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LNEA A56 CON 3Ce4!?


1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!?


Over the Horizons

Over the
Stefan Bcker

Stefan Bcker, born 1959, won the

Championship of North Rhine &
Westphalia in 1983 and 1988, and
participated in two German
Championships (1984 fifth place,
1987 eleventh place, 1991
eleventh place). He is best known for
his analysis of unusual chess
openings. It started in the early
1980s with privately published
booklets on 2...Qf6 in the Kings
Gambit, on the Vulture, Hawk and
Woozle, the Closed Sicilian and a
mixture of White gambits. The
publishing house Franckh-Kosmos
produced improved versions of the
first two (1985, 1986) and two new works: Das neue Knigsgambit
(1986) and Groteske Schacherffnungen (1990). The latter also has a
chapter on another of Bckers specialties: 1 e4 Nf6 2 e5 Ne4, the
Mokele Mbembe. Englund Gambit (1988) was written for publisher
Manfred Mdler. From 1991 to 1996, Bcker worked in the editorial
staff of the chess monthly Schach-Report/Deutsche Schachzeitung. In
1996 he started his own chess magazine Kaissiber.

Vulture's Wing Play

(Part 1)
In one of the chapters of Dynamic Black Defenses (1989) Tim Harding
presented my repertoire against 1 d4 the Vulture, Hawk and Woozle. I
liked his well-written account, but in the first paragraph the Irish author
issued a warning: His system is logical but is the game of chess itself
logical enough to reward the pioneer? Bckers system is not easy to
play well ... [4].
My book Der Geier (1986) had included only a few practical examples
for the Vulture, today more than 400 games are available. According to
a recent database, White scored 58 percent, but in reality the system is
much better. This article has all the logic that you need to play it well.

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Over the Horizons

Z. Nasiolkowski, Ldenscheid

1 d4 is considered to be safer than 1 e4, because the e4-pawn can be

attacked immediately, say, by means of 1...Nf6 (Alekhines Defense) or
1...d5 (Scandinavian Defense). In case of 1 d4, a promising method of
instantly undermining Whites center doesnt exist. Or does it? My
recommendation is an aggressive version of the Benoni:
1 d4 c5
Luring the d-pawn into Blacks camp.
2 d5 Nf6 3 c4
For now, well concentrate on this main line. Just if you are wondering:
3 Nf3 c4!? is the Hawk, and 3 Nc3 Qa5!? the Woozle.

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Over the Horizons

The starting point of the Vulture.

Black intends 4...Qa5+, to force a
radical change in Whites set-up.
Instead of the usual Nb1-c3, Black
wants to see this knight pinned on
d2, where for a while it hampers
Whites development. If everything
goes as planned, the Ne4 retreats to
d6 and a later b5 and f5 will
destroy the white pawn center.
However, this concept may not be
possible against Whites best play,
as well see in part two next month.
In the diagrammed position, the majority of players prefer 4 Qc2 Qa5+
5 Nd2, which has been my own main line since 1977. Part 2 of this
article will give a detailed analysis of the critical lines to prove that
Blacks position is sound. Part 1 covers everything else. A selection of
instructive games may be the best way to introduce the reader to the
world of the Vulture. Instead of the natural 4 Qc2, other continuations
have been tried. The Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings (ECO)
recommends 4 f3 (+/-). In my opinion this move isnt stronger than
the alternatives, but since other authors have repeated ECOs
assessment, it has to be considered.
M. Sorokin (2515) H. Kadhi (2305)
Bratislava Open, 1993 [8]
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 Ne4 4 f3 Qa5+
This in-between check deflects the Nb1 from its best square (c3), and
this lack of control over b5 might invite a later counter b7-b5. A
knight on d2 is also in the way of the Bc1.
5 Nd2
Parting with the bishop would justify Blacks play. After 5 Bd2?!
Nxd2 6 Qxd2 Qxd2+ 7 Nxd2 g6 8 e4 Bg7 9 0-0-0 d6 we prefer the
Black position slightly, Raetsky/Chetverik [7].
This maneuver favors the advance b7-b5, which is so typical for
Benoni structures. Often the black knight reaches the d4-square via f5
or b5. These circuitous flights inspired my brother Peter to name the
system Vulture: the knight hovers above the white position.
6 e4
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Over the Horizons

6 b3? is refuted tactically: 6...Nf5! 7 Bb2 (7 e4? Ne3 +; 7 Kf2? Qc3 8

Rb1 Qd4+ 9 Ke1 Qh4+) 7...Ne3 8 Qc1 Na6 9 Kf2 Nxf1 =.
6...g6! 7 Bd3
7 e5 Nf5 8 Bd3 (1-0, 35 in V. Shishkin A. Nadanian, Kiev 1997)
8...Bg7! =.
Perhaps 7...b5!? is more precise, avoiding the exchange on c4. White
now cannot castle, as in the next diagram. Then 8 cxb5 Nxb5 or 8...a6 is
similar to the next game.
8 Ne2 b5
The knight moves took some time,
but the result often isnt as strange
as we would expect. In the Benk
Gambit Nf6-e8-c7-b5 is a wellknown maneuver, to exchange off
the Nc3 and to increase the power of
Bg7. In the Vulture the knights may
be exchanged on c4, with a similar
effect. But there remains a
difference: Black hasnt sacrificed
his a-pawn.
9 0-0
9 Kf2 bxc4 10 Nxc4 Nxc4 11 Bxc4 Qb6 12 Rb1 d6 13 Be3 a5! 14 Qd2
Qb4 15 Rhc1 f5 =+ (0-1, 31) Feiler Bcker, Bundesliga II 1997.
Or 9 cxb5 Nxb5 (9...a6!?) 10 0-0 0-0 11 Kh1 d6 12 Nc4 Qd8 13 Rb1
Na6 14 a3 Rb8 15 Bd2 (draw, 44, in Paasikangas K. Heinola,
Rampere 1990) 15...Qd7! 16 Qe1 e6 17 dxe6 fxe6 =.
For 9...0-0, see the next game.
10 Nxc4 Nxc4 11 Bxc4
Black has a Benoni structure but with some lost tempi, Raetsky/
Chetverik [7]. In the diagram position below, White doesnt have a
significant lead in development, so how can you then speak about lost
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Over the Horizons

11...Ba6 12 Bd2 Qb6 13 Bxa6 Nxa6 14 Bc3
It is obvious that White has a slight advantage out of the opening,
Raetsky/Chetverik [7]. I cant see an advantage.
Chances are equal, but this didnt
stop Sorokin from disposing of his
opponent in short order: 15 e5 f6
(15...e6) 16 d6 exd6?? (16...e6 =)
17 Qd5+ Kh8 18 exf6 + Bh6 19
Qg5! c4+ 20 Kh1 Black resigns

L. Esposito (2155) M. Popchev (2419)

Porto San Giorgio Open, 2002 [8]
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 Ne4 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nd6 6 e4 g6
Preparing b7-b5. In the Vulture this advance is only playable if White
cannot react with b3, because in the long run the knight might be
stranded on d6 and become a serious problem.
In the oldest 3...Ne4 game, Lattarulo Canal, La Spezia 1974, the
Peruvian GM continued 6...e5 and won (Kaissiber #20, p. 4). Being
unaware of this game, I invented the Vulture three years later. From
the beginning I preferred 6...g6, but Canals 6...e5 might deserve
another look.
7 Bd3 Bg7 8 Ne2 0-0 9 0-0 b5 10 cxb5 a6!? 11 bxa6 Bxa6
Or 11...c4 12 Bc2 Nxa6.
12 Bxa6 Nxa6 13 f4 c4
Blacks sacrifice (a7-a6) in the style of a Benk Gambit has lead to
sharp play.
14 e5 Nf5 15 Ne4 d6 16 exd6

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Over the Horizons

Or 16 g4 Nh6 17 N2c3.
16...exd6 17 N2c3 Nb4
The active black pieces compensate
for the loss of a pawn.
18 g4 Qb6+
By means of 18...Ne7 19 f5 Nexd5
Black could have regained his pawn.
19 Kh1 Ne3 20 Bxe3 Qxe3 21
Nxd6 Nd3 22 Qf3 Qxf3+ 23 Rxf3
Nxb2 24 Rb1 Na4 25 Ndb5 Rfd8
26 Rc1
The ending offers equal chances to both sides, i.e. 26 Ne4 Ra5 =.
26...Nc5 27 Rc2 Nd3 28 Rf1 Ra5 29 a4 Nc5 30 Na3 Bxc3 31 Rxc3
Nxa4 32 Nxc4 Nxc3 33 Nxa5 Rxd5 34 Nc6 Rd2 35 Ne5 Ne4 36 Kg1
f6 37 Nf3 Ra2 38 Nh4?
38 g5 Kf7 =. Black didnt have much. At this stage of the game, White
even manages to lose.
38...Kg7 39 Ng2 Nd2 40 Rd1 Nf3+ 41 Kh1 Rf2
The terrible placement of the white knight on g2 cannot be repaired.
42 h3 h5 43 Ra1 hxg4 44 hxg4 Kh6 45 g5+ fxg5 46 fxg5+ Kxg5 47
Rb1 Kg4 White resigns

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Over the Horizons

Esteban Canal

Tournament book Venice 1948

G. Timoshenko (2510) H. Suradiradia (2240)

Jakarta Open, 1997 [8]
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 Ne4 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nd6 6 e4 g6 7 b4
When Nf6 is missing, Blacks kingside seems more vulnerable. This
pawn sacrifice is a regular guest in the Vulture.
7...cxb4 8 Nb3 Qa4 9 Bb2 Rg8 10 c5 Nb5 11 Bd3 b6 had been my
recommendation in the first version of this article [8]. But
Raetsky/Chetverik in their latest book [7] suggested 11 Qd3.
It is obvious that White has great
control, Raetsky/Chetverik [7].
However, I am skeptical. Now
11...Na3 seems forced, with the
possible continuation of b6 and
Ba6. If 12 d6 Nc6, or 12 Qd2 d6.
White has some compensation for
the pawn, but an advantage? I admit
that, as always, White has various
opportunities. (In [7] the authors
said: 3...Ne4 does not contain
fruitful ideas; it is not ambitious and
insufficient to equalize since White has various opportunities.)
8 Rb1 Qa5 9 Bb2 Rg8 10 g4 f6

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Over the Horizons

White threatened 11 e5, winning the

knight. However, 10...f5 (not
mentioned by Raetsky/Chetverik
[7]) comes into question, about
11 h4 Bh6 12 g5! (12 Nh3 Be3)
fxg5 13 hxg5 Bxg5 14 Rxh7 a6?
Too slow. Correct was 14...Nf7 =,
intending 15...e5 (again, this
possibility was overlooked by
Raetsky/Chetverik [7]).
15 Nh3 Be3 16 Ke2! Bxd2
Or 16...Bd4 17 Nb3, and White gets a dangerous attack.
17 Qxd2 Qxd2+ 18 Kxd2 b5 19 Ng5 Kd8 20 Bc3 b4 21 Be5 a5 22
Bd3 a4 23 Rbh1 Ba6 24 Rh8 Rxh8 25 Rxh8+ Kc7 26 Nf7 Bb7 27
Rh6 Black resigns
Improved Old Benoni
After 4 f3, White doesnt have an advantage, if Black plays carefully.
The main line 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 was contested in 154 games (scoring
60% for White), so apparently it is putting serious problems on the
defender. Next month well return to this sequence. But there is an
important alternative for White on the 5th move, 5 Nc3 Nxc3 6 Bd2,
which is even more successful in practice: 68 percent in 53 games.
Maybe the second players here are feeling uncomfortable, because the
closed position requires more patience than other lines of the Vulture.
The line 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nc3 Nxc3 6 Bd2 e5 7 Bxc3 Qc7 leads to a kind
of Improved Old Benoni, because in comparison with the normal Old
Benoni a pair of knights has already left the board. In theory any
exchange should help Black in a cramped position. Three examples will
demonstrate that 5 Nc3 is by no means a killer variation. My own score
with Black is two draws and three wins against Danner, Tatai and
Schnthier (2265) Bcker (2405)
Krefeld, 1983 (Int. juniors tournament of the federation of North Rhine
& Westphalia) [2]
1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nc3 Nxc3 6 Bd2 e5 7 dxe6
dxe6 8 Bxc3 Qc7 9 e3 Nc6 10 Nf3 e5 11 Bd3 g6 12 Be4 Bg7 13 h4

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Over the Horizons

13...Be6 14 Bd5 Bf5 15 e4 Be6 16

Bxe6 fxe6 17 0-0-0 h6 18 Ne1 0-0
19 Kb1 a6 20 Nd3 Qe7 21 g3 b5 22
f4 b4 23 Be1 Rad8 24 Bf2 Rxd3 25
Qxd3 exf4 26 gxf4 Rxf4 27 Rh2
Nd4 28 Bxd4 Bxd4 29 Rf1 Qf6 30
Rxf4 Qxf4 31 Qe2 h5 32 Rh1 Kg7
33 Qg2 Qg4 34 Qc2 a5 35 Rf1
Qxh4 36 e5 Qh3 37 Qe2 Qe3 38
Qg2 Qd3+ 39 Ka1 a4 40 Qb7+
Kh6 41 Qf7 Bxe5 42 Rh1 Qf5 43
Qe7 a3 44 Rxh5+ Qxh5 White
Birens (2122) S. Collas (2381)
Metz Open, 2005
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nc3 Nxc3 6 Bd2 e5 7 Bxc3
Qc7 8 e4 d6 9 f4 exf4 10 Nf3 Bg4 11 e5? (11 Qd2 =) 11Bxf3 12
exd6 Bxd6 13 gxf3 Qe7+ 14 Be2 f6 -/+
15 0-0-0 Nd7 16 Rde1 Ne5 17 Kb1
0-0-0 18 h4 Kb8 19 h5 Qc7 20 Qa4
g5 21 hxg6 hxg6 22 Ba5 b6 23 Bd2
g5 24 Qc2 Qd7 25 b3 Rh3 26 a4
Rdh8 27 Rhf1 Rh2 28 a5 Rg2 29
axb6 axb6 30 Bc3 White resigns
Sylvia Collas has played the Vulture
at least since 1997. Three of her
earlier games can be found in the
databases under her maiden name
Sylvia Aleksieva.
Foisor (2495) Ungureanu (2380)
Romania 1987 [3]
1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nc3 Nxc3 6 Bd2 e5 7 Bxc3
Qc7 8 e3
Raetsky/Chetverik [7] give 8 f4 d6 9 Nf3 Nd7 10 e3 Be7 11 Bd3 and
White has the initiative. They forget 9...exf4 10 Qe4+ Qe7 =, and their
10...Be7 should be replaced by 10...g6. This was in all four editions of
my book (1981, 1983, 1986, two pages in The Vulture, 1989 [3]. It
happened in six games: +2, =3, -1, one of them was Tatai Bcker,
Biel 1984 (0-1, 49).
Its great to see that the Vulture is getting more attention, even when
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Over the Horizons

Raetsky & Chetverik [7] dont know my work.

8...d6 9 Bd3 g6 10 h4 Bg7
Or 10...Nd7 11 h5 Rg8 12 hxg6 hxg6 13 Nf3 Be7 14 0-0-0 Nf6 15 Ng5
(Blbaum Bcker, Detmold 1983) 15...Ng4! 16 Nh7 Bd7 17 Qe2 0-00 18 f3 Nf6 19 Nxf6+ Bxf6 20 Rh7 Rdf8 followed by ...Rh8, which is
roughly equal.
11 h5
A critical situation....
Too optimistic. 11...Na6 12 a3 Qe7
13 Ne2 Bd7 14 0-0-0 (14 b4 cxb4
15 axb4 Nxb4!) 14...Nc7 +=.
12 hxg6 hxg6 13 Rxh8+ Bxh8 14
g4 Qh7 15 0-0-0 Na6 16 Ne2
Whites threat is 17 Ng3,
conquering f5. Simple, but effective. Blacks position quickly collapses.
16...e4 17 Bxe4! Bxc3 18 Nxc3 fxe4 19 Qxe4+ Kd8 20 Rh1 Qg7
The case is hopeless.
21 Qf4 Kc7 22 Nb5+ Kb6 23 Qxd6+ Ka5 24 Qd8+ b6 25 Qh8 Qxh8
26 Rxh8 Nb4 27 Nd6 Nd3+ 28 Kc2 Nxf2 29 Rxc8 Rxc8 30 Nxc8
Nxg4 31 Kd3 a6 32 Ke4 b5 33 Kf4 Nf6 34 Ke5 Nd7+ 35 Kd6 g5 36
Kxd7 Black resigns
In the overwhelming majority of the 445 games, White immediately
attacks the black knight on e4. Is it really so important to get rid of the
knight, or have we all begun to play like computers? First is 4 Qc2 (233
games), then comes 4 f3 (59 games), 4 Nd2 (41 games), 4 Qd3 (23
games) and even 4 Nc3?! (14 games). And 4 Nf3 (which often
transposes), 45 games.
There are rarer moves. Maybe they share the fate of 3...Ne4, which at
first sight didnt look logical or too logical, as Harding put it. One day
their hidden value might be discovered:
(a) 4 Qa4 Preventing Qa5+. In a review of [2], page 11, Gerald
Hertneck found it strange that my analysis began with 4 Qa4. But when
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Over the Horizons

ECO starts with sidelines, why cant I? The move does deserve
attention: 4...g6 5 f3 Nd6 6 e4 Bg7 7 Bd3 0-0 8 Ne2 f5 9 Nbc3 Na6 10
a3 e5 (10e6) 11 Be3 f4 (11Bh6) 12 Bf2 Nf7 13 b4 d6 14 Qb3 b6
15 Kd2 Bd7 16 b5 Nc7 17 Rag1 = (draw, 80) Schwartzman Fahrner,
Werfen 1991.
(b) 4 a3 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 threatens an immediate 6 b4. Hermesmann
Bcker, Bundesliga II, 1986, transposed to the Improved Old Benoni
explained above: 5...Nxd2 (5f5) 6 Bxd2 Qc7 7 Bc3 e5 8 dxe6 dxe6 9
Nf3 Nc6 10 e3 e5 11 Qc2 g6 12 0-0-0 Bg7 = (but 1-0, 45).
(c) 4 g3 g6 5 Bg2 Nd6 6 Bd2!?. White sacrifices a pawn, for a lead in
development. 6...Nxc4 7 Bc3 Rg8 8 Qd3 Nd6 9 Nh3 b6 10 0-0 Ba6 11
Qf3 h6 12 Re1 Bb7 13 e4 Nb5 14 e5 (0-1, 66). White has some
compensation for the pawn, Mercier Bcker, Krefeld 1983 (Int.
juniors tournament of North Rhine & Westphalia).
(d) 4 g4!?. Why should White treat Blacks opening with respect, when
his opponent apparently tramples upon tradition? To advance on the
kingside, when Nf6 has left its post, is as logical as anything else.
None of these four moves give White an advantage, but Part 2 will
make it clear that 4 Qc2 is no refutation, either.
[1] Stoljar/Kondratjew: Alt-Benoni-Verteidigung, Heidelberg 1985
[2] S. Bcker: Der Geier, Stuttgart 1986
[3] S. Bcker: The Vulture & Associated Opening Systems, Wiltshire 1989
[4] T. Harding: Dynamic Black Defenses, Dallas 1989
[5] S. Bcker: Der Geier. Bauer d5 als Schwche, in Groteske
Schacherffnungen, Stuttgart 1990.
[6] S. Bcker: Neu vermeldeter Hhenflug, in Kaissiber 3 (1997).
[7] RAETSKY/CHETVERIK: Starting out: Benoni Systems, London 2005
[8] S. Bcker: Geiers flottes Flgelspiel, in Kaissiber 21 (2005)

Send your games or comments to

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Over the Horizons

Over the
Stefan Bcker

Stefan Bcker, born 1959, won the

Championship of North Rhine &
Westphalia in 1983 and 1988, and
participated in three German
Championships (1984 fifth place,
1987 eleventh place, 1991
eleventh place). He is best known for
his analysis of unusual chess
openings. It started in the early
1980s with privately published
booklets on 2...Qf6 in the Kings
Gambit, on the Vulture, Hawk and
Woozle, the Closed Sicilian and a
mixture of White gambits. The
publishing house Franckh-Kosmos
produced improved versions of the
first two (1985, 1986) and two new works: Das neue Knigsgambit
(1986) and Groteske Schacherffnungen (1990). The latter also has a
chapter on another of Bckers specialties: 1 e4 Nf6 2 e5 Ne4, the
Mokele Mbembe. Englund Gambit (1988) was written for publisher
Manfred Mdler. From 1991 to 1996, Bcker worked in the editorial
staff of the chess monthly Schach-Report/Deutsche Schachzeitung. In
1996 he started his own chess magazine Kaissiber.

Vulture's Wing Play

(Part 2)
Last month we studied several white continuations after 1 d4 c5 2 d5
Nf6 3 c4 Ne4!? (the Vulture). Some lead to a difficult struggle, but
none looked like a clear refutation of Blacks strategy. Now we come to
the main line: 4 Qc2! Qa5+ 5 Nd2!, which is clearly the most popular
way to attack Blacks Ne4. Here we stand at a crossroads. During the
1980s I almost exclusively favored 5...Nd6, to advance with the bpawn at the next appropriate moment. An unusual move, but if you
have read the first part of this article, you might remember that the
strange maneuver worked well for Black against 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 Nd2.
However, this is a different situation, and during the last decade it
became increasingly obvious that with Whites queen on c2, the retreat
5...Nd6 is strongly met by 6 b3!. Fortunately, the second player has an
effective alternative at his disposal in his fifth move.
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Over the Horizons

Lets begin with two games,

summing up my experiences with
the old 5...Nd6?. Afterwards, we
will learn why the other retreat
5....Nf6! is so much better. Just for
completeness, there exists a third
possibility: 5...f5, tested only in a
few games [6]. It is better than the
traditional version, but clearly worse
than 5...Nf6. To avoid confusion,
this article ignores the pawn move.
You wont lose much, and I am
keeping a little surprise for my blitz practice.
Al. Sidorov (1650) H. Geaman (1805)
Eforie Nord 1999 (Centrocoop Open) [8]
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nd6?
It is hard to have to put a question mark behind your favorite move.
However, the modern 5...Nf6 is the correct solution, see below.
6 e4? g6 7 Bd3
As after 4 f3, Blacks knight on d6 prepares advances on both wings,
either b5 or f5, according to circumstances. In my book I
recommended to strive for b5, if White plays Bd3, and to prefer the
attack f7-f5 against Be2.
The gambit 7 b4 leads to heavy complications after the best reply
7...cxb4! 8 c5 Nb5 9 Nb3 Qa4 10 Bb2 Rg8 11 Nf3 Na6, followed by
12...b6. Raetsky and Chetverik [7] only consider 7...Qxb4 saying that
White definitely has good play for the pawn, which certainly is true.
7...Bg7 8 f4
Or 8 Ngf3, as in Naumkin Dorfman, Mnster 1989 (1-0, 32),
discussed on more than a page by Raetsky and Chetverik [7].
Interesting stuff, but in this article I decided to focus on the critical
5...Nf6! (see below), which unfortunately [7] doesnt mention at all.
8...0-0 9 Ngf3
9 e5 Nf5! 10 Bxf5 gxf5 11 Qxf5 e6 12 Qd3 exd5 13 cxd5 Na6. Blacks
piece play on the white squares compensates for the sacrificed pawn.

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Over the Horizons

9...b5 10 cxb5
If White had foreseen his opponents move, he might have chosen the
cautious 10 0-0 bxc4 11 Nxc4 Nxc4 12 Bxc4 Ba6. The pawn structure
vaguely resembles a Benko gambit, but the defender still owns his
precious pawn on a7.
Excellent! Later there even follows
a blow on the opposite wing, by
means of f7-f5. Almost a model
game for the art of destroying
Whites pawn center in the Vulture.
11 Bxc4 Bb7 12 0-0 Rc8 13 Qb3 a6
14 bxa6 Nxa6 15 Be2
15 e5 Nc5 16 Qc2 Nxc4 17 Nxc4
Qa6 18 Rd1 Na4, with unclear
He had to play 15...Nb4!, for example 16 a3 Nc2 17 Rb1 Nd4 18 Nxd4
Bxd4+ 19 Kh1 Rxc1! =.
16 Kh1 f5 17 Ne5 Rc7 18 Bf3? drawn. The conclusion of peace now
seems justified (18...Nb4 =), but White overlooked 18 Ndc4! Nxe4 19
Be3 Qxd5 20 Nb6 +, when the black queen on d5 is pinned.
Old Main Line in Crisis
Although 6 e4, like in the last game, is seen
in the large majority of the games, it isnt
the critical continuation. After 6 b3!,
Blacks plan to attack with ...b5 clearly fails.
In my book I suggested 6...f5, followed by
...e6, to undermine Whites pawn center.
One of my main lines went 7 Bb2 e6 8 f3
Qd8! 9 e4 fxe4 10 fxe4 Qh4+ 11 g3 Qh6!
=. Unfortunately, this hidden trick only
works against the cozy 8 f3. More dangerous
are both 8 Bc3 followed by e4, or 8 g3!
(Udo Hobuss). By the way, 8 g3 was the
move which deterred Tony Miles from the
Vulture. White quickly develops his forces,
while Black faces serious problems finding a
good plan. In later publications (for example
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Over the Horizons

in [5]) I preferred 6...g6, but this isnt fully

sufficient either. Because of the strength of 6
b3! the old main line fell in a crisis.
H. Gnther Lensch
Saarland 1994 [8]
1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5
Nd2 Nd6 6 b3! g6
The strong bishop on b2 cannot be
blockaded: 6...e5 7 Bb2 f6 8 e3 Nf7 9 Bd3
g6 10 h4 f5 11 h5 Rg8 12 hxg6 hxg6 13 g4!
+/- [3].
7 Bb2 Rg8 8 Bc3
More precise than 8 e4 Bg7 9 Bxg7 Rxg7,
since 10 Qb2? fails to Nxe4!.
Z. Nasiolkowski, Ldenscheid

Or 8 h4 Bg7 9 Bxg7 Rxg7 10 h5 Rg8 11

Ngf3 Na6 12 a3 f6, followed by ...Nf7.
By means of Bg7 Black wants to
exchange off the nasty bishop on c3,
and then continue f6, Nf7, d6
and castle long. However this is
only a beautiful dream.
9 e4 Bg7 10 Bxg7 Rxg7 11 Qc3!
11 Bd3? e5 12 Qc3 f6 lead to a draw
in Rossmanith Wippich,
Regionalliga 2001.
11...Kf8 12 Bd3 f6 13 Ne2?
White allows the blockade. Better was 13 e5 fxe5 14 Qxe5 Na6 15
Ngf3 Nf7 16 Qe3 e5 17 dxe6 dxe6 18 a3 Bd7 19 0-0 +/-.
13...Nf7 14 f4 d6 15 Nf3
15 0-0 would have avoided the simplifying exchange of Bc8.
15...Bg4 16 0-0 Nd7 17 h3 Bxf3 18 Rxf3 g5 19 Raf1 h6 20 Bb1 Re8
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Over the Horizons

21 Rg3 Kg8 22 h4 e5 23 hxg5?

23 dxe6 Rxe6 24 Qf3! still gives White an advantage.
23...hxg5 24 f5 Kf8 25 Kf2 Ke7 26 Rh1 Qd8 27 Rgh3 Rh8 28 a3
Rxh3 29 Rxh3 b6 30 Qe1 Qg8 31 Qh1 Nf8 32 Ng3 Rh7 33 Nh5 Nd7
34 Bd3 Qc8 35 Qc1 Qa6 drawn.

