Reflective Lesson Plan Narrator's Point of View

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Claflin University School of Education

EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice Reflective Lesson Plan Model Name: Nakita Manigault Date: March 28, 2013


Title of Lesson

Narrators Point of View Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson? This lesson is my original idea.


Subject Area (s) Grade Level Curriculum Standards

English Language Arts 4th Grade

Description and Background Information

4-1.3 Analyze text to determine first-person and third person point of view. Describe the lessons activities and content. - To begin the lesson, we will review Poetry ( a lesson taught previously). We will read a poem (students read quietly on their own as I read out loud) and identify the refrain, amount of stanzas and lines, and the rhyme scheme of the poem. - After the daily reading reinforcer, students will participate in an anticipatory set titled Fact or Fib. Prior to beginning the lesson, I will ask students to decide whether or not two statements about narrators point of view are true. Students will work with an elbow partner (person sitting next to them) and come to a decision together. - Next, we will begin the Power Point presentation on narrators point of view. During this time, students will read and review notes (printed slides from the presentation) and underline important details about the content. - During the presentation, I will guide the students through identifying the point of view being used within a given text. - Next, Students will complete an independent practice activity on Narrators point of view. Students will be given 15-20 minutes to complete the assignment and we will

review the activity and it will be graded. Lastly, for closure we will review the narrators point of view and the important keywords identified during the lesson. Students will be able analyze text to determine first-person and third-person point of view within a given text. If the entire class does not understand the content of the lesson, I will re-plan the lesson to ensure that it is very descriptive and explicit and reteach it during the next lesson. If a small group of students does not understand the content being taught, I will hold a small group session during independent practice to reteach the skills students do not understand. If students are having difficulties due to lower reading levels, I will help them by reading passages, questions and answer choices so that they can better understand the text. Students who have already mastered the concept will create their own sentences using one of the types of point of view covered during the lesson. If students complete the additional assignment early, they should study their notes while they wait for their classmates to complete their assignments. Students who are ELLs will be given extra time to carefully read passages and respond to questions. These students will also have the opportunity to sit independently with me and I will help these students read and re-read any passage, question or answer choice they have difficulty with to ensure comprehension. Narrators point of view is an important skill for students to learn because students should be able to decipher who the speaker of a passage or story is. Also, Narrators point of view is an important skill that will be assessed on the PASS exam. Comprehension of these skills during the lesson will ensure mastery on the PASS.

Lesson Objectives

What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson?

How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material?

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept?

How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English?

Why is it important for the students to learn this content?

Statement of Purpose

Materials and Resources

What materials and supplies are needed to help your students achieve the stated objectives? What will the teacher need?

Printouts of the slides for note taking Printouts of independent practice Smart Board Laptop

What will the students need?

Anticipatory Set

Students will only need sharpened pencils prior to the lesson All activities will be handed out as needed. No other resources will be needed. There will be no speakers for this lesson.

What other resources are needed? Will you use resource speakers?

What will you do to motivate the students and get their attention? What is the hook that will serve as a focus for the lessons activities?

For this lesson, students will participate in an activity called fact or fib. I will give students two statements about narrators point of view, one true and one false. Students will work with an elbow partner (person sitting closest to them) and determine which statement is true or false. This activity will help me gauge students prior knowledge of narrators point of view.


How will I find out what students already know about this topic?


During the anticipatory set, I ask students two questions about Narrators Point of view. Students will work with a partner to discuss whether these statements are true or not. After students work with a partner for about 3 minutes, I will then ask students to show me a thumb up if either statement is true, (each statement will be read twice prior to beginning the activity, and at least once more after the pairs work together.) a thumb down if the statement is false, and a thumb sideways if they arent sure. This will help me to determine who knows any information about Narrators point of view. We will confirm the students decisions during the lesson. Each of the statements are within the presentation and we will review whether or not the students answers were correct or not. During the lesson, I will read aloud passages and think aloud how to find the keywords that help me know that the passage is being told in first or third-person. Together we will read two PASS like passages and identify the keywords that help us to know that the passages are either first person or third person. One passage has the keywords he and she. Students should know that these two words help us come to the conclusion that the passage is written in third-person point of view. Another practice question has four short passages written in different point of views. Together, we will determine which passage correctly exemplifies first person narration. From the lesson students should know that some keywords for first person are I, me, and my. Together we will identify the key words in each

What will I do to show students what is expected?

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration Guided Practice

What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?

passage and determine which one is told in first person narration.

What questions will you ask to determine if students understand so far?

Checking for Understanding

How do we know that a passage is written in first or third person point of view? If a passage has key words in it for both types of point of view, how do you conclude who is telling the story? During the guided practice students must always prove their work. Students must identify clues and supporting details that help them pick an answer choice.

