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Alphabet Meanings'nai-Amen/ABCD.htm

Rune, Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit & Tibetan Alphabet Meaning

RUNES & EDENIC GARDENS ANGLO-SAXON RUNES 0 ING (Earth God) Gestation/container. 1 AC (Oak) Tree of Life, strength, power. 2 IOR (Sea-Serpent) Ritual interment. 3 EOH (Yew Tree)Defense, resurrection, tree of Good and Evil. 4 YR (Gold/bow) Primal entities, duty, responsibility, jewelry. 5 FEOH (Cattle) Dynamic power, wealth. 6 CALC (Chalk/cup) Ritual cup, well being. 7 GER (Year) Life cycle, harvest, orbit. 8 WYNN (Joy) Harmony of like forces. 9 OS (Mouth of Deity) Sovereign ancestral force. 10 EAR (Ocean/Earth /Grave) Cosmic containment, destruction by water. A AESC (Ash Tree) Primal human material, devotion. M MONN (Man) Human order and relationships. S SIGEL (Sun) Crystalized light. B BEORC (Birch/poplar tree) Container/releaser, birth. G GYFU (Gift) Exchanged forces. D DAEG (Day) Day, increase. K KEN (Torch) Controlled energy. P PEORDH (Dice box) Evolutionary forces, disclosure. R RAD (Ride) Merkabah chariot, vehicle, to travel. T TIR (Sign/glory) Heavenly Order, competition, war. E EH (Horse) Twin forces/ trust. U UR (Wild Ox) Vital formative essence. Z GAR (Spear) Spear of Woden. H HAEGL (Hail) Seed form, primal union, limits. q THORN (Thorn) Breaker of resistance. Y IS (Ice) Contraction, fixation, ego. L LAGU (Sea) Organic life force. N NYD (Need/distress) Friction, liberation. X STAN (Stone) Seer stone. O OTHEL (Ancestral Property) Inherited spiritual libido. C EOLHX (Elks) Guardian angels, friendship. Q QWEORDH (Fire-twirl) Holy Altar fire, sacrifice.
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Alphabet Meanings'nai-Amen/ABCD.htm

ARABIC ALPHABET & DEITY NAMES 28 LETTERS A Allah, the pen, upright body, staff, penis, nose line, slender stature of the beloved, strait line essence of all letters, vital upright letter (all others curved by defect), Satan (for it bows before only Allah), opener of the heart, posture of Quama (standing upright). 1 ALLH (One God, 66) M Reign, ocean waters, 40 graduations of universal wisdom, name Mohammed placed on the heart, mouth, created universe, posture of Sajdah (kneeling in prone position). 40 MLK (King, 90) S The Sun rising on eastern mountains. 300 SFYO (He who accepts, 460) B First letter of the Quran, humility, prostating before Allah, the nose, intellect. 2 BAQY (He who remains, 113) G (J) Curls of hair, the soul. 3 JAMO (He who assembles, 114) D Tresses of hair, nature, posture of Ruku (bowing down) 4 DYAN (Judge, 65) K The hand holding back, cloth garment, structure of the universe. 20 KAFY (Suffienct, 111) P (F) The heart, to split or break the head. 80 PTAH (He who opens, 489) R Ascetic, discipline, unity and return of all into the One. 200 RB (Lord, 202) T Complete submission to a Master, education, learning. 400 TWB (Returner to righteousness, 408) E (H) Buildings, structures, last letter of Allah, creator above His creation. 5 HADY (Guide, 20) U (W) The joiner, that which unites Allah and creation, lip stimulating vowel, intellect above its contemplations. 6 WLY (Master, 46) Z Increase, soul connected to the universe. 7 ZKY (Purifier, 37) H Teacher, nature above its inhabitants. 8 HQ (Truth, 108) q Secret initiatory Path, mountain, purities, essences, material world. 9 TAHR (Holy, 215) Y Faithful, fraternal help, offering hand, plan of Allah, third eye opening vowel. 10 YSYN (Chief, 130) L Middle, mediator (L of Gabriel), lover turned into its own beloved (double l in Allah), Allah's pure knowledge of Himself and His own understanding of the illusion of Allah as a divided self (L's of Allah), kneeling in prayer, double edged sword, divine commandments. 30 LTYF (Benevolent, 129) N Victory, the body with hands, head and feet cut off, headless and tailess fish, twofold nature of being. 50 NWR (Light, 256) X (S) Last letter of the Quran (with first B letter yeilds BS - "enough, sufficient"), relationship between universe and its structure. 60 SMYO (Hearer, 180) O Eye, source, essence, forgiveness, interlinking chain or commandments which govern the universe. 70 OLY (Lofty, 110) C Sufi, pure, strait narrow path, connection between Allah's commandments, universal and created matter pattern. 90 CMD (Eternal, 134) Q Mount Qaf (mythical world surrounding mountain), station at the edge of the created world, universal ordering in accordance with Allah's plan. 100 QADR (Powerful, 305)

