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Two Witches and A Vampire

Written and Illustrated by Liana Samson

This book is dedicated to the two most powerful witches in the land, June and Maja.


Once upon a time there were two magical witches named Jane and Maja. They both lived in a castle outside the Dark Forest and had two magical cats named Mr. Tinkles and Fluffy Balle. They could grant any wishes that you would like. They were very valuable to Jane and Maja.

One day as they were in their castle, the two witches noticed that their cats were missing.

Jane, where are Mr. Tinkles and Fluffy Balle? I just saw them here a minute ago.

I dont know Maja. Lets look for them around the castle.

After many hours of looking for Mr. Tinkles and Fluffy Balle inside the castle, they decided to go outside to check if the cats were anywhere to be found. As they were looking outside, they saw Ginny the Talking Bird.

Jane! Maja! I saw the evil vampire Alejandro go inside your castle and he stole Mr. Tinkles and Fluffy Balle! He is planning to use their power to rule the world! Hes now running towards the Dark Forest and hiding them in his castle. Hurry!

Oh no! exclaimed Maja.

We have to go and find the cats! said Jane.

Okay lets go into the Dark Forest and find them.

Where could they be? asked Jane.

Oh look, Jane! I see something moving over there near the trees. That might be a sign that we are getting closer to Alejandros castle!

No.. Wait.. Thats a.. TROLL! exclaimed Maja.

We need to defeat this troll!


I know! Lets get our wands out and turn him into an animal! suggested Jane.

They noticed that the troll was working for the vampire.

What do we do? asked Maja.

Yes! We defeated the troll! One step closer to finding Alejandro, said Maja. After defeating the troll, they continued wandering around the dark and mysterious forest until they found a big dark castle and saw that the gate was covered with thorns.

How do we get passed these thorns, Maja?

We can turn the thorns into flowers!

Great idea, Maja!


Lets go and defeat Alejandro! exclaimed Jane.

Once they entered the dark castle, they saw Mr. Tinkles and Fluffy Balle trapped in a cage.

Mr. Tinkles! Fluffy Balle! There you are! Lets get you both out of here, said Maja. Alejandro popped out of nowhere and stopped them, Oh no you dont! None of you will leave my castle.


We are not letting you take over the world! Jane said.

Both the witches and the cats combined their super powers and froze Alejandro forever so that he would not be able to create any evil in the world ever again.


Mr. Tinkles, Fluffy Balle, we have missed you so much! Thank goodness we found you and now you guys are safe with us, said Jane.

Yes! He is defeated! Youre my best friend Jane, couldnt have done it without you! proclaimed Maja.

And Jane said, Love you so much Maja! Now, lets go home and rejoice with a feast!


There are two witches named June and Maja and they live in a castle right outside the Dark Forest with their two magical cats, Fluffy Balle and Mr. Tinkles. They discover that their cats have been stolen by the evil vampire Alejandro so that he can take over the world. They soon go off to an adventure to find their magical cats facing different kinds of trials which include fighting magical creatures! Find out now and see what happens to them in this action packed adventure of June and Maja!

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