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We thus need the inner freedom and sensitivity to emphasize with where people are by Fr. Bievenido.

In my own opinion, this capacity for being fearless is present in all of us, its an inherent part of our nature as life-energy, and its just that a lot of us dont make the choice to connect with this capacity. We would rather see ourselves from a victim-mindset, we would rather wallow in selfpity, we would rather indulge in doom stories, we would rather be meek, we would rather keep seeking external assurance, than make the choice to connect with the attitude of being fearless. There is a huge difference between trying to think positive and being fearless its just that the vibe, of the attitude of being fearless, is deeply positive by itself, because this attitude makes you resistance-free. When I understood that a state of true inner freedom is not possible if its dependent on an external factor, it became clear to me that I was not going to find inner freedom through knowledge, through spirituality, through understanding the laws/physics of life, through positive thinking, through manifesting a certain reality/desire or through any form of mind perception per se. This understanding allowed me to see through the delusion of seeking the state of inner freedom through an external pursuit. If my inner freedom was dependent on any external factor, like my understanding of life, then it would be on shaky grounds, because the truth is you cant be certain about anything in life you can have a knowing, but even then you cant be fully certain about it, its only a knowing. So, I have a knowing about life, about its reality, but my inner freedom is not dependent on this knowing even if all of this knowing were to be totally groundless and false, I would still have my inner freedom. In simple words, this state of inner freedom is simply the attitude of being open to anything, there are no conditions, its not about saying I will feel free if xyz is true, there are no ifs, there are no dependencies, its just an attitude of being totally open. The attitude of being fearless, or being open, can be chosen at any point, irrespective of your level of awareness, irrespective of your understanding, irrespective of your situation. Its simply a choice you make in your being. So why dont people usually make this choice? Its simply because of the tendency to think that I can only feel free once xyz happens or the tendency to give our power away to an external factor (as a means to find pseudo-security). The truth is it is not inner wholeness that will make you feel free, its your sense of inner freedom that brings you to wholeness if you are waiting for the state of inner wholeness to happen, before you can feel free, it will just be an eternal waiting period.

The reason why I emphasize so much on the state of a following is because it develops your attitude towards being fearless, towards being open its very logical. Just look within and see if you are placing a condition on your sense of inner freedom; is there a subtle thought, in you, that I am waiting for xyz to happen before I can feel free? In my case, when I got this understanding about inner freedom, I was able to connect with being fearless in spite of overwhelming mental and emotional momentum of depression and fear that I was going through. Even now, with all the balance I have (after releasing the momentum), its my attitude of being fearless/open that gives me my sense of inner freedom not vice versa.

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