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The Adventures of Cole to the Land of Fruit


Dedicated to Cole, who treated me as a friend since our first meeting

Cole wasnt your average 1st grader. He gained super strength after eating a magical apple given to him by his brother, who was wise and taught him everything he needed to know about his abilities.

Cole had a toy dog named Doggy. Doggy secretly had superpowers, and could instantly grow to the size of a small motorbike and fly thousands of miles.

One day, Coles brother ran up to him. Cole, quick! he exclaimed. You must save citizens of Fruitland from the wrath of the Watermelon King!

Cole jumped on Doggy and exclaimed, I shall save them from the Watermelon King! Fly, Doggy! Doggy jumped into the air and did not fall back down. He kept going up, up and up.

Soon, it was time for Doggy to fly down, down and down. Look, Cole said. Were here! When they landed, they saw their first obstacle. A wall surrounding the entire island had magically appeared out of nowhere. It seemed to stretch to the sky.

Cole punched the wall with his super strength and it crumbled into nothing within seconds.

Cole and Doggy walked for miles. Doggy was too tired to fly again. Suddenly there was a huge roar.

A giant pineapple appeared. I AM THE PINEAPPLE, it boomed. FEAR ME.


Cole couldnt punch The Pineapple as it was all spiky and sharp, but he saw a giant knife just to his right. Cole picked it up and sliced The Pineapple. NOOOO, it boomed, the slices rolling on the ground. FEAR ME, PUNY HUMAN.

Cole continued to walk down the path. Suddenly he heard a scream of terror.

Cole and Doggy rushed quickly to the source. When they arrived there, they found a whole town of apples running around in panic.

WHO DARES ENTER MY KINGDOM? a voice shouted. The voice came from the Watermelon King!

Doggy, make sure all the citizens are safe! Cole exclaimed. Doggy escorted all the citizens of Fruitland to safety.

Cole was alone against the Watermelon King. The King laughed and spat giant seeds at him. Cole saw a giant blender hidden behind the King.

He avoided the seeds and ran up to the King, punching him upwards. The King fell into the blender. NO! The king shouted. I SHALL PREVAIL!

Cole pressed the blender button.


Nooooooooooooooo... said the King, who was now watermelon juice. ONE DAY I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE.

Doggy had returned with the citizens, and was no longer too tired to fly. Cole jumped onto Doggy. See you, watermelon! Cole shouted, as Doggy and he flew back home.

Cole loves to eat apples.

But he really doesnt like watermelons.


The Adventures of Cole To the Land of Fruit

Cole was your average 1st grader... Except that he had super powers! One day, his brother tells him of a great peril... Its up to him and doggy to save fruit land from the evil clutches of the Watermelon King!

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