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Working together to rebuild our city!

Child: Wajiha Date: 1st March 2013 Written by: Teacher Maysoon (manager)

This afternoon Hothaifa, Leena, Najma, Wajiha, Ain, Faiza and Ahmad were in the sand pit busy shovelling the sand and filling buckets. I sat down and started interacting with them by inquiring what they were up to. They all replied we are building. I specifically asked, What are you building? Ahmad said a house, Leena said a castle, and Hothaifa said a big building. I responded: "I can see how you are all working together as a big team helping each other that is great". Faiza said "I am helping", well done Faiza! "Allah loves people who help one another", I commented. I looked at the different moulds they had a round and asked who can help me build a city?" They all were excited and we started digging and filling the molds and buckets. Hothaifa took the lead and started giving instructions recalling our earlier discussion two days ago about wet and dry sand. He was explaining why they should dig deeper and only fill the molds with wet sand not dry sand, masha' Allah good recalling memory and understanding of scientific concepts. They all worked hard and learnt to be tolerant to the younger ones who will destroy some of the units done before the other is put into place. Hothaifa noticed that we need to speed up the building process so he suggested using the big digger but needed to bring it closer to the work site. He tried to lift it or pull it to bring closer but it was heavy for him so he called Ain asking for support and they both brought it to the site. Hothaifa was excited and said we are rebuilding Christchurch. What a great concept and relation to the wider environment. The children all consulted each other on what to put in the city so they had building molds, airplane, train, car, roundabout, etc. They had a very successful project and showed great deal of team work.

Teachers voice Wow you have been very busy with your friends this afternoon Wajiha! I enjoyed hearing how you worked alongside and with your friends to achieve the big goal of rebuilding

Christchurch as a team. This involved you being curious, playful, trusting and having courage as you took an interest and choose to be involved with the larger project. You demonstrated your ability to work well in a team; compromising, taking turns, sharing, trading, negotiating, responding appropriately to others nonverbal cues, listening with sympathy, and thinking flexibly - Ka pai! We will keep offering you opportunities to further extend and strengthen links between home, school and the wider community, working alongside and with your peers to continue extending your strategies for team work. Teacher Natasha (Head Teacher)

Parents voice Please feel free to attach additional pages for any information you wish to share with us. We would love to hear your goals for Wajihas learning! Have you noticed Wajiha showing an interest in other creative or constructing experiences at home? Does Wajiha talk about the changes occurring in her wider community during this time of transition for Christchurch?

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