Let Us Lit A Candle Instead of Cursing Others

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I would like to light candle, And I would like to lit candle from my mind, Each of us can light candle by sharing a flame, helping the hopeless to see.. That each of us can make a difference when we really care Pessimism is a part of life. A major portion of masses are sad with their lives and instead of taking appropriate rather corrective measures, they accuse of the circumstances. The common gossip assert about all those events in their lives adding complains like, I dont have enough it doesnt meet my standards. Moreover nagging on the events, politics, and sciences dejects peoples thoughts. Receiving opportunities in life is amusing in life but how we respond to them is the essence Our deepest fear is that we are inadequate Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. At the very heart of the dilemma, around us this is our consent to be onus for our lives to ponder upon, we can sum it that pin people avoid to take personal responsibility and much of time we are unaware of the situation, why am I late? The traffic was terrible, why am I gaining weight? My schedule is just too busy for exercise or a good diet, why is little Jonny doing poor in school? He has a lazy teacher. Instead if we cared, the situation would be, I am sorry I was late I couldnt leave early. I can make my schedule with my diet plan and have regular exercise.. Very few people probe into their own flaws and a fewer really work on modifying their comfortable habits and safe excuses. This leads us to curse and curse and the essence is to blame, blame and blame. A wise guy- Donald Trump said when we dont want to do anything we find an excuse, Dorothy the Day (founder of Catholic workers movement, non- violence advocate, who changed lives of millions of people whose lives were steeped in hunger and poverty) said people say that what is sense of our small little efforts, they cant see that we must lay a brick at a time, take a step at a time, A pebble cast in a pond causes ripples that

spread in all directions, no one has the right to sit down and feel hope less (Adapted from the optimist in cadenced chicken soup for soul) In accordance with the naked truth, there are so many taming facts we hear on daily basis, we robbed the bank because our fathers left us, or the society discriminates against us. We drink because, he ones we cherished, dont love us. We all understand how these issues rigor, be it large or small, we all struggle or combat for the best. The well-known Buddhist Rossini John Davis Lori reminded us, Greed, anger and ignorance are the 3 poisons. When transformed they become 3 virtuous, compassion, wisdom, enlighten, which are brought in harmony by a person with the nature of all the things from these evidence what we do with or bodies is who we are, for majority it is much easier to go through life, condensing and criticizing other on every step of life, creating and apprising responses for others. This kind of stubble change is a process that is tolerance and patience and most of all, a commitment to the value of significance of the word change. When we take the easy route of rebuking others, we hide under light a bushel, and the world is a little darker.Whatever path, you take to the spiritual discipline and freedom of taking responsibility for your actions and your life, it will make a difference. It will make a difference to you, and your world. The phrase, its better to light a candle than to curse the darkness is a very slight alteration in the Chinese proverb, dont curse darkness_ light a candle the given advice is if something is wrong, do something about it, than complain or groan on it. We always have obstacles that stand in our way, and instead of begging and wishing for a way to get out, all we need to do is just to try. Apparently, it is more useful to recognize that violence is not an interruption, like a flash of lightening, rather it is like poison in the ground water, always present, a part of life, a part of what is going on in the world around us. This evil, this voilance, is not of the sudden flash. This is much darker to curse. When faced with tragic, ugly, magnification of evil, seeing up into our lives, and our concern like poison in the ground water, they say it is better to light a candle than to curse the dark. We all participate in both kind of good or bad in our things, but this is our work, weave the fabric, remare the fabric of life rather to tear it, Adrienne Rich said, My heart is moved by all, I cant spare so much has been destroyed, I have to cast with the lot who age after, age preservely, and with no extra ordinary power, reconstitute the world Do the critics receive an answer, when we say we dont believe people, but in evil deeds and in structures that oppress and tear the fabric of life?, I do hope so, for that is what we have to offer an appreciation of the complexity, a love of humanity and sleeves up ready to rebuilt.

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