Links: Inline Contact Name/Number Links

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Inline Contact Name/Number Links

Pocket Informant 8 brings about the idea of having a link directly to a contact within the subject or note of an appointment or task. This allows you to easily be able to open an appointment - tap on the name and dial a contact or dial a number embedded in a note or subject. Pocke Informant 8 automatically parses phone numbers within a subject or a small note to dial. No setup required. For Contacts, simply put the FileAs name of the contact in brackets like this: [Doe, Jane] and Pocket Informant will create that into a link.

Linking Window (Pocket PC only)

The idea behind linking is that an appointment/task/contact may have supporting documents or items associated with it that need to be accessible quickly. You may have as many links as you need. You can link with les or other Pocket Outlook data. To provide a better understanding of what can be done with linking, this section will describe some common scenarios and how to accomplish them. You can mix and match everything in the scenarios for your real world use.

Scenario 1: Appointment preparation tasks and supporting documents

A business user creates an appointment for a business presentation on a budget for his project. He has created the appointment and created multiple tasks required to prepare for this presentation. Using Pocket Informant, he links the tasks to the appointment. He uses these links to keep himself informed of the tasks he has. As he nishes each task, he marks them completed and links the nished documents to his appointment. This business user is now ready for his presentation. He has created an Excel spreadsheet containing the nal numbers and a Word document describing the different areas of the budget. As he had linked the tasks to create the supporting documentation, he also links the nished Excel and Word documents

Scenario 2: Appointment with supporting documentation

When the time comes for the presentation, he opens the Pocket Informant Agenda view, taps and holds on the current appointment and selects Edit > Links. He is taken to the screen displaying both the Word and Excel documents. He can now click either document and have it open instantly for his presentation.

Pocket Informant 8

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Linking Behavior
Linking is a two way process. When you link an appointment to a task, by the very nature of that link, you have also linked the task to the appointment. When you view the links for a task, you will see that appointment in the link tab. When an item has a link associated with it you will see the links icon attached to this item. Tapping on this icon by default opens the full editor for that PIM item and defaulting to the Links Editor page. However you can change this behavior by going into the Settings of Pocket Informant in the Settings: General section and changing this to open the Links Window instead.

Opening Linked Items

To open a linked item from the links tab, simply tap on it.

Creating Links
Drag and Drop Links Window (Pocket PC only)
Within almost any Pocket Informant view you can tap/hold on a PIM item, which brings up the context menu, and select the Show Links Window menu. Choose this and a window displaying all the existing links for that item comes up. Just drag another PIM item to the window to create a link.

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