical$ requirements,$ the$ development$ of$ a$ visualisation$ toolkit$ offers$ a$ way$ to$ begin$ tackling$these$challenges.$


A$ third$ point$ is$ how$ can$ we$ create$ an$ efficient$ and$ streamlined$ process$ for$ storing,$analysing$or$augmenting$a$dataset?$ Big$ Data,$ as$ the$ name$ suggests,$ typically$ requires$a$solution$that$offers$large$storage$ volumes,$ and$ smart$ archiving$ methods.$ However,$ one$ of$ the$ challenges$ that$ we$ wish$ to$ overcome$ is$ reducing$ these$ overheads$whilst$retaining$the$value$of$the$ data.$$ The$ challenge$ of$ this$ comes$ from$ knowing$ where$ the$ value$ in$ the$ data$ is.$ From$ our$ discussions$with$our$industry$partners,$it$is$ apparent$ that$ they$ are$ unaware$ of$ the$ value$ in$ the$ data$ they$ store,$ and$ thus$ the$ tendency$ has$ been$ archive$ all$ the$ data.$ In$ terms$of$data$completeness,$this$is$the$best$ solution,$ however,$ this$ raises$ overheads,$ and$ potentially$ decrease$ return$ on$ investment.$ In$ order$ to$ streamline$ data$ storage$ requires$ the$ ability$ to$ understand$ the$ potential$ value$ the$ might$ be$ contained$ within$a$dataset.$ Further$ to$ this$ point$ is$ how$ research$ and$ development$ departments$ can$ motivate$ their$ colleagues$ to$ invest$ additional$ 8$

funding$ on$ data$ analysis$ projects.$ The$ challenge$ lies$ in$ providing$ a$ solution$ were$ we$ can$ quickly$ provide$ addedVvalue$ to$ their$ datasets,$ and$ thus$ their$ business$ processes.$$By$demonstrating$the$ability$to$ create$ a$ return$ on$ investment$ from$ Big$ Data$analysis$is$a$critical$step$that$needs$to$ be$achieved.$


We$ are$ currently$ engaged$ in$ collaboration$ with$ the$ National$ Archives$ to$ look$ for$ better$ solutions$ to$ format$ their$ currently$ unstructured$ web$ page$ archives.$ The$ Web$ Observatory$ project$ is$ also$ underway,$ a$ key$theme$of$which$is$collaborating$with$a$ range$ of$ stakeholders$ to$ define$ standards$ of$ data$ reporting.$ As$ more$ partners$ join$ and$ datasets$ become$ available,$ the$ agreement$ of$ basic$ standards$ for$ data$ formatting$ will$ improve,$ and$ so$ will$ the$ processes$ and$ standards$ for$ facilitating$ data$exchange,$analysis$and$augmentation.$$ Research$ into$ analytic$ methods$ is$ also$ underway.$ In$ terms$ of$ visualisation$ tools,$ there$ are$ exciting$ opportunities$ for$ collaboration$ with$ partners$ providing$

feedback$ of$ their$ experiences$ with$ Web$ Observatory$ tools.$ In$ terms$ of$ statistical$ methodologies,$ a$ range$ of$ new$ procedures$ have$ been$ developed$ for$ clustering$ large$ datasets$and$dimension$reduction$that$can$ potentially$ be$ translated$ into$ work$ in$ this$ area.$ Also,$ projects$ working$ with$ industry$ partners$ such$ as$ Switch$ Concepts,$ have$ been$ attempting$ to$ find$ appropriate$ metrics$of$system$performance$that$can$be$ used$as$a$baseline$for$anomaly$detection.$ There$ is$ also$ onVgoing$ research$ into$ the$ theoretical$ understanding$ of$ value$ in$ data$ exchange$ and$ augmentation$ at$ the$ university.$ Work$ in$ this$ area$ is$ currently$ focused$ on$ finding$ common$ units$ of$ currency$ or$ index$ values$ that$ can$ be$ used$ to$describe$and$understand$data$exchange.$ Collaboration$ with$ partners$ on$ this$ front$ could$provide$helpful$insight$into$how$such$ metrics$ can$ be$ practically$ integrated$ into$ success$criteria$for$big$data$projects.$$

