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Tyler The Titan

Written and illustrated by: Claudia Escaler

Dedicated to the coolest kid:


Tyler The Titan

Claudia Escaler
Written and Illustrated by:

March 2013

Once upon a time, there lived a magical boy named Tyler. He was able to shoot lightning from his fingers and could control water with his mind.

He even had a pet Liger, half lion half tiger, named Mahan. Tylers best friend was Yuki.

Tyler, Yuki, and Mahan were all playing in his backyard when they hear someone yelling for help. They run outside and saw Ash Ketchum, their Pokmon trainer, running towards them. HELP! HELP! Ash yelled as he waved his arms above his head. What happened, Ash? asked Yuki. The Pokmon! Theyre all disappearing! Ash fearfully yelled. Well, should we ask Sensei Chifutakushi what to do? Tyler asked.

Suddenly, there was a big puff of smoke and Sensei Chifutakushi, their wise taekwondo master, appeared in front of them.

Tyler and Yuki. You are the chosen ones, Sensei Chifutakushi stated. Team Rocket and the horrible mummy have struck again with a terrible plan to capture all the Pokmon of the world. It is your destiny to save them and return them to Ash. Their lair is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on a small island. You will have to get past the rough waters though, Sensei warned.

No problem! We can take Team Rocket and the mummy down! exclaimed Tyler. Come on Yuki! While they rode on Mahans back, they started to get hungry. Thats when they spotted Pizza Island. Maybe we could just take a short break? Im starving! Yuki complained. Yeah, maybe just one bowl of the

pasta trees and a bite

of the pizza flowers! agreed Tyler. After they finished their food, they were greeted by a very friendly dog made of pepperoni. Aw look how cute the dog is! Yuki said as he tickled the dog in his lap. You go ahead to the lair, Ill catch up with you later. This dog is just too cute! But I need you to be there! We need to face them together! Tyler begged. Ill be there later! Just go ahead! he insisted.

Tyler used his powers to move the water so he and Mahan could walk through the ocean easily. When he got to the island, Yuki still wasnt there. Tyler was so frustrated that he kicked the closest tree down. Yuki said he would be here already! Tyler complained to Mahan. Tyler decided it would be best if he just pushed on with his trip no matter how hard it would be without Yuki.

Tyler walked towards the doors of the lair and when he went inside, he found the mummy and Team Rocket already waiting for him.

Well, well, well. Look who it is. Tyler the chosen one, said James from Team Rocket. Yes, thats me, and Im here to take all the Pokmon in the world back! Tyler said with confidence. If you want them back, youre going to have to fight for them! declared the mummy.

The mummy and Team Rocket took their positions for their

battle. Jessie from Team Rocket starts walking towards

Tyler trying to scare him. IM NOT

SCARED OF YOU! Tyler yelled at her.

Well, what about him? Jessie shouted back with an evil smile on her face. She brought out a deadly Pokmon, Gastly. His glowing purple aura got closer and closer to Tyler. Gastly got close to Tyler and hit him with a thunderbolt attack.

Tyler flew back and was so angry! He stood up slowly and said, That was a big mistake. And with one ZAP of lightning, Team Rocket lay fried on the floor.

Now for you! he shouted at the mummy. He stirred the water from the nearby river and made it slowly rise. As it got closer, the mummy hit a tree and was cornered. Now tell me where youre keeping all the Pokmon! Tyler demanded. Th-th-theyre i-in the b-b-basement of the lair! the mummy trembled.

Tyler brought all the Pokmon back to Senseis dojo where he waited with Ash. Sensei! I brought back the Pokmon and defeated the mummy and Team Rocket! Tyler exclaimed happily. Well done Tyler. You have done well. Now where is Yuki? Sensei asked. He got a little distracted at Pizza Island. Im sure hes fine! Tyler said reassuringly.

For his great bravery for defeating the evil mummy and Team Rocket, I present Tyler with this medal of honor! Sensei said as he presented the medal to Tyler. Thank you Sensei Chifutakushi! Tyler said as he put on the medal. From then on, Tyler just grew stronger and he only did more

good for the world.

Tyler, Yuki, and Mahan are on a journey to save all the Pokmon in the world from Team Rocket and the evil Mummy. Will he be able to take them down?

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