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Pocket Informant 8

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time picker directly.

Day Count and Orientation

The week view can be setup to display 3, 5 or 7 days of data. The more days, the smaller the amount of data each day displays. The 7 day Split option combines the last two days of the week into a half split, allowing more of the rest of the week to be displayed. The size of the display for the rst day can be customized.

Work Week
If you have the Week View in a 5 day conguration with the First Day set to Monday, moving one week forward and one week backwards always stays on Monday - so youll always see the work week.

Horizontal Orientation
The days are displayed in left-to-right sequence, starting at the top-left, moving to the right, for each line (typewriter-style), until the bottom right of the screen is reached

Vertical Orientation
The days are displayed in top-to-bottom sequence, starting at the top-left, moving down to the bottom, then continuing on the top right and down again, until ending at the bottom right of the screen.

Graphical Week View

Double-tap the Week View icon on the bottom to execute a shortcut which applies the current Week View settings (number of days) to the Month View providing a graphical week view representation. If your Week View has 3 or 5 days, youll also see number ticks showing hours. The start date of the Month View is used here. To return to the normal view, double-tap the Week View icon at the bottom again.

Zooming into/out of a specic day in Week View.

Tap on the black triangular maximize button on the top right of a day header to maximize the day. To return to the normal week view, tap on the minimize icon on the top left, next to the day display.

Pocket Informant 8

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Month View (MV)

Month View shows 35 days of appointments in a graphical format, much like a traditional calendar.

Traditional and Rolling Display

The traditional mode forces the view to always anchor the beginning of the month at the top of the screen. This is the traditional calendar view that most people are used to using. It has many advantages such as a consistent display, easy orientation of dates, and a quick visual representation of the month as it progresses. However, it also has some disadvantages in that when its the end of the month the display shows mostly historical information and becomes less useful for seeing your schedule in the future. The rolling display allows you to always see what your schedule looks like going forward. Todays date is always displayed on the rst row and all the future dates display below that. You can change which mode you are using by going to Menu > Customize View

The FilmStrip is a unique mode within Pocket Informant 8 designed especially for Landscape devices where the top row of a month is shown on top and a large anchored detail is shown at the bottom. Even though it is designed for Landscape devices, it will work on either Landscape or Portrait devices. To activate Filmstrip mode: 1. Go to the Month View. Tap on an Menu 2. Select Customize View 3. Select Yes in the Filmstrip line. Filmstrip mode is like a real lmstrip in that you can move to the right or left to go between days and weeks. One thing the Filmstrip mode also does is force the use of the Anchored Detail or Inline detail style.

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