ADDITIONAL LETTERS Th - 500 ThABT (Stable, 903) Kh Selfishness. 600 KhALQ (Creator, 731) Dh Humility, abasement. 700 DhAKR (He who remembers, 921) D. Arabic people and language. 800 D.AR (Punisher, 1001)
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Alphabet Meanings'nai-Amen/ABCD.htm

Tz Unjust 900 TzAHR (Apparent, 1106) Gh Dimple. 1000 GhFWR (Indulgent, 1286)

PERSIAN ALPHABET 32 LETTERS A Taurus, Sunday, unmarried man. 1 M Sunday, first Arabic month Muharram, logic, penis, wine, well, rose-water, goblet. 40 S North, dishonor, a man addicted to venery. 300 B Gemini, Monday, seventh lunar month Rajab. 2 G (J) Cancer, Tuesday, sixth lunar month Jamada, camel, silk robe with gold embroidery. 3 D Wednesday, Leo, Mercury, basket, eagle. 4 K Pisces, little, creative word or power, all, whole, total, universal. 20 P (F) Moon in her ascent, froth, sea foam, beloved object. 80 R The Moon, month Rabiu-Lakhir, guardian. 200 T A fold, plait, single paper sheet, single stringed lute. 400 E (H) Thursday, Virgo, Venus, take, give, grant. 5 U (W) Friday, Libra, O, ah, alas, woe, color of water, large cloud, camel station, Faith in Allah and Mohammad. 6 Z Saturday, Scorpio, to beget, glutton. 7 H Sagittarius, a good man. 8 q Capricorn, Moon's descent, man who frequents women's society or given to frequent intercourse. 9 Y Jupiter, Aquarius, thou, bowstring notch. 10 L Aries, night, Saturn, opposite astrology aspect, ringlet of hair, to or for Allah's sake, ragged dervish garment, crooked, bent, curved, feathered arrow. 30 N Conjunction of stars, ink, sharpest part of a sword, fish, vulva, bow, eyebrow. 50 X (S) Sun, ringlet, lock, the breast. 60 O Flowing water, evil eye damage, eye, sight, vision. 70 C Second Arabic month Safar, to mark as true, genuine, copper, brass. 90 Q Mount Qaf (mythical world surrounding mountain), mount Caucasus, the Quran, from one end of the world to the other. Th (S.h) Garments, three fold, fixed stars. 500 Kh Tuesday, the shoulder. 600 Dh To move lightly, swiftly, last Arabic month Zul-Hijjat. 700 D. Vuvlva, setting upon, filling a bottle. 800 Tz The evident, the breasts of an old woman. 900 Gh Nightingale (bird of 1000 songs), square astrology aspect, cloud covering the skies, thirst. 1000

ADDITIONAL LETTERS (OVER AND ABOVE ARABIC) Pe Step, ladder, foot, three grades, by degrees. Chim Wheel, orbit, circle, fourfold. Zhe Ditch, cistern, resevoir, quicksilver. Ghaf Crack, fissure, exceeding all bounds, boasting.

