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Child: Sameena Date: 22nd March 2013 Written by: Teacher Maysoon (Manager) Three weeks ago I was

watering the garden with the children and we were exploring the harvest. The children noticed that many of our tomatoes were turning red and ready to be used. I asked the children what do they think we can use our tomatoes for? Hothaifah answered quickly Pizza! Tomatoes will be great on Pizza, I replied. What is this? Uzma asked pointing to the parsley, can we eat it? I explained that it is a herb, it is very healthy and we can use it on salads as well as using it to make pasta sauce. I like pasta Ahmad responded. Shall we make pasta and pasta sauce, using our own plants from the vegetable garden? I asked. They all got excited, so I promised we will do that together soon. Today I found the right opportunity to fulfill my promise especially that the children kept reminding me. I brought the pasta making machine and the food processor.

Abdiqaliq explained my mum has one like this pointing at the pasta machine, Hothaifa said my mum too! We wrote the ingredients on the board, counted the eggs after talking about where they come from and Ain as well as Nadira wrote number three on the board (it was the school readiness lesson the day before). We worked out the pasta dough in a food processor talking about electricity and safety rules then switched to the pasta machine for flattening and shredding the dough. The whole process was very fascinating for the children. They took turns working the pasta machine with great excitement. Ahmad explained proudly that he knows how to turn the handle and how the pasta comes out then how it will be shredded. He commented that he did that one time at teacher Maysoons place when his family visited. Aziza wanted to have more turns and showed lots of enthusiasm and excitement about the whole process. Sameena was conscious about dirtying her hands or clothes but was keen to participate and responded well to encouragement.

We talked about sticky dough and why we need to keep adding flour as an answer to Uzmas enquiry. Once the pasta was ready we started preparing for the sauce by asking what ingredients we can use. We sent Leena and Adham to bring red ripe tomatoes from the garden followed by Hothaifa and Ain to bring parsley, they all were very proud of their harvest. The children took turns chopping tomatoes, parsley, mushrooms, onions, garlic and shredding some cheese. We discussed how healthy all of these ingredients are and how blessed we are by Allahs bounties. We cooked our sauce and the pasta dough, the children participating by stirring and watching the boiling process. Zahra said yummy when smelling the sauce. The children then took turns to serve the meal in a nice platter with a lovely presentation sprinkling shredded cheese on top. After saying the eating doa, they all loved the taste of their fresh pasta and offered the staff a taste and thanked Allah.

Uzma commented at the end that this was a BIG project teacher Maysoon but I am not tired and she loved it. Aziza told her mum when she came to pick her up in the afternoon that we made play dough and we ate it. Great link Aziza! so I explained to Aziza that what we made was real edible dough this time not play dough but she is right both are very much the same.

Teachers voice Well done Sameena, I enjoyed eating some of your pasta you made today it was delicious! During this large project you undertook today, you built on your sense of mana whenua or belonging and wellbeing by trusting, being curious and having curiosity which you demonstrated through taking an interest and being involved. While you continue to settle in, we will offer you a predictable environment with plenty of opportunities to express yourself creatively and participate in group experience to encourage you strengthening relationships with your peers. Teacher Natasha (Head Teacher)

Parents voice Please feel free to attach additional pages for any information you wish to share with us. We would love to hear your goals for Sameenas learning! Have you noticed Sameena showing an interest in cooking or gardening at home?

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