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Pocket Informant 8

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Tapping on the dots or the dates within the brackets [ ] takes you to the date picker, allowing you to change the start or due date of the task.

Task Alarms and Sync Monitor

The Windows Mobile 2000/2002/2003 operating system and ActiveSync do not allow task alarm times to be synced correctly in all circumstances. Pocket Informant therefore includes a tool called the Sync Monitor, which monitors the times of alarms for tasks, and corrects as many of the inconsistencies imposed by ActiveSync as possible. Windows Mobile 5 does support Task alarm times natively. No Sync Monitor is needed and no limitations exist. Remember that, unlike Outlook on the desktop, a task on Windows Mobile requires a due date in order to set an alarm at all.

Group By
You can set the Task View to group your tasks by category, importance, priority, progress, completion or date by choosing the Group By menu. Each of these groups allows you to drag and drop the tasks into a new group. For example, the Importance grouping will let you change the importance of a task by dragging it from, for example, low to high. In Group by Category mode, you can either append an additional category to a task, or move it to a new category through drag and drop. As you drag the task from one group to another, it will show you what you are doing - appending or moving. The left side of the screen is used for appending and the right side for moving.

Tasks View Modes Menu

As of Pocket Informant 8.5 each lter has its own set of settings for that lter. So for All Tasks you can setup it to show undated and overdue tasks while for In Progress Tasks you can tell it to only show undated tasks and these settings will stick to that specic lter. Also if you use Touch Mode then these lters will be presented in a sliding panel allowing you to pick lters easily with your ngers.

Various pre-set lters can be accessed from the Tasks Preferences Menu. If any lter other than All Dates is selected, the Task View Modes Menu will stay highlighted for identication. All Dates No ltering by date. In Progress

Pocket Informant 8

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Displays all Tasks that start today, are due today, are overdue, have no start and end date, or start before today and end after today. Future This lter offers you the ability to only show tasks that are overdue and about to come by the number of days you choose. Start/End Today All uncompleted tasks that start today or are due today or have no start and end date are displayed. Start/End Today/Tomorrow All tasks that start today or tomorrow or are due today or tomorrow or have no start and end date are displayed. Overdue Only overdue tasks are displayed. Undated Only tasks with no start/due date are displayed. Completed Shows only completed tasks. Daily Display tasks that are uncompleted and start or are due on a user-specied date.

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