Calendar View Basics: Breaking Recurring Series

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If a project is dened by a category, Pocket Informants lters can be used to view it, or parts of it, in any of the other views, such as Day View, Task View, Search View, or Year View, etc.

However, it can sometimes be difcult to visualize categories as projects. This may be because you will have got used to using categories in a certain way, which does not immediately seem compatible with being projects. But if you remember that a project can be dened as a related set of tasks, events and other items, all brought together to achieve a particular goal, it becomes clearer that a category can be used to hold those items together just as effectively as a separate project can.

Calendar View Basics

Breaking Recurring Series
You can tap/hold on a recurring series appointment and then the Tools menu and choose the Branch Series command. This will split the Series in half at that date. This is useful to break a recurring series at a certain date to make large changes to it, while keeping the previous recurrence historically. For example I may have a meeting that goes every Monday. But now it was changed to every Friday. I can break the recurrence at that point and change the ongoing days to Friday without losing the historical Monday appt.

Switching between Calendar Views

There are three ways to switch between calendar sub views: Tap on the one of the ve calendar buttons on the bottom left of the screen Press the calendar hardware button repeatedly - if assigned to the PICalendar function - to cycle through them Press the left soft key to switch views Tap and hold on any day, and choose the sub view you want to switch to.

Special Calendar View interface items Calendar Scroll Arrows (Pocket PC only)
The left and right arrows on the top toolbar allow you to move from one day/week/month/agenda period to the next, and a scroll bar allows you to scroll up and down in day view and agenda view. The left/right arrows do not move from one selected day to the next in month or week view, as it is assumed the stylus will be in use if you are navigating using these arrows. Double tapping on the left/right arrows while in day view will move you forward or back one full week instead of a single day.

Pocket Informant 8

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Detail modes
The detail mode icon appears in the Day, Week, Month, and Timeline Views. You can select the mode you want from the menu that appears when you tap on the Detail Mode button on the tool bar. This option can be set independently in zoomed and un-zoomed modes, so that for example you can have status bars when zoomed out, but mini text when zoomed in. Category Color Bars Displays all your appointments colored in their assigned category color, as bars that span the hours of the day, one bar for a.m., one for p.m. If you are displaying Category colors and there is no color assigned to a category or the appointment has no category assigned, the detail then displays the status color. Available in Day View, Week View, Month View and Timeline View Status Color Bars Displays all your appointments in the color of their assigned status (e.g., busy, free, out-of-ofce, tentative), as bars that span the hours of the day, one bar for a.m., and one for p.m. Available in Day View, Week View, Month View and Timeline View Category Color and Status Color Work Hour Bars These styles are similar to their namesakes except instead of showing the full 24 hour day in two bars, they show a single bar for your work hours. Available in Month View and Timeline View Icons Displays appointment category icons. Icon mode also will display the Meeting icon in a Month View window when a meeting on that day exists that is not assigned to any category. A meeting is dened as an appointment with attendees. Icons that do not t in the window are not displayed. Available in Day View, Week View, Month View and Timeline View Mini-Text Detail Displays brief detail of each appointment, one per line. Available in Month View and Timeline View Mini-Text Detail Wrapped Similar to the Mini-Text Detail setting, word-wraps the text, to display as much as will t in the space available. Available in Month View and Timeline View

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