BC0039 Discrete Mathematics Assignment (IA)

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Problem 1: Prove that the relation ab(mod m) is an equivalence relation? Solution: Let G be a group, a G. Then (a) = {a i / i = 0, 1, } is a subgroup of G.

Let x. y = ai.aj = ai+j (a) => x=ai and y=aj for some I,j Z. Now x. y = ai.aj = ai+j (a) (since i+j Z)

Also x-1 = (ai)-1 = a-i (a) (since ai . a-i = ai-i = a0 = e => (ai )-1 = a-i ) Therefore x,y (a) => x.y (a) and x-1 (a) Hence (a) is a subgroup of G

Let G be a group and a G. Then (a) = {a i / i = 0, 1, } is called the cyclic subgroup generated by the element a G

G is said to be a cyclic group if there exists an element a G such that G = (a).

Let G be a group, m be a subgroup of G, a, b G. We say that a is congruent to b (mod m), written as a b (mod m) if a b-1 m. The Relation a b (mod m) is an Equivalence Relation.

Problem 2: Prove that 13+23+33+n3=n2(n+1)2/4. Solution: 1. For n = 1, Left side = 13 = 1 Right side = 12(1+1)2/4 = 1. 4/4 = 1 Hence it is true for n = 1 2. Assume the result to be true for n = m Than 13+23+33+m3 = m2(m+1)2/4 (induction hypothesis) Adding the (m+1)th term viz., (m+1)3 to both sides, 13+23+33+.+m3 +(m+1)3 = m2(m+1)2/4+(m+1) = (m+1)2/4(m2+4m+4) = (m+1)2 (m+2)2/4 = (m+1)2 (m+1+1)2/4 Therefore the result is true for n = m + 1. Hence by mathematical induction the given result is established for all +ve integers.

Problem 3: Prove that the number of partitions of n in which no integer occurs more than twice as a part is equal to the number of partitions of n into parts not divisible by 3. Solution: The generating function corresponding to no integer occurs more than twice is (1+x+x2) (1+x2 +x4) (1+x3 +x6) .. (1) The generating function corresponding to no part is divisible by 3 is (1-x) (1-x2)-1 (1-x4)-1 (1-x5)-1 (1-x7)-1 (1-x8)-1 .. (2) (1-x3) = (1-x)(1+x+x2) Therefore (1) becomes (1-x3) (1-x)-1 (1-x6) (1-x2)-1 (1-x9)-1 (1-x3)-1(1-x12) (1-x4)-1 (1-x15) (1-x5)-1 (1-x18) (1-x6)-1.. = (1-x)-1 (1-x2)-1 (1-x4)-4 (1-x5)-1 (1-x7)-1, which is equation (2). For instance, take n = 6. The partitions in which no integer occurs more than twice are 6, 5 1, 4 2, 4 1 1, 3 3, 3 2 1, 2 2 1, 1 (these are 8 in number). The partitions in which no part is divisible by 3 are 5 1, 4 2, 4 1 1, 2 2 2, 2211, 2 14 , 16 .

Question 4: Discuss about The problem of tower of Hanoi in your own words. Answer: The Tower of Hanoi or Towers of Hanoi is a mathematical game and puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following rules: Only one disk may be moved at a time. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the rods and sliding it onto another rod, on top of the other disks that may already be present on that rod. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk. Therefore we can say a three disks Tower of Hanoi can be solved in seven

A key to solving this puzzle is to recognize that it can be solved by breaking the problem down into a collection of smaller problems and further breaking those problems down into even smaller problems until a solution is reached. Example: Label the pegs A, B, C these labels may move at different steps Let n be the total number of discs Number the discs from 1 (smallest, topmost) to n (largest, bottommost)

To move n discs from peg A to peg C: 1. Move n1 discs from A to B. This leaves disc n alone on peg A 2. Move disc n from A to C 3. Move n1 discs from B to C so they sit on disc n The above is a recursive algorithm: to carry out steps 1 and 3, apply the same algorithm again for n1. The entire procedure is a finite number of steps, since at some point the algorithm will be required for n = 1. This step, moving a single disc from peg A to peg B, is trivial. This approach can be given a rigorous mathematical formalism with the theory of

dynamic programming, and is often used as an example of recursion when teaching programming.

Problem 5: Prove that If L is a distributive lattice, then it is a modular lattice. Solution: Assume that L is a distributive lattice. Let x, y, z L and x <= z. We have that (x ^ y) v (y ^ z) v (z ^ x) = (x v y) ^ (y v z) ^ (z v x). Since x <= z, we have that x ^ z = x and x v z = z, and so (x ^ y) v (y ^ z) v x = (x v y) ^ (y v z) ^ z . This implies x v (y v z) = (x v y) ^ z (by absorption laws). This shows that L is a modular lattice. The converse of the above problem is not true. That is, there exist modular lattices which are not distributive. The following example is a modular lattice, but not distributive .

Question 6: Prove that the set of real numbers is a group with respect to multiplication. Solution: Its cant be proved because in a group, every element must have an inverse. The real number 0 has no inverse, so (R,*) fails to be a group. Multiplication in R is associative, so remains associative on any subset of R. The product of two non-zero real numbers is again a non-zero real number, R* is closed under multiplication. functions as a multiplicative identity: For any NON-ZERO real number a, a*1 = 1*a = a. Any non-zero real number a has a (unique) inverse, 1/a, with a*(1/a) = (1/a)*a = 1.

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