5...Nf6 A Courageous Loss of Time

In general my analyses in the book Der Geier (1986, [2]) proved to be
useful, but there was a grave exception. As the last game clearly
demonstrated, after 1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Qc2! Qa5+ 5 Nd2!
my recommended 5...Nd6? 6 b3! results in a big advantage for White.
In the majority of games White didnt find this refutation, but from a
theoretical point of view today the old main line has become
In 1986 Manfred Zitzman, an American correspondence player and
retired professor of chemistry, suggested 5...Nf6!. He preferred this
retreat not only in the main line, but also against 4 f3. Later his idea
advanced to a secret weapon and now it is the main line.
Where does Black find his courage
for such a loss of time? Didnt the
knights aimless traveling cost
him exactly two tempi? Now it is
White on the move, the second lost
tempo is the move Nb1-d2. The
latter development, however, is
more a handicap than a real gift.
White may want to rearrange his
pieces. For example, he can play
Ng1-e2-c3, or he may castle short
and continue Nd2-b1-c3. In a
Benoni position, it is an understandable desire to get a knight to the c3square. From here it protects his own pawns on d5 and e4 and stops the
opponents plans in connection with b7-b5.
I do not claim that Black had an advantage in time. In any case the
white set-up is suffering from the uncomfortable position of his Nd2.
When Black avoids serious mistakes (as to invite, for example, the Nd2
to the c4-square), I cannot see a significant advantage in time for either
color. 5...Nf6! has much in common with the normal Benoni, but there
are differences. It is not even completely clear, whether Black chooses
e7-e5 (as in my main line), or tries something else. 5...Nf6! opens a
new field for exploration, but it is still a Benoni defense, and the Benoni
expert will like the position, no matter whether he plays it with white or
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Over the Horizons

M. Loemker (2096) St. Bcker (2349)

Herford 2005 (rapid chess, 2 x 30 minutes) [8]
1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Nf3
Before this tournament I had prepared the new idea 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2
Nf6 6 e4 d6 7 Ne2 g5?!, which explains the adventurous beginning.
4...Qa5+ 5 Nfd2 Nf6 (5...d6! 6 Qc2 Nf6) 6 Nc3 Qc7 7 e4 g5?
With the knight already on c3, this advance was unplayable: 8 Nb5!,
followed by 9 e5 +-.
8 Bd3? d6 9 0-0 Nbd7 10 Bc2 Bg7 11 Ne2 Ne5 12 Rb1 h5 13 b4 h4!
14 Bb2 Nh5 15 f4 gxf4 16 Nxf4 Bg4 17 Ba4+ Kd8 18 Qb3 cxb4 19
Nxh5 Qc5+ 20 Kh1 Rxh5 21 Bxe5 Bxe5 22 Rxf7?
22 h3 Be2 23 Rxf7 Rh8 =
22...h3 23 g3 Bc3! + 24 Rbf1
The rook is taboo: 24 Rf8+ Kc7 25
Rxa8 Qf2, and White gets mated.
24...Qe3 25 Nf3 Qe2 26 Ne1 Qxe4+
27 Nf3 Qe2 28 Ne1 Bxe1 29 Qc2
Bc3 30 Kg1 Bd4+ 31 Kh1 Re5 32
c5 Bxc5? (32...Qxf1+!) 33 R7f4
Qxf1+ 34 Rxf1 Bf3+ White resigns.

5...Nf6: The Analysis

1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nf6! 6 e4
6 f4 can lead to attractive gambits:
a) 6...Qc7 7 g3 (7 Ndf3 d6 8 e4 e5 9 fxe5 Ng4 bzw 9 f5 g6 =) 7...e5!? 8
fxe5 Ng4 9 Ndf3 d6 10 exd6 Bxd6 11 Bh3 (11 Qe4+ Kd8 12 Nh3 g6)
h5 12 Qe4+ Kf8 13 Bf4 Nd7 14 Nd2 Ndf6 15 Qf3 Bxf4 16 gxf4 Bf5,
and Black is better.
b) 6...d6 7 e4 g5!?

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Over the Horizons

8 e5 (8 fxg5 Ng4 9 Qb3 Rg8 10

Ngf3 Nd7 11 Bd3 h6) Ng4 9 exd6
(9 Qe4 f5) gxf4 10 dxe7 Bg7 11
Ne2 Ne3 12 Qb3 Qb6 13 Qd3 Na6
14 a3 Bf5 15 Ne4 Bxe4 16 Qxe4
Qg6 =.
Or 6...e5. The text move keeps the
option of alternatives, but none of
them is preferable to the Old Benoni
(cf. the comment after 7...e5, below).
7 Ne2
Perhaps 7 Ngf3 e5! is only a transposition of moves: 8 Be2 (8 dxe6
Bxe6 9 Be2 Nc6) Be7 etc. In our main line White plays Ne2-c3 and
Nf3, after 7 Ngf3 there might follow Nd2-b1-c3.
7...g6?! (instead of 7...e5) 8 Be2 Bg7 9 0-0 0-0 10 Nb1! (10 h3 Na6 11
a3 Bd7 12 Nb1 Nb4 13 Qd1 Nxe4 14 Nbd2 Ba4! with compensation)
10...b5 11 cxb5 a6 12 Bd2 Qb6 13 Nc3 axb5 14 Bxb5 leads to a kind of
Benko Gambit. 14...Na6 15 a3 Bd7 16 Bc4 Rfb8 17 Rfb1 Nc7, White is
slightly better.
7 a3 Na6 8 Rb1? g6 9 Bd3 Bg7 10 Ne2 0-0 11 0-0 e6 12 b4 cxb4 13
Nb3 Qd8 14 Ned4 exd5 15 cxd5 Bd7 =+ (0-1, 66) Vaisser Todorov,
Cappelle la Grande 1994.
a) The bold 7...g5?! fights for possession of the e5-square: 8 Nc3 Rg8 9
Be2 h5 (9...Nbd7 10 Nb3 Qc7 11 g4!) 10 Nb3 Qb6 11 Bd2 Nbd7 12 0-00! Ne5 13 f3 Bd7 14 g3 a5 15 a4 h4 16 gxh4 gxh4 17 f4 Ng6 18 e5!
dxe5 19 fxe5 Nxe5 20 Be3 +/-.
b) 7...g6!? 8 Nc3 Bg7 9 Be2 0-0 10 0-0 e6

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Over the Horizons

In the style of a Modern Benoni.

Black refrains from taking on d5,
until the Nd2 has moved. 11 a3 Na6
12 Rb1! (12 Nb3 Qb6 13 Bg5 Nc7
14 Rad1 exd5 15 cxd5 Bd7 16 Nd2
Nb5 [=, 53] Shipov Todorov,
Cappelle la Grande 1994) 12...e5
8 Nc3 Be7 9 Be2
A plausible sequence would be: 9...00 10 0-0 Ne8 (to exchange the Be7
via g5) 11 Nf3 g6 12 Bh6 Ng7 13 a3
Qd8 14 Qd2 Nd7. In comparison
with the Old Benoni, Black is one
tempo behind. Were he allowed to
move again, we would enter known
theory: 15...Nf6 16 Ne1 Kh8 17 Nd3
Ng8 18 Be3 f5 19 f4 etc.
That White has gained a tempo,
doesnt necessarily lead to a disaster: 15 Ne1 f5! (Nd7 isnt in the way
on f6) or 15 b4 a5! (Nd7 can take back on c5). Instead of 9...0-0, our
recommended main line will take another course anyway (see below).
My hint was just meant as a general warning for the reader: even in this
opening, which resembles an Old Benoni, we are not too far away from
inhabited territory; some critical lines of the Old Benoni are wellknown. Sources like [1] can provide useful information.
When you are studying books on the Old Benoni, you will learn that the
longer route through the territory of the Vulture has avoided some
uncomfortable lines for Black. For example, in the Old Benoni White
likes to fianchetto his f1-bishop, but in our case the position of Qa5 and
Nd2 invites an early b7-b5. Another set-up full of poison is h3, Bd3,
g4, followed by castling queenside. This aggression, too, is hardly
probable in the present position.
In an Old Benoni the usual procedure would be 9...0-0, followed by
Ne8, which doesnt seem quite appropriate with the queen on a5.
Black prefers a different solution and plays Nd7-f8-g6. There could
follow h5-h4, Nh5 and Ngf4. Or the direct Nh5-f4, when the
h7-pawn stays at home. Besides f7-f5 remains an option, and even
sacrifices like Qc8, Bxh3 belong in the quiet arsenal.

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Over the Horizons

10 a3 Qd8
10...Nf8? 11 b4 Qd8 12 bxc5 +=.
11 Nf3 Nf8 12 0-0
Black concentrates his pieces on the kings wing, so that White
probably has nothing better than to play b2-b4. It would be wrong, for
example, to try 12 Bd2 and prepare to castle long. Black simply replies
a6, Bd7 and waits for the best moment for b7-b5. Even when he
plays h2-h4-h5, White doesnt achieve much on the kings wing. With
his strong defensive forces, Black will always be able to repel the
12...Ng6 13 b4 b6 14 bxc5 bxc5 15 Rb1
Surely White has other possibilities. Any maneuvering, however, costs
time, and if meanwhile Black advances h7-h5-h4, White is quickly
getting under pressure.
15...0-0 16 Bd2 Nh5!
To provoke 17 g3, for example
17...Bh3 18 Rfc1 Bg4 (intending
19...f5) 19 Ne1 Bxe2 20 Nxe2 Bg5
21 f3 Bxd2 22 Qxd2 Rb8, about
Timid and perhaps too passive
alternatives to the sharper text move
are: 16...a6 17 Na4 Ra7 or 16...Bd7
17 Rb7 Qc8 18 Rfb1 Bd8
(threatening Bb6) 19 R7b2 Ba5.
17 Nxe5
17 Rfc1 Ngf4 18 Bf1 f5 19 Be3 fxe4 20 Nxe4 Qe8 = or 17 Rfe1 Nhf4
18 Bf1 Bg4 19 Re3 Rb8 =.
17...Nxe5 18 Bxh5 f5!
If 18...Nxc4 19 Bc1 Bf6 20 Be2, White stands somewhat better.
19 Be2
The second player gets nice wing play for the sacrificed pawn.
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Over the Horizons

a) 19 Nd1 (19 exf5 Nxc4) fxe4 20 Ne3 Bg5 21 Qxe4 Bxe3 22

fxe3 g6!.
b) 19 Qb3 f4 20 Ne2 Bg5 21 Bf3 a5 22 a4 Ba6 23 Rfc1 Qe7 etc.
c) 19 Bc1 Nxc4 20 Nd1 Nb6 21 Bf3 Bg5 22 Ne3 Bxe3 23 Bxe3
Qf6 =.
d) 19 Ne2 fxe4 20 Ng3 Bg5 =.

19...f4 20 f3
20 Qd1 f3 and equality. Probably 20...a6!? =+ is even better.
20...Bh4 21 Bd3
21 Be1 Bxe1 22 Rfxe1 Qh4 23 Bf1 Rf6 24 Qf2 Qh5 25 Kh1 Rh6 26 h3
Bxh3 27 gxh3 Nxf3 28 e5 Qg4!!.
21...Bg3 fails to 22 hxg3 fxg3 23
Ne2 Qh4 24 Nxg3. The text move
avoids Ne2, followed by Kh1, h3
and Ng1.
22 Rbd1
To be able to parry 22...Bh3 with 23
Bc1. On 22 Ne2 Bh3 23 g3 Black
disposes of 23...Bxg3! 24 hxg3 Qg6
25 Bxf4 Rxf4 26 Nxf4 Qxg3+ 27
Ng2 Rf8! 28 Rb3 Rxf3.
22...Qh5 23 Ne2 g5 24 Rb1
24 Bc3 g4 =+.
24...Rf6 25 Rb3 Rh6 26 Nxf4
Or 26 Qd1 Be1! 27 Qxe1 Qxh2+ 28 Kf2 Rh3 -/+.
26...gxf4 27 Bxf4 Rg6 28 Kh1 Rg7 29 Qb1 Kh8 30 Be2 Qg6 31 g3
Bh3 32 Rf2 Rag8 -/+. Black keeps the situation under control.
After the publication of Der Geier, Tim Harding* made a prophecy in
1989 [4]: However, now that his system has been fully exposed to the
public gaze and the fire of tournament and postal play, many of his overoptimistic analyses and assessments are being overturned and total
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Over the Horizons

refutation may not be far over the horizon.

The old main line 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nd6 was dubious. But Zitzmans
emergency measure 5...Nf6! later turned out to be a direct hit. The
Vulture is logical, and it remains unrefuted.
* My last column referred to Tim Harding an Irish author.
According to Paul Dunne, although Tim Harding has lived in
Ireland for many years, he is in fact English. Other readers sent
analyses, mainly concerning the line 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nc3 from
part 1. Thanks for all your reactions. The analytical questions
will be covered next month, together with all your ideas against
[1] Stoljar/Kondratjew: Alt-Benoni-Verteidigung, Heidelberg 1985
[2] S. Bcker: Der Geier, Stuttgart 1986
[3] S. Bcker: The Vulture & Associated Opening Systems, Wiltshire 1989
[4] T. Harding: Dynamic Black Defenses, Dallas 1989
[5] S. Bcker: Der Geier. Bauer d5 als Schwche, in Groteske
Schacherffnungen, Stuttgart 1990.
[6] S. Bcker: Neu vermeldeter Hhenflug, in Kaissiber 3 (1997).
[7] A.RAETSKY/M.CHETVERIK: Starting out: Benoni Systems, London 2005
[8] S. Bcker: Geiers flottes Flgelspiel, in Kaissiber 21 (2005)

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Over the Horizons

Vulture's Wing Play

(Part 3)

Over the
Stefan Bcker

My first two columns on 1 d4 c5 2 d5 Nf6 3 c3 Ne4!? (the Vulture)

presented several games, but also a lot of pure analysis, since
practical examples of the main line 4 Qc2! Qa5+ 5 Nd2! Nf6! were
rare. Such an analysis can never be perfect. Even when you study a
position for many hours, there will always be an important point that
you have missed. Opinions from other players are needed, who
contribute fresh ideas. Fortu-nately, several readers sent their
comments. And I played the Vulture in two new games.
Lets begin where the last article ended, in the main line: 1 d4 c5 2 d5
Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nf6 6 e4 d6 7 Ne2 e5 8 Nc3 Be7 9
Be2 Nbd7 10 a3 Qd8 11 b4 b6.
James Vigus (Great Britain)
suggests an improvement for White:
I like such positions for Black in
principle and have happily played
the manoeuvre ...Nf8-g6 in similar
Old Benoni scenarios. But here I
feel Black has conceded too many
tempi, as the white knight on d2 is
already half-way to the square it
wants to be: e3. The sequence could
be: 12 Nf1! (much more
constructive than Nf3) Nf8 13 Ne3
Ng6 14 h4!?. I havent analysed 14 Nf5 or 14 g3 Bh3, but 14 h4
appears a safe way to deprive Black of all the counterplay (with ...Nh5,
...f5) he gets in your analysis. After playing g3, White has the potential
lever with f4, and the possibility of opening lines on the queenside,
while Black is just waiting passively not much fun. The knight on e3
covers f5 and c4 and makes way for f4 in due course.
This insider idea was more than welcome, because my own experience
with traditional Old Benoni positions is rather limited. It is a healthy
warning to see how a little change in Whites set-up (Nf1-e3 instead of
Nf3) stifles Blacks counterplay. This is the sunny side of the new idea,

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Over the Horizons

but avoiding 12 Nf3 also means that White

loses his control over g5. In my main line the
knight f3 had played an important role,
preventing Blacks standard manoeuvre
Ne8, h6, Bg5 to exchange the bad
After 12 Nf1 Black therefore should return to
the traditional scheme of play: 12...0-0
followed by Ne8 and Bg5, g6, Ng7.
It might also be advantageous to keep the
knight on d7 against the early b4. In certain
situations the knight could take back on c5.
Even cxb4 axb4 a5 might come into
question. Altogether, I dont believe that the
immediate 12 Nf1 is a refutation.
Zygmunt Nasiolkowski,

However, perhaps White can find a more

precise way to execute his plan. It would be interesting to see what
happens, when White delays his decision of 12 Nf1. Then White could
make his choice: against 0-0, he would react by Nf3!, and if Black
plays Nf8, his response is Nf1!. Black doesnt have many useful
waiting moves, but Whites choice also isnt easy. For example, against
12 Rb1 Black might have 12...cxb4 13 axb4 a5!?. More food for
J. van den Bersselaar (2211) St. Bcker (2349)
Bad Wiessee 2005 (Open)
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nf6 6 e4 Qc7
Instead of 6...d6 or 6...e5, which I
recommended in this column only
weeks ago. Didnt I trust my own
analysis? In practice things often
look a bit different. For the
theoretician it is logical to keep the
queen as long as possible on a5, to
reduce Whites possibilities. At the
board I suddenly liked the simpler
text move. In fact, Black doesnt
lose much by retreating immediately
to c7, while on the other side the
Qc7 prevents the immediate f2-f4, Whites most aggressive set-up.
There is nothing wrong with 6...d6 or 6...e5, but 6...Qc7 is also quiet
and strong.
7 Ngf3

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Over the Horizons

7 Qa4 pins the d7-pawn, but it takes Black only a few moves (g6,
Bg7, 0-0) to solve the problem. Sooner or later the white queen has
to retreat.
7...e5 8 Be2 d6 9 0-0
Or 9 Nf1 g6!?.
9...Nbd7 10 Ne1 Be7 11 Nd3 g5
Claiming that White has castled prematurely. The alternative was 11...00 12 f4 exf4 13 Rxf4 Ne8 14. Nf1!, which seems about equal.
12 Re1 Nf8 13 Bd1
He could play 13 Nf1! at once (13...Nxe4? 14 Nxe5!), attacking pawn
g5. For example 13...h6 (or 13...Ng6!? 14 Bxg5 Nxd5) 14 Ng3 Ng6 =.
13...Ng6 14 Nf1 Nf4
15 Kh1! h5 16 Nxf4 gxf4 17 g3
fxg3 18 Nxg3 Bh3 19 Nf5 0-0-0 20
b4 Rdg8 21 Bf3 cxb4
21...Bxf5 22 exf5 Ng4 was better,
for example 23 Rb1 cxb4 24 Rxb4
Qc5 25 Rb2 Bd8! =+.
22 Rb1 Bg4 23 Bg2 h4 24 h3?
Routine and a serious mistake.
White overlooks the following
sacrifice. Otherwise he wouldnt have hesitated to give his strong
knight for my bad bishop: 24 Nxe7+! Qxe7 25 h3 Bd7 26 Rg1 Rg6 27
Be3 b6 28 Rxb4 Rhg8 =.

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Over the Horizons

24...Bxf5 25 exf5 Rxg2! 26 Kxg2

Nxd5 27 Qd3 Nf6!
In time trouble I didnt spend much
time on the alternative 27...Nc3 28
Rxb4 Qc6+ 29 f3 Nxa2. After the
text move White has no defense
against the simple threat Qc6.
28 Bd2 Rg8+ 29 Kf1 Qc6 30 Rxb4
30...Qg2+ 31 Ke2 Rg3 32 Rg1 Qxg1 33 fxg3 hxg3 -+.
31 Reb1 Qg2+ 32 Ke1 Bb6
Or 32...Ne4 33 Rxb7 Qxf2+ 34 Kd1 Rg1+ 35 Kc2 Nc5 36 Qxd6 Qxf5+
33 Be3 Qf3 34 Rxb6 axb6 35 Qb3 Ne4, White resigns.
If the new line 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nd6! is as reliable as it looks, then
the treatment from my first column deserves more attention. The
following reactions can give you valuable hints.
Christian Kpke (Germany) questions my analysis after (1 d4 c5 2 d5
Nf6 3 c4 Ne4) 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 Nd2 Nd6 6 e4 g6 7 e5!? Nf5 8 Bd3
He is right to say that 8...Bg7? (my
move) doesnt lead to equality.
After 9 Bxf5 gxf5 10 f4 (Kpke)
Black has serious difficulties in
completing his development. So
instead 8...d6 should be the correct
Klaus Gawehns (Germany) draws
my attention to the game Gawehns Gallinnis, NRW-Liga 1990: 1 d4 c5
2 d5 Nf6 3 c4 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5
Nc3 Nxc3 6 Bd2 e5 7 Bxc3 Qc7 8 f4 d6 9 Nf3 Nd7 10 e3 g6 (so far the
line was given in the notes to the game Foisor Ungureanu, which was
in part 1 of this article) 11 h4 Bg7 12 h5 Nb6

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Over the Horizons

13 fxe5! (instead of 13...hxg6 in an

older game Tatai - Bcker)
13...dxe5 14 0-0-0 Bg4 15 Rh4 (or
15 d6!?, for example 15...Qc6 16
Bxe5!? Bxe5 17 Nxe5 Bxd1 18
Qd3!? Qa4 19 hxg6, analysis by
Gawehns) 15...gxh5 16 Bd3 Qd6 17
Bf5 f6 18 Bxg4 +/- (=, 63).
Yes, this was an important game. I
had to defend similar positions in
my own practice and admit that it
certainly is a critical line. In my first column I wanted to avoid too
many details and therefore recommended the short 9...exf4 10 Qe4+
Qe7 =. However, White can play 9 e3 first, and then we could easily
reach the game above by a transposition of moves. So the game
Gawehns Gallinnis deserves our attention. As a possible improvement
I suggest 16...Qe7 (instead of 16...Qd6) 17 Rdh1 Bf6, about equal.
Klaus Gawehns replied that 18 Rxh5 Bxh5 19 Rxh5 e4! could be tried.
This seems rather unclear. In any case 16...Qe7 offers Black better
chances than in the original game.
Its unclear, by the way, whether the transposition of moves really leads
to the critical variation. After 9 e3 (which doesnt threaten pawn e5)
Black might himself postpone the move Nd7. In case of 9...g6 10 Nf3
Bg7 11 0-0-0 the continuation 11...Bf5!? seems playable, for example
12 e4 Bg4 13 Be2 Bxf3 14 Bxf3 Nd7 15 g3 0-0-0 16 Rhf1 Kb8 17 Be2
h5, intending h4, and Black can be satisfied with the situation.
If this variation works, my recommendation (in the first column) 9 f4
exf4 10 Qe4+ Qe7 11 Qxf4 Nd7 gains importance. Klaus Gawehns
writes: In this line White really has a tough nut to crack. But it is still
debatable, whether Black has reached equality. I believe that White at
first should play 12 0-0-0. Has Black anything better than 12...f6? This
last move looks reliable, and I wouldnt hesitate to use it in practice. On
the other hand, I cannot exclude that White may have a small
advantage, when he plays like a super-hero. For now, all we can say
that there is still plenty to explore in the line 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nc3!?. Who
knows? One day it may well become the new main line, when nobody
trusts 5 Nd2 anymore.
The last game also demonstrates the dangers of the 5 Nc3 line. Hardly
ever have I stood worse in my favorite opening.
Dr. G. Fahnenschmidt (2198) St. Bcker (2349)
Bad Wiessee 2005 (Open)
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 Ne4 4 Qc2 Qa5+ 5 Nc3 Nxc3 6 Bd2 e5 7 Bxc3

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Over the Horizons

Qc7 8 g3 d6
After 8...g6 9 f4 Bg7 10 Bh3 00
11 Qd2 Re8!? (11...d6) 12 Nf3 e4
13 d6 Bxc3 14 bxc3 Qc6 15 Ne5 e3
16 Qd5 Qxd5 17 cxd5 f6 18 Nd3 d6
White seems to be slightly better.
9 Bh3
A strong move, which my opponent
found over the board. Can Black
allow the exchange of his strong
A younger Dr. Gerhard
Fahnenschmidt (now aged 65)
In I. Veneteanu (2245) A.
Berescu (2392), Bucharest 1999,
Black preferred to keep the bishops on the board: 9...Nd7 10 e4 Be7 11
Ne2 0-0 12 0-0 Rb8 13 a4 b6 14 Kh1 Re8 15 Ng1 Bf6 16 b3 a6 17 Qd3
Qd8 18 Ra2 g6 draw. The attack 10 f4 seems more dangerous. White
intends either f4-f5 or 11 fxe5, to establish a protected passed pawn at
d5. There are no immediate threats, but Blacks position is rather

10 Nxh3 Qd7
10...Be7 11 f4 Nd7 could be an alternative, if Black is willing to accept
a passed pawn at d5. Another option is 10...Qc8, which is similar to the
text, but keeps the d7-square for the knight.
11 Ng5
A mistake, which gives White a
useful additional tempo. The critical
line was 11...Be7! 12 h4 (12 f4
Bxg5, or 12 Ne4 f5) 12...h6
(12...Qg4? 13 Ne4 f5 14 f3! Qh5 15
Nf2 followed by g4) 13 Ne4 f5 14
Nd2 0-0 15 f4 e4, for example 16 g4
e3 17 Nf1 fxg4 or 16 e3 h5 with
12 Ne4 f5 13 Nd2 Qf7 14 f4 e4 15 g4 e3 16 Nf1

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Over the Horizons

During the game I also feared 16 Nf3 fxg4 17 Nh4. In both cases Black
seems almost lost.
16...fxg4 17 Nxe3 h5? (17...Qxf4) 18 Qe4+ Kd8 19 0-0-0 Nd7 20 Nf5
Kc7 21 Qe6! Qe8 22 Bxg7 Rh7
23 Qg8??
Both 23 Bc3 and 23 Bxf8 Qxf8 24
e4 Re8 25 Qg6 should have won
easily for White, who has an extra
pawn and the better position.
23...Qg6 24 e4 Rxg7 (24...Re8! was
even stronger) 25 Nxg7 Qxg7 26
Qe6 Nb6 27 e5 Nxc4 28 Rhe1 Rd8
29 Re4 Nb6 30 f5 dxe5 31 f6 Qg5+
32 Kc2 Bd6 33 f7 g3 34 h4 Qg7 35
Rg1 Qh7 36 Kd3 c4+ 37 Ke3 Rf8 38 Rxg3 Bc5+ 39 Kd2 Qxe4 40
Rg6 Bb4+ 41 Kd1 Qe1+ 42 Kc2 Qd2+, White resigns.
Next month: something completely different.

