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Why We Will Soon Miss The Cold War <Main Point>

"Bipolarity" and "multipolarity" Bipolarity, an equal balance of military power, and nuclear weaponsthese are the key elements for the Long Peace.(Bipolar systems are more stable than multipolar systems.) -The "Europe Without Nuclear Weapons" Scenario, The "Current Ownership" Scenario, The "Nuclear Proliferation" Scenario Criticism for optimistic views (1) A non-nuclear Europe would remain peaceful because Europeans recognize that even a conventional war would be horrific. "obsolescence of war" theory, How about the World War 1? People should have learnt from that disaster (2) Theory of economic liberalism, Stability flows not from military power but from the creation of a liberal economic order. - Survival in an anarchic international political system is the highest goal a state can have. (3) "Peace-loving democracies" theory believing that liberal democracies simply do not fight one another. Democracy doesnt guarantee the peace eg. Common threats, a small number of cases What to do?

(1) the United States should encourage the limited and carefully managed proliferation of nuclear weapons in Europe (2) Britain and the United States, as well as the Continental states, will have to counter any emerging aggressor actively and efficiently. (3) should keep Hypernationalism at bay, especially in Eastern Europe



1. well- structured from his opinions to 1. I think post-cold war era is different suggestions to deter war in the era of from the any era that has exited in post- cold war. human history, so we would need a 2. Well criticized post cold war idealism new perspective to look on this era. by underpinning examples in history. 2. Highly relies on Anarchy-bases 3. Recap that Inequality of power theories, missing the importance of between countries and subnational or individual level Hypernationalism would be likely to motivation or acts for the system. break war in Europe continent. 3. Also, the common threats (terror) still 4. Since its written in 1990, I think it bind the western countries together truly well predicted what would be and the stronger EU shows that going on after the cold war, very nations are trying to enlarge the pie to logical and sound in his point of view. share, not just seeking for relative -----------------------------------------------------supremacy. Q. If uncertainty promotes caution and certainty 4. In the long run, Europe seems to see encourages opportunism, then bipolarity in fact its future as more integrated states politically encourages instability(needs absolute equal and also economically, thats unnoticed in this power to deter the war). Other factors for long article. peace ( e.g , nuclear deterrence, UN security Council multipolar)

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