Set 1 Sains Tingkatan 3

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QUESTIONS STATION 1 Force is required in most of our daily activities.

All activities that involve movement of the body require force. Force can change the shape, position, speed or direction of the movement of an object. There are many types of forces. In the following task, you will identify four types of forces. Materials/ apparatus A coin A plasticine ball A plastic ruler Wool cloth Some bits of tissue paper Two magnets Procedure Carry out the activities below. Then, write down your observation and identify the four types of forces. 1. Slide a coin on the floor. 2. Lift a plasticine ball from the table and drop it to the floor. 3. Rub a plastic ruler with a woolen cloth and bring it close to some tiny bits of tissue paper. 4. Bring the south pole of a bar magnet close to the north pole of another bar magnet. 5. Record your observations in the table given.

STATION 1 GROUP NUMBER:________________________________ Complete the table below. Activity 1. A coin is slided on the floor. 2. A plasticine ball is dropped to the floor. 3. A plastic ruler, rubbed with a woolen cloth, is brought close to some tiny bits of paper. 4. The south pole of a bar magnet is brought close to the north pole of another bar magnet. [8 marks] Conclusion 1. Force can change the shape, _________ and ________ of the movement of an object. [2 marks] Observation Type of force

STATION 2 Power is the rate of doing work, that is, the work done in one second. WORK DONE (J) = FORCE (N) X DISTANCE (m) POWER (WATT) = WORK DONE (J) TIME (s)

APPARATUS / MATERIALS. Bag, stopwatch, measuring tape (meter), weighing machine. PROCEDURE 1. Hold the bag and stand on the weighing machine. Record your total mass in kilogram (kg) and calculate the total weight in newtons (N). * (1 kg has a weight of 10 N ) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carry the bag and run from position A to B. You have to record the time taken to run from point A to B. Measure the distance between A and B. Record your results in the space provided. Then, calculate the work done and power.

STATION 2 GROUP NUMBER:______________________________ OBSERVATION: Total mass = _____________ Total weight = ___________________ Distance between A and B = ____________ Time taken to run from A to B = ______________ My calculation: Work done =

Power =

[10 MARKS]

STATION 3 WHICH MUG ABSORBS MORE HEAT? Material /apparatus 2 mugs of different colour, Bunsen burner, thermometer, water, wire gauze, tripod stand and stopwatch PROSEDURE

1. 2. 3. 4.

Fill up the mugs with 100ml of water. Record the initial temperature of the water in the mugs. Place both mugs in the sun / oven for 5 minutes. Record the final temperature of the water inside each mug.

STATION 3 GROUP NUMBER:________________________________ OBSERVATION: Type of mug A B [6 marks] DISCUSSION 1. 2. 3. Mug________ has a higher rise in temperature after being under the sun / in the oven for 5 minutes. The _______ surface is a good absorber of heat. When heat energy is supplied to a substances the temperature of the substances will ___________ Temperature of water ( C) Initial final Rise in temperature (C)

CONCLUSION _________________________________________________ [ 4 marks ]

STATION 4 FLOWER! FLOWER! FLOWER! Material / Apparatus: Flower, blade, magnifying glass, cover slip, glass slide, a piece of marble and microscope. Steps: 1. Using the blade, carefully cut the flower longitudinally into halves and remove the stamen and pistil. 2. Observe the ovule in the ovary with the help of a magnifying glass. 3. Draw your observation and label your diagram. 4. Take one of the stamens that you have removed from the hibiscus flower and dust some pollen grains from the anther onto a glass slide. 5. Put a drop of water on the pollen grains and cover the glass slide with a cover slip. 6. Observe the pollen grain under a light microscope and draw it in the box provided. 7. Record the magnification of the microscope that you have used to observe the pollen grain.

STATION 4 GROUP NUMBER:____________________________________



Magnification :

Conclusion: 1. Name the female and male gamete of the flower: a) male gamete : _________

b) female gamete : _________

2. Male reproductive part of flower consists of ___________ and ______________. [ 4 marks ]

STATION 5 HOW TO MEASURE THE VOLUME OF REGULAR AND IRREGULAR SHAPED SOLIDS? Materials: Marbles, stone, water, thread. Apparatus: 200 ml measuring cylinder.

Methods: 1. Fill a measuring cylinder with 100 ml of water. 2. Record the initial reading of the water level. 3. Drop a stone slowly into the measuring cylinder. 4. Record the reading of the water level in the measuring cylinder. 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with four marbles.