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1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!?

Plan con 4.Dc2

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.Dc2

Cording,Harm (2320) - Schuh,Hubert (2305) [A56]

Bundesliga 8182 Germany, 1982
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 f5 6.f3 Cd6 7.e4 fxe4 8.fxe4 g6 9.Ad3 Ag7 10.Cf3 b5 11.e5 Cf7 12.00
Cxe5 13.Cxe5 Axe5 14.Cxb5 Aa6 15.Ad2 Db6 16.Ac3 d6 17.Axe5 dxe5 18.a4 Axb5 19.axb5 a5 20.Ae2 Cd7 21.Ag4
Cf6 22.Ae6 Tf8 23.Dc3 Dc7 24.Tae1 e4 25.Txe4 10
Feichtenschlager,G - Wippich,Markus (2156) [A56]
Niederbayern-chT 9900 Landshut (7.3), 2000
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.bxc3 g6 7.e4 Ag7 8.Ad2 00 9.Ad3 e6 10.Ce2 d6 11.00 Cd7
12.f4 exd5 13.cxd5 c4 14.Cd4 cxd3 15.Dxd3 Cc5 16.De2 Te8 17.e5 dxe5 18.c4 Dd8 19.Tae1 Ad7 20.fxe5 Txe5 21.Df2
Txe1 22.Axe1 De7 23.Ab4 Cd3 24.Axe7 Cxf2 25.Cf3 Cd3 26.Td1 Ce5 27.Cd2 Tc8 28.c5 Af5 29.h3 h5 30.Cb3 Ac2
31.Td2 Axb3 32.axb3 Af8 33.d6 Axe7 34.dxe7 Cc6 35.Td7 Te8 36.Txb7 Txe7 37.Txe7 Cxe7 38.b4 Rf8 39.b5 Re8
40.Rf2 Rd7 41.Re3 Rc7 42.Re4 f6 01
Schoenthier,Frank - Buecker,Stefan [A56]
NRW-ch U20 op Krefeld (11), 1983
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.dxe6 dxe6 8.Axc3 Dc7 9.e3 Cc6 10.Cf3 e5 11.Ad3 g6
12.Ae4 Ag7 13.h4 Ae6 14.Ad5 Af5 15.e4 Ae6 16.Axe6 fxe6 17.000 h6 18.Ce1 00 19.Rb1 a6 20.Cd3 De7 21.g3 b5
22.f4 b4 23.Ae1 Tad8 24.Af2 Txd3 25.Dxd3 exf4 26.gxf4 Txf4 27.Th2 Cd4 28.Axd4 Axd4 29.Tf1 Df6 30.Txf4 Dxf4
31.De2 h5 32.Th1 Rg7 33.Dg2 Dg4 34.Dc2 a5 35.Tf1 Dxh4 36.e5 Dh3 37.De2 De3 38.Dg2 Dd3+ 39.Ra1 a4 40.Db7+
Rh6 41.Df7 Axe5 42.Th1 Df5 43.De7 a3 44.Txh5+ Dxh5 01

Bluebaum,Karl Ernst - Buecker,Stefan [A56]

NRW-ch Detmold (3), 1983
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e3 d6 9.Ad3 g6 10.h4 Cd7 11.h5 Tg8
12.hxg6 hxg6 13.Cf3 Ae7 14.000 Cf6 15.Cg5 Ch5 16.Ce6 Db6 17.f4 Cf6 18.fxe5 Cg4 19.exd6 Dxd6 20.De2 Axe6
21.dxe6 Dxe6 22.Ac2 Dxe3+ 23.Dxe3 Cxe3 24.Aa4+ Rf8 25.Td7 Cxc4 26.Txb7 Cb6 27.Ac6 Tc8 28.Af3 Ca4 29.Ad2 g5
30.Txa7 Cb6 31.Te1 Af6 32.Ah5 Tg7 33.Tf1 Tc6 34.b3 Ae7 35.Af3 Td6 36.Aa5 Tgg6 37.Ae4 Tge6 38.Axb6 Txb6
39.Ad5 Tf6 40.Txf6 Txf6 41.Af3 Tf4 42.Ta4 Tf6 43.Tc4 Ta6 44.a4 f5 45.Rc2 Rf7 46.Ad5+ Rf6 47.Tc3 Ad6 48.Ac4 Ta7
49.Th3 Af8 50.Td3 f4
Ree,Hans (2500) - Timmerman,Gert Jan (2285) [A56]
NED-ch Hilversum (1), 1983
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.cxb5 Cxb5 11.00 00
12.Cc4 Dd8 13.Ad2 d6 14.Aa5 De8 15.h3 Ad7 16.De2 Dc8 17.e5 Te8 18.a4 Cbc7 19.exd6 exd6 20.Cxd6 Txe2
21.Cxc8 Txb2 22.Ce7+ Rf8 23.d6 Tb3 24.Tad1 Af6 25.dxc7 Cxc7 26.Axc7 Rxe7 27.Ad6+ Re8 28.Tfe1+ 10
Dupuis,Stephane - Benoit,Alain [A56]
Quebec inv Quebec, 1984
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Tb1 Da5 9.Ab2 Tg8 10.Ac3 Dc7 11.e5 Cf5
12.Cgf3 d6 13.Ce4 Ag7 14.exd6 Axc3+ 15.Dxc3 Cxd6 16.Cxd6+ Dxd6 17.Ad3 b6 18.00 Af5 19.Tfe1 Axd3 20.Dxd3
Cc6 21.Te4 000 22.De2 Ca5 23.Txe7 Td7 24.Te8+ Txe8 25.Dxe8+ Rb7 26.Ce5 Te7 27.Cxf7 Df6 28.Cd8+ Rc7
29.Ce6+ Dxe6 30.d6+ Dxd6 31.Da8 Cc6 01
Chachere,Lawrence (2265) - Myers,Hugh Edward (2210) [A56]
Midwest Masters-B Chicago (2), 1984
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e3 d6 9.f4 f5 10.fxe5 dxe5 11.Cf3 Ad6
12.Ae2 00 13.Ch4 De7 14.g3 g5 15.Cf3 Ca6 16.a3 Ad7 17.000 Tab8 18.e4 Cc7 19.exf5 Txf5 20.h4 g4 21.Cg5 Tff8
22.Ad3 h6 23.Ce4 b5 24.Tde1 b4 25.Ad2 bxa3 26.bxa3 Cxd5 27.Cxd6 Dxd6 28.cxd5 c4 29.Ah7+ Rh8 30.Ab4 Txb4
31.axb4 Dxb4 32.Ag6 Tf3 33.Db2 Tb3 34.Dxe5+ Rg8 35.Te2 Da3+ 36.Rd1 c3 37.De7 Da1+ 38.Rc2 Db2+ 39.Rd1
Da1+ 40.Rc2 Da2+ 41.Rd3 Da6+ 42.Rd4 Db6+ 43.Re5 Db8+ 44.Rf6 Tb6+ 45.Te6 10
Sieglen,Joachim (2260) - Buecker,Stefan [A56]
FRG-ch 18th Bad Neuenahr, 1984
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.Cgf3 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Tb1 Da5 9.Ab2 Tg8 10.Ac3 Dd8 11.e4 f5
12.Ad3 e6 13.00 Ca6 14.Tfe1 De7 15.Da4 Ag7 16.Axg7 Dxg7 17.dxe6 Rd8 18.e7+ Rc7 19.g3 b6 20.exf5 Te8 21.fxg6
hxg6 22.Ce4 Cf7 23.Ceg5 Cxg5 24.Cxg5 Txe7 25.Txe7 Dxe7 26.h4 Ab7 27.Td1 Th8 28.Ae4 Axe4 29.Cxe4 Dxe4
30.Dxa6 Ta8 31.Da4 d6 32.Db3 De2 33.Dd3 Dxd3 34.Txd3 a6 35.a4 Td8 36.Rf1 Rc6 37.g4 b5 38.axb5+ axb5
39.cxb5+ Rxb5 40.h5 Rc4 41.Re2 gxh5 42.gxh5 Te8+ 43.Rd2 Te6 44.Th3 Th6 45.Th4+ Rd5 46.Rc3 Rc6 47.f4 Rd5
48.f5 Re5 49.Rc4 Rxf5 50.Rd5 Rg5 51.Th1 Rg4 52.Rc6 Rf3 53.Rd5 Rg3 54.Tg1+ Rh4 55.Th1+ Rg5 56.Rc6 Rg4
57.Tg1+ Rxh5 58.Rd5 Tg6 59.Th1+ Rg5 60.Tg1+ Rf6 61.Ta1 Rg7 62.Ta7+ Rh6 63.Ta1 Tf6 64.Tg1 Rh7 65.Tg2 Tg6
66.Ta2 Rg7 67.Ta7+ Rf8 68.Ta8+ Re7 69.Ta7+ Rd8 70.Tb7 Tf6 71.Ta7 Re8 72.Ta8+ Rd7 73.Ta7+ Rd8 74.Tb7 Re8
75.Tb8+ Rf7 76.Tb7+ Rg6 77.Tb1 Rg5 78.Tg1+ Rh4 79.Tg8 Rh3 80.Tg7 Rh2 81.Tg8
Kaiser,Wolfgang (2365) - Buecker,Stefan (2400) [A56]
NRW-ch U18 Buende (11), 1985
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.f4 d6 9.Cf3 Cd7 10.e3 g6 11.000 Ag7
12.h4 Dd8 13.h5 De7 14.g4 Tg8 15.Rb1 Cb6 16.hxg6 hxg6 17.fxe5 Axe5 18.Cxe5 dxe5 19.Ae2 Ad7 20.De4 000
21.Th7 Tde8 22.Tf1 Tgf8 23.b3 Rb8 24.Rb2 Cc8 25.Df3 Cd6 26.Df6
Michaelsen,Nils (2200) - Schroeder,Christoph (2220) [A56]
Hamburg-ch Hamburg, 1985
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.cxb5 Cxb5 11.00 00
12.Cc4 Dc7 13.e5 Ab7 14.Ae4 Cd4 15.Dd3 Cxf3+ 16.Axf3 Axe5 17.Cxe5 Dxe5 18.Ad2 Cc7 19.Ac3 Dd6 20.Tfd1 e6
21.dxe6 Dxd3 22.Txd3 Axf3 23.e7 Tfc8 24.gxf3 d5 25.Aa5 f6 26.Axc7 Txc7 27.Te1 Rf7 28.Txd5 Te8 29.Tc1 Tec8
30.Td8 Rxe7 31.Txc8 Txc8 32.Rf1 Rd6 33.Re2 Tb8 34.Tc2 Tb3 35.Td2+ Rc6 36.Tc2 Rb5 37.Td2 a5 38.f4 Th3 39.f5
gxf5 40.Td5 Tb3 41.Txf5 Txb2+ 42.Rf1 Ta2 43.Txf6 Txa3 44.Th6 Tf3 45.Txh7 Tf6 46.Tb7+ Ra6 47.Tb8 c4 48.Re2 Td6
49.h4 Th6 50.Rd2 Txh4 51.Rc3 Tf4 52.Tb2 a4 53.Rb4 Rb6 54.Te2

Roemer,Ulrich (2350) - Birke,Matthias (2305) [A56]

Herrenberg Herrenberg (4), 1986
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ca6 8.a3 Ag7 9.Ce2 b5 10.00 00 11.Tb1 bxc4
12.Cxc4 Cxc4 13.Axc4 d6 14.Ad2 Db6 15.Da4 Cb8 16.Aa5 Ad7 17.Dxd7 Cxd7 18.Axb6 axb6 19.Ab5 Tfd8 20.a4 Ta5
21.Cc1 Cb8 22.Cb3 Ta7 23.Cd2 Ca6 24.Cc4 Tb8 25.b3 Cb4 26.Tfe1 Ad4 27.Rf1 Rg7 28.Te2 f5 29.f3 fxe4 30.fxe4
Tf8+ 31.Re1 Ac3+ 32.Cd2 Cc2+ 33.Rd1 Cd4 34.Cf3 Cxe2 35.Rxe2 h6 36.Rd3 Ae5 37.Ac6 Tf4 38.Te1 g5 39.h3 g4
40.hxg4 Txg4 41.Te2 Tg3 42.Re3 Rf6 43.Rf2 Tg4 44.Cd2 Ad4+ 45.Rf3 Tg8 46.Cc4 h5 47.g3 Tb8 48.Te1 Tc7 49.Rg2
Tcc8 50.Tf1+ Rg6 51.Ab5 Tf8 52.Txf8 Txf8 53.Cxb6 Tf2+ 54.Rh3 Tb2 55.Ac4 Rg5 56.a5 Ag1 57.g4 h4 01
Meister,Peter (2355) - Schoene,Armin [A56]
FRG op-ch Krefeld, 1986
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Ab2 Tg8 9.Tb1 Da5 10.Ad3 Ca6 11.a3 f6
12.e5 fxe5 13.Axe5 Cf7 14.Ac3 Dc7 15.Cgf3 Ag7 16.Axg7 Txg7 17.00 Rf8 18.Tfe1 Df4 19.Te3 d6 20.g3 Dh6 21.Tbe1
Cg5 22.Cxg5 Dxg5 23.Ce4 Dg4 24.Db2 Cc7 25.Cxd6 Dd4 26.Tf3+ Rg8 27.Dxd4 cxd4 28.Cxc8 Txc8 29.Tf4 Ca6
30.Txd4 Cc5 31.Af1 Td8 32.Tdd1 Td6 33.Tb1 Ta6 34.Tb5 b6 35.Te3 Ta4 36.Tb4 Ta5 37.Tb1 Ta4 38.Tbe1 Rf8 39.f4
Cb7 40.Rg2 Cd6 41.Tc3 Ta5 42.Rf3 g5 43.fxg5 Txg5 44.g4 Tc5 45.Tee3 h5 46.h3 hxg4+ 47.hxg4 Rf7 48.Rf4 Tg8
49.Te6 b5 50.Tce3 bxc4 51.Txe7+ Rf8 52.Txa7 Tg6 53.Ta8+ Rf7 54.Ta7+ Rf8 55.Re5 c3 56.Ad3 c2 57.Axg6 c1D
58.Tf3+ Rg8 59.Ah7+ 10
Kertesz,Alfred (2370) - Heyer,K [A56]
NRW-Liga II Germany, 1987
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.f4 exf4 9.De4+ Rd8 10.Ch3 d6 11.Cxf4
De7 12.Dxe7+ Axe7 13.Axg7 Tg8 14.Ac3 Af5 15.g3 Cd7 16.Ah3 Axh3 17.Cxh3 Af6 18.Axf6+ Cxf6 19.00 Re7 20.Tf4
Tg4 21.Tf5 Cd7 22.Taf1 Tg7 23.Cf4 Ce5 24.b3 Tb8 25.Cd3 Cd7 26.T1f4 a6 27.Te4+ Rd8 28.Tf3 b5 29.Tfe3 bxc4
30.bxc4 Tg8 31.Rg2 a5 32.Th4 Cf8 33.Tf4 Tb7 34.Cf2 Te7 35.Ta3 Ta7 36.Tb3 Re7 37.Te4+ Rf6 38.Tb8 Rg7 39.Tee8
f5 40.Cd3 Tf7 41.Cf4 Rf6 42.Tbd8 10
Rosemann,Uwe - Luett,Michael [A56]
NRW-Liga I Germany, 1987
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.Tb1 Cxc4 11.Axc4 bxc4
12.Dxc4 Tb8 13.00 00 14.Dc2 Ab7 15.Cc4 Dc7 16.Ag5 d6 17.Tfc1 f5 18.exf5 Txf5 19.Te1 Te8 20.Da4 Tff8 21.Tbd1
Ac8 22.Te3 h6 23.Ah4 g5 24.Ag3 Dd7 25.Da5 Af6 26.b4 cxb4 27.axb4 Dc7 28.Dxc7 Cxc7 29.Ca5 Rf7 30.Cc6 a6
31.Te2 Ab7 32.Tc2 Cb5 33.h4 Tc8 34.hxg5 hxg5 35.Tdc1 Th8 36.Ch2 Axc6 37.dxc6 Cd4 38.Ta2 Txc6 39.Txc6 Cxc6
40.Txa6 Cxb4 41.Ta7 Cc6 42.Tc7 Ce5 43.Axe5 Axe5 44.Cg4 Af6 45.Ce3 Tb8 46.g3 Tb2 47.Cf5 Re6 48.Ce3 Ad4
49.Cc2 Ac5 50.Ce3 Axe3 51.fxe3 Ta2 52.Rf1 Rf6 53.Tc4 e6 54.Tb4 Tc2 55.Ta4 Rf5 56.Ta6 d5 57.Ta4 Tc4 58.Ta2 e5
59.Rf2 Re4 60.Re2 g4 61.Tb2 Tc3 62.Tb4+ d4 63.exd4 Te3+ 64.Rd2 exd4 65.Tb8 Txg3 66.Te8+ Rf3 67.Rd3 Rf2+
68.Rxd4 Tf3 69.Ta8 g3 70.Ta2+ Rg1 71.Re4 Tf2 72.Ta1+ Tf1 73.Ta8 Tf7 01
Hartman,Christer (2315) - Sjodin,Bengt [A56]
Jonkoping op Jonkoping (4), 1987
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e4 d6 9.f4 exf4 10.Ce2 De7 11.Cxf4 Cd7
12.Ae2 Ce5 13.00 g6 14.b4 b6 15.bxc5 bxc5 16.Da4+ Ad7 17.Da6 Ag7 18.Aa5 Ac8 19.Db5+ Ad7 20.Da6 Ac8
21.Db5+ Ad7
Menzel,J - Niermann,Rainer [A56]
Dortmund op Dortmund (8), 1987
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e4 d6 9.Ad3 g6 10.f4 Cd7 11.Cf3 Ag7
12.fxe5 Cxe5 13.Cxe5 dxe5 14.00 Ad7 15.Ad2 00 16.Ae3 Dc8 17.a3 f5 18.b4 b6 19.Tab1 f4 20.Af2 f3 21.Ae3 Ag4
22.Tf2 fxg2 23.Txf8+ Dxf8 24.Dxg2 Ah6 25.Af2 Df4 26.Dg3 cxb4 27.Dxf4 Axf4 28.axb4 Tf8 29.Tb2 Ac1 30.Ta2 Ah3
31.Af1 Axf1 32.Rxf1 Ae3 33.Rg2 Axf2 34.Txf2 Tc8 35.Tc2 Rf7 36.c5 Re7 37.Rg3 bxc5 38.bxc5 a5 39.c6 Rd6 40.Ta2
Ta8 41.Ta4 h5 42.Rh4 10

Hoensch,Matthias (2335) - Lenz,Juergen [A56]

BL2-S 8788 Germany, 1987
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.f3 e6 8.e4 fxe4 9.fxe4 Ae7 10.Ab2 00 11.Cgf3 exd5
12.cxd5 Cf7 13.Ad3 d6 14.00 Cd7 15.Cc4 Dc7 16.e5 dxe5 17.Axh7+ Rh8 18.Ag6 b5 19.Axf7 bxc4 20.Dg6 Dd6
21.Dh5+ Dh6 22.Dxh6+ gxh6 23.Cxe5 Cxe5 24.Axe5+ Rh7 25.d6 Ag5 26.Ag6+ Rg8 27.Txf8+ Rxf8 28.Tf1+ Rg8
29.Ae4 10
Klebel,Martin - Kraft,Volker [A56]
Bayern-ch Abensberg (1), 1987
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.dxe6 dxe6 8.Axc3 Dc7 9.g3 e5 10.Ag2 Cc6 11.000
Ae7 12.Ae4 Cd4 13.Dd3 g6 14.e3 Cf5 15.f4 f6 16.g4 Ch6 17.g5 Cf7 18.gxf6 Axf6 19.Cf3 Ag4 20.Tdg1 Td8 21.Dc2 Ae6
22.b3 Re7 23.Db2 Thf8 24.h4 Cd6 25.Axg6 exf4 26.Axh7 fxe3 27.Ce5 Axe5 28.Axe5 Dc6 29.Tg7+ Cf7 30.Te1 Df3
31.Tg3 Dh5 32.Af6+ Rd7 33.Ag6 Dh6 34.Axf7 Axf7 35.Ag5 Dh7 36.Tgxe3 Tde8 37.Te7+ Rc8 38.Dh2 10
Alber,Horst (2275) - Christ,Ralf [A56]
Wiesbaden op Wiesbaden (4), 1988
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e4 g6 9.f4 d6 10.Cf3 Cd7 11.g3 Ag7
12.Ah3 00 13.00 a6 14.Tad1 Te8 15.Cg5 Af6 16.Dd2 Axg5 17.fxg5 b5 18.Aa5 Cb6 19.Axc8 Taxc8 20.Df2 Te7 21.b3
Db8 22.De2 Cd7 23.Tf2 Db7 24.Tdf1 Tb8 25.h4 Dc8 26.Rg2 Tb7 27.h5 Tb8 28.Tf3 Db7 29.T1f2 Tf8 30.Dd3 Db8
31.Df1 Rg7 32.Tf6 Rg8 33.hxg6 fxg6 34.Ac7 Dxc7 35.Txf8+ Cxf8 36.Txf8+ 10
Zolotarev,A - Isaev,Jamshed [A56]
URS Army-ch Simferopol, 1989
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Cgf3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.cxb5 Cxb5 11.00 00
12.Cb3 Db6 13.De2 Cac7 14.Ag5 Te8 15.Tfc1 Cd6 16.Cxc5 e6 17.Ca4 Db8 18.Af4 e5 19.Ae3 f5 20.Cd2 f4 21.Ac5 Cf7
22.Ab4 d6 23.Cc4 Cb5 24.Ca5 Cd4 25.Dd1 Ad7 26.f3 Dd8 27.Ae1 Dg5 28.Cc3 Tab8 29.b4 h5 30.Ta2 Df6 31.Ce2 g5
32.Cc6 Ta8 33.Cexd4 exd4 34.Tac2 g4 35.Af2 Axc6 36.Txc6 Ce5 37.Tc7 Dg5 38.Rh1 g3 39.Ag1 gxh2 40.Af2 Af6
41.b5 01
Zimmermann,Klemens - Wieder,Heiner [A56]
Porz op 23rd Porz (4), 1989
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.f4 d6 9.Cf3 Cd7 10.De4 Cf6 11.De3 Cg4
12.Dd3 f5 13.fxe5 dxe5 14.e4 Ad6 15.h3 Cf6 16.Cd2 g6 17.Ae2 Ad7 18.Tf1 000 19.g4 Thf8 20.gxf5 gxf5 21.exf5 e4
22.Cxe4 Cxe4 23.Dxe4 Tde8 24.Dd3 Ag3+ 25.Rd1 Af4 26.d6 Axd6 27.Ag7 Aa4+ 28.Rc1 Dxg7 29.Dxd6 Txe2
30.Dxc5+ Rb8 31.Dd6+ Ra8 32.Db4 Dh6+ 33.Rb1 Ac2# # 01
Hillen,Achim - Zimmer,Ralph [A56]
Porz op 22nd Porz, 1989
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.bxc3 g6 7.Ad2 Ag7 8.e4 d6 9.Ad3 00 10.h4 Cd7 11.Cf3 Cf6
12.Tc1 e5 13.dxe6 Axe6 14.Cg5 Tfe8 15.Rf1 Da6 16.Cxe6 Txe6 17.h5 Cxh5 18.g4 Cf6 19.f3 Cd7 20.Ah6 Axh6
21.Txh6 Ce5 22.Tb1 Cxf3 23.Rg2 Ce5 24.De2 Cxd3 25.Dxd3 Dc6 26.Tbh1 Txe4 27.Dd5 Dxd5 28.cxd5 Tae8 29.Txh7
Txg4+ 30.Rf3 Tge4 31.Th8+ Rg7 32.T8h7+ Rf6 33.Rg3 Te3+ 34.Rg2 Rg5 35.Txf7 Te2+ 36.Tf2 Txf2+ 37.Rxf2 Te7 01
Naumkin,Igor (2435) - Dormann,Lars [A56]
Muenster op Muenster (3), 1989
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Cgf3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.cxb5 Cxb5 11.00 00
12.Cc4 Dd8 13.e5 d6 14.Ag5 f6 15.exf6 exf6 16.Ad2 Ag4 17.Ce3 Ad7 18.h4 f5 19.Axb5 Axb5 20.Tfe1 Cc7 21.Ac3 Ad7
22.Cc4 Ab5 23.Axg7 Rxg7 24.Cg5 Axc4 25.Dxc4 Df6 26.b4 h6 27.Ce6+ Cxe6 28.dxe6 Tac8 29.Tad1 De7 30.bxc5
Txc5 31.Dd4+ Rg8 32.Df4 10
Nance,D - Colias,Billy (2230) [A56]
Midwest Masters op Chicago (1), 1989
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 e5 10.00 00 11.Ch4 Dd8
12.g3 Ce8 13.Cg2 d6 14.f4 exf4 15.Cxf4 Cb8 16.Cf3 Ag4 17.Ad2 Axf3 18.Txf3 Cd7 19.Ac3 Ce5 20.Axe5 Axe5 21.Taf1
Cf6 22.Ce2 De7 23.Rg2 Tae8 24.h3 Cd7 25.Tb1 Ag7 26.Tff1 Ce5 27.Cc3 b6 28.Tbe1 a6 29.De2 Tb8 30.Cd1 Dd7
31.Tf2 b5 32.Tef1 Tb7 33.b3 Tfb8 34.cxb5 axb5 35.Ce3 Ta8 36.Cg4 Cxg4 37.hxg4 De8 38.a4 bxa4 39.bxa4 Txa4