Shannon,$C.$(1948).$A$Mathematical$Theory$ of$ Communication.$ The$ Bell$ System$ Technical$Journal,$27,$379423.$


This$report$has$been$shaped$by$issues$highlighted$in$presentations$by$NHS$Direct,$NICE$and$ Simply$Health$during$the$Web$Science$DTC$industry$week$in$December$2012$and$discussions$ in$the$research$sandpit.$The$central$theme$that$emerged$is$a$view$of$the$Web$as$advancing$a$ libertarian$ model$ of$ healthcare$ $ shifting$ from$ the$ traditional$ paternalistic$ approach.$ Paternalism$ is$ embedded$ within$ the$ traditional$ model$ of$ healthcare$ where$ clinicians$ and$ healthcare$ professionals$ were$ credited$ with$ the$ knowledge$ and$ expertise$ to$ determine$ the$ best$choice$for$the$patient,$regardless$of$the$patient's$will.$ This$shift$in$approach$has$been$facilitated$by$the$technical$possibilities$afforded$by$the$Web.$ Patients$ are$ progressively$ informed$ and$ can$ be$ paramount$ in$ the$ decision$ making$ process,$ basing$their$choices$on$knowledge$obtained$from$online$resources.$Anecdotal$views$of$health$ issues$ appear$ to$ dominate$ the$ Web$ and$ support$ this$ process.$ Understanding$ why$ such$ information$is$regarded$as$trustworthy$and$influential$is$just$one$of$many$challenges$posed$to$ Web$ scientists$ who$ are$ concerned$ about$ the$ future$ of$ healthcare$ and$ the$ Web.$ This$ report$ further$details$other$emergent$areas$and$the$contribution$that$could$be$made$by$Web$science.$


One$of$the$most$observable$features$of$the$ Web$ is$ the$ expansion$ of$ 'choice'.$ For$ example,$ the$ increased$ availability$ of$ health$ information$ and$ medication$ for$ purchase$ from$ varying$ sources$ online$ has$ presented$ choices$ that$ may$ not$ have$ been$ presented$ in$ a$ medical$ consultation.$ This$ can$ potentially$ allow$ for$ a$ subversion$ of$ enduring$ medical$ discourse.$ How$ does$ the$ healthcare$ system$ respond$ to$ a$ dramatic$ increase$in$choice?$Is$there$a$need$for$such$ regulatory$ frameworks$ to$ address$ this$ explosion$ of$ online$ healthVrelated$ content$ that$results$in$an$expansion$of$choice?$ $ Paternalistic$ governance$ of$ traditional$ medicine$ is$ challenged$ by$ the$ idea$ of$ libertarianism$ with$ the$ notion$ of$ the$ expert$patient.$These$individuals$have$the$ freedom$ to$ navigate$ both$ complementary$ and$contested$spaces$on$the$Web.$This$may$ enhance$knowledge$and$information$that$is$ provided$ by$ a$ practitioner,$ or$ provide$ a$ basis$ for$ the$ individual$ to$ explore$ the$ potential$ for$ alternative$ health$ options.$ Therefore,$ does$ the$ Web$ $

undermine$ a$ paternalistic$ healthcare$ model?$ Would$ the$ expert$ patient$ be$ an$ asset$ to$ the$ health$ service?$ Alternatively,$ are$ patients$ who$ are$ informed$ by$ Web$ sources$likely$to$begin$disregarding$advice$ from$ 'traditional'$ voices$ of$ medical$ authority?$