STATION 5 GROUP NUMBER:________________________________ Observation: Solid Stone Four marbles Discussion: 1. Calculate the volume for one marble. _______________ 2. Why do we use four marbles and not just one marble to find its volume? __________________________________________________ Conclusion: 1. The volume of a regular and irregular object can be determined by using the ____________________method. Initial reading (ml) Final reading (ml) Volume of solid (ml)

[4 marks]


Aim: To carry out food tests for the given solutions. Apparatus / Materials: Solution X, Y and Z, 3 test tubes A, B and C, 3 syringes, filter paper and iodine solution. Instruction: 1. Use a syringe to put 2 ml of solution X in test tube A and one drop on the filter paper. 2. Use another syringe to put 2 ml of solution Y in test tube B and one drop on the filter paper. 3. Repeat step 2 for solution Z in test tube C and one drop on the filter paper. 4. Then, use a dropper to add 3 drops of iodine solution into each of the test tubes A, B and C. 4. Record your observation in Table 1(a). 5. Observe the filter papers and record your results in Table 1(b).

STATION 6: GROUP NUMBER:_________________________________ Observation: Test tube A B C Table 1 (a) Filter paper Solution X Solution Y Solution Z Table 1(b) [ 6 marks ] Conclusion: _________________________________________________ 1. Name the class of food in Solution X and Solution Z. Solution X Z [4 marks ] Class of food Observation Observation

MARKING SCHEME STATION 1 Force is required in most of our daily activities. All activities that involve movement of the body require force. Force can change the shape, position, speed or direction of the movement of an object. There are many types of forces. In the following task, you will identify four types of forces. Materials/ apparatus A coin A plasticine ball A plastic ruler Wool cloth Some bits of tissue paper Two magnets Procedure Carry out the activities below. Then, write down your observation and identify the four types of forces. 1. Slide a coin on the floor. 2. Lift a plasticine ball from the table and drop it to the floor. 3. Rub a plastic ruler with a woolen cloth and bring it close to some tiny bits of tissue paper. 4. Bring the south pole of a bar magnet close to the north pole of another bar magnet. 5. Record your observations in the table given.

STATION 1 GROUP NUMBER:________________________________ Complete the table below. Activity 1. A coin is slided on the floor. 2. A plasticine ball is dropped to the floor. 3. A plastic ruler, rubbed with a woolen cloth, is brought close to some tiny bits of paper. Observation The coin stop moving after a short while. The plasticine ball fall to the ground. Type of force Frictional force

Gravitational force

The tiny bits of tissue paper are attracted to the ruler

Electrostatic force

4. The south pole of a Unlike poles of bar magnet is magnets attract brought close to the north pole of another bar magnet.

Magnetic force

[8 marks] Conclusion 2. Force can change the shape, position and direction of the movement of an object. [2 marks]

STATION 2 Power is the rate of doing work, that is, the work done in one second.


APPARATUS / MATERIALS. Bag, stopwatch, measuring tape (meter), weighing machine. PROCEDURE 1. Hold the bag and stand on the weighing machine. Record your total mass in kilogram (kg) and calculate the total weight in newtons (N). * (1 kg has a weight of 10 N ) 2. Carry the bag and run from position A to B. 3. You have to record the time taken to run from point A to B. 4. Measure the distance between A and B. 5. Record your results in the table provided. 6. Then, calculate the work done and power.

STATION 2 GROUP NUMBER:______________________________ OBSERVATION: Total mass = _____________ Total weight = ___________________ Distance between A and B = ____________ Time taken to run from A to B = ______________ My calculation: Work done = Put the value in the formulae 1 mark Write the step and answer with unit 2 marks

Power = Put the value in the formulae 1 mark Write the step and answer with unit 2 marks [10 MARKS]

STATION 3 WHICH MUG ABSORBS MORE HEAT? Material /apparatus 2 mugs of different colour, Bunsen burner, thermometer, water, wire gauze, tripod stand and stopwatch PROSEDURE

5. 6. 7. 8.

Fill up the mugs with 100ml of water. Record the initial temperature of the water in the mugs. Place both mugs in the sun / oven for 5 minutes. Record the final temperature of the water inside each mug.