40.Tc1 Ad4 41.Tff1 Tb2 42.Tc2 Taa2 43.Tb1 c4 44.Tcxb2 cxd3 45.Txa2 dxe2 46.Txe2 Dc8 47.g5 Dg4 48.Tee1 Dxg5
49.Tf1 Dd2+ 50.Rh3 Dd3 51.Tbe1 Ae5 52.Tg1 Dc2 53.Tg2 Dd3 54.Tee2 Axg3 01
Trumpf,Walter - Keller,Rudolf (2265) [A56]
Mendrisio op Mendrisio (4), 1989
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Tb1 Da5 9.Ab2 f6 10.Ac3 Dd8 11.e5 Cf5
12.Ad3 Ag7 13.Cgf3 00 14.h4 fxe5 15.Axf5 gxf5 16.Cxe5 e6 17.Th3 d6 18.Tg3 dxe5 19.Axe5 Tf7 20.Dc3 De7 21.h5
h6 22.Rf1 Rh7 23.Cf3 Axe5 24.Cxe5 Tg7 25.Cg6 Df7 26.Te1 a5 27.dxe6 Axe6 28.Txe6 Cc6 29.Tf6 Dg8 30.Dc1 10
Schwarz,Peter - Hoehn,Michael [A56]
Hessen-ch qual-B Germany (8), 1989
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Ab2 Tg8 9.Ac3 Db6 10.Cgf3 f6 11.Ad3 Cf7
12.00 d6 13.Tab1 Dd8 14.Ae2 Ca6 15.a3 Cc7 16.Ce1 b6 17.f4 Ag7 18.Cef3 e5 19.dxe6 Cxe6 20.g3 Ab7 21.Tfe1 Dc7
22.Af1 000 23.Ah3 Tde8 24.a4 h5 25.a5 g5 26.axb6 axb6 27.Axe6+ Txe6 28.f5 Tee8 29.Db2 Ce5 30.Cxe5 dxe5
31.Dxb6 Dxb6 32.Txb6 Te7 33.Tb5 Tc7 34.Aa5 Aa6 35.Tb6 Ab7 36.Teb1 Td8 37.Txb7 Txb7 38.Txb7 Txd2 39.Tc7+
Rb8 40.Txg7 Tc2 41.Tf7 Txc4 42.Txf6 Tc1+ 43.Rg2 Tc2+ 44.Rf1 h4 45.Tb6+ Ra7 46.f6 hxg3 47.hxg3 10
Drasko,Milan (2445) - Ottavi,Marco [A56]
Rome op Rome (4), 1990
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 f5 8.exf5 Cxf5 9.Ad3 d6 10.00 Ca6 11.Ce4 Cb4
12.Dd2 Ah6 13.Cxd6+ Cxd6 14.Dc3 Cf7 15.Axh6 Db6 16.Ae4 Ag4 17.a3 Ca6 18.Dg7 Df6 19.Dxf6 exf6 20.Ag7 Tg8
21.Axf6 Cd6 22.Tfe1 10
Gawehns,Klaus (2325) - Gallinnis,Norbert (2265) [A56]
NRW-Liga I 8990 Germany, 1990
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 Dc7 7.Axc3 e5 8.f4 d6 9.Cf3 Cd7 10.e3 g6 11.h4 Ag7 12.h5
Cb6 13.fxe5 dxe5 14.000 Ag4 15.Th4 gxh5 16.Ad3 Dd6 17.Af5 f6 18.Axg4 hxg4 19.Txg4 Dd7 20.Th4 000 21.b3
h6 22.Th5 Rb8 23.Ch4 Dg4 24.Df5 De2 25.Ad2 Cxc4 26.bxc4 Dxc4+ 27.Dc2 De2 28.Cf3 Txd5 29.Th4 Thd8 30.Tg4
Af8 31.Te1 Da6 32.Ta4 Dc6 33.e4 Td3 34.Te3 Txe3 35.Axe3 b5 36.Ta3 Ae7 37.Td3 Txd3 38.Dxd3 c4 39.Dd5 Dxd5
40.exd5 Rc7 41.Ch4 Aa3+ 42.Rc2 Rd6 43.Axh6 Rxd5 44.g4 Ae7 45.Cf5 Ad8 46.Ae3 a5 47.Cg3 b4 48.Ad2 Ae7 49.Cf5
Af8 50.Ce3+ Rc5 51.Cf5 Rd5 52.Ae1 Ac5 53.Ah4 Re6 54.Cg7+ Rf7 55.Ch5 a4 56.Cxf6 Ad4 57.Ce4 b3+ 58.Rb1 c3
59.axb3 axb3 60.Ae1 c2+ 61.Rc1 Re6 62.Cd2 Ac3 63.Cxb3
Kaidanov,Gregory S (2500) - Martin,Andrew D (2430) [A56]
Lloyds Bank op London, 1990
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 00 9.00 Ca6 10.a3 b5 11.cxb5 Cxb5
12.Cc4 Dd8 13.Ag5 De8 14.Tfe1 Cac7 15.a4 Cd4 16.Cxd4 Axd4 17.Ah6 Ca6 18.Dd2 Cb4 19.Af1 Tb8 20.Tac1 Dd8
21.d6 e6 22.Ca3 a6 23.Cc4 Te8 24.Ae3 Cc6 25.Axd4 Cxd4 26.Tc3 Ab7 27.b4 cxb4 28.Th3 e5 29.f4 Ce6 30.Cxe5 Ac6
31.Ac4 Tf8 32.f5 Dg5 33.Df2 Axa4 34.Cf3 Df4 35.fxe6 fxe6 36.Da2 Ac6 37.Dd2 a5 38.Dxf4 Txf4 39.Ce5 Tc8 40.The3
Tff8 41.Ta1 a4 42.Tb1 b3 43.Cxc6 Txc6 44.Ab5 a3 45.Axc6 a2 46.Texb3 axb1D+ 47.Txb1 dxc6 48.e5 Rg7 49.Tb7+
Rh6 50.Te7 10
Ruhrberg,Martin - Mueller,A [A56]
Hessen qual Hessen (7), 1990
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ae2 00 9.00 Dc7 10.Ad3 e5 11.dxe6 dxe6
12.Cb3 e5 13.Ae3 b6 14.Cfd2 Cc6 15.Tad1 Ab7 16.f4 Ah6 17.a3 f6 18.Dc1 Cf7 19.g3 Tad8 20.Cf3 exf4 21.Axf4 Axf4
22.gxf4 Ce7 23.De3 Tfe8 24.Cc1 Cf5 25.Df2 Axe4 26.Axe4 Txe4 27.Ce2 Txd1 28.Txd1 Ce3 29.Td3 Cxc4 30.Cc3 Txf4
31.Dg3 Txf3 32.Dxc7 Txd3 33.Dxa7 Cxb2 34.Dxb6 Txc3 35.Dxb2 Tf3 36.a4 Ce5 37.a5 Td3 38.Db8+ Rg7 39.Dc7+ Rh6
40.Dxc5 Td1+ 41.Rg2 Td2+ 42.Rf1 Td1+ 43.Re2 Te1+ 44.Rd2 Ta1 45.Db4 Txa5 46.Rc2 Ta2+ 47.Rb1 Ta6
Reinemer,Frank - Buecker,Stefan (2345) [A56]
FRG-ch qual Nord Wittlich, 1990
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e4 d6 9.Ad3 De7 10.Ce2 Cd7 11.f3 h5
12.h4 g6 13.000 Ah6+ 14.Rb1 Cf6 15.Ad2 Axd2 16.Dxd2 Ad7 17.Tdg1 a6 18.Cc3 000 19.Ae2 Cg8 20.a3 Ae8
21.Ra1 Cf6 22.b4 Dc7 23.Tb1 Cd7 24.b5 a5 25.b6 Cxb6 26.Cb5 Axb5 27.Txb5 Ca8 28.Txa5 Rd7 29.Tb5 b6 30.f4 Da7
31.Tb3 The8 32.Tf1 Rc8 33.f5 Te7 34.g4 b5 35.fxg6 fxg6 36.gxh5 gxh5 37.cxb5 Da4 38.Dc2 Cb6 39.Axh5 Tg8 40.Tff3

Rb7 41.Df2 Tgg7 42.Tg3 Dxe4 43.Df6 Dd4+ 44.Ra2 c4 45.Tbd3 cxd3 46.Txg7 Dc4+ 47.Ra1 Tc7 48.Txc7+ Dxc7
49.Df7 Cd7 50.Df1 Dc3+ 51.Ra2 Cc5 52.Df7+ Rb6 53.Df8 Dc2+ 01
Rettieck,Sven Michael - Krause,Helmut [A56]
Schleswig Holstein-ch VM cand Schleswig Holstein, 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Cxd2 g6 7.e3 Ag7 8.Ce2 00 9.Cc3 d6 10.Ae2 Cd7 11.00 a6
12.Tfc1 Cf6 13.a4 Ad7 14.Cb3 Dc7 15.Td1 Tab8 16.Ta3 Ce8 17.Cd2 Axc3 18.bxc3 b5 19.axb5 axb5 20.cxb5 Axb5
21.c4 Ad7 22.Tda1 f5 23.f3 Cf6 24.Ad1 Tb7 25.Dc3 Tfb8 26.Aa4 Axa4 27.Txa4 Dd8 28.h3
Boehle,Lars - Guenther,Lars [A56]
NRW-chT 9192 U18 Germany, 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e3 g6 9.h4 Ag7 10.h5 Tg8 11.hxg6 hxg6
12.Ad3 d6 13.f4 Ca6 14.Cf3 Ad7 15.Axg6 Cb4 16.Axb4 cxb4 17.Cg5 000 18.Cxf7 exf4 19.Cxd8 Rxd8 20.000 Da5
21.Rb1 fxe3 22.Tde1 Ah6 23.Af5 b3 24.Dxb3 Axf5+ 25.Ra1 Txg2 26.Dxb7 Ag7 27.Db8+ Rd7 28.Db7+ Dc7 29.Db5+
Rd8 30.Tb1 Db6 01
Visentin,Claudio - Bozzi,Gianni [A56]
Lombardia op Lombardia, 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 Ca6 7.e4 Cb4 8.Db1 e5 9.Ab2 f6 10.f4 Cf7 11.Cgf3 Ad6 12.a3
Ca6 13.f5 Cc7 14.b4 cxb4 15.Cb3 Db6 16.Cfd2 De3+ 17.Ae2 Ca6 18.Dd3 Dxd3 19.Axd3 bxa3 20.Axa3 Axa3 21.Txa3
d6 22.Ca5 Cc5 23.Re2 Ad7 24.Tb1 Cd8 25.Tba1 g6 26.Cab3 Cxd3 27.Rxd3 a6 28.c5 Ab5+ 29.Re3 Rd7 30.cxd6 Tc8
31.Ca5 Rxd6 32.g4 gxf5 33.exf5 Re7 34.Ce4 h5 35.g5 fxg5 36.d6+ Rf7 37.Cxg5+ Rf6 38.Ce4+ Rxf5 39.Tg1 Ce6
40.Cxb7 Ac6 41.d7 Axb7 42.dxc8D Axc8 43.Taa1 Td8 44.Cg3+ Rg6 45.Ta5 Cd4 46.Ce4+ Rf7 47.Txe5 Ag4 01
Moisio,R - Lampen,Timo [A56]
Kankaanpaa op Kankaanpaa (1), 1991
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Cxd2 g6 7.e4 Ca6 8.Cgf3 Ag7 9.e5 d6 10.e6 fxe6 11.dxe6 Db6
12.Ad3 Cb4 13.Axg6+ Rd8 14.De4 hxg6 15.00 Dc6 16.Dxg6 Af6 17.a3 Ca6 18.Ce4 De8 19.Dg3 Dg8 20.Df4 Df8
21.Tad1 Axb2 22.Dd2 Af6 23.Tfe1 Rc7 24.Da5+ b6 25.Dd2 Ab7 26.Cxd6 exd6 27.e7 Axe7 01
Vargas,E - Martos Exposito,Manuel [A56]
Jaen-ch Linares (4), 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 f5 6.f3 Cd6 7.e3 Ca6 8.a3 e5 9.Tb1 g6 10.Ce2 Cf7 11.Cc3 d6 12.Ad3
Dd8 13.00 Ah6 14.Te1 Dh4 15.Dd1 00 16.Cf1 Cc7 17.b4 Ce8 18.bxc5 dxc5 19.e4 f4 20.Te2 Cfd6 21.a4 Dd8
22.Teb2 Tf7 23.Cb5 Af8 24.Ad2 Cxb5 25.Txb5 g5 26.a5 h5 27.Ac3 Ad6 28.Cd2 Cf6 29.T1b2 g4 30.De1 Ch7 31.Ae2
Tb8 32.Cf1 Tg7 33.Rh1 Dg5 34.Df2 Cf6 35.Ad1 h4 36.Ae1 g3 37.De2 gxh2 38.Cxh2 Ch5 39.Rg1 h3 40.Ta2 Cf6
41.Ad2 Dxg2+ 42.Dxg2 Txg2+ 43.Rh1 Ch5 44.Cf1 Cg3+ 45.Cxg3 fxg3 46.Tbb2 Tf2 47.Ae2 Txe2 48.Ta1 h2 49.Te1 Tf2
50.f4 Ah3 51.Tc2 Ag2# 01
Pietralunga,Nicola - Casadei,Mauro [A56]
Bologna op Bologna, 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.Cf3 d6 9.e4 g6 10.Ae2 Ag7 11.00 00
12.Cd2 Ah6 13.Tae1 f5 14.exf5 Axf5 15.Ad3 Cd7 16.a3 Tac8 17.b3 Tf7 18.Axf5 Txf5 19.Ce4 Tcf8 20.Dd3 Af4 21.Dh3
Cf6 22.Cg3 Axg3 23.hxg3 Df7 24.g4 Tf4 25.f3 Ce4 26.Ab2 Cg5 27.Dg3 Ce4 28.Dh2 Cd2 29.Ac1 Cxf1 30.Txf1 Txg4
31.Ah6 Te8 32.Rf2 Td4 33.Ae3 De7 34.Axd4 01
Schneider,Klaus - Stief,Volker [A56]
Baden-ch AT Waldshut (2), 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 e5 7.Ab2 f6 8.Cgf3 b5 9.e3 bxc4 10.Axc4 Aa6 11.00 Ae7
12.Tfc1 00 13.Ac3 Db6 14.Tab1 Dc7 15.Ce1 Cxc4 16.Cxc4 d6 17.Cd3 Dd7 18.Cd2 Df5 19.e4 Dg6 20.b4 f5 21.f3 fxe4
22.Cxe4 Txf3 23.Cdf2 Cd7 24.Da4 Ad3 25.Dxd7 Axb1 26.Cg3 Tf7 27.bxc5 Ag5 28.Dc6 Taf8 29.Tf1 Ae3 30.Ae1 Axc5
31.Db5 01

Saftenberger,W - Ossig,M [A56]

Bad Neustadt op Bad Neustadt (5), 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.cxb5 00 10.Cc3 c4 11.Cxc4 Cxc4
12.Axc4 a6 13.Ad2 Dc7 14.Dd3 d6 15.00 Cd7 16.De2 Ce5 17.Ab3 Ad7 18.Tfc1 Db7 19.bxa6 Txa6 20.h3 Ae8 21.Cd1
Ab5 22.De3 Cd3 23.Tc2 Cc5 24.Tac1 Ad7 25.Ac4 Taa8 26.b4 Ca6 27.Axa6 Dxa6 28.Tc7 Tfd8 29.Ac3 e5 30.dxe6
Axe6 31.Axg7 Rxg7 32.Dd4+ Rg8 33.Cc3 Axa2 34.Ta1 Da3 35.Cxa2 Db3 36.Cc1 Txa1 37.Dxa1 Dxb4 38.f3 Db6+
39.Rh1 Dxc7 40.Ce2 Dc2 41.Cf4 Tb8 42.Df6 Dc5 43.Cd5 Tb1+ 44.Rh2 Dg1+ 45.Rg3
Norris,Damian C (2235) - Stokes,Mark [A56]
Sydney op Sydney (1), 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.f4 Ag7 8.Cgf3 00 9.Ad3 Ca6 10.a3 e6 11.00 exd5
12.cxd5 b5 13.e5 c4 14.Ae2 Cf5 15.Ce4 Db6+ 16.Rh1 Ab7 17.Cc3 Tac8 18.b3 b4 19.Ca4 Da5 20.axb4 Cxb4 21.Dd2
c3 22.Dd1 Cxd5 23.Dd3 Tfd8 24.Cg5 h6 25.Ce4
May,Frank - Wieder,Heiner [A56]
RL-ch Trier, 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Ab2 Tg8 9.Ac3 Db6 10.g4 f6 11.Cgf3 Cf7
12.Tg1 d6 13.g5 Cd7 14.Ah3 fxg5 15.Cxg5 Cxg5 16.Txg5 Ah6 17.Tg3 Af4 18.Ae6 Axg3 19.Axg8 Axh2 20.Axh7 Cf8
21.e5 dxe5 22.Ag8 Af5 23.Da4+ Ad7 24.Dc2 Df6 25.Ce4 Dg7 26.Cxc5 Dxg8 27.Cxb7 Tc8 28.Db3 Df7 29.c5 Ag1 30.0
00 Axf2 31.c6 Ag4 32.Db5 Ae3+ 33.Rb2 Axd1 34.d6 Ag4 35.d7+ Cxd7 36.cxd7+ Axd7 37.Dxe5 Df2+ 38.Ra3 Ac1+
39.Rb3 Txc3+ 01
Corral Blanco,Juan Antonio (2400) - Narciso Dublan,Marc (2240) [A56]
Ponferrada-chT Ponferrada, 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.f4 d6 9.f5 g6 10.e4 gxf5 11.exf5 Ah6
12.Df2 f6 13.Ae2 Df7 14.Ch3 Tg8 15.00 Ca6 16.a3 b5 17.Tad1 b4 18.Ad2 Axd2 19.Txd2 bxa3 20.bxa3 Tb8 21.De3
Dg7 22.Ad1 Rd8 23.Ac2 Tb6 24.Tf3 Cc7 25.Dc3 Ad7 26.Tg3 Df8 27.Txg8 Dxg8 28.Cf2 Re7 29.Ce4 Axf5 30.Tf2 Axe4
31.Axe4 Dg4 32.Dc2 h5 33.Af5 Dg5 34.Da4 Rf8 35.Dxa7 Tb2 36.Dxc7 De3 37.Dd8+ Rf7 38.Ae6+ Rg6 39.Dg8+ Rh6
40.Df8+ Rh7 41.Df7+ Rh6 42.Dxf6+ Rh7 43.Df7+ Rh6 44.Df8+ 10
Kraidman,Yair (2385) - Svendsen,Odin [A56]
Peer Gynt Gausdal (2), 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.cxb5 Cxb5 11.00 d6
12.Cc4 Dd8 13.Ad2 00 14.Ca5 Ad7 15.Tac1 Tb8 16.Cc4 Ag4 17.a4 Cbc7 18.Ae2 Cb4 19.Db1 Dd7 20.b3 Ccxd5
21.Tfd1 Db7 22.h3 Ad7 23.Ag5 Cf6 24.e5 Af5 25.Db2 Ce4 26.Af4 Cc6 27.Ad3 Dxb3 28.Dxb3 Txb3 29.Axe4 Axe4
30.Cfd2 dxe5 31.Ae3 Txe3 32.Cxe3 Tb8 33.Cxe4 Tb4 34.Cxc5 Cd4 35.Rf1 f5 10
Dinstuhl,Burghard (2330) - Weisshaupt,Rainer [A56]
NRW-Liga I 9192 Germany, 1992
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.Ab2 e6 8.dxe6 dxe6 9.g3 Cc6 10.Cgf3 Ad7 11.Ag2 000
12.00 Tg8 13.a3 Cf7 14.Ac3 Dc7 15.Tfb1 e5 16.e3 e4 17.Ce1 Cce5 18.b4 Ae6 19.bxc5 Axc5 20.Cxe4 fxe4 21.Dxe4
b6 22.f4 Dc6 23.fxe5 Dxe4 24.Axe4 Axe3+ 25.Rg2 Cg5 26.Ad5 Txd5 27.cxd5 Axd5+ 28.Rf1 Ac4+ 29.Rg2 Tf8 30.Td1
Tf2+ 31.Rh1 Tf1+ 32.Rg2 Tg1# 01
Sarno,Spartaco (2405) - Liardet,Fabrice (2255) [A56]
Geneve op Geneve (9), 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.a3 Ag7 8.Tb1 Ca6 9.Cgf3 00 10.Ad3 f5 11.00 e5
12.Te1 f4 13.b4 Dd8 14.Cb3 b6 15.Ad2 g5 16.h3 h5 17.Ch2 g4 18.hxg4 hxg4 19.Cxg4 Dh4 20.f3 Ce8 21.bxc5 bxc5
22.Te2 d6 23.Ae1 Dh5 24.Ch2 Tf6 25.Cd2 Tg6 26.Cdf1 Af6 27.Da4 Cac7 28.Ac2 Ah4 29.Axh4 Dxh4 30.Da5 Aa6
31.Ad3 Tg7 32.Teb2 Cf6 33.De1 Dg5 34.Tb8+ Rh7 35.Dd2 Txb8 36.Txb8 Ch5 37.Cg4 Dh4 38.Tf8 De7 39.Tf5 Dh4
40.Txh5+ 10
Aoiz Linares,Jose Javier (2315) - Ramirez,A (2225) [A56]
Foment op Barcelona, 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.f3 e6 8.e4 Ae7 9.Ab2 00 10.Ad3 fxe4 11.fxe4 Ah4+ 12.g3
Ag5 13.Ac3 Axd2+ 14.Dxd2 Dd8 15.Ch3 De7 16.Dg5 Dxg5 17.Cxg5 h6 18.Ch3 Cf7 19.e5 d6 20.dxe6 Cxe5 21.Ae4
Cbc6 22.000 Axe6 23.Cf4 Af5 24.Axf5 Txf5 25.Txd6

Brito Garcia,Alfredo (2400) - Narciso Dublan,Marc (2240) [A56]