Many$ Web$ platforms$ (e.g.$ social$ media$ sites)$have$become$new$venues$for$support.$ Patients$ can$ anonymously$ benefit$ from$ freely$ sharing$ and$ learning$ from$ other's$


healthVrelated$ experiences$ and$ knowledge$ about$illness,$without$any$of$the$associated$ embarrassment$ possible$ when$ seeking$ help$ offline.$ It$ is$ important$ to$ further$ explore$ how$ Web$ features$ influence$ interaction$ within$ online$ support$ groups.$ What$new$support$structures$does$the$Web$ facilitate?$Can$traditional$expertise$become$ embedded$ in$ emergent$ peer$ support$ networks?$ $ It$ has$ been$ argued$ that$ anecdotes$ from$ similar$ patients$ hold$ significant$ power$ as$ these$ are$ strongly$ considered$ by$ individuals$ when$ making$ health$ decisions.$ This$ 'expertise$ through$ experience'$ raises$ important$ questions$ about$ the$ Web's$ impact$on$health$information.$Furthermore,$ it$ questions$ the$ extent$ to$ which$ medical$ expertise$ is$ becoming$ embedded$ in$ these$ peer$ support$ networks,$ as$ opposed$ to$ being$ supplanted$ by$ anecdotal$ evidence$ that$may$go$against$the$medically$accepted$ advice.$

The Web provides many platforms for the dissemination$ of$ health$ information$ in$ several$formats$and$from$countless$sources.$ Though$ this$ opportunity$ promises$ to$ satisfy$ the$ informational$ needs$ of$ citizens$ for$ healthcare,$ it$ also$ presents$ challenges$ when$ attempting$ to$ unlock$ its$ potential.$ Citizens$ must$ overcome$ several barriers including finding the requisite information from the Web's enormous collection, evaluating its quality and also deciphering the technical language sometimes used. What skills do individuals need to navigate this Web environment? How can these skills be delivered or developed?

eVMonitoring$ devices$ are$ giving$ patients$ more$ control$ over$ how$ they$ manage$ their$ conditions$ without$ having$ to$ regularly$ attend$ a$ medical$ facility$ for$ testing$ or$ remain$ there$ for$ close$ monitoring.$ Understanding$ how$ the$ Web$ supports$ or$ disrupts$ the$ facilitation$ of$ healthcare$ delivery$is$important.$For$example,$though$ more$ convenient$ and$ efficient,$ patient$ satisfaction$ with$ these$ tools$ and$ the$ social$ implications$ of$ using$ them$ may$ not$ be$ positive.$ These$ tools$ may$ reduce$ the$ amount$ of$ physical$ contact$ between$ patients$ and$ practitioners,$ as$ there$ is$ no$ need$ to$ see$ the$ patient$ unless$ the$ eV Monitoring$device$reveals$negative$results.$ Not$all$patients$might$be$satisfied$with$this$ arrangement.$ Given$ the$ potential$ for$ these$ types$ of$ technologies,$ it$ is$ imperative$ to$ consider$whether$delivery$of$these$services$ will$support$or$disrupt$health$services.$

The paternalistic healthcare view, where patients$ are$ passive$ and$ doctors$ diagnose$ and$ treat$ them,$ is$ based$ upon$ the$ understanding$ that$ doctors$ have$ the$ expertise$ and$ patients$ do$ not.$ The$ increased$ availability$ to$ this$ specialist$ knowledge$ via$ the$ Web$ is$ challenging$ the$ authority$in$the$doctorVpatient$relationship.$ This$increases$the$power$that$patients$have,$ such$ as$ the$ power$ to$ retrieve$ a$ second$ opinion,$ obtain$ a$ referral$ to$ a$ specialist$ or$ negotiate$ treatment.$ However,$ the$ doctor$ still$functions$as$a$gatekeeper$to$treatment.$ Do$ these$ changes$ impact$ the$ relationship between doctor and patient? How does the fact that the Web provides this information empower patients?


