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(Spring/Feb 2013)

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4 Operations Management Specialization OM 0016 Quality Management (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1341)

ASSIGNMENT- Set 1 Marks 60

Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Q1. Explain Benchmarking, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and their benefits Write a note on the Pre-requisites of Quality planning 10 marks (300-400) words


10 marks (300-400) words 10 marks (300-400) words 10 marks (300-400) words 10 marks (300-400) words


What are the different statistical distributions used to model various reliability parameters For modern products, explain the concepts on what on which design reviews are based What are the important components of retest reliability?




Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Six Sigma in brief

10 marks (300-400) words

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