ESP-chT Spain, 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e4 d6 9.Ad3 g6 10.Cf3 Ah6 11.a3 a5 12.b3
00 13.00 Cd7 14.Ce1 Cf6 15.g3 Ch5 16.Cg2 Ah3 17.Tae1 Dd7 18.Ae2 f5 19.Axh5 gxh5 20.f4 exf4 21.e5 dxe5
22.Axe5 fxg3 23.hxg3 Tae8 24.Rh2 Axg2 25.Dxg2 Ag7 26.Af4 a4 27.Df3 Te4 28.d6 Tfe8 29.Txe4 fxe4 30.Dxh5 axb3
31.Dd5+ Rh8 32.Ae3 b2 33.Axc5 Dg4 34.Te1 Te5 01
Collins,Chris - Robbins,F [A56]
Detroit Detroit, 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 e6 7.Cgf3 g6 8.Ad3 Ag7 9.00 00 10.Cb3 Db6 11.Ae3 Ca6
12.a3 Dc7 13.Tab1 exd5 14.exd5 Ce8 15.Cbd2 d6 16.Af4 Cf6 17.Tfe1 Ad7 18.Te7 Tae8 19.Tbe1 Txe7 20.Txe7 Te8
21.Txe8+ Axe8 22.Cg5 De7 23.Cge4 Cxe4 24.Cxe4 Ae5 25.Dd2 Cb8 26.b4 b6 27.De3 Cd7 28.Dg3 Rg7 29.h4 h6
30.Ac2 Axf4 31.Dxf4 Ce5 32.Cd2 Df6 33.Dg3 Ad7 34.Ce4 De7 35.Cd2 Cg4 36.Ce4 Ce5 37.Cd2 f5 38.De3 Dxh4 01
Curtis,Ry - Khalil,Als (2205) [A56]
Wch U18 Bratislava (11), 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 d6 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e4 e5 9.Ad3 a6 10.Ce2 b5 11.cxb5 c4
12.b6 cxd3 13.bxc7 dxc2 14.cxb8D Txb8 15.Tc1 Ad7 16.Txc2 Ab5 17.Cc1 Ae7 18.b3 Ag5 19.Ad2 Ad8 20.a4 Ad7
21.00 00 22.Ta2 a5 23.Tc2 f5 24.exf5 Txf5 25.Ae3 Tc8 26.Txc8 Axc8 27.Ca2 Ab7 28.Td1 Rf8 29.Cc3 Re8 30.f3 Rd7
31.Ce4 h6 32.Rf2 Tf8 33.Rg3 Ac7 34.Cc3 Tc8 35.Rg4 Ad8 36.Tc1 Ag5 37.Axg5 hxg5 38.Ce2 Txc1 39.Cxc1 Axd5
40.Rxg5 Af7 41.Rf5 Rc6 42.Re4
Solozhenkin,Evgeniy (2480) - Liardet,Fabrice (2245) [A56]
Syre mem op Issy les Moulineaux (2), 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.Ab2 e6 8.Ac3 Db6 9.Db2 Tg8 10.a4 Ca6 11.g3 Cb4
12.Ag2 Cf7 13.Ch3 Ad6 14.00 g5 15.f4 Ac7 16.fxg5 Cxg5 17.Cxg5 Txg5 18.a5 Dd6 19.Axb4 cxb4 20.Ce4 De7
21.Dh8+ Rf7 22.Cxg5+ Dxg5 23.Dxh7+ 10
Siegel,Rainer - Hebel,J [A56]
GER-ch int U20 Hamburg, 1993
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ca6 8.a3 Ag7 9.Cgf3 00 10.00 f5 11.Te1 fxe4
12.Cxe4 Cf5 13.Ad2 Dd8 14.h4 e6 15.Ag5 De8 16.dxe6 dxe6 17.Ad2 De7 18.Ag5 Df7 19.Ae3 Ad7 20.Axc5 Cxc5
21.Cxc5 Ac6 22.Ae4 Tac8 23.Tad1 De7 24.Axc6 Dxc5 25.Axb7 Tb8 26.b4 De7 27.Txe6 Dxb7 28.h5 Tbe8 29.Txe8
Txe8 30.hxg6 hxg6 31.c5
Habicht,Oswald - Kuhlmann,Christoph [A56]
GER VM op 9394 Germany, 1993
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Cxd2 g6 7.Dc3 Dxc3 8.bxc3 Ag7 9.Tc1 d6 10.h3 Cd7 11.Cgf3
Cb6 12.e3 Ca4 13.Cb1 00 14.Ad3 Cb2 15.Ae2 Af5 16.Cfd2 Ad3 17.Ca3 a6 18.Cdb1 b5 19.Rd2 bxc4 20.Axd3 cxd3
21.c4 Tab8 22.Cc3 Tb4 23.Tb1 Tfb8 24.Tbc1 Ca4 25.Cd1 Ab2 26.Cxb2 Txb2+ 27.Rxd3 Txa2 28.Cc2 Tb3+ 29.Re4
Tc3 30.Rf3 Tcxc2 31.Txc2 Txc2 32.Tb1 Tb2 33.Ta1 Tb4 34.Tc1 a5 35.g3 Cb6 01
Olsen,Peter Erik (2240) - Welling,Gerard (2400) [A56]
Copenhagen OBRO Copenhagen (3), 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.g3 d6 9.e4 Cd7 10.Ag2 Ae7 11.Ce2 00
12.00 b5 13.cxb5 Tb8 14.a4 a6 15.Ta3 Cf6 16.Tfa1 axb5 17.axb5 Tb6 18.Ta7 Tb7 19.Da4 Ad7 20.Da5 Dc8 21.Da6
Txa7 22.Dxa7 Te8 23.Cc1 h5 24.Cb3 h4 25.Cd2 Axb5 26.Db6 Ad3 27.Te1 hxg3 28.hxg3 Dg4 29.Af3 Dh3 30.b4 cxb4
31.Axb4 g6 32.Axd6 Axd6 33.Dxd6 Rg7 34.Ag2 Dh6 35.Db4 Tc8 36.Cf3 Tc1 37.Cxe5 Ae2 38.Cf3 Ad3 39.Dd2 Dxd2
Lukacs,Peter (2485) - Urban,Julian (2340) [A56]
Budapest FS09 GM Budapest (5), 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ca6 8.a3 Ag7 9.Cgf3 e5 10.b4 Dc7 11.b5 Cb8
12.Ab2 f6 13.h4 Cf7 14.h5 d6 15.000 g5 16.a4 Ag4 17.Ac3 a5 18.Ae2 Ch6 19.Cf1 De7 20.Ce3 Axf3 21.Axf3 Cd7
22.Ag4 00 23.Ae6+ Rh8 24.Rb2 Tfd8 25.Rb3 Cf8 26.Ag4 Df7 27.g3 Cd7 28.Tdf1 De7 29.f3 Tf8 30.Tf2 b6 31.Thf1
Tad8 32.Ae6 De8 33.De2 De7 34.f4 gxf4 35.gxf4 exf4 36.Txf4 Ce5 37.Tg1 Ta8 38.Tf2 Ta7 39.Tfg2 De8 40.Tg3 f5
41.Cxf5 Cxf5 42.exf5 Af6 43.Dg2 h6 44.Ad2 Dxh5 45.Tg8+ Rh7 46.Txf8 Tg7 47.Ag8+ 10

Barros,Raul - Kadhi,Hameed Mansour Ali (2305) [A56]

Bratislava op Bratislava (9), 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ae2 Ca6 9.00 00 10.a3 b5 11.cxb5 Cxb5
12.Cc4 Dc7 13.Da4 Cd4 14.Te1 d6 15.Af4 Ad7 16.Dd1 Ab5 17.Tc1 Cxf3+ 18.Axf3 Axc4 19.Txc4 Axb2 20.De2 Ae5
21.Ah6 Tfe8 22.Ag4 Cb8 23.Tec1 Cd7 24.f4 Ah8 25.h4 Tab8 26.h5 Tb2 27.T4c2 Txc2 28.Txc2 Ag7 29.Axg7 Rxg7
30.Tb2 Cf6 31.Af3 Tb8 32.e5 dxe5 33.fxe5 Cd7 34.e6 fxe6 35.Txb8 Dxb8 36.Dxe6 Dd6 37.De3 De5 38.Dh6+ Rf6
39.Dc1 Dd4+ 40.Rh2 Ce5 41.Df1 Rg5 42.Ae2 Df4+ 43.Rg1 Dxf1+ 44.Rxf1 Rf4 45.Rf2 Re4 46.Aa6 c4 47.Ab7 Rd3
48.Re1 c3 49.Rd1 c2+ 50.Rc1 Rc3 51.Aa6 Cd3+ 52.Axd3 Rxd3 53.a4 a5 54.g3 Rc3 55.g4 Rb3 56.g5 Rxa4 57.Rxc2
Rb4 58.Rd3 a4 59.Re4 a3 60.Re5 a2 61.Re6 a1D 62.Rxe7 01
Kertesz,Alfred (2375) - Gallinnis,Norbert (2275) [A56]
BL2-W 9394 Germany, 1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 Dc7 7.Axc3 e5 8.f4 d6 9.Cf3 Cd7 10.g3 g6 11.Ah3 Ag7
12.000 f6 13.e4 a6 14.Ae6 b5 15.f5 Cb6 16.Aa5 Tb8 17.g4 Ah6+ 18.Ad2 Axd2+ 19.Cxd2 Cxc4 20.Cxc4 bxc4 21.h4
c3 22.Dxc3 Tb4 23.Df3 Axe6 24.dxe6 00 25.Th2 Rh8 26.g5 De7 27.Tf1 fxg5 28.hxg5 Dxg5+ 29.Rb1 gxf5 (...41.) 01
Suba,Mihai (2500) - Narciso Dublan,Marc (2300) [A56]
Andorra op 11th Andorra (7), 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.00 Cb4 11.axb4 Dxa1
12.cxb5 cxb4 13.e5 Cb7 14.Cb3 Da2 15.Af4 Cc5 16.Cxc5 Da5 17.e6 00 18.exd7 Axd7 19.Cxd7 Tfc8 20.Db3 10
Schoen,Wolfram (2390) - Essing,Arnold (2350) [A56]
NRW-Liga II 9495 Germany (3.1), 1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.dxe6 dxe6 8.Axc3 Dc7 9.Cf3 Cc6 10.e3 e5 11.Ae2 g6
12.000 Ag7 13.h4 Ad7 14.Cg5 f5 15.Dd2 Cd4 16.exd4 cxd4 17.Ab4 a5 18.Aa3 h6 19.Ch3 a4 20.Rb1 e4 21.Cf4 d3
22.Axd3 exd3 23.The1+ Rd8 10
Budde,Vladimir (2315) - Franke,Heribert (2370) [A56]
NRW-Liga I 9495 Germany (6.3), 1995
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.g4 g6 8.Ab2 Tg8 9.Ac3 Db6 10.Ah3 e6 11.gxf5 Cxf5
12.Axf5 exf5 13.Db2 a5 14.Cgf3 a4 15.Af6 d6 16.Dc3 h6 17.00 Rf7 18.e4 Cd7 19.Ah8 Txh8 20.Dxh8 Ag7 21.Cg5+
hxg5 22.Dh3 Axa1 23.Txa1 Rg7 24.exf5 Cf6 25.Te1 Dc7 26.Dc3 Axf5 27.Cf3 Dd7 28.Cxg5 Te8 29.bxa4 Dxa4 30.Ce6+
Axe6 31.dxe6 Dc6 32.De3 d5 33.cxd5 Dxd5 34.h3 Te7 35.a4 c4 36.f3 Dc6 37.a5 c3 38.Tc1 c2 39.Df2 Tc7 40.Rg2 Dc5
41.Dd2 Cd5 42.Rh2 Ce3 43.Rh1 De5 44.Tg1 Df4 45.Dc1 Dxf3+ 46.Rh2 Df2+ 47.Rh1 Cf5 48.Tg2 De3 49.Db2+ Cd4
50.Txc2 De1+ 01
Paramos Dominguez,Roberto (2365) - Lukov,Valentin (2380) [A56]
Lalin op Lalin (7), 1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cf6 6.e4 e5 7.Ce2 d6 8.Cc3 Ae7 9.Ae2 00 10.00 Ce8 11.a3 Ca6
12.Tb1 Ag5 13.b3 g6 14.Rh1 Rh8 15.Cb5 Dd8 16.b4 Ad7 17.Cc3 f5 18.exf5 gxf5 19.Cf3 Axc1 20.Dxc1 Tg8 21.g3 b6
22.Ce1 Cac7 23.f4 e4 24.Cg2 Cf6 25.Ce3 Cce8 26.bxc5 dxc5 27.a4 Cd6 28.Db2 Tb8 29.Da1 a5 30.Tb3 Tg7 31.Tfb1
Ae8 32.Db2 Tgb7 33.Rg1 De7 34.Rf2 h5 35.h3 Dg7 36.Tg1 Ad7 37.Da1 Rg8 38.Tbb1 Rf7 39.Tg2 Dh6 40.h4 Re7
41.Ccd1 Rd8 42.Rg1 Rc7 43.Cf2 Dh8 44.Ch3 Cg4 45.Axg4 hxg4 46.Cg5 Dxa1 47.Txa1 Th8 48.Td2 Rd8 49.Rf2 Re7
50.Tb2 Rf6 51.Re2 Rg6 52.Rf2
Vaisser,Anatoli (2575) - Todorov,Ognjan (2400) [A56]
Cappelle op 10th Cappelle la Grande (8), 1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cf6 6.e4 d6 7.a3 Ca6 8.Tb1 g6 9.Ad3 Ag7 10.Ce2 00 11.00 e6 12.b4
cxb4 13.Cb3 Dd8 14.Ced4 exd5 15.cxd5 Ad7 16.Axa6 bxa6 17.axb4 Tc8 18.Cc6 Axc6 19.dxc6 De8 20.Ca5 Dxe4
21.Db3 Cd5 22.Ad2 Ae5 23.Tfe1 Df5 24.Dc4 Cc7 25.Tb3 Cb5 26.Td3 Tfe8 27.h3 h5 28.Rf1 Rg7 29.Ae3 Df6 30.Tc1
Tc7 31.Rg1 Df5 32.g4 hxg4 33.hxg4 Dc8 34.Rg2 Th8 35.Th1 Txh1 36.Rxh1 Dh8+ 37.Rg2 Dh2+ 38.Rf1 Dh1+ 39.Re2
d5 40.Dc1 Dg2 41.g5 Te7 42.Rd1 Dg4+ 43.f3 Dxf3+ 44.Rc2 d4 45.Ad2 Dd5 46.Db2 Ac7 47.Db3 De4 48.Cc4 Dxc6
49.Rb2 Te2 50.Tf3 Dd5 51.Dd3 Te6 52.Tf1 Cd6 53.Tc1 Cxc4+ 54.Txc4 Ab6 55.Tc8 Db5 56.Dh3 Te8 57.Dh6+ Rg8
58.Tc1 Te2 59.Rb3 Dd3+ 60.Ra4 Db5+ 61.Ra3 a5 62.Th1 Dd3+ 63.Ra4 Dc2+ 64.Ra3 axb4+ 65.Rxb4 Dxd2+ 66.Rb5
Da5+ 01

Shipov,Sergei (2525) - Todorov,Ognjan (2400) [A56]

Cappelle op 10th Cappelle la Grande (5), 1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cf6 6.e4 d6 7.Ce2 g6 8.Cc3 Ag7 9.Ae2 00 10.00 e6 11.a3 Ca6
12.Cb3 Db6 13.Ag5 Cc7 14.Tad1 exd5 15.cxd5 Ad7 16.Cd2 Cb5 17.Axb5 Axb5 18.Cxb5 Dxb5 19.Cc4 Da6 20.Tfe1
Tfe8 21.a4 Cd7 22.b3 Ce5 23.h3 Tab8 24.Af4 Tbc8 25.Rh1 Cxc4 26.bxc4 Db6 27.Tb1 Dc7 28.Ag3 Ad4 29.Tb3 Te7
30.Teb1 b6 31.f3 Tf8 32.Ah4 f6 33.Dd2 Rg7 34.Af2 Axf2 35.Dxf2 f5 36.exf5 Txf5 37.Db2+ Rh6 38.Dd2+ Rg7 39.Db2+
Rh6 40.a5 bxa5 41.Dd2+ Rg7 42.Ta3 Tfe5 43.Txa5 Dc8 44.Tba1 Db7 45.Rh2 Db3 46.Da2 De3 47.Txa7 Df4+ 48.Rh1
Txa7 49.Dxa7+ Rh6 50.Da2 Te3 51.Dc2 Dd4 52.Td1 De5 53.Df2
Leitao,Rafael (2315) - Pelikian,Jefferson (2295) [A56]
BRA-ch60 Brasilia (4), 01.1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 e5 9.00 00 10.a3 Ca6 11.b4 Dd8
12.Cb3 b6 13.bxc5 bxc5 14.Ab2 De7 15.Tae1 f6 16.Cfd2 Cf7 17.g3 d6 18.f4 Ah3 19.Tf2 Ad7 20.Ca5 De8 21.Dd1 Dd8
22.Ac3 Tb8 23.Cc6 Axc6 24.dxc6 Dc8 25.f5 Cd8 26.Cf1 Cxc6 27.Ce3 Cc7 28.h4 Cd4 29.Th2 De8 30.fxg6 hxg6 31.h5
Cce6 32.hxg6 Dxg6 33.Cf5 Tb7 34.Rh1 Tfb8 35.Tf1 Af8 36.Ch4 Dg7 37.Thf2 Tf7 38.Axd4 Cxd4 39.Cf5 Dg5 40.Rg2
Ce6 41.Ae2 Cd4 42.Ag4 Th7 43.Cxd4 cxd4 44.Txf6 Tb2+ 45.T6f2 Dh6 46.Txb2 Dh2+ 47.Rf3 Tf7+ 48.Af5 Dxb2 49.Tf2
Db7 50.Rg2 De7 51.Dg4+ Tg7 52.Ae6+ Rh8 53.Dh5+ Th7 54.Dg6 Dg7 55.De8 10
Roeder,Mathias (2445) - Negrini,Claudio (2310) [A56]
Porto San Giorgio op 8th Porto San Giorgio, 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.e3 d6 9.Ad3 Ae7 10.f4 g6 11.Cf3 Af6 12.f5
De7 13.Ae4 Ca6 14.a3 Cc7 15.a4 a5 16.h4 g5 17.hxg5 Axg5 18.Dd2 Df6 19.Th5 Tg8 20.Axa5 Axe3 21.Dxe3 Txa5
22.Rf2 Ad7 23.b3 Ta6 24.Th6 Dg7 25.g4 Rf8 26.g5 Axf5 27.Axf5 e4 28.Te1 10
Kalka,Arkadius Georg (2305) - Gallinnis,Norbert (2325) [A56]
NRW-Liga II 9697 Germany (1.2), 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.Ab2 e6 8.e3 Ca6 9.Ac3 Dd8 10.dxe6 dxe6 11.Cgf3 De7
12.Db2 Tg8 13.Ad3 Cb4 14.Ab1 Cc6 15.00 g6 16.Ce5 Cxe5 17.Axe5 Ag7 18.Ac2 Axe5 19.Dxe5 Cf7 20.Dc3 e5 21.a3
g5 22.b4 g4 23.bxc5 Tg6 24.Tfd1 Cg5 25.Cf1 Cf7 26.Td2 Dxc5 27.Cg3 Tg5 28.Td5 De7 29.Tad1 Ae6 30.Txe5 Cxe5
31.Dxe5 Td8 32.Txd8+ Rxd8 33.Db8+ Ac8 34.Dxa7 Dd6 35.c5 Dc7 36.Da4 Dxc5 37.h4 gxh3 38.Dh4 De7 39.Dd4+
Ad7 40.Axf5 hxg2 41.Df4 Re8 42.Ce4 Txf5 43.Cd6+ Rf8 44.Cxf5 Dxa3 45.Cd6+ 10
Jose Abril,Ramon (2315) - Narciso Dublan,Marc (2440) [A56]
Barcelona Barcelona (3), 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 f5 6.f3 Cd6 7.e4 e6 8.b4 Dxb4 9.Tb1 Da5 10.Ab2 Dd8 11.Ch3 fxe4
12.fxe4 Dh4+ 13.Cf2 Cf7 14.Cf3 Dh6 15.e5 Cg5 16.Cxg5 Dxg5 17.Ce4 Df4 18.Ae2 Ca6 19.a3 Ae7 20.d6 Ad8 21.Ac1
Df5 22.Tf1 Dxe5 23.Ab2 Dxh2 24.Axg7 Tg8 25.Cf6+ Axf6 26.Axf6 Tf8 27.Dc3 b6 28.Df3 Txf6 29.Dxf6 Dg3+ 30.Tf2 10
Chernin,Alexander (2620) - Bischoff,Klaus (2530) [A56]
AUT-chT 9697 Austria (1), 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.Ab2 e6 8.Ac3 Dd8 9.e4 fxe4 10.Cxe4 exd5 11.cxd5 Cxe4
12.Dxe4+ De7 13.Dxe7+ Axe7 14.Axg7 Tg8 15.Ac3 d6 16.g3 Af5 17.000 Cd7 18.Ad3 Tg5 19.h4 Th5 20.Ae2 Th6
21.g4 Ae4 22.f3 Ag6 23.h5 Ag5+ 24.Rb2 Af7 25.Ch3 Af6 26.Axf6 Txf6 27.Cg5 Re7 28.Cxh7 Tf4 29.Cg5 Tg8 30.Ch3
Tf6 31.f4 10
Lazarev,Vladimir (2490) - Aleksieva,Silvia (2345) [A56]
San Benedetto op San Benedetto, 1998
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cf6 6.e4 d6 7.Ce2 g6 8.Cc3 Ag7 9.a3 00 10.Tb1 Ca6 11.Ae2 e6 12.0
0 Ce8 13.f4 Ad7 14.Cf3 Dd8 15.Ae3 exd5 16.cxd5 Cac7 17.Af2 Ah6 18.Ah4 f6 19.Ag3 Cg7 20.f5 De7 21.fxg6 hxg6
22.Ch4 Ae3+ 23.Rh1 Ae8 24.e5 fxe5 25.Cxg6 Txf1+ 26.Txf1 Axg6 27.Dxg6 Tf8 28.Txf8+ Dxf8 29.Ad3 Cce8 30.Dh7+
Rf7 31.Ah4 Cf6 32.Ag6+ Re7 33.Ce4 10
Kiselev,Sergey (2510) - Yegiazarian,Arsen (2455) [A56]
Ciocaltea mem Bucharest (4), 1998
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Ab2 Tg8 9.Ad3 b5 10.a3 Da4 11.Dxa4 bxa4
12.Ce2 f5 13.e5 Ag7 14.Tb1 Cf7 15.f4 e6 16.Cc3 Ca6 17.Ac2 g5 18.Axa4 gxf4 19.dxe6 Cxe5 20.Aa1 Cc7 21.exd7+
Axd7 22.00 000 23.Cb3 Cxc4 24.Axd7+ Txd7 25.Txf4 Cxa3 26.Tc1 Ah6 01


Berg,Michael (2270) - Gallinnis,Norbert (2315) [A56]

BL2-W 9899 Germany (7.7), 07.03.1999
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 b5 7.cxb5 Dxb5 8.Axc3 Db6 9.Cf3 Ca6 10.e4 f6 11.Ac4 Cb4
12.De2 e5 13.a3 Ca6 14.Ch4 g6 15.f4 d6 16.f5 Tg8 17.fxg6 hxg6 18.00 Ae7 19.Ab5+ Rd8 20.Ac4 Cc7 21.Dd2 g5
22.Aa5 Db7 23.Cf5 Ad7 24.b4 cxb4 25.Tab1 Axf5 26.Txb4 Dc8 27.Txf5 Re8 28.De2 Rf7 29.Tf3 Tb8 30.Th3 g4
31.Th7+ Re8 32.De3 Txb4 33.Axb4 Db8 34.Rf2 a6 35.Rg3 Rd7 36.Aa5 Th8 37.Axc7 Dxc7 38.Txh8 10
Veneteanu,Ion Cristian (2245) - Berescu,Alin (2392) [A56]
Bucharest TIT Bucharest (4), 04.03.1999
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.g3 d6 9.Ah3 Cd7 10.e4 Ae7 11.Ce2 00
12.00 Tb8 13.a4 b6 14.Rh1 Te8 15.Cg1 Af6 16.b3 a6 17.Dd3 Dd8 18.Ta2 g6
Mann,Gerald (2250) - Wukits,Rene (2230) [A56]
AUT-chT2O 9900 Austria, 2000
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.Ab2 e6 8.g3 Ca6 9.dxe6 dxe6 10.Ag2 Ad7 11.Ch3 Cb4
12.Dc3 Ac6 13.00 Axg2 14.Rxg2 Dc7 15.Cf4 Dc6+ 16.Cf3 Cf7 17.a3 Ca6 18.Rg1 000 19.Tad1 Te8 20.Cd3 Cd6
21.b4 Ce4 22.Db3 Cb8 23.Cfe5 Db6 24.e3 Tg8 25.Da4 Ae7 26.f3 Cf6 27.bxc5 Da6 28.Db3 f4 29.exf4 g5 30.fxg5 Cfd7
31.Cxd7 Cxd7 32.Ad4 Txg5 33.Ae3 Cxc5 34.Dc2 Th5 35.g4 Tg8 36.Rh1 Th3 37.Axc5 Dc6 38.Axe7 Txg4 39.Ce5 10
Spacek,Petr (2390) - Gallinnis,Norbert (2307) [A56]
BL2-West 0001 Germany (6.6), 18.02.2001
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.Ab2 e6 8.Ac3 Dd8 9.e4 De7 10.000 Tg8 11.exf5 Cxf5
12.Cgf3 Ca6 13.g4 Ch6 14.Dxh7 g5 15.Ad3 Cb4 16.Ag6+ Rd8 17.Rb1 exd5 18.Tde1 Dxh7 19.Te8+ Rc7 20.Axh7 Ag7
21.Txg8 Axc3 22.Txg5 b5 23.cxd5 d6 24.Ce4 Ah8 25.a3 Ca6 26.Cxd6 Ad7 27.Cf5 Tf8 28.C3h4 c4 29.Cg6 b4 30.Cxf8
bxa3 31.Te1 c3 32.Cg7 Axg7 33.Txg7 10
Vanderstricht,Geert (2369) - Bor,Willem (2274) [A56]
BEL-chT 0001 Belgium (3), 17.11.2000
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.f4 f6 9.fxe5 fxe5 10.Cf3 d6 11.e3 g6 12.0
00 Ah6 13.Rb1 Af5 14.Ad3 Axd3 15.Dxd3 De7 16.h4 Cd7 17.h5 g5 18.Cd2 00 19.Ce4 Tae8 20.Tdf1 Txf1+ 21.Txf1
Tf8 22.Cg3 Txf1+ 23.Dxf1 Df7 24.Cf5 Af8 25.g4 Cf6 26.Df3 Ce8 27.e4 h6 28.a3 Dd7 29.De2 Da4 30.Ra2 b6 31.b3
Dd7 32.Rb2 a5 33.Df1 Df7 34.Rc2 Cf6 35.Df3 Ce8 36.De2 Dd7 37.Rd2 Da7 38.Dd3 Dd7 39.Re2 Cf6 40.Rf3 Ce8
41.Db1 Da7 42.Da1 Ag7 43.b4 Da6 44.Ce3 axb4 45.axb4 Dxa1 46.Axa1 Rf7 47.bxc5 bxc5 48.Ac3 Re7 49.Re2 Rd7
50.Cf5 Af8 51.Ad2 Cf6 52.Rf3 Cg8 53.Aa5 Cf6 54.Ab6 Ce8 55.Ce3 Cf6 56.Cc2 Cg8 57.Ca1 Ce7 58.Cb3 Cc8 59.Aa5
Ae7 60.Re2 Af6 61.Rd3 Ce7 62.Ac3 Cg8 63.Re2 Ag7 64.Rf3 Af6 65.Ca5 Ce7 66.Cb3 Cc8 67.Re2 Ce7 68.Cd2 Cg8
69.Cf1 Ad8 70.Ce3 Cf6 71.Rf3 Ae7 72.Aa5 Af8 73.Cf5 Ce8 74.Ad2 Cf6 75.Cg3 Cg8 76.Ch1 Ae7 77.Cf2 Af8 78.Aa5
Ce7 79.Re2 Cg8 80.Rd3 Cf6 81.Rc2 Cg8 82.Rb3 Cf6 83.Ad2 Ae7 84.Ra4 Cg8 85.Rb3 Cf6 86.Rc3 Cg8 87.Rd3 Cf6
88.Re2 Cg8 89.Ch3 Ad8 90.Rf3 Ae7 91.Cg1 Cf6 92.Ce2 Af8 93.Aa5 Ce8 94.Cc3 Cf6 95.Cb5 Cg8 96.Cc7 Ae7 97.Ce6
Kunze,Carlo (2333) - Weitzer,Steffen (2249) [A56]
BL2-Ost 0102 Germany (2.4), 11.11.2001
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dc2 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad2 Ag7 8.Cf3 00 9.Ae2 e5 10.h4 Ca6 11.h5 Dd8
12.Dc1 f6 13.hxg6 hxg6 14.g3 Cc7 15.Ae3 b6 16.Rf1 Aa6 17.b3 f5 18.Ah6 De7 19.Cg5 f4 20.Axg7 Dxg7 21.Rg2 De7
22.Ch3 Cce8 23.f3 Cg7 24.g4 Cf7 25.De1 d6 26.a4 g5 27.Cf2 Ch8 28.Th6 Tf6 29.Txf6 Dxf6 30.a5 Cg6 31.Cd3 Ce8
32.axb6 axb6 33.b4 Cc7 34.b5 Ab7 35.Ca4 Dh8 36.Cxb6 Ch4+ 37.Rf2 Cf5 38.gxf5 Dh2+ 39.Rf1 Txa1 40.Dxa1 Dh1+