The$ ideological$ shift$ to$ an$ individualised$ approach$ to$ healthcare$ is$ not$ a$ new$ phenomenon$ and$ has$ been$ prevalent$ in$ neoVliberal$ politics$ for$ decades.$ The$ Web$ provides$ a$ major$ step$ towards$ individuals$ 11$

taking$ more$ responsibility$ for$ their$ healthcare$ (e.g.$ reflexively$ navigating$ various$ spaces$ to$ consider$ health$ pathways).$However,$there$arise$questions$ of$responsibility.$If$there$is$a$shift$towards$ individualisation$ of$ health,$ is$ it$ still$ the$ responsibility$of$health$professionals$if$the$ patient$encounters$a$problem?$Where$does$ the$ liability$ lie?$ Does$ a$ system$ of$ distribution$ need$ to$ be$ developed$ regarding$responsibility?$If$there$is$a$move$ to$this$model,$how$do$we$support$people$to$ take$ responsibility$ for$ their$ own$ healthcare?$

science$can$develop$effective$ways$to$study$ and$ deliver$ actionable$ insight$ into$ complicated$issues$related$to$health$on$the$ Web.$ Perhaps$ observing$ and$ obtaining$ the$ perspective$ of$ the$ patient$ (usually$ underrepresented$ in$ healthcare$ research)$ via$ joint$ projects$ with$ the$ Web$ Observatory.$ In$ addition,$ as$ information$ is$ being$ readily$ sought$ without$ professional$ input,$ new$ methodological$ approaches$ must$ be$ considered$ in$ trying$ to$ determine$ the$ availability$ of$ credible$ information$ online.$$ $

Given$ its$ focus$ on$ interdisciplinarity,$ Web$ science$is$dedicated$to$delivering$impactful$ research$ resulting$ in$ a$ significant$ contribution$ being$ made$ to$ the$ future$ of$ health.$ Perhaps$ we$ find$ that$ patients$ obtaining$ misinformation$ online$ or$ selfV medicating$ and$ being$ at$ risk$ is$ less$ of$ a$ problem$ than$ the$ authorities$ envisage.$ There$is$a$pressing$need$to$identify$what$is$ and$ is$ not$ working,$ and$ to$ proceed$ with$ finding$ways$to$develop$a$more$proVhuman$ Web$ that$ supports$ the$ former$ and$ effectively$ addresses$ the$ latter.$ Similar$ to$ what$ it$ has$ done$ and$ continues$ to$ do$ in$ other$ industries$ (e.g.$ cyber$ security),$ Web$ $ $

Lisa$Sugiura$ Mark$Weal$$ Susan$Halford$ Renaldo$Bernhard$$ Becki$Nash$ Craig$Allison$ Richard$Gomer$ Gemma$Fitzimmons$ Huw$Davies$ Laura$German$ Katie$Spires$ Will$Lawrence$ $


With$the$latest$statistics$showing$little$indications$of$a$decline$in$cybercrime,$the$study$of$this$ phenomenon$is$both$critical$and$timely.$Hence,$a$research$sandpit$was$recently$held$between$ scholars$from$the$University$of$Southampton$and$representatives$from$the$security$industry$ with$the$aim$of$aligning$research$interests$with$industry$needs.$

Cybercrime!and!the!Underground! Economy!

Jurisdictional$constraints$ Law$ enforcement$ systems,$ in$ particular$ within$ the$ UK,$ have$ traditionally$ been$ reactive$ and$ centralised.$ With$ the$ growth$ of$criminal$activity$online$it$is$increasingly$ evident$ that$ the$ traditional$ model$ of$ policing$ does$ not$ always$ translate$ well$ to$ the$cyber$domain.$$ One$ of$ the$ predominant$ challenges$ to$ the$ traditional$ policing$ model$ relates$ to$ the$ issue$ of$ jurisdiction.$ Online$ crime$ with$ a$ crossVborder$ element$ generates$ problems$ for$ both$ police$ investigation$ and$ prosecution.$ Law$ enforcement$ agencies$ have$jurisdiction$only$over$crimes$that$take$ place$in$the$geographic$location$where$they$