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50 SANSKRIT LETTERS 34 CONSONANTS K Knot, spinal joint, head, mind, word, sound, king, soul, Brahman, fire, wind, cloud, air, Sun, Garuda (Bird King), peacock, happiness, joy, pleasure. 1 (Pali #0) Kh Dot (Cipher), hole, cavity, hollow, tree hole, wound, body penings, sky jewels of sun and moon and stars, planet, meteor, arrow, eastern mountain on which the sun rises, bird's nest, flight of falcon, hawk and Garuda, Divine Woman, Moon, smoke, darkness, snow, dew. 2 (Pali #16) G Buddha nature, going, moving, being, a song, hymn, sexual intercourse 3 (Pali #32) Gh Bell, striking, destroying, just, indeed, certainly. 4 (Pali #48) From the sea, wave of the ocean, fishhook. 5 (Pali #64) C Moon, tortoise, join words togethr, copulation, joining, linking, to move, wave, shake, cane, straw, basket, large black bee. 6 (Pali #80) Ch A part, fragment, 3 coiled Kundalini. 7 (Pali #96) J Birth, living, born from, produced or caused, being, luster, battle, conqueror, an imp, poison, sickle or hook. 8 (Pali #112) Jh Flash, sparkle, suddenly, wind and rain, beating, jingling, rattling, shaking, roaring of the wind, hurricane, gale, drum, cymbal, metal ornaments, Kali-Yuga age. 9 (Pali 128) Tree branches, knowledge, wisdom, teaching, cosmic consciousness. 10 (Pali #144) T. Sword, bow, hatchet, chisel, axe, spade, hoe, tie, bind, bird. 11 (Pali #160) T.h Metalic sound, idol, deity, divinity. 12 (Pali #176) D. Mixture, blend, riot, uproar, tumult, bombast, confusion.. 13 (Pali #192) D.h A double, drum, warrior with shield, goose. 14 (Pali #208) N. Lake, pool, many rivers converging, thread. 15 (Pali #224) T String, bow string, musical instrument string, sinew, tail, loom, spell, incantation, talisman, charm, medicine, remedy, drug. 16 (Pali #240) Th Mountain, reverence, auspiciousness, devotion, awe, terror, protection, preservation, musical instrument sounds. 17 (Pali #256) D Wife, heat, fire, passion, granting, producing, bestowing, imparting, gift, offering, present, divine, heavens, omen, sign, divination.. 18 (Pali #272) Dh Scale, bow, placing, holding, virtue, merit, Brahman, to seize, hold, grasp, assume, exhibit, suffer, undergo, perform, do, receive into oneself, admit, cover, hide, deceive, obscur, hinder, obstruct, view, aim at, believe, have faith in, concentrate, put into focus, inner self, real self. 19 (Pali #288) N Star, night, Moon, pearl, lotus plant, mother, menstrual cycle, space, empty, vacant, naked, no not, negative. 20 (Pali #304) P Tree of Life leaf, an egg, air, wind, guardian, ruler, protector, Sun and Moon, the face. 21 (Pali #320) Ph Serpent coiled in a tree, serpent hood, to swell, undulate, expand, bloom, fruit of a tree. 22 (Pali #336) B Deity, Brahman Godhead, teacher, power, might, seed, grain, alphabet letter, intelligence, Mercury. 23 (Pali #352) Bh Venus, morning star, zodiac, number 27, revolution of the planets.. 24 (Pali #368) M Magickal formula, word of power, vibration of the seed sylable in the mouth of Deity that created the universe, OM, the Moon, water, third eye, time, cosmos, poison, drug, happiness.. 25 (Pali #384) Y One who goes or moves, goer, mover, animating principle, true self as rider of the chariot, day, sky, wind, air, union, heart, fame. 26 (Pali #400) R Fire, heat, sexual intercourse, love, desire, rapidity, speed, color red. 27 (Pali #416)

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L Sea waves, rocking, moving, shaking, vibrating, adherance, clasp, hold tight, love, pleasure, joy, bliss, to melt, dissolve, lie with, rest, love play, Goddess Venus as Lakshmi. 28 (Pali #432) V Circle, oval, universe rim, circular sky, air, wind, ocean, arm, residence, dwelling, the world. 29 (Pali #448) S` Shiva, sword, war weapon, destroyer.. 30 (Pali #464) Sh Sixfold, hexagon bee cell, best, excellent, final emancipation. 31 (Pali #480) S Snake, seven, seven chakras, Big Dipper stars, seven Rishis watching over the world. 32 (Pali #496) H Sound which ends creation, the last, exhalation of breath, verily, indeed, certainly, blood or water as mark of Shiva. 33 (Pali #512) Ks. Spiral, coiling, ether, space. 34 (Pali #528)