Plan con 4.Cd2

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.Cd2

Sygulski,Artur (2425) - Buecker,Stefan [A56]

NRW-ch U20 op Krefeld (7), 1983
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.Dc2 Cd6 6.a3 g6 7.Tb1 Ag7 8.b4 Dc7 9.Ab2 Axb2 10.Dxb2 00 11.e3 cxb4
12.axb4 a5 13.c5 Cf5 14.d6 Dc6 15.dxe7 Cxe7 16.Cgf3 axb4 17.Ad3 Dd5 18.Ce5 Ta2 19.Dd4 Cbc6 20.Dxd5 Cxd5
21.Ac4 Cxe5 22.Axa2 Cc3 23.Ta1 Cd3+ 24.Rf1 Cxc5 25.e4 C5xe4 26.Cxe4 Cxe4 27.Re2 d5 28.f3 Cc3+ 29.Rd2 Ae6
30.The1 Tc8 31.Ab3 Rf8 32.g4 Re7 33.Rd3 Rd6 34.Ta5 h5 35.gxh5 gxh5 36.Taa1 h4 37.Tg1 h3 38.Tac1 Th8 39.Tg5
Th4 40.Te1 Rc5 41.Tge5 Tf4 42.Re3 Tf6 43.Tg5 Th6 44.Rd3 Rd6 45.Tf1 Th8 46.Tf2 Tc8 47.Tb2 Ad7 48.Th5 Te8
49.Td2 Te1 50.Rc2 Ae6 51.Tf2 Rc5 52.Tg5 Cb5 53.Rb2 Cd4 54.Tg3 Ce2 01
Hermesmann,Hans (2220) - Buecker,Stefan (2300) [A56]
BL3-West 8687 Germany (9.1), 1986
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.a3 Cxd2 6.Axd2 Dc7 7.Ac3 e5 8.dxe6 dxe6 9.Cf3 Cc6 10.e3 e5 11.Dc2 g6
12.000 Ag7 13.Cg5 00 14.h4 De7 15.Ae2 f5 16.g3 h6 17.Ch3 Ae6 18.Rb1 a6 19.f4 Tad8 20.h5 g5 21.Txd8 Dxd8
22.fxg5 hxg5 23.h6 Af6 24.g4 Ce7 25.Cf2 b5 26.Td1 Db6 27.gxf5 Axf5 28.Ad3 De6 29.Axf5 Cxf5 30.Cg4 Ce7 31.Tg1
Ah8 32.Cxe5 Dxh6 33.Cd7 Axc3 34.Cxf8 Ag7 35.Cd7 De6 36.Td1 Dxe3 37.cxb5 axb5 38.Cxc5 g4 39.Db3+ Dxb3
40.Cxb3 Rf7 41.Tg1 Cf5 42.Txg4 Ae5 43.Tb4 Cd6 44.Cd4 Cc4 45.Cxb5 10
Koskinen,Henri - Tuominen,Mauri [A56]
Tampere Elo op Tampere (4), 1988
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.Dc2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.00 00 11.e5 bxc4
12.Cxc4 Cxc4 13.Axc4 d6 14.Ag5 Dd8 15.De2 f6 16.Ad2 Cc7 17.e6 Ab7 18.Aa5 Dc8 19.Tfd1 Tb8 20.Tac1 Aa6 21.b4
Axc4 22.Txc4 Ca6 23.Cd4 Db7 24.Cc6 Tbe8 25.Tc2 f5 26.f4 Af6 27.Tcc1 cxb4 28.axb4 Tc8 29.Dc4 Tfe8 30.g3 Cc7
31.Rg2 Cb5 32.h3 h5 33.Dd3 Rg7 34.g4 hxg4 35.hxg4 fxg4 36.Rg3 Th8 37.Th1 Th3+ 38.Txh3 gxh3 39.Th1 Cd4
40.Cxd4 Dxd5 41.Cf5+ Dxf5 42.Dxf5 gxf5 43.Td1 Tc3+ 44.Rh2 Tf3 45.Tc1 Ac3 46.Ad8 Rf6 47.Tc2 Axb4 48.Tc7 d5
49.Txa7 Ad6 01
Laine,Heikki - Tuominen,Mauri [A56]
Tampere Elo op Tampere (7), 1988
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.Dc2 Cd6 6.b3 Ca6 7.Ab2 f6 8.a3 e5 9.Ac3 Dc7 10.e4 Tb8 11.b4 b5 12.bxc5
Cxc5 13.Tc1 bxc4 14.g3 Cb3 15.Td1 Cxd2 16.Axd2 Cb5 17.Dxc4 Dxc4 18.Axc4 Axa3 19.Tb1 a6 20.Ce2 Ad6 21.00
Re7 22.Tb3 Ca3 23.Txb8 Axb8 24.Ab4+ Ad6 25.Axa3 Axa3 26.Ta1 Ac5 27.Axa6 Axa6 28.Txa6 Tb8 29.Ta4 Tb3
30.Rg2 h5 31.Tc4 Rd6 32.Tc2 g5 33.h3 g4 34.hxg4 hxg4 35.Cc3 Ad4 36.Ce2 Tf3 37.Cg1 Td3 38.Te2 Ac5 39.Ta2 f5
40.exf5 Rxd5 41.Te2 Ad4 42.Ta2 d6 43.Te2 e4 44.Ta2 Re5 45.Ce2 Rxf5 46.Ta8 Ag7 47.Ta5+ Ae5 48.Cf4 Tc3 49.Cd5
Tc5 50.Ce3+ Rg5 51.Ta8 Ag7 52.Tg8 Tc7 53.Td8 Ae5 54.Tg8+ Tg7 55.Td8 Rf6 56.Te8 Rf7 57.Ta8 Re6 58.Te8+ Rf6
59.Tf8+ Re6 60.Te8+ Te7 61.Txe7+ Rxe7 62.Cxg4 Re6 63.f3


Weller,W - Gellendin,Ingo [A56]

RLPF-op Hauenstein, 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.Dc2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 Ca6 9.a3 b5 10.Tb1 bxc4 11.Axc4 Cxc4
12.Dxc4 d6 13.00 Tb8 14.Cf3 Cc7 15.Ad2 Da6 16.Dxa6 Axa6 17.Tfe1 Ad3 18.Aa5 Axb1 19.Txb1 Rd7 20.Cg5 h6
21.Cf3 Txb2 22.Txb2 Axb2 23.a4 Tb8 24.g3 Ag7 25.Rg2 Tb3 26.Ae1 Ta3 27.a5 Cb5 28.Cd2 Ta1 29.Cf3 Ad4 01
Barsov,Alexei (2440) - Laschewski,Andreas [A56]
Gent op 16th Gent, 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.Cgf3 g6 6.b4 Dxb4 7.Tb1 Cc3 8.Txb4 Cxd1 9.Tb3 Cxf2 10.Rxf2 Ag7 11.h4 d6
12.g3 Ca6 13.Ah3 Axh3 14.Txh3 b6 15.h5 Cc7 16.e4 Tb8 17.Ab2 00 18.hxg6 hxg6 19.e5 b5 20.exd6 exd6 21.Axg7
Rxg7 22.Cg5 Th8 23.g4 f5 24.gxf5 gxf5 25.cxb5 Cxd5 26.Cc4 Cf4 27.Txh8 Txh8 28.Cxd6 Rf6 29.Tf3 Th2+ 30.Rg3
Txa2 31.Txf4 Rxg5 32.Txf5+ Rg6 33.Txc5 Rf6 34.Rf4 Re6 35.Cc4 Ta1 36.Re4 Td1 37.Th5 Tb1 38.Rd4 Ta1 39.Rc5
Rd7 40.Th7+ Re6 41.Rc6 Ta4 42.Th6+ Rf5 43.Cd6+ Re5 44.Cc8 a6 45.b6 Tc4+ 46.Rb7 Tc1 47.Rxa6 10
Lee Wang Sheng (2280) - Suradiradja,Herman (2240) [A56]
Singapore Double Round Singapore (3), 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.Dc2 Cd6 6.b3 e5 7.Ab2 f6 8.e4 Cf7 9.Ad3 g6 10.Ce2 Ah6 11.Ac3 Dd8 12.00
d6 13.Tab1 00 14.a3 De7 15.b4 b6 16.bxc5 bxc5 17.Cb3 Cd8 18.Ad2 Axd2 19.Dxd2 Cd7 20.Ca5 Cb6 21.Cc3 Ad7
22.Ac2 Rg7 23.Tb2 Cb7 24.Cc6 De8 25.De2 Axc6 26.dxc6 Ca5 27.Txb6 axb6 28.c7 Df7 29.Cd5 Ta7 30.Aa4 Txc7
31.Cxc7 Dxc7 32.Td1 Cc6 33.Axc6 Dxc6 34.Dd3 Ta8 35.f3 g5 36.Td2 Rf7 37.Rf2 Re7 38.Re2 Ta5 39.Tb2 Ta6 40.Td2
Ta5 41.Tb2
Vasilescu,Lucian (2375) - Berescu,Alin (2370) [A56]
ROM-chT Timisu de Sus (4), 1998
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cd2 Da5 5.a3 f5 6.f3 Cd6 7.e4 fxe4 8.fxe4 g6 9.b4 cxb4 10.Ab2 Tg8 11.e5 Cf7 12.Cgf3
Ag7 13.Ad3 d6 14.De2 dxe5 15.axb4 Dxb4 16.Aa3 Da5 17.00 Cd7 18.Ce4 Dd8 19.c5 Cf6 20.Ab5+ Rf8 21.d6 Cxe4
22.Dxe4 Af6 23.dxe7+ Axe7 24.Tad1 Dc7 25.Td5 Af5 26.De3 Td8 27.Txd8+ Dxd8 28.g4 a6 29.Ac4 e4 30.Cd4 Ag5
31.Df2 e3 32.Db2 Af6 33.c6+ Rg7 34.Cxf5+ gxf5 35.Db3 Dd4 36.Ae2 bxc6 37.Txf5 Rh6 38.Dxf7 Txg4+ 39.Rh1 De4+
40.Tf3 Db1+ 41.Tf1 De4+ 42.Af3 e2 43.Dxf6+ 10

Plan con 4.Cf3

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.Cf3

Schroeter,Thomas - Bastel,Dirk [A56]

Schleswig Holstein-chC 44th Schleswig Holstein, 1989
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Dxd2 Dxd2+ 7.Cfxd2 g6 8.Cc3 Ca6 9.e4 Ag7 10.Ae2 00 11.00
d6 12.a3 f5 13.Ad3 fxe4 14.Axe4 Ad7 15.Tfe1 Cc7 16.Af3 Tae8 17.Te2 b5


Ruiz Segura,Francisco (2085) - Fernandez Gutierrez,Rafael (2205) [A56]

Andalucia-ch Granada (4), 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cbd2 Cd6 6.e3 g6 7.Ae2 Ag7 8.00 00 9.e4 Ce8 10.Te1 d6 11.Af1 Ag4
12.h3 Axf3 13.Cxf3 Cd7 14.Ad2 Dc7 15.Dc2 h6 16.Ad3 Tb8 17.Ac3 Ce5 18.Cxe5 dxe5 19.a3 Cd6 20.Ad2 Tfc8
21.Tec1 a6 22.Ae3 Dd7 23.De2 b6 24.b4 Rh7 25.Tab1 Dc7 26.Tb2 h5 27.Dd2 Cb7 28.Tcb1 Td8 29.Ae2 Tdc8 30.Tb3
Cd6 31.Af3 Cb7 32.Rf1 Td8 33.T3b2 Tdc8 34.Dc2 Rg8 35.Dd2
Schmidt,Rainer - Wieder,Heiner [A56]
RLPF-chB Bingen (9), 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cfd2 g6 6.f3 Cd6 7.e4 Ag7 8.Cc3 00 9.Ae2 Ca6 10.00 f5 11.Cb3 Dd8
12.Af4 fxe4 13.fxe4 Cf7 14.Dd2 d6 15.Tae1 Cc7 16.Rh1 e6 17.Cc1 Ad7 18.Td1 exd5 19.exd5 Dh4 20.Ce4 Ce8 21.Cg5
Cxg5 22.Axg5 Txf1+ 23.Txf1 De4 24.Tf4 Db1 25.b3 Ae5 26.Tf1 De4 27.Cd3 Af5 28.Cxe5 Dxe5
Hautaniemi,Jarmo - Lampen,Timo [A56]
Salo op Salo (2), 1991
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cbd2 Ca6 6.g3 g6 7.Ag2 Ag7 8.00 Cd6 9.e4 00 10.Te1 b5 11.cxb5 Cxb5
12.Cc4 Db4 13.De2 Cd6 14.Cxd6 exd6 15.Tb1 Db6 16.a3 Cc7 17.Cd2 Aa6 18.Dg4 Tad8 19.Af1 Tfe8 20.Cc4 Axc4
21.Axc4 Te7 22.Ag5 f6 23.Ae3 Tde8 24.Ad2 Cb5 25.Axb5 Dxb5 26.Df4 Dd3 27.Ae3 Te5 28.Ted1 Dxe4 29.Dxe4 Txe4
30.b4 c4 31.b5 Txe3 32.fxe3 Ah6 33.Te1 Txe3 34.Rf1 c3 35.Tec1 Td3 36.Tc2 Ad2 37.a4 Txd5 38.a5 Te5 39.b6 axb6
40.axb6 Te8 41.b7 Tb8 42.Re2 Rf7 43.Ta2 d5 44.Rd3 c2 45.Txc2 Aa5 46.Tc8 Ac7 47.Txc7 10
Knaak,Joachim - Merker,Matthias [A56]
Oberliga Ost-A 9293 Germany, 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cfd2 g6 6.Dc2 Cd6 7.e4 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 00 10.00 b5 11.Cb3 Db6
12.C1d2 Tb8 13.cxb5 Cxb5 14.Cc4 Dd8 15.Af4 d6 16.Cca5 Ad7 17.Dd2 Cac7 18.Ah6 Axh6 19.Dxh6 e6 20.a4 Cd4
21.Cxd4 cxd4 22.Ta3 Df6 23.Tc1 Txb2 24.Tf1 exd5 25.Dc1 dxe4 26.Axe4 d5 27.Axd5 Cxd5 28.Dxb2 Cc3 29.Cb3 Tb8
30.Dd2 Axa4 31.Cxd4 Dxd4 32.Dxd4 Ce2+ 33.Rh1 Cxd4 34.Txa4 Cc6 35.Ta6 Ce5 36.Txa7 Cd3 37.g3 Tb2 38.Rg1
Ce5 39.f4 Cg4 40.h3 Ce3 41.Tf2 Tb1+ 42.Rh2 h5 43.Te2 Cf5 44.Td2 Tb6 45.g4 hxg4 46.hxg4 Ce3 47.Rh3 Cc4
48.Td8+ Rg7 49.g5 Tb3+ 50.Rh4 Ce3 51.Rg3 Cf5+ 52.Rf2 Tb2+ 53.Re1 Tb4 54.Te8 Cd6 55.Td8 Cf5 56.Taa8 Ce7
57.Td7 Te4+ 58.Rd2 f6 59.Ta6 fxg5 60.fxg5 Te5 61.Rd3 Rf7 62.Taa7 Te1 63.Rd4 Td1+ 64.Re5 Te1+ 65.Rd6 Td1+
66.Rc7 Tc1+ 67.Rb7 Tb1+ 68.Ra8 Te1 69.Rb8 Tb1+ 70.Tab7 Te1 71.Td6 Te5 72.Rc7 Re8 73.Tb8+ Rf7 74.Tf6+ Rg7
75.Rd6 Txg5 76.Rxe7 10
Thal,Olaf (2320) - Barna,Andre [A56]
Oberliga Nord O 9596 Germany, 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cbd2 f5 6.e3 g6 7.Ad3 Cd6 8.a3 b5 9.b4 cxb4 10.Ab2 bxc4 11.Axh8 cxd3
12.Db3 Ab7 13.axb4 Dxd5 14.Ad4 Dxb3 15.Cxb3 Cb5 16.00 Axf3
Walther,Andi (2240) - Dirks,Martin [A56]
Werther Schloss op 4th Werther (1.17), 27.03.1998
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cfd2 Cd6 6.Cc3 g6 7.e4 Ag7 8.Dc2 00 9.Ae2 Ca6 10.00 f5 11.Cb3 Dd8
12.Ae3 b6 13.f3 f4 14.Af2 Cc7 15.Tad1 Cf7 16.Cc1 d6 17.g3 Ce5 18.gxf4 Txf4 19.Ae3 Th4 20.Tf2 e6 21.Dd2 Cf7
22.Af1 e5 23.Tg2 Df6 24.Tg3 Ad7 25.Cd3 Tf8 26.Cf2 Ah6 27.Axh6 Txh6 28.Ah3 Axh3 29.Cxh3 Txh3 30.Txh3 Cg5
31.Dg2 Cxh3+ 32.Dxh3 Dxf3 33.Dxf3 Txf3 34.Rg2 Tf4 35.Te1 Rf7 36.Te3 h6
Hase,Michael - Schoene,Armin [A56]
Oberliga Nord W 9900 Germany (7.7), 12.03.2000
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Dxd2 Dxd2+ 7.Cfxd2 d6 8.Cc3 g6 9.e4 Ag7 10.Ae2 00 11.00
Cd7 12.Tab1 f5 13.h3 Ah6 14.Tfd1 Ce5 15.b3 Tf7 16.Cf3 Af4 17.Cd2 Axd2 18.Txd2 fxe4 19.Cxe4 Af5 20.f3 Axe4
21.fxe4 Tf4 22.Ag4 Cxg4 23.hxg4 Txe4 24.g5 Tf8 25.Tf1 Txf1+ 26.Rxf1 Te5 27.Rf2 Txg5 28.Rf3 Te5 29.g4 h5 30.gxh5
Txh5 31.Tg2 Rf7 32.Rg4 Te5 33.Tf2+ Rg7 34.Th2 a6 35.a4 b5 36.cxb5 axb5 37.a5 e6 38.dxe6 Txe6 39.Td2 c4 40.b4
c3 41.Tc2 Te4+ 42.Rg5 Txb4 43.Txc3 Ta4 44.Tc7+ Rf8 45.Rxg6 Txa5 46.Rf6 Re8 47.Re6 Rd8 48.Td7+ Rc8 49.Txd6
Rc7 50.Td1 b4 51.Tc1+ Rb6 52.Rd6 b3 53.Tb1 Tb5 54.Tb2 Ra5 55.Rc6 Ra4 01


Theiss,Hans - Kutschera,Gottlieb [A56]

Niederbayern-chT 0001 Niederbayern (4.3), 2001
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cfd2 g6 6.Dc2 f5 7.b3 Ah6 8.e3 Ag7 9.Ab2 00 10.Ad3 Axb2 11.Dxb2 Cxd2
12.Cxd2 d6 13.00 Cd7 14.f4 Cf6 15.e4 fxe4 16.Cxe4 Cxe4 17.Axe4 Ad7 18.Dc2 Tf6 19.g3 b5 20.f5 Taf8 21.fxg6
Txf1+ 22.Txf1 Txf1+ 23.Rxf1 Ah3+ 24.Ag2 Axg2+ 25.Rxg2 hxg6 26.Dxg6+ Rf8 27.Df5+ Re8 28.Df2 bxc4 29.bxc4 Dc3
30.De2 a5 31.h4 a4 32.h5 a3 33.h6 Db2 34.Df2 De5 35.Df3 Db2+ 36.Rh3 Dxa2 37.h7 Da1 38.Dh5+ Rd7 39.h8D Dh1+
40.Rg4 De4+ 41.Rg5 De3+ 42.Rh4 Dd4+ 10
Schell,Walter - Pelda,Jaromir [A56]
Karl Mala mem op Griesheim (4), 26.07.2003
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cf3 Da5+ 5.Cfd2 Cd6 6.Dc2 g6 7.e4 Ag7 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 00 10.00 Cc7 11.Cb3 Db6
12.Ae3 Ca6 13.Cc3 Dc7 14.Ag5 e5 15.dxe6 dxe6 16.Af4 e5 17.Cd5 Dd8 18.Ae3 b6 19.Cd2 f5 20.f3 f4 21.Af2 Cc7
22.Cxc7 Dxc7 23.b4 Cb7 24.Cb3 Td8 25.bxc5 bxc5 26.Tfd1 Ae6 27.Cc1 Td6 28.Ce2 g5 29.Cc3 a6 30.Cd5 Df7 31.Ae2
h5 32.Tab1 Axd5 33.cxd5 Tc8 34.Db3 Tc7 35.Tdc1 Dd7 36.h3 Rh7 37.Dd3 Dc8 38.Tc2 Af8 39.Dc3 Ag7 40.Tbc1 Rg6
41.Db2 Rf6 42.Tc4 Af8 43.Ta4 Cd8 44.Dc3 Tb6 45.Da5 Db8 46.Dc3 Dc8 47.Ta5 Ad6 48.Dc4 Cf7 49.Da4 Db8 50.Txa6
Txa6 51.Dxa6 Ta7 52.Dc4 Da8 53.Rf1 Txa3 54.Axc5 Axc5 55.Dxc5 Ta7 56.Dc6+ Dxc6 57.Txc6+ Re7 58.Te6+ Rd7
59.Ab5+ Rd8 60.Tg6 Rc7 61.Ac6 h4 62.Re2 Rd8 63.d6 Cxd6 64.Txd6+ Rc7 65.Tg6 Rb6 10

Plan con 4.f3

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.f3

Schneider,Attila (2405) - Schroeder,Christoph (2205) [A56]

Hamburg op Hamburg (4), 1984
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.00 bxc4 10.Cxc4 Cxc4 11.Axc4 Aa6
12.Ad2 Db6 13.Axa6 Cxa6 14.Ac3 00 15.f4 Tab8 16.Dd2 Axc3 17.bxc3 Db2 18.De3 Dc2 19.Tac1 Dxa2 20.f5 Tb2
21.Tce1 d6 22.Tf3 f6 23.fxg6 hxg6 24.Dh6 Rf7 25.Dh7+ Re8 26.Dxg6+ Rd8 27.Cf4 Cc7 28.Tff1 Dc4 29.Dg7 Te8 30.h4
Dxc3 31.h5 Dd4+ 32.Rh1 f5 33.Dxd4 cxd4 34.Cg6 Tg8 35.Txf5 Ce8 36.Tf8 Txf8 37.Cxf8 Cf6 38.h6 d3 39.h7 Cxh7
40.Cxh7 Te2 41.Td1 10
Chandler,Patrick - Lutz,Klaus Juergen [A56]
Wiesbaden op Wiesbaden (1), 1988
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.a3 b5 9.cxb5 c4 10.Ac2 a6 11.Ce2 axb5 12.00
e6 13.f4 exd5 14.e5 Db6+ 15.Rh1 Cb7 16.Cf3 Cc6 17.Ced4 Cxd4 18.Cxd4 00 19.Ae3 Da6 20.Df3 Ca5 21.f5 Cc6
22.Cxc6 Dxc6 23.Ad4 d6 24.f6 Ah8 25.Tae1 dxe5 26.Txe5 Ta6 27.Th5 Te8 28.Txh7 Axf6 29.Axf6 Dxf6 30.Dd1 Rxh7
31.Txf6 Txf6 32.h3 Af5 33.Dd4 Tee6 34.Ad1 Te1+ 35.Rh2 Tfe6 36.Dxd5 T1e5 37.Dd4 Te7 38.Af3 Ae4 39.Axe4 Txe4
40.Dd5 T4e5 41.Da8 Rg7 42.Da5 f6 43.a4 bxa4 44.Dxa4 Te2 45.Dxc4 Txb2 46.Dc5 Tf7 47.Dc3 Tbb7 48.h4 Tb5
49.Dc4 Tfb7 50.g3 Tb1 51.Dc6 Te7 52.Rh3 Tb2 53.Dc3 Tf2 54.Dc5 Tee2 55.Dc7+ Rh6 56.Dc1+ Td2 57.Dc8 Rg7


Paasikangas Tella,Johanna - Heinola,Kari P [A56]