Defined$by$the$Home$Office$[2],$cybercrime$ refers$ to$ crimes$ that$ involve$ the$ use$ of$ technologies.$ Recent$ studies$ indicate$ that$ cybercriminals$ engage$ in$ competitive$ trading$ with$ one$ another$ on$ underground$ forums$(a.k.a.$ carding!forums)$and$Internet$ Relay$ Chat$ (IRC)$ channels.$ In$ essence,$ a$ global$ digital$ underground$ economy$ (see$ below)$ has$ emerged$ with$ a$ continued$ influx$ of$ skilled$ individuals$ from$ around$ the$ world$ looking$ to$ make$ a$ profit$ by$ satisfying$the$demand$in$this$economy$[4].$ The$ following$ section$ presents$ two$ significant$ challenges$ to$ the$ disruption$ of$ this$underground$economy.$


have$ authority.$ Yet,$ the$ criminal$ may$ not$ be$ in$ the$ same$ country$ as$ the$ victim$ and$ evidence$ of$ wrongVdoing$ may$ be$ widely$ distributed$in$multiple$countries.$$$ Indeed,$one$might$question$what$exactly$is$ meant$ when$ referring$ to$ the$ concept$ of$ jurisdiction$ in$ cyberspace.$ Brenner$ and$ Koops$[1]$ask:$$ [I]s$it$the$place$of$the$act,$the$country$ of$ residence$ of$ the$ perpetrator,$ the$ location$of$the$effect,$or$the$nationality$ of$ the$ owner$ of$ the$ computer$ that$ is$ under$attack?$Or$all$of$these$at$once?$ These$ facts$ are$ potential$ hurdles$ to$ following$ the$ digital$ trails.$ The$ growing$ reliance$ on$ cloud$ computing$ adds$ further$ complexity.$ For$ example,$ the$ physical$ infrastructure$ of$ multiVterritorial$ data$ processing$ centres$ moves$ data$ at$ high$ speeds.$ In$ effect,$ crossVborder$ transfers$ of$ data$become$instantaneous$and$ubiquitous,$ which$cannot$easily$be$traced.$ $ Such$ problems$ open$ the$ door$ to$ jurisdictional$ conflicts$ in$ terms$ of$ determining$which$state$has$precedence$to$ prosecute$as$having$the$closest$connection$ with$ a$ crime,$ an$ issue$ of$ some$ importance$ when$ one$ considers$ that$ laws$ differ$ from$ country$ to$ country$ (or,$ perversely,$ to$ the$ situation$ that$ no$ state$ claims$ jurisdiction$ over$ a$ cybercrime).$ It$ also$ highlights$ the$ importance$ of$ law$ enforcement$ cooperation$required$between$states.$$ The$ foregoing$ issues$ highlight$ the$ added$ expense,$ time$ and$ sometimes$ futility$ in$ attempting$ to$ enforce$ the$ law$ against$ cybercrime.$ While$ there$ have$ been$ attempts$ at$ harmonising$ laws$ and$ process$ transVborder,$ most$ notably$ in$ the$ Council$ of$ Europe$ Convention$ on$ Cybercrime$ and$ other$ attempts$ to$ form$ interVjurisdictional$ taskforces,$some$jurisdictions$may$deny$or$ ignore$ extradition$ requests.$ $ Queries$ $

therefore$ hang$ over$ the$ ability$ of$ the$ traditional$law$enforcement$system$to$keep$ up$ with$ the$ speed,$ scale$ and$ reach$ of$ the$ online$domain$[3].$$

Ironically,$ the$ same$ networking$ technologies$which$empower$the$criminals$ also$ empower$ the$ police$ with$ unprecedented$ opportunities$ for$ surveillance.$ The$ increasing$ amount$ of$ digital$trails$being$left$behind$by$citizens$is$ enabling$ policing$ to$ transcend$ time,$ place$ and$ space$ [6].$ In$ essence,$ the$ Internet$ could$ become$ one$ of$ the$ most$ effective$ tools$ for$ monitoring$ ever$ created.$ However,$ as$ Wall$ notes,$ the$ downside$ of$ using$ technological$ solutions$ to$ achieve$ crime$ prevention$ goals$ is$ that$ an$ acceptable$ balance$ has$ to$ be$ reached$ between$ security$ and$ privacy.$ Is! such! a! balance!achievable?!! To$ address$ this,$ it$ is$ useful$ to$ realise$ that$ surveillance$ is$ not$ just$ used$ for$ policing.$ Employers,$ parents,$ commercial$ companies$ and$ governments$ all$ use$ surveillance$ techniques$ to$ monitor$ the$behaviour$of$those$they$wish$to$control.$ In$ addition,$ since$ the$ boom$ of$ Web$ 2.0,$ citizens$ have$ been$ surrendering$ their$ privacy$to$online$social$networking$sites$in$ exchange$ for$ a$ free$ service.$ Therefore,$ it$ appears$ that$ citizens$ are$ willing$ to$ trade$ privacy$ if$ incentives$ are$ deemed$ appropriate$ and$ thus$ a$ balance$ between$ security$ and$ privacy$ is$ indeed$ achievable.$ The$question$then$is,$how?!