16 VOWLES A AUM, primal three sounds of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. Negative particle, absence, negation, beyond comprehension, going inward, within, in, life breath, sound which causes vocalization. 1st Kala (mask). 0 (Pali #1) Interjection, yes, compassion, pain, regret, nearness, near to, towards, reverse of action, Goddess Lakshmi, 2nd Kala (hider). 34 (Pali #2) I Kamadeva (Cupid) desire, anger, compassion, wonder, awe, to go beyond, reach, undertake, learn, study, approach, 3rd Kala (cool). 68 (Pali #3) Kamadeva (Cupid), dejection, pain, sorrow, perception, consciousness, pervade, shine, 4th Kala (controller). 102 (Pali #4) U Second three sounds composing AUM, command, acceptance, interrogation. 5th Kala (seductress). 136 (Pali #5) Moon, calling, compassion, protection, of Shiva. 6th Kala (clear). 170 (Pali #6) Ri Obtain, acquire, reach, raise towards, meet with, calling, invoking, 7th Kala (wet). 204 (Pali #7) R Ward off, exorcising, fear, demon. 8th Kala (mixed) 238 (Pali #8) Li Clasp, cling to, stick, adhere, hold. 9th Kala (yoni). 272 (Pali #9) L Rock, sway, tremble, vibrate. 10th Kala (lustful). 306 (Pali #10) E Of Brahma, creating. 11th Kala (agitator). 340 (Pali #11) Ai Of Shiva, destroying. 12th Kala (giver). 374 (Pali #12) O Of Vishnu, preserving. 13th Kala (bright). 408 (Pali #13) Au Address, naming, calling, invoking. 14th Kala (lover). 442 (Pali #14) Ah End, last, dissolution. 15 Kala (flame). 476 (Pali #15) Am First, beginning, creation. 16th Kala (elixer) 510 (Pali #16)

TIBETAN ALPHABET 30 LETTERS K Root, beginning, power. 1 Kh Face, mouth, front side. 2 G Essence of Buddha, the hidden. 3 I, constantly changing matter, dissolution. 4 C Noise, cry, clamour, sound. 5 Ch Intelligence, word. 6

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J Tea, herb. 7 Wisdom, knowledge, full moon, vagina. 8 T Door of admission to all things. 9 Th Everything, all, total. 10 D Now, the present moment. 11 N Faith, perseverance. 12 P Pureness, unity of all. 13 Ph Beyond, father, bull, penis. 14 B Prima materia, cow. 15 M Attachment, below, mother, womb. 16 Ts Contemplation, meditation. 17 Tsh Salt, protection. 18 Ds Eternal Mother, beginning of that which is as yet unborn. 19 W Occult science, subtlety. 20 Sh Head covering, celestial river Ganga. 21 Z Food and other life needs. 22 H Humming of ears during meditation. 23 Y Above, up, macrocosm, pair. 24 R Alone, atomic, individual, freedom. 25 L Mountain pass, summit, ascent of a mountain, candle. 26 Perfect peace, avoidance of misery. 27 S Earth, soil, land, purity of intention, holy vows. 28 H Breath, to breathe, delight, ecstasy. 29 Ah Sound which all speaking depends, Primal Deity, seed sylable of lowest Tibetan chakra, root entrance or secret place. 30

5 VOWELS (A) Earth, Prithivi Tattva. The five organs of action. (Square) Auspicious will stay, roots, of the earth. Plenty, prosperity, abundance, enjoyment. 0 (I) Water, Apas Tattva. The five organs of perception. (Cresent) Benefit, birth, life and death. Plenty of rain, no wants, comfort. 30 (U) Fire, Agni or Tejas Tattva. The five elements. (Triangle) Metals, minerals, gains and losses. Drought, subversion, epidemics. 60 (E) Air, Vayu Tattva. The five senses. (Circle) Travel, elsewhere. Confusion, accidents, famine. 90 (O) Ether, Akasa Tattva. Five states of consciousness. (Oval or Egg) Death, void. Want of food and comfort. 120
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