Hervanta op Tampere (4), 1990
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.cxb5 Cxb5 10.00 00 11.Rh1 d6
12.Cc4 Dd8 13.Tb1 Ca6 14.a3 Tb8 15.Ad2 Ab7 16.Ca5 Aa8 17.Da4 De8 18.b4 e6 19.Ac4 exd5 20.exd5 cxb4 21.axb4
Axd5 22.Axd5 Dxe2 23.Tbd1 Cbc7 24.Tfe1 Db5 25.Dxb5 Cxb5 26.Cc6 Tbe8 27.Ce7+ Rh8 28.Ac4 Cac7 29.Af4 Ac3
30.Ad2 d5 31.Ad3 Af6 32.Cxd5 Cxd5 33.Axb5 Tb8 34.Ac4 Cxb4 35.Af4 Tbc8 36.Ad6 Tfd8 37.Axf7 a5 38.Ae6 Ta8
39.g4 Rg7 40.f4 Ta6 41.Axb4 axb4 42.Ac4 Tc6 43.Ab3 Txd1 44.Txd1 Tc7 45.g5 Ae7 46.Te1 Rf8 47.Ta1 Ad6
Bauer,Norbert - Steffens,Olaf [A56]
Bad Wildungen tt Bad Wildungen, 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e3 g6 7.Ch3 Ca6 8.Rf2 Ag7 9.Cf4 e5 10.dxe6 dxe6 11.Ad3 Ad7
12.Ce4 Cxe4+ 13.Axe4 Dc7 14.Db3 Cb4 15.Ad2 f5 16.Axb4 cxb4 17.Ad3 a5 18.c5 Rf7 19.Ac4 The8 20.Thd1 Ae5
21.g3 Tad8 22.Td2 Axf4 23.gxf4 Dxc5 24.Tad1 Dc7 25.Dc2 Re7 26.a3 b5 27.Ae2 Dxc2 28.Txc2 bxa3 29.bxa3 Tc8
30.Tb2 Tb8 31.Tdb1 Tb6 32.Axb5 Teb8 33.a4 Axb5 34.axb5 Ta8 35.Tc1 Rd7 36.Re2 a4 37.Ta1 Ta5 38.Td1+ Re7
39.Tc2 Tb7 40.Tdc1 Taxb5 41.Tc7+ Rf6 42.Tc8 Tb2+ 43.Rd3 a3 44.Tf8+ Rg7 45.Tcc8 a2 46.Tg8+ Rh6 47.Ta8 Txh2
48.Ta3 Td7+ 49.Rc3 Te2 50.Rc4 Td1 51.Tga8 a1D 52.Txa1 Txa1 53.Txa1 Txe3 54.Tf1 Rg7 55.Rd4 Ta3 56.Re5 Rf7
57.Tb1 Te3+ 58.Rd6 Txf3 59.Tb7+ Rf6 60.Txh7 Txf4 01
Gevorgjan,K - Todorov,Todor [A56]
Teteven op Teteven (11), 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Dd2 g6 7.Dxc3 Dxc3+ 8.bxc3 Ag7 9.Ad2 00 10.e4 d6 11.Tb1 b6
12.Ce2 Cd7 13.g3 Ce5 14.Cg1 Aa6 15.f4 Cxc4 16.Cf3 Cxd2 17.Rxd2 Axf1 18.Thxf1 Tab8 19.c4 Tb7 20.Tb3 e6 21.e5
dxe5 22.fxe5 exd5 23.cxd5 Td7 24.Td3 Tfd8 25.d6 f6 26.Re3 fxe5 27.Tfd1 Af8 28.Cxe5 Txd6 29.Txd6 Txd6 30.Txd6
Axd6 31.Cc6 a6 32.Re4 Rf7 33.Rd5 Ac7 34.Ca7 Re8 35.Rc6 c4 01
Miethsam,Gabi - Hartlaub,Marianne [A56]
Bayern-chB (Women) Bad Neustadt (3), 1992
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Dxd2 Dxd2+ 7.Cxd2 g6 8.e4 Ag7 9.000 d6 10.Ad3 00 11.Ce2
Cd7 12.f4 Cb6 13.f5 a5 14.h4 e6 15.dxe6 Ca4 16.exf7+ Txf7 17.fxg6 hxg6 18.b3 Cc3 19.Cxc3 Axc3 20.Cf3 Rg7 21.h5
Ag4 22.h6+ Rf6 23.Tdf1 Re7 24.Cg5 Txf1+ 25.Txf1 Tf8 26.Txf8 Rxf8 27.e5 Axe5 28.Rc2 Ah5 29.Ce6+ Rg8 30.Ae4 b6
31.Cg5 Rf8 32.g4 Axg4 33.Axg6 Af4 34.Ce4 Af3 35.h7 Rg7 36.Af5 Ah5 37.Rd3 Af7 38.Re2 d5 39.Cf6 dxc4 40.bxc4
Ae5 41.Cg4 Axc4+ 42.Rd2 Af4+ 43.Rc3 Axa2 44.Ad7 Rxh7 45.Cf6+ Rg6 46.Ce4 Ae5+ 47.Rc2 Ad5 48.Rd3 Ab3
49.Cd2 a4 50.Cb1 Ab2 01
Hashim,Ali Abdulrazak - Kadhi,Hameed Mansour Ali (2295) [A56]
Doha op Doha (4), 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.De2 b5 9.cxb5 a6 10.b6 Cb5 11.Ch3 Cd4
12.Dd1 Dxb6 13.Cc4 Dc7 14.00 d6 15.Cf2 00 16.Ad2 a5 17.Ac3 a4 18.Dd2 Cd7 19.Tae1 Aa6 20.Cg4 Cb6 21.Cge3
e5 22.Df2 Cxc4 23.Axc4 f5 24.Axa6 Txa6 25.Dd2 Taa8 26.Cc4 Tf7 27.Aa5 De7 28.Dd1 Dh4 29.Ac3 Cb5 30.Ad2 Dd8
31.f4 Taa7 32.exf5 Txf5
Chudleigh,Nigel - Frick,Renato (2210) [A56]
Manila ol (Men) Manila, 1992
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Dc2 Ag7 8.a3 00 9.Tb1 Ca6 10.Ad3 e5 11.Ce2 f5 12.exf5
Cxf5 13.Axf5 gxf5 14.f4 d6 15.00 Ad7 16.Tf3 Tae8 17.Cf1 b5 18.Ad2 Dd8 19.Th3 bxc4 20.g4 Cc7 21.Aa5 Dc8
22.Axc7 Dxc7 23.Cfg3 Dc8 24.g5 Db7 25.Dxc4 Ab5 26.Db3 exf4 27.Cxf4 Ad4+ 28.Rh1 Te3 29.Cxf5 Txb3 30.Txb3
Txf5 31.Cg2 01
Hook,William (2215) - Frick,Renato (2210) [A56]
Manila ol (Men) Manila, 1992
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.00 bxc4 10.Axc4 Cxc4 11.Cxc4 Db4
12.Ce3 Aa6 13.Te1 00 14.Tb1 Da5 15.a3 d6 16.b4 cxb4 17.axb4 Db6 18.Db3 Cd7 19.Cc3 Tfc8 20.Ca4 Db5 21.Ab2
Ce5 22.Ted1 De2 23.Te1 Db5 24.Ted1 Tab8 25.Ad4 Dd7 26.h3 Tb7 27.Cc3 Tbc7 28.Ca2 Ab5 29.Td2 h5 30.Da3 a6
31.Tc1 Txc1+ 32.Cxc1 Ah6 33.Ta2 Db7 34.Ce2 Cd3 35.Rh2 e5 36.dxe6 fxe6 37.Tc2 Db8 38.Txc8+ Dxc8 39.Cc3 Ac4
40.Ced1 Db8 41.Cb2 d5+ 42.Rg1 Cc1 43.Ca2 Dg3 44.Cxc1 Af4 01


Sorokin,Maxim (2515) - Kadhi,Hameed Mansour Ali (2305) [A56]

Bratislava op Bratislava (3), 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.00 bxc4 10.Cxc4 Cxc4 11.Axc4 Aa6
12.Ad2 Db6 13.Axa6 Cxa6 14.Ac3 00 15.e5 f6 16.d6 exd6 17.Dd5+ Rh8 18.exf6 Ah6 19.Dg5 c4+ 20.Rh1 10
Caruana,Marcel (2210) - Al Subaihi,Khlil [A56]
Moscow ol (Men) Moscow (4), 1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.e5 Cf5 8.Ad3 Cd4 9.Ce2 Ag7 10.Cxd4 cxd4 11.De2 00
12.00 Ca6 13.a3 d6 14.f4 Dc7 15.Cf3 Ag4 16.Te1 Cc5 17.Ac2 a5 18.h3 Axf3 19.gxf3 e6 20.Tb1 a4 21.Ad2 Tfe8
22.exd6 Dxd6 23.dxe6 d3 24.Axd3 Cxd3 25.Ted1 Txe6 26.Df1 Cxb2 27.Ab4 Dxf4 28.Td2 Cxc4 29.Td3 Tae8 30.Tc1
Te2 31.Dxe2 Txe2 01
McClintock,Doug (2365) - Pickard,Sid [A56]
Dallas op Dallas (5), 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.cxb5 a6 10.b6 Dxb6 11.Dc2 a5 12.Cc4
Cxc4 13.Axc4 d6 14.00 00 15.Tb1 Aa6 16.b3 Cd7 17.f4 Tfb8 18.Ad2 Dc7 19.Ac3 a4 20.Axg7 axb3 21.Dc3 Axc4
22.Ah6 Cf6 23.Dxc4 Cg4 24.Ag5 Ce3 25.Dc3 Cxf1 26.axb3 Cxh2 27.Rxh2 f6 28.Ah6 Tb4 29.Cg3 Db7 30.e5 dxe5
31.Dxc5 Tc8 32.De3 Dxd5 33.fxe5 Dxe5 34.Dxe5 fxe5 35.Ag5 Tc7 36.Te1 Tb5 01
Holcman,Jeremy - Pietrasanta,Jeremy [A56]
FRA-chT U18 France (4), 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.e5 Cf5 8.Ad3 d6 9.f4 Ah6 10.exd6 exd6 11.De2+ Rd8
12.Rf1 Te8 13.Cb3 Dc7 14.Df2 Ag7 15.Ad2 Axb2 16.Te1 Txe1+ 17.Dxe1 De7 18.Df2 Af6 19.Cf3 h5 20.g3 Ch6 21.h3
Ad7 22.Rg2 Rc7 23.Te1 Df8 24.Ce5 Af5 25.De3 Axd3 26.Dxd3 Ca6 27.Cxg6 fxg6 28.Dxg6 Ag7 29.Te6 Td8 30.Dxh5
Rd7 31.g4 Cc7 32.Te4 b5 33.Ca5 Te8 34.Txe8 Dxe8 35.Dxe8+ Rxe8 36.cxb5 Cxb5 37.f5 Cc7 38.Cc4 Rd7 01
Timoshenko,Georgy (2510) - Suradiradja,Herman (2240) [A56]
Jakarta op Jakarta, 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Tb1 Da5 9.Ab2 Tg8 10.g4 f6 11.h4 Ah6 12.g5
fxg5 13.hxg5 Axg5 14.Txh7 a6 15.Ch3 Ae3 16.Re2 Axd2 17.Dxd2 Dxd2+ 18.Rxd2 b5 19.Cg5 Rd8 20.Ac3 b4 21.Ae5
a5 22.Ad3 a4 23.Tbh1 Aa6 24.Th8 Txh8 25.Txh8+ Rc7 26.Cf7 Ab7 27.Th6 10
Shishkin,Vadim (2425) - Nadanian,Ashot (2375) [A56]
Kiev Kiev (4), 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.e5 Cf5 8.Ad3 d6 9.exd6 exd6 10.Ch3 Ag7 11.De2+ Rd8
12.00 Cd4 13.Df2 Rc7 14.Cg5 h6 15.Cxf7 Tf8 16.Cxd6 Rxd6 17.Dg3+ Rd7 18.Dxg6 Ah8 19.Dxh6 Dd8 20.Ce4 Ae5
21.Ag5 De8 22.Cxc5+ Rc7 23.Ag6 Tf7 24.Axf7 Dxf7 25.Cd3 Cf5 26.Cxe5 Cxh6 27.Cxf7 Cxf7 28.Af4+ Rd8 29.g4 Cd7
30.Tae1 a5 31.g5 Cf8 32.h4 Cg6 33.Ag3 Ce7 34.Rf2 Af5 35.h5 10
Pacheco Asmat,Jorge (2375) - Gonzales,Manuel (2260) [A56]
PER-ch45 Peru (5), 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.e5 Cf5 8.Rf2 Ag7 9.Cb3 Dc7 10.g4 Cd4 11.Cxd4 cxd4
12.Af4 Axe5 13.Axe5 Dxe5 14.Dd2 De3+ 15.Dxe3 dxe3+ 16.Rxe3 d6 17.Ce2 h5 18.g5 00 19.Cd4 Cd7 20.Te1 Cc5
21.b4 Ca6 22.Rd2 Te8 23.a3 Cc7 24.Ad3 Ah3 25.Te2 e5 26.dxe6 Cxe6 27.Cxe6 Axe6 28.Rc3 a5 29.b5 Tac8 30.Rd4
Tc5 31.f4 Tec8 32.The1 d5 33.Txe6 fxe6 34.Txe6 dxc4 35.Txg6+ Rf7 36.Tf6+ Re7 37.Af5 c3 38.Te6+ Rf8 39.Tf6+ Re7
Pacheco Asmat,Jorge (2375) - Castaneda,Carlos [A56]
PER-ch45 Peru (7), 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 Cf5 7.Ab2 Ce3 8.Dc1 d6 9.Ac3 Dd8 10.Ce4 Cxf1 11.Rxf1 e5
12.dxe6 Axe6 13.De3 Cc6 14.Td1 Dc7 15.Ch3 000 16.Cf4 h5 17.Rf2 Th6 18.Td2 b6 19.Thd1 Rb7 20.Rg1 a6 21.a3
h4 22.Rh1 Ra7 23.Cd5 Axd5 24.Txd5 Ce7 25.T5d3 Cf5 26.Df4 g6 27.b4 Th5 28.bxc5 bxc5 29.Cf6 Th6 30.Cd5 Db7
31.Aa5 Te8 32.Ab6+ Rb8 33.e4 Cd4 34.Axc5 Ce6 35.Axd6+ Rc8 36.De3 g5 37.Cb6+ 10


Schulz,Rainer (2290) - Thesing,Matthias (2460) [A56]

Berliner Sommer 16th Berlin (7), 1998
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.00 Db6 10.Rh1 bxc4 11.Cxc4 Cxc4
12.Axc4 00 13.Tb1 d6 14.Ag5 Te8 15.b4 cxb4 16.Da4 Ad7 17.Dxb4 Dxb4 18.Txb4 h6 19.Ah4 Tc8 20.Ad3
Labollita,Martin (2199) - Bulcourf,Carlos (2285) [A56]
Villa Ballester op 49th Villa Ballester (3), 1999
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.cxb5 c4 10.Ac2 a6 11.b6 00 12.00
Dxb6+ 13.Rh1 a5 14.f4 Aa6 15.e5 Cf5 16.Axf5 gxf5 17.Cg3 c3 18.Cxf5 e6 19.Cxg7 Rxg7 20.Tf3 cxd2 21.Axd2 Rh8
22.Th3 Tg8 23.f5 exd5 24.Dh5 h6 25.Axh6 Ae2 26.Dxf7 10
Defize,Alain (2272) - Penson,Thierry (2262) [A56]
BEL-chT 9900 Antwerp (8), 23.01.2000
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.00 bxc4 10.Cxc4 Cxc4 11.Axc4 Db6
12.Ae3 d6 13.Tb1 a5 14.a3 a4 15.Dd3 00 16.b4 axb3 17.Txb3 Da7 18.Tfb1 Cd7 19.f4
Drakulic,Aleksandar - Wernet,Andreas [A56]
Baden-ch HT1 Karlsruhe (7.16), 24.04.2003
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.f3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ce2 b5 9.00 bxc4 10.Cxc4 Cxc4 11.Axc4 d6
12.Ad2 Db6 13.Ac3 Axc3 14.bxc3 00 15.Dd2 Aa6 16.Tfb1 Dc7 17.Ab5 Axb5 18.Txb5 Cd7 19.Tab1 Tab8 20.Dc2 Tb6
21.T1b2 Tfb8 22.Db1 Ce5 23.Txb6 axb6 24.f4 Cc4 25.Tb5 Ca3 26.Db3 Cxb5 27.Dxb5 Ta8 28.f5 Rf8 29.fxg6 hxg6
30.Db2 Da7 31.c4 Rg8 32.Cc3 Da3 33.Dc2 Db4 01

Plan con 4.Dd3

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.Dd3

Krings,Christoph - Buecker,Peter [A56]

NRW-ch Detmold (9), 1983
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.b3 f5 7.Ab2 e6 8.Ac3 Dd8 9.f4 exd5 10.Dxd5 Ca6 11.e4 De7
12.000 De6 13.Te1 Dxd5 14.exd5+ Rd8 15.Cgf3 Tg8 16.Ce5 Ae7 17.Ad3 Af6 18.h3 Rc7 19.g4 g6 20.g5 Ah8 21.h4
Ce8 22.h5 d6 23.hxg6 hxg6 24.Th7+ Rb6 25.a4 Cb4 26.Axb4 Axe5 27.Axc5+ Rxc5 28.fxe5 dxe5 29.Txe5 Rd4
30.The7 Ae6 31.T5xe6 Rxd3 32.Te3+ Rd4 33.Cf3+ Rc5 34.Txb7 Cd6 35.Tc7+ Rb4 36.Cd4 Tgc8 37.Cc2+ Ra5 38.b4+
Ra6 39.Txc8 10
Menzel,J - Luett,Michael [A56]
Dortmund op Dortmund (6), 1987
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.bxc3 g6 7.e4 Ag7 8.Ad2 00 9.Dc2 d6 10.Ad3 Cd7 11.f4 Cb6
12.Cf3 f5 13.e5 e6 14.00 exd5 15.cxd5 c4 16.Ae2 Dxd5 17.Ae3 De4 18.Dd2 Cd5 19.Ad4 Cb6 20.Tfe1 Dc6 21.exd6


Dxd6 22.Axg7 Dxd2 23.Cxd2 Rxg7 24.Cxc4 Cd5 25.Af3 Cxc3 26.Cd6 Ce4 27.Axe4 fxe4 28.Txe4 Td8 29.Te7+ Rf8
30.Cxc8 Taxc8 31.Txb7 Tc2 32.Txa7 Tdd2 33.Txh7 Txg2+ 34.Rh1 Txa2 35.Txa2 Txa2 36.Th3 Rf7 37.Tf3 Rf6
Seiler,Josef - Bitsch,Karl [A56]
Baden-ch MB Eppingen (4), 1988
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ae2 b5 9.cxb5 a6 10.b6 Dxb6 11.e5 Cf5
12.Cc4 Dd8 13.Ag5 00 14.00 f6 15.Ad2 fxe5 16.Aa5 De8 17.Cfxe5 d6 18.Cf3 Cd7 19.Ac3 Tb8 20.Tae1 Cb6 21.Ad1
Cxc4 22.Dxc4 Ad7 23.Axg7 Cxg7 24.Dc3 Tf5 25.Te3 Tf4 26.Ac2 Tb7 27.Tfe1 Af5 28.Ab3 Tfb4 29.T1e2 Ag4 30.Te4
Axf3 31.Dxf3 Cf5 32.Txb4 Txb4 33.Dc3 Cd4 34.Te3
Reiser,Charles Roy - Niermann,Rainer [A56]
FRG-ch U26 Aachen, 1988
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Dxd2 Dxd2+ 7.Cxd2 g6 8.Cgf3 Ag7 9.Tb1 Ca6 10.a3 Cc7 11.e4
Tb8 12.b4 d6 13.b5 00 14.h4 b6 15.Tb3 a6 16.Ad3 Ad7 17.00 axb5 18.cxb5 e6 19.Ac4 exd5 20.exd5 Tfe8 21.Te1
Af5 22.Tbe3 Rf8 23.Txe8+ Txe8 24.Txe8+ Rxe8 25.a4 Ac3 26.Cb3 Ae4 27.Cfd2 Axd5 28.Axd5 Cxd5 29.Cc4 Rd7
30.a5 bxa5 31.Cbxa5 Axa5 32.Cxa5 Rc7 33.Cc4 Cb6 34.Ce3 d5 35.Cg4 c4 36.Rf1 d4 37.Re2 Rd6 38.Cf6 Rc5
39.Cxh7 c3 40.Rd3 Cd5 41.Rc2 Rc4 42.Cg5 d3+ 43.Rd1 Rb3 44.Ce4 Rb2 45.Cxc3 Rxc3 46.g4 d2 01
Albrecht,Rainer - Kauschmann,Herbert (2250) [A56]
Regionalliga NordS 8889 Germany (2.2), 06.11.1988
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cc3 Cxc3 6.Ad2 b5 7.cxb5 Dxb5 8.Dxc3 Aa6 9.Ch3 d6 10.e4 Da4 11.Axa6
Dxa6 12.Cf4 Cd7 13.Cd3 Cf6 14.f3 g6 15.00 Ag7 16.Dc2 00 17.Ac3 Tab8 18.Rh1 Tfe8 19.Dd2 Db5 20.Tfc1 h5
21.Tc2 Rh7 22.g3 Ah6 23.Dd1 Ag7 24.Dd2 Ah6 25.Dd1
Hook,William (2215) - Fang,Joseph (2295) [A56]
World op Philadelphia (7), 1990
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cc3 f5 6.f3 Cd6 7.e4 e6 8.e5 Cf7 9.f4 d6 10.Cf3 Ca6 11.Ad2 Ae7 12.De3
Cb4 13.Tc1 00 14.a3 Ca6 15.Ad3 Dd8 16.00 Cc7 17.b4 dxe5 18.fxe5 exd5 19.cxd5 Cxd5 20.Cxd5 Dxd5 21.Ac4 Dc6
22.Db3 Dg6 23.bxc5 Rh8 24.Ad5 Cd8 25.Cd4 Ad7 26.e6 Cc6 27.Axc6 Axc6 28.Cxc6 bxc6 29.Af4 Tad8 30.Db7 Dxe6
31.Tfe1 Axc5+ 32.Rh1 Dd5 33.Ae5 Td7 34.Db2 f4 35.Dc2 Ae3 36.Ted1 Dxe5 37.Txd7 Axc1 38.Dxc1 Df5 39.Dd1 a5
40.h3 h6 41.Dd4 Df6 42.Df2 f3 43.Td3 fxg2+ 44.Dxg2 Da1+ 45.Rh2 De5+ 01
Timoscenko,Genadij (2515) - Houska,Miroslav (2310) [A56]
Lloyds Bank op London, 1992
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.Ae2 Ca6 9.00 Cb4 10.Db1 00 11.a3 Ca6
12.b4 cxb4 13.e5 Cf5 14.Cb3 Dc7 15.axb4 d6 16.b5 Cc5 17.Cxc5 Dxc5 18.Aa3 Dc7 19.exd6 exd6 20.Ab2 Dc5
21.Axg7 Cxg7 22.h3 Ch5 23.Te1 Cf4 24.Dc1 Cxe2+ 25.Txe2 Af5 26.Dh6 g5 27.Dxg5+ Ag6 28.Te4 Tae8 29.Tf4 Te2
30.Tf1 Tc2 31.h4 h5 32.g4 hxg4 33.Txg4 Txc4 34.h5 Txg4+ 35.Dxg4 Dxd5 36.hxg6 f5 37.Dh5 Rg7 38.Tc1 De4
39.Tc7+ Rf6 40.Dg5+ 10
Bode,Ulf (2255) - Gallinnis,Norbert (2265) [A56]
BL2-W 9293 Germany, 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.Cgf3 g6 7.b4 Dxb4 8.Tb1 Da5 9.Ab2 Tg8 10.Ac3 Dc7 11.e4 f6
12.De3 Cf7 13.Ae2 Ah6 14.Dd3 d6 15.Ad1 Cd7 16.Aa4 Rf8 17.Ch4 Cde5 18.De2 a6 19.00 b5 20.cxb5 axb5 21.Axb5
Txa2 22.Ta1 Txa1 23.Txa1 e6 24.g3 exd5 25.exd5 Axd2 26.Axd2 g5 27.f4 gxh4 28.fxe5 dxe5 29.Df2 hxg3 30.hxg3
Tg6 31.Ad3 f5 32.Axf5 Axf5 33.Dxf5 Txg3+ 34.Rf2 Tg6 35.Re2 Db7 36.Tf1 Dxd5 37.Ac3 Dc4+ 38.Rd2 Tg2+ 39.Rd1
Db3+ 01
Ovod,Evgenija (2379) - Aleksieva,Silvia (2334) [A56]
EU-ch 3rd (Women) Varna (11), 07.06.2002
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Dd3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cf6 6.e4 d6 7.Ce2 g6 8.Cc3 Ag7 9.Ae2 a6 10.00 00 11.f4 Cbd7
12.Cf3 b5 13.cxb5 axb5 14.Dxb5 Dxb5 15.Axb5 Ta7 16.Te1 Aa6 17.e5 dxe5 18.fxe5 Cg4 19.Af4 Axb5 20.Cxb5 Ta4
21.Ag3 Tb4 22.Cc7 Tc8 23.d6 e6 24.a4 Ah6 25.a5 Ce3 26.a6 Cb6 27.a7 Ca8 28.Cxa8 Txa8 29.d7 Cc2 30.d8D+ Txd8
31.a8D 10


Plan con 4.e3

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.e3

Xu Jun (2515) - Grigorov,Jordan N (2375) [A56]