What techniques or strategies will be used to determine if students understand so far?

After we practice together, students will pass their note sheets into me (they will be returned at the end of the class period) and we will review narrators point of view. Students can either give definitions stated in their notes or they can paraphrase the definition. Students will have 8 PASS like questions to read and complete on their own. Each question requires students to read a passage and identify the narrator. While reading, students must circle or underline the keywords used. Students will respond to the question, When analyzing a passage, how do you determine if it is written in first or third person point of view. Students will also compose their own sentences in first and third person narration. Once students have created their sentences, they will switch papers and their partners will have to correctly identify each point of view. If time permits, we will review a few of the students passages and answers. Students will complete an activity that has 8 PASS like multiple choice questions on point of view. Students will be required to read passage and underline important details and parts of the question. Once students have chosen their answers, they must identify the keyword that tells whether it is either written in first or third person narration, as well as placing a check next to the clue in the passage that gave them the answer. Students will also demonstrate what they have learned in this lesson in an upcoming assessment. Students can identify the types of reading items they have at home that have different narrators. In the lesson, we briefly reviewed second person narration. Students can search around the house to find the types of narration they have in their home that falls into each type.

What will students do by themselves to show that they have internalized the knowledge?

Independent Practice


How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences? How will you wrap up the lesson to reinforce concepts taught during the lesson?

What will students do to demonstrate what they have learned?

Assessment (attach to lesson plan)

Extension Activities

What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills?

Students can read different texts around them to practice identifying first and third person narration. Students can read books, magazines and newspapers that may be around their home, and identify the key words within the story or article that helps them to identify the narrator. Students can also practice with their parents by having their parents write short passages with keywords and identifying the point of view. Students can also switch and write passages for their parents and have them identify the point of view. This will help students internalize how to read and write text correctly to identify the narrator. I could collaborate with students from the local college and have them write different short stories (age and grade level appropriate) and have students read them and identify the keywords and the narrator of the story. 4th grade students can also write stories for the college students to see if they can correctly identify the point of view. This will help students reinforce what they have learned in class, and it can also help students interact with positive role models.

How could you use your colleagues or community agencies to improve student performance?


How will you use technology to assist students with learning the concepts? What technology will you use to enhance the delivery and comprehension of your content?

Technology will help present information to students in a very organized manner. Information is presented using Microsofts Power point software via laptop and Smart Board so that students can easily follow along without feeling confused. Presenting the contents of this lesson on the smart board also allows students who have trouble seeing smaller texts see the information clearly on the smart board. Point of View can be integrated with many different content areas. In Math, students can read word problems and look for key words that help them identify the narrator. In Computer Lab, students can use the computer to read articles on the internet and identify the point of view. In Social Studies, students can read different stories in their text book about historical figures and use clue words and pointers from the lesson to identify the narrator of the story. In music, student can write a story that is inspired by a piece of music that tells a story in first or third person narration. In art, students can create a narrative about a piece they created telling a story to give their artwork life. In Physical education, students can write stories about their favorite sport to play and write it either in first or third person narration. In English language arts, students can correctly identify they narrator of their Accelerated Reader books which could help foster better comprehension and

Connection Across the Curriculum

How will you connect this lesson with other content areas across the curriculum?

also help earn better scores on their AR tests. PART III: REFLECTION
Describe the strengths of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management.


I felt as though this lesson went fairly well. Following Ms. Kennedys flow of instruction, I ask questions during the lesson to assess whether students are paying attention and focusing, as well as comprehending what is being taught. Students responded to the questions, and if answers were incorrect I was able to redirect them or guide them to the correct answer. I was able to manage the classroom effectively and keep students on task. Most of the students actively participated and focused throughout the lesson. Students responded to questions asked during the lesson, and students also asked questions when they were confused allowing me to clarify the details given. During this lesson, I was able to fit everything into the time frame, and complete each activity, however I still need to work on managing the time spent on each component of my lesson. Most of my time is spent on the beginning of the lesson, leaving less time for the note taking session, independent practice. During this class period, Students became unfocused. At the beginning of the lesson, we sharpened pencils to make sure we utilize our instructional time. About halfway into the lesson numerous students needed to sharpen pencils, and others began talking. One student continuously yelled out during the lesson instead of raising his hand. Overall, I would thoroughly plan each section of my lesson to spend an adequate amount of time on each part to ensure completion for myself and for my students. Also, I would try to find a way to keep students unnecessary chatter to a minimum. Revised 1-2012

Describe the strengths of student engagement.

Describe the weaknesses of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management.


Describe the weaknesses of student engagement.

What would you change when teaching this lesson again?

Suggestions for Improvement


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