An$ important$ aspect$ to$ this$ subject$ refers$ to$ peoples$ actual$ perceptions$ of$ surveillance$ mechanisms$ used$ for$ security$ purposes.$ Several$ studies$ have$ focused$ on$ how$ people$ view$ the$ tradeVoff$ between$ security$ and$ privacy$ and$ found$ that$ the$ fundamental$ factors$ to$ striking$ a$ balance$ between$ security$ and$ privacy$ include$ transparency,$ accountability$ and$ trust.$ In$ the$ U.K.,$$ is$ one$ such$ initiative$ [5].$ ers/Kozlovski.pdf.$ [4] Moore,$T.,$Clayton,$R.,$and$Anderson,$R.$ The$ Economics$ of$ Online$ Crime.$ Journal! of! Economic! Perspectives! 23,$ 3$ (2009),$320.$ [5] OHara,$ K.$ Transparency,$ Open$ Data$ and$ Trust$ in$ Government:$ Shaping$ the$ Infosphere.$ ACM! Web! Science! 2012,$ (2012),$10.$ [6] Wall,$ D.S.$ Policing$ Cybercrimes:$ Situating$the$Public$Police$in$Networks$ of$ Security$ within$ Cyberspace.$ Police! Practice!and!Research!8,$2$(2007),$183 205.$

The$ fight$ against$ cybercrime$ has$ drawn$ attention$ to$ the$ need$ for$ new$ policing$ models.$ However,$ emerging$ trends$ to$ complement$ or$ replace$ the$ traditional$ policing$model$run$the$danger$of$rendering$ individuals$ increasingly$ invisible.$ These$ unbalance$ the$ framework$ of$ investigatory$ powers$and$respect$for$individuals$rights.$$ Debates$ around$ the$ struggle$ to$ carry$ out$ effective$ policing$ in$ the$ cyber$ age$ should$ include,$ therefore,$ not$ just$ international$ cooperation$ and$ assistance,$ but$ also$ engage$ the$ perspective$ of$ citizen$ protection,$ including$ the$ right$ to$ private$ and$ family$ life,$ together$ with$ data$ protection$and$accountability.$ $

Michael$ Yip,$ Aristea$ Maria$ Zafeiropoulou,$ Alison$ Knight,$ Huw$ Fryer,$ Jaymie$ Caplen,$ Phil$ Waddell,$ Dominic$ Hobson,$ Russell$ Newman,$Kieran$Rones,$Abigail$Whitmarsh,$ Elsabi$Rimington,$Vallia$Calda$ $


[1] Brenner,$ B.S.W.,$ Koops,$ B.,$ and$ Tech,$ J.H.$ Approaches$ to$ Cybercrime$ Jurisdiction.$ Journal!of!High!Technology! Law!IV,$1$(2004),$146.$ [2] Home$ Office.$ Cyber! Crime! Strategy.$ Surrey,$ 2010.Kozlovski,$ N.,$ 2005.$ A$ Paradigm$ Shift$ in$ Online$ Policing$ $ Designing$ Accountable$ Policing.$ Yale$ University.$ [3] Kozlovski,$ N.$ A$ Paradigm$ Shift$ in$ Online$ Policing$ $ Designing$ Accountable$ Policing.$ 2005.$ $ 15$

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