Hero's Journey Storybook Final 3

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Super Best Friends

Written and Illustrated By Ayrton Lilles

This journey of friends is dedicated to Alvaro and Takao.

On a bright summer day in a quiet town where wonderful things happened, two extraordinary boys Alvaro and Takao were at their homes on opposite ends of the town. Their families were talking about what they wanted to do for summer.

Suddenly, the town went dark. Everybody walked outside to see what happened. They saw that the sky was black and misty. Mom? Alvaro asked. Could you call your friends to see whats going on? His mom smiled and commanded everyone back inside the house. Meanwhile on the other side of town, Takao asked his parents, What do you think is going on with the power? Not sure, his dad replied. Ill see if I can get help from the police.

But Alvaro and Takao wanted to find each other because they knew whenever there was a problem with the town, they would fix it.

Alvaro had the power of fire, and he cast his hands to burn so he could see through the darkness. Alvaro called his Fire Puppy. Lets go Fiery, we have to find Takao. Maybe he can fix some lights, said Alvaro.

Takao had the the power to transform into machinery, and made his hands flashlights. Takao called his Robot Snake. Roboty! Come, we need to get to Alvaro. I bet he could brighten up the sky, called Takao.

However, the boys could not find each other in the darkness and they were scared.

All of a sudden, a man grabbed Takao. Soon after, the same man grabbed Alvaro too. The man brought the two boys into a building. The man had short grey hair and a yellow and white robe that almost touched the floor. I am Lightbringer, the man said. You boys need to bring back light to the town. Shade, the one causing darkness, is spirit of night that has come to our world from the spirit world. I once defeated Shade but this time I am too weak. You must defeat him together. You will find him in a giant crater at the center of town where he is creating the darkness.

The boys and their pets went off in the direction that Lightbringer pointed out. Its so black and hazy. I cant see six feet in front of me, Alvaro whispered. I hope well be able to find the crater and Shade in this darkness; its hard to navigate. I was looking forward to summer vacation, Takao whispered back. Weve n-never even fought anyone before. H-how are we going to defeat the darkness? Alvaro asked with a shaky voice. I dont know, but remember that Lightbringer said to work together, Takao reassured Alvaro. The path in front of them became visible again and the boys and their pets saw an army of black forms. Two special shadow knights led the army. One knight drew power from a black lake and the other could move through hard things.

The boys battled through the army with their pets. Alvaro burned the black lake that powered the Lake Knight, while Takao trapped the Ghost Knight in a super tough cage made by Takaos special metal.

Fiery and Roboty, stay back and fight off the army! Alvaro commanded. Well come back for you guys after we defeat Shade, Takao added.

So the boys continued on leaving behind Fiery and Roboty to fight the rest of the army. But both boys knew they did not like the idea of leaving their pets alone.

Arriving at the center of the crater, the boys were irritated with all the trouble they had to go through to find and stop Shade. Finally, the boys found him, You boys will NEVER step into the light! Shade shouted. The boys and Shade battled back and forth but Shade was too strong.

Why are you doing this? Takao asked in frustration. We never had to deal with a problem this big, he told Alvaro. Just leave our town and summer alone! Alvaro yelled.

Alvaro! Takao called. Hes too strong, and all I can see is darkness! Then WE bring him into the light! Alvaro called back. One final try ...NOW!! All at once, Alvaro flew into Takaos machinery while Takao became a canon of light. As bright as a thousand suns, they cast a ray of light into the sky...

Light returned to the sky and the town. Clouds parted out of the way for the sun to shine again. We defeated Shade! Alvaro said with joy. Lets get back our pets and head back to tell everyone, replied Takao. Have a good summer, both boys said. At their homes, both boys had their friends come over to celebrate with their family. All Alvaros and Takaos friends were amazed by their journey and thanked them from bringing back their summer.

In a town where wonderful things happened, lived two extraordinary boys; Alvaro and Takao. The boys always helped around the town when help was needed. But when the first day of summer turns pitch black, it is up to these super best friends to seek aid and bring the town back into the light.

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