Cannes op 18th Cannes (7), 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.e3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 g6 6.Ad3 Cf6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.00 d6 9.h3 00 10.e4 e5 11.a3 Ca6 12.Te1
Dd8 13.Tb1 Ch5 14.Af1 h6 15.b4 b6 16.bxc5 Cxc5 17.Cb3 Ca4 18.Ad2 Ad7 19.Cc1 Df6 20.Cd3 Cf4 21.Cxf4 exf4
22.e5 dxe5 23.Cxe5 Dxe5 24.Txe5 Axe5 25.Df3 g5 26.Te1 Tfe8 27.d6 Tac8 28.h4 Rg7 29.Ad3 Cc5 30.Txe5 Txe5
31.Ac3 Cxd3 32.Dxd3 f6 33.Axe5 fxe5 34.h5 Rg8 35.Dg6+ Rf8 36.Df6+ 10
Vijayalakshmi,Subbaraman (2424) - Shah,Pallavi G (2164) [A56]
IND-ch (Women) New Delhi (3), 04.06.2001
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.e3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 g6 6.Ad3 Cd6 7.Ce2 b5 8.00 bxc4 9.Cxc4 Dc7 10.Cxd6+ Dxd6 11.e4
Ag7 12.Af4 Db6 13.Tb1 d6 14.Ae3 a5 15.a3 a4 16.Cc3 Ad7 17.f4 00 18.f5 Tc8 19.Ac2 Ab5 20.Cxb5 Dxb5 21.Ag5
Ad4+ 22.Rh1 f6 23.fxg6 fxg5 24.Dh5 hxg6 25.Dxg6+ 10
Loanitzer,Andr (1990) - Herbold,Manfred [A56]
Ludwigshafen-ch 10th Ludwigshafen (1), 1996
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.e3 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Dxd2 Dxd2+ 7.Cxd2 g6 8.Ad3 Ag7 9.Tb1 d6 10.Cgf3 a6 11.a4 b6
12.00 Ad7 13.b3 00 14.Tbc1 Td8 15.Tfe1 Ae8 16.e4 Cd7 17.Rf1 Tdb8 18.Tc2 h6 19.Cb1 g5 20.h3 Ce5 21.Cxe5
Axe5 22.Cd2 b5 23.axb5 axb5 24.Cf3 f6 25.Cxe5 fxe5 26.Td2 Ta3 27.Tb1 Rf8 28.cxb5 Axb5 29.Axb5 Txb5 30.Tdb2
Tb4 31.f3 Rf7 32.Re2 Rg6 33.g4 Rf6 34.Rd3 e6 35.dxe6 Rxe6 36.Rc3 d5 37.exd5+ Rxd5 38.Td2+ Td4 39.Txd4+
exd4+ 40.Rb2 Ta6 41.Th1 Te6 42.h4 Te2+ 43.Rc1 Re5 44.hxg5 hxg5 45.Th8 Te3 46.Tf8 Txb3 47.Tf5+ Rd6 48.Txg5
Txf3 49.Rd2 c4 50.Tg8 Tf2+ 51.Re1 Tg2 52.g5 c3 53.Rd1 Rd5 54.g6 d3 55.Td8+ Re4 56.Te8+ Rf5 57.Tf8+ Re6
58.Te8+ Rd7 59.Te3 c2+ 60.Rc1 Tg1+ 01
Kallio,Heikki - Kiltti,Jyrki (2235) [A56]
Helsinki We op Helsinki (4), 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.e3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Ca6 6.Ad3 Cd6 7.a3 b5 8.cxb5 Cxb5 9.Ce2 g6 10.00 Cd6 11.b4 cxb4
12.Ab2 Tg8 13.axb4 Dxb4 14.Ac3 Db6 15.Ad4 Cc5 16.Dc2 Cdb7 17.Tfb1 Dc7 18.d6 exd6 19.Ce4 Ae7 20.Cf6+ Axf6
21.Axf6 Ce6 22.Dd2 Cbc5 23.Cd4 a6 24.f3 Ab7 25.Td1 Ac6 26.Ac4 d5 27.Aa2 Cxd4 28.Dxd4 Ce6 29.Dh4 h5 30.Db4
d6 31.Axd5 Axd5 32.Txd5 Cc5 33.Txc5 dxc5 34.De4+ 10
Berger,Falk - Winkler,Walter [A56]
Bahn-chV Borkum (1), 1996
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.e3 Da5+ 5.Ad2 Cxd2 6.Dxd2 Dxd2+ 7.Cxd2 g6 8.Cgf3 Ag7 9.Tb1 d6 10.Ad3 a5 11.00
Cd7 12.Tfe1 Ce5 13.Cxe5 dxe5 14.f4


Kaeppel,Roland (2055) - Heimrath,Reiner (2160) [A56]

Mittelfranken-ch Roethenbach (2), 1996
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.e3 g6 5.Ad3 Da5+ 6.Cd2 Cd6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.00 00 9.e4 e5 10.a3 Dc7 11.b4 b6 12.Ab2
f6 13.Tc1 Cf7 14.Ab1 d6 15.Ce1 cxb4 16.axb4 a5 17.bxa5 bxa5 18.Cd3 Cd7 19.Aa3 Td8 20.c5 dxc5 21.Cxc5 Cxc5
22.Txc5 Db8 23.Ad3 f5 24.Dc2 fxe4 25.Cxe4 Aa6 26.Axa6 Txa6 27.Tc7 Af8 28.Axf8 Rxf8 29.Tb1 Da8 30.Tbb7 10
Siebert,Joachim (1910) - Leibl,Ludwig (1890) [A56]
Regionalliga SO 0102 Bayern (4.7), 20.01.2002
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.e3 g6 5.Ad3 Da5+ 6.Cd2 Cd6 7.Cgf3 b5 8.00 bxc4 9.Cxc4 Cxc4 10.Axc4 Db4 11.Dd3
Ag7 12.Ad2 Db6 13.Ac3 00 14.De4 Dd6 15.Dh4 f6 16.Cd2 f5 17.Tfe1 Aa6 18.e4 Axc3 19.bxc3 fxe4 20.Txe4 Axc4
21.Cxc4 Dxd5 22.Txe7 Tf7 23.Txf7 Dxf7 24.Ce5 De8 25.Cg4 Df8 26.Td1 d6 27.Cf6+ Rg7 28.Cxh7 Df5 29.g4 De5
30.Cg5 Cc6 31.Dh7+ Rf6 32.Txd6+ Rxg5 33.Txg6+ Rf4 34.Df7+ Re4 35.Te6 10
Beck,Gerald - Budde,Uwe [A56]
Dortmund op Dortmund (1), 1987
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.e3 g6 5.Ad3 Da5+ 6.Cd2 Cd6 7.Dc2 Ca6 8.a3 Ag7 9.Tb1 b5 10.b3 Tb8 11.Cgf3 00 12.0
0 Dc3 13.e4 Dxc2 14.Axc2 bxc4 15.bxc4 Txb1 16.Axb1 Cc7 17.e5 Cf5 18.Ce4 Cd4 19.Cxd4 cxd4 20.f4 Aa6 21.Aa2
Cxd5 22.cxd5 Axf1 23.Rxf1 Tc8 24.Ad2 Tc2 25.Ab3 Tb2 26.Aa4 f5 27.exf6 exf6 28.Ab4 f5 29.Cd2 Af8 30.Axf8 Rxf8
31.Cc4 Tb1+ 32.Re2 Re7 33.Rd3 Th1 34.d6+ Re6 35.h3 Th2 36.Ab3 Rf6 37.Ce5 Txg2 38.Cxd7+ Rg7 39.Cc5 Rf8
40.Cb7 Tg3+ 41.Rxd4 10

Plan con 4.g3

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.g3

Kock,Hans Uwe (2235) - Rulitz,Franz (1786) [A56]

Raika op 6th Feffernitz, 19.08.1997
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.g3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Ca6 6.Ag2 Cd6 7.Dc2 b5 8.b3 bxc4 9.bxc4 Tb8 10.a3 g6 11.Ab2 Txb2
12.Dxb2 Cxc4 13.Dxh8 Cxd2 14.Rd1 Cc4 15.Cf3 Cxa3 16.Tc1 d6 17.Dc3 Cb4 18.Re1 Cbc2+ 19.Rd2 Cc4+ 20.Rxc2
Da4+ 21.Rd3 Af5+ 22.e4 Cb2+ 23.Dxb2 Dxe4+ 24.Rd2 Ah6+ 25.Rd1 Axc1 26.Rxc1 Dc4+ 27.Rd1 10
Kucheyda,Joerg - Kowallik,Juergen [A56]
Ruhrgebiet VL2 9697 Ruhrgebiet, 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.g3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.Ag2 g6 7.Cgf3 Ag7 8.00 00 9.Ce1 b5 10.Dc2 Ca6 11.Cb3 Da4
12.cxb5 Cb4 13.Dxc5 Cxa2 14.Cd2 Ab7 15.Cd3 Tfc8 16.De3 Cf5 17.De4 Dxe4 18.Axe4 Cxc1 19.Tfxc1 Cd6 20.Txc8+
Txc8 21.Txa7 e5 22.Ag2 f5 23.Cb3 e4 24.Cdc5 Axd5 25.Txd7 Af8 26.b6 Ac6 27.Tc7 Txc7 28.bxc7 Cc8 29.e3 Ad5
30.Af1 10


Kock,Hans Uwe - Krause,Helmut [A56]

Schleswig Holstein-chG 44th Schleswig Holstein (3), 1989
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.g3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 g6 6.Ag2 Cd6 7.Dc2 Ag7 8.Cgf3 Ca6 9.00 b5 10.a3 00 11.e4 Cxc4
12.Cxc4 bxc4 13.Cd2 c3 14.Cc4 Db5 15.b3 Tb8 16.Tb1 d6 17.Td1 Cc7 18.Af4 f6 19.Dxc3 Da6 20.Dc1 Cb5 21.Af1 Db7
22.Ca5 Dd7 23.Cc6 Tb6 24.b4 cxb4 25.Txb4 Cc7 26.Txb6 axb6 27.Db1 Ca8 28.Ae3 Db7 29.Db4 Rf7 30.Tb1 Ad7
31.Ab5 Axc6 32.Axc6 Da6 33.Ab5 Db7 34.a4 Cc7 35.Ac6 10
Mueller,Helmut2 - Weisshaupt,Rainer [A56]
NRW-Liga I 9091 Germany, 1991
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.g3 Da5+ 5.Cd2 g6 6.Dc2 Cd6 7.b3 Ag7 8.Ab2 00 9.Axg7 Rxg7 10.e3 Ca6 11.Ce2 b5
12.Cc3 bxc4 13.Cxc4 Cxc4 14.Axc4 d6 15.00 Cc7 16.Tfd1 Aa6 17.Axa6 Dxa6 18.Dd3 Dxd3 19.Txd3 Tab8 20.Ca4 c4
21.Tc3 Cxd5 22.Txc4 Tfc8 23.Tac1 Txc4 24.Txc4 Tb4 25.Tc2 Tb7 26.Tc4 f5 27.Cc3 Cb4 28.Tc8 g5 29.h3 h5 30.Rf1
g4 31.h4 Cd3 32.Re2 Cc5 33.Rd2 e6 34.Tc6 Td7 35.b4 Ce4+ 36.Cxe4 fxe4 37.b5 Rf6 38.a4 Re5 39.Tc8 Tf7 40.Re2
Rd5 41.Th8 Rc4 42.Txh5 Rb4 43.Tg5 Rxa4 44.Txg4 d5 45.h5 Rxb5 46.h6 Th7 47.Th4 a5 48.g4 a4 49.g5 a3 50.Th1
Ra4 51.g6 Tb7 52.h7 Tb2+ 53.Rf1 a2 54.Rg2 Tb8 55.h8D 10

Plan con 4.Da4

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.Da4

Schwartzman,Gabriel (2360) - Fahrner,Kurt (2260) [A56]

Werfen Werfen (4), 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Da4 g6 5.f3 Cd6 6.e4 Ag7 7.Ad3 00 8.Ce2 f5 9.Cbc3 Ca6 10.a3 e5 11.Ae3 f4 12.Af2 Cf7
13.b4 d6 14.Db3 b6 15.Rd2 Ad7 16.b5 Cc7 17.Tag1 g5 18.h3 Rh8 19.g4 Af6 20.Tg2 Rg7 21.Tgh2 h6 22.h4 gxh4
23.Axh4 Axh4 24.Txh4 Th8 25.Dd1 a6 26.a4 a5 27.T1h2 De7 28.Dh1 Tag8 29.Cg1 Ce8 30.Cd1 Rf8 31.Cf2 Th7
32.Tg2 Cf6 33.Af1 Ae8 34.Tgh2 Tgh8 35.Rc1 Tg7 36.Tg2 Ad7 37.Tgh2 Ae8 38.Tg2 Ch7 39.Th5 Thg8 40.Thh2 Cf6
41.Rb1 Ad7 42.Rc1 Re8 43.Rb1 Rd8 44.Rc1 Rc7 45.Rb1 Tg6 46.Rc1 Df8 47.Rb1 Dg7 48.Ce2 Th8 49.Th4 h5 50.gxh5
Txh5 51.Txh5 Cxh5 52.Txg6 Dxg6 53.Ah3 Cg3 54.Dg2 Axh3 55.Cxh3 Ch8 56.Chxf4 exf4 57.Cxf4 Dg8 58.Ce2 Cf7
59.Dxg3 Dh8 60.Rc2 Da1 61.Cc3 Ce5 62.Dg7+ Rc8 63.Df8+ Rd7 64.Df5+ Rc7 65.Dh7+ Rc8 66.Dh6 Df1 67.De3 Cxc4
68.De2 Ca3+ 69.Rb3 Da1 70.Ca2 Cb1 71.Dc2 Rd8 72.Df2 De5 73.De3 Dh2 74.Dg5+ Rd7 75.Df5+ Rd8 76.Df6+ Rd7
77.De6+ Rd8 78.Dg8+ Re7 79.Dg7+ Re8 80.Dg8+ Re7
Fell,Rowan - Biondo,Sam (1443) [A56]
Box Hill Autumn Cup Box Hill (3.49), 18.02.2000
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Da4 g6 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.Cgf3 Ag7 7.e4 00 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 b6 10.00 Ab7 11.Dc2 e5
12.dxe6 dxe6 13.e5 Cf5 14.Ce4 Axe4 15.Axe4 Tb8 16.Ag5 Cd4 17.Cxd4 Dxd4 18.Ae7 Dxe5 19.Axf8 Rxf8 20.Tab1
Td8 21.Af3 Dc7 22.Tfd1 Txd1+ 23.Txd1 Ad4 24.b3 Cb8 25.De4 Cd7 26.Dh4 h5 27.De4 Cf6 28.Dd3 De5 29.De2 Dxe2
30.Axe2 Re7 31.h3 Ce4 32.Rf1 Cc3 33.Td3 Cxe2 34.Rxe2 a5 35.a4 e5 36.f3 Re6 37.g4 hxg4 38.hxg4 g5 01


Grams,P - Robbins,F [A56]

Detroit Motor City op Detroit (2), 1994
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Da4 g6 5.Cd2 Cd6 6.e4 Ag7 7.Cgf3 00 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.a3 Cc7 10.Tb1 a6 11.Dc2 a5 12.0
0 Ca6 13.Te1 e5 14.dxe6 dxe6 15.e5 Cf5 16.Ce4 Dc7 17.Ag5 b6 18.Cf6+ Rh8 19.Ch4 h6 20.Cxf5 exf5 21.Cd5 Da7
22.Af6 Cc7 23.g4 Ce6 24.gxf5 Cd4 25.Dc1 Rh7 26.Te3 Cxf5 27.Th3 h5 28.Axg7 Rxg7 29.Dg5 Cd4 30.Tg3 Ag4
31.Rg2 Tae8 32.h3 Ae6 33.Cf6 h4 34.Dxh4 Th8 35.Dg5 De7 36.Axg6 fxg6 37.Dxg6+ Rf8 38.Cxe8 Tg8 39.Df6+ Rxe8
40.Dxe7+ Rxe7 41.Txg8 Axg8 42.Tc1 Re6 43.Te1 Rf5 44.Rg3 Axc4 45.h4 Ae2 46.f4 Ah5 47.Rh3 Rxf4 48.Tg1 Cf3
49.Tf1 Rxe5 50.Rg3 Cd2 51.Tf8 Ce4+ 52.Rg2 Cf6 53.Tb8 Cd5 54.Tg8 c4 55.Tg5+ Rd6 56.Txh5 Cf4+ 01
Sundberg,Lars - Sjodin,Bengt [A56]
Jonkoping op Jonkoping (1), 1987
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Da4 g6 5.f3 Cd6 6.Cc3 Ag7 7.e4 00 8.Ad3 Axc3+ 9.bxc3 e5 10.Ce2 f5 11.00 f4 12.g3
g5 13.Rf2 Ce8 14.Tg1 Rh8 15.Dc2 d6 16.gxf4 gxf4 17.Axf4 exf4 18.Cxf4 Dh4+ 19.Tg3 Dxf4 20.e5 dxe5 21.Tag1 Cf6
22.h3 e4 23.Ae2 Af5 24.Rg2 exf3+ 01
Liebig,Stefan - Boos,Markus [A56]
NRW-chT 9293 U18 Germany, 1993
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Da4 g6 5.f3 Cd6 6.e4 Ag7 7.Cc3 f5 8.Ad3 00 9.Ae3 b6 10.Cge2 fxe4 11.fxe4 e5 12.00
0 Ab7 13.h4 a6 14.Dc2 Dc8 15.a4 b5 16.axb5 axb5 17.Cxb5 Ta1+ 18.Rd2 Txd1+ 19.Txd1 Cxb5 20.cxb5 d6 21.Ta1
Dg4 22.Ta7 Ac8 23.b3
Behr,Kurt - Roedel,E [A56]
Oberliga Nord O 9192 Germany, 1992
1.c4 Cf6 2.d4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Da4 g6 5.e3 Ag7 6.Ce2 00 7.g3 d6 8.Ag2 Cf6 9.00 Ad7 10.Db3 Db6 11.Dxb6 axb6
12.Cbc3 Ca6 13.a3 Cc7 14.Ad2 b5 15.cxb5 Cxb5 16.Tfb1 Cxc3 17.Axc3 Tfb8 18.b3 Ab5 19.Cc1 Ad7 20.Ta2

Plan con 4.Cc3?!

1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4!? 4.Cc3?!

Reul,Michael - Hoehn,Michael (2115) [A56]

Bergen Enkheim op Bergen Enkheim (3), 1997
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cc3 Cxc3 5.bxc3 d6 6.e4 g6 7.f4 Ag7 8.Dc2 00 9.Cf3 Ag4 10.Ae2 Da5 11.Ad2 Cd7
12.00 Tab8 13.a4 f5 14.exf5 Axf5 15.Ad3 Axd3 16.Dxd3 Af6 17.De4 Tf7 18.De6 Cf8 19.De3 Te8 20.Cg5 Axg5
21.fxg5 Txf1+ 22.Txf1 e6 23.Tf6 Dxa4 24.dxe6 Te7 25.De2 De8 26.Af4 Txe6 27.Txe6 Dxe6 28.Dxe6+ Cxe6 29.Axd6
a5 01


Marjanovic,Slavko (2052) - Grasser,Peter [A56]

Feffernitz Raika op Feffernitz (4), 23.08.2000
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cc3 Cxc3 5.bxc3 g6 6.e4 Ag7 7.Ad2 d6 8.Ad3 Ca6 9.Ce2 e5 10.00 00 11.f4 exf4
12.Cxf4 Cc7 13.a4 Ce8 14.Dc2 Cf6 15.Tae1 Cg4 16.Ae2 Ce5 17.Ac1 b6 18.Cd3 Ad7 19.Cxe5 Axe5 20.Af4 De7
21.Ta1 Tfe8 22.Axe5 Dxe5 23.Ad3 Te7 24.a5 bxa5 25.Txa5 Ae8 26.Ta6 Tb7 27.Tfa1 Df4 28.Df2 De5 29.T1a3 Tab8
30.g3 Dg5 31.Df4 Dh5 32.g4 Dh4 33.Dg3 Dg5 34.Ta1 Tb2 35.T6a2 Dd2 36.Txb2 Txb2 37.Txa7 Dxc3 38.Ta8 Rf8
39.Dxd6+ Rg7 40.Dg3 Dd4+ 41.Rf1 Td2 42.Txe8 Txd3 43.De5+ Dxe5 44.Txe5 Td4 45.Rf2 Txc4 46.d6 Td4
Saering,Patrick - Kratzer,Werner [A56]
Baden-ch AT2 Waldshut (6), 03.04.2002
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cc3 Cxc3 5.bxc3 g6 6.Af4 Ag7 7.Tc1 Da5 8.Dd2 d6 9.Cf3 Af5 10.Ch4 Ab1 11.Db2 Axa2
12.Ad2 Axc4 13.Dxb7 Aa6 14.Dxa8 Db6 15.e4 c4 16.Ae3 Db2 17.Dxa7 Axc3+ 18.Rd1 00 19.Db6 Ab5 20.Cf3 Aa4+
21.Db3 Axb3+ 22.Tc2 Dxc2# 01
McNally,Bruce - Rutherford,William [A56]
Perth op Perth (4), 1995
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cc3 Cxc3 5.bxc3 d6 6.e4 g6 7.Ae3 Ag7 8.Dd2 Cd7 9.f4 Cf6 10.Ad3 Cg4 11.Tc1 Da5
12.Ab1 Da4 13.Ce2 Cxe3 14.Dxe3 Dxc4 15.00 00 16.Cg3 b6 17.f5 Aa6 18.Dg5 Axc3 19.Rh1 Af6 20.Dg4 Dd4
21.Tf4 Ag7 22.e5 Dxe5 23.Te4 Df6 24.Dh3 Db2 25.Tce1 Af6 26.Tg4 Dd2 27.Tg1 Ad3 28.Ce4 Axe4 29.Axe4 Rg7
30.Tf1 c4 31.Dg3 Dc3 32.Df2 Ad4 33.De2 Af6 34.Tg3 Db4 35.fxg6 fxg6 36.Axg6 hxg6 37.Dh5 Ag5 38.Tc1 gxh5
39.Txg5+ Rh6 40.Txc4 Tf1# 01
Ohlenschlaeger,Josef - Garski,Rudolf [A56]
RH-chE Bingen, 1990
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cc3 Cxc3 5.bxc3 g6 6.e4 Ag7 7.Ad2 00 8.Cf3 e5 9.Dc1 d6 10.h3 f5 11.Ah6 fxe4 12.Axg7
Rxg7 13.Cg5 Tf4 14.g3 Dxg5 15.gxf4 exf4 16.h4 De5 17.Ah3 Axh3 18.Txh3 Df5 19.Th1 Cd7 20.Db2 b6 21.h5 Ce5
22.000 Cd3+ 23.Txd3 exd3 24.Dd2 Te8 25.Te1 Te5 26.Txe5 Dxe5 27.hxg6 hxg6 28.Dxd3 De1+ 29.Rb2 Dxf2+
30.Rb3 De3 31.Df1 Rf6 32.Dh1 Rg5 33.Dh7 f3 34.Dh3 De4 35.Dg3+ Dg4 36.Dxd6 f2 37.De5+ Df5 38.De3+ Rf6 39.d6
Db1+ 01
Duvergne,Alain (1620) - Yrle,M (1750) [A56]
France op France (5), 1994
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cc3 Da5 5.Da4 Dxa4 6.Cxa4 d6 7.f3 Cf6 8.Cc3 e5 9.e4 Ae7 10.Ad3 Ca6 11.a3 Ad7
12.Cge2 Cc7 13.Ad2 Tb8 14.Tb1 b5 15.b4 bxc4 16.Axc4 cxb4 17.Txb4 Txb4 18.axb4 00 19.00 Tb8 20.Tb1 a6
21.Cc1 Cb5 22.Cxb5 Axb5 23.Axb5 axb5 24.Cb3 Ad8 25.Ta1 Cd7 26.Ae3 Cb6 27.Axb6 Axb6+ 28.Rf1 Rf8 29.Re2 Re7
30.Ca5 Axa5 31.Txa5 Tb7 32.Rd2
Feichtenschlager,Josef - Leibl,Ludwig [A56]
Niederbayern-chB Bayern (8), 1996
1.d4 c5 2.d5 Cf6 3.c4 Ce4 4.Cc3 Da5 5.Dc2 Cd6 6.e4 g6 7.Ad3 Ag7 8.Ad2 Ca6 9.Db1 Cb4 10.a3 Cxd3+ 11.Dxd3 00
12.Cf3 Dd8 13.b4 cxb4 14.axb4 f5 15.exf5 Cxf5 16.00 d6 17.Tab1 e5 18.dxe6 Axe6 19.Cg5 Af7 20.Cd5 Ah6 21.Cxf7
Txf7 22.Axh6 Cxh6 23.De3 Cf5 24.Dd3 Tc8 25.Ce3 Dc7 26.Dd5 Cxe3 27.fxe3 Dxc4 28.Dxd6 Tcf8 29.Txf7 Dxf7
Lenhard,Klaus - Schluchter,Steffen [A56]
RLPF-op Hauenstein, 1991
1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Ce4 4.Cc3 Da5 5.Dc2 Cxc3 6.Ad2 e5 7.Axc3 Dc7 8.Cf3 d6 9.e4 g6 10.Ad3 Ag7 11.Ch4 De7
12.g3 Af6 13.Cg2 Ah3 14.Ce3 Ca6 15.Af1 Ad7 16.h4 h5 17.a3 Tb8 18.b4 b5 19.cxb5 Axb5 20.Axb5+ Txb5 21.Da4
Db7 22.Cc4 Re7 23.f4 cxb4 24.axb4 Cxb4 25.00 Tc8 26.fxe5 Axe5 27.Cxe5 dxe5 28.d6+ Rxd6 29.Tf6+ Re7 30.Taf1
Tf8 31.Dd1 Dc7 32.Axb4+ Txb4 33.Dd5 Re8 34.Tc6 Db8 35.Te6+ fxe6 36.Dxe6+ 10


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