STATION 3 GROUP NUMBER:________________________________ OBSERVATION: Type of mug A B Temperature of water ( C) Initial 1 mark 1 mark final 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark [6 marks] DISCUSSION 4. 5. 6. Mug A // black colour has a higher rise in temperature after being under the sun / in the oven for 5 minutes. The black surface is a good absorber of heat. When heat energy is supplied to a substances the temperature of the substances will increase// rise. Rise in temperature (C)

CONCLUSION The black surface absorbs heat faster than the white surface. [ 4 marks ]

STATION 4 FLOWER! FLOWER! FLOWER! Material / Apparatus: Flower, blade, magnifying glass, cover slip, glass slide, a piece of marble and microscope. Steps: 1. Using the blade, carefully cut the flower longitudinally into halves and remove the stamen and pistil. 2. Observe the ovule in the ovary with the help of a magnifying glass. 3. Draw your observation and label your diagram. 4. Take one of the stamens that you have removed from the hibiscus flower and dust some pollen grains from the anther onto a glass slide. 5. Put a drop of water on the pollen grains and cover the glass slide with a cover slip. 6. Observe the pollen grain under a light microscope and draw it in the box provided. 7. Record the magnification of the microscope that you have used to observe the pollen grain.

STATION 4 GROUP NUMBER:____________________________________


Labeling *ovule 1 mark *ovary - 1 mark Drawing 1 mark


Labeling 1 marks Drawing 1 mark

Magnification : -1 mark

Conclusion: 3. Name the female and male gamete of the flower: a) male gamete : pollen grain

b) female gamete : ovule

4. Male reproductive part of flower consists of anther and filament. [ 4 marks ]

STATION 5 HOW TO MEASURE THE VOLUME OF REGULAR AND IRREGULAR SHAPED SOLIDS? Materials: Marbles, stone, water, thread. Apparatus: 200 ml measuring cylinder.

Methods: 6. Fill a measuring cylinder with 100 ml of water. 7. Record the initial reading of the water level. 8. Drop a stone slowly into the measuring cylinder. 9. Record the reading of the water level in the measuring cylinder. 10. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with four marbles.

STATION 5 GROUP NUMBER:________________________________ Observation: Solid Stone Four marbles Discussion: 3. Calculate the volume for one marble. For example: 20 4 = 5 ml//cm 3 4. Why do we use four marbles and not just one marble to find its volume ? To get the answer more accurate. Conclusion: 2. The volume of a regular and irregular object can be determined by using the water displacement method. Initial reading (ml) ( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark ) Final reading (ml) ( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark ) Volume of solid (ml) ( 1 mark ) ( 1 mark )

[ 4 marks ]


Aim: To carry out food tests for the given solutions. Apparatus / Materials: Solution X, Y and Z, 3 test tubes A, B and C, 3 syringes, filter paper and Iodine solution. Instruction: 1. Use a syringe to put 2 ml of solution X in test tube A and one drop on the filter paper. 2. Use another syringe to put 2 ml of solution Y in test tube B and one drop on the filter paper. 3. Repeat step 2 for solution Z in test tube C and one drop on the filter paper. 4. Then, use a dropper to add 3 drops of iodine solution into each of the test tubes A, B and C. 4. Record your observation in Table 1(a).

5. Observe the filter papers and record your results in Table 1(b).
STATION 6: GROUP NUMBER:_________________________________ Observation: Test tube A B C Observation The solution changes from yellow to blue black colour. No change No change Table 1 (a) Filter paper Solution X Solution Y Solution Z Observation No change No change Transparent spot is formed on the filter paper. Table 1(b) [ 6 marks ] Conclusion: Test tube A contains starch and test tube C contains oil. 1. Name the class of food in Solution X and Solution Z. Solution Class of food


Carbohydrates Fat [ 4 marks ]

MATERIALS AND APPARATUS Question 1 Apparatus Coin Plasticine Plastic ruler Wool cloth Tissue paper Magnet bar Quantity 1 1 box 1 1 piece 1 box 2 bar Material Quantity

School bag Stopwatch Measuring tape Weighing machine

1 1 1 1


20 (10 black mug, 10 white mug) 2 2 2 2 2


5 liter

Bunsen burner Thermometer Wire gauge Tripod stand


Question 4

Apparatus Magnifying glass Microscope Glass slide Cover slip Forcep Dropper Blade Tiles

Quantity 1 2 26 26 1 1 1 dozen 10

Material Hibiscus flower water

Quantity 26 200 ml

marble stone thread measuring cylinder test tube beaker syringe dropper filter paper

20 5 1 roll 200 ml

78 3 3 3 2 boxes

Starch solution Albumen Oil iodine

500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 1 bottle

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