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Pocket Informant 8

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the right you can see the menu that comes up. In this case the contact was already linked by the Parent item of the Journal. An example of this would be if you are creating a new appointment and press the Contact Smart Macro button/menu. If no contact is already linked say by creating the appointment from a contact, then a contact picker comes up. You select a contact and the menu comes up with the relevant info such as Work, Home, Other and such. Just select any of the info for it to be instantly inserted into the current text. All of this info can be also inserted using the Smart Macros via Templates.

The templates feature in Pocket Informant allows you to set up task, appointment and company templates that can be applied to new or (for appointments and tasks) existing items, saving a lot of repetitive data entry.

Creating Templates
To create a new template from an existing item, tap and hold to bring up the contextual menu, then either Save Company Template in Contacts View, or Tools and then Save As Template in Calendar and Task Views. Please note that recurring appointments are not supported as templates. To create a template from the Template Editor, tap on New. For both methods, you will get a dialog box asking you to name your template. If you need to, go to the Template Editor, select the new template, and tap on Edit. You can now enter data into the template in the same way as for a standard new item.

Using Smart Macros with Templates: Active Templates

Pocket Informant provides a very powerful new feature called Smart Macros. You can put any Smart Macro into a template and when that template is applied it will process the macro immediately including any contact based macros. This turns an ordinary template into an active template because its contents are dynamic. Any active template with contact based Smart Macros embedded in them will automatically bring up the contact picker. You can put Smart Macros into the subjects, locations, or notes of the template. When entering the macro into a template, be sure not to use the Active Macro menus as this will process the macros immediately instead of when the template is applied. Furthermore, templates in Pocket Informant support a substitution macro that allows for existing text to be put into the new template text. Normally if you apply a template to an existing item, or enter text in the subject eld before applying the template, the text will be replaced by the templates subject when it is applied.

Pocket Informant 8

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However, if you enter %s (without the quote marks) into the subject or location elds of the template, any text that already exists in the subject or location elds of a new or existing item will be retained, and inserted into the template text at that point. In fact, you can even layer the templates. For example: Lets say that you have 5 templates: Meet with %s, Breakfast with %s, Lunch with %s, Dinner with %s, Home at %s So you start by creating an appointment from a contact - and you get Bob Rice. Apply Lunch with %s, and you end up with Lunch with Bob Rice. Then apply Home at %s and you get Home at Lunch with Bob Rice. If you have templates with no subject, but categories, status etc, it can be very useful to simply enter %s in the subject eld. That way, if you nd yourself typing the subject in to a new item before you remember to apply a template, the subject will not be lost.

Applying Templates in the Editors

The primary way to apply templates is via the appointment or task editors themselves. When you create or edit an appointment simply tap on the small icon to the left of the Subject line or go to Menu->Apply Template and choose a template. The full contents of the template from the time, date, subject, notes, icons, and so on will be applied in the editor immediately. Note: At this time for macros to be applied properly in the Note view you need to open the Notes tab before saving.

Applying Templates Directly in the Views

You can also apply a template to an existing appointment or task via the contextual menus OR create a new appointment based on a template in the Day View: On any appointment or task, tap and hold and select Apply Template. The

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