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Pocket Informant 8

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A good way to use category lter schedules is to setup categories to be viewed during work hours and those to be viewed on off work hours. In this way you have a category lter enabled at all times with Pocket Informant automatically changing the lters based on your schedule.

Category Groups
If you have many categories, you can use the Category Groups feature to group your categories together for easier identication

Assigning categories to multiple items at once

Pocket Informant allows you to select multiple items and apply/remove/leave alone categories across the selected items. This is available in Contacts, Tasks, and Search Views. To assign multiple categories at once follow these instructions: 1. Select multiple items. 2. Tap/hold on part of the selection and select the Categories menu item. 3. A new dialog will come up displaying the used categories as checks, unused categories as blanks, and those categories that are used by some of the selected items as mid checks or single lines in the check. 4. You can uncheck or check any category to universally apply or remove the categories. If you tap on a mid-check, it will turn into a check. Tap on it again to uncheck it. Tap on it a third time to bring it back to a mid-check. Mid-checked categories are not removed or applied to any selected item. 5. Press OK to apply the changes.

Contact Picker and Exchange GAL

Pocket Informant uses our own contact picker when choosing attendees for appointments or when choosing a contact for a smart macro. When using this contact picker under Windows Mobile 5 and soft keys, you get an option for the Native Contact Picker. Pocket Informant provides this option primarily for devices using AKU2 and above of Windows Mobile 5 which adds the ability to search Exchange GAL address books using the native picker. Simply choose the Native Contact Picker option and then choose Find Online to search the GAL. If this option does not exist, then you do not have Windows Mobile 5 AKU2 and above - check with your device provider to see if any updates are available. GAL search is not available in the normal Contacts View.

Pocket Informant 8

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Shared New Button

Windows Mobile5 does not have a Shared New Button. However if you use the Classic Menu-bar option Pocket Informant will create a New button/menu that looks like the Windows Mobile 2003/SE shared menu bar. Windows Mobile supports a type of New button called the Shared New. This is a New button with a small arrow next to it. This Shared New button allows you to create Pocket Informant types from any application that supports Shared New - such as the Today screen, Word, and Excel. To turn on the Shared New, you must go into the Settings window of your PDA, choose Menus, tap on the second tab and enable Turn on New button menu. When you have Shared New feature on, you can tap on the arrow to the right of the New button and get a list of all data types available for creation - including the Pocket Informant types. Tip: You can also just click on the New button while in any view and it will create a new item based on the view you are in.

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