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Pocket Informant 8

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Contacts View Settings

Use Euro Address Format If set to yes, postal codes will be displayed before the post town, as is standard in most European countries. Set to no, the postal code will be displayed after the post town. Company Search Behavior Use this item to specify which items you want to be searched when you perform a search in company view.

Phone/Dialing Settings
Dialing Modes This affects how Pocket Informant sends the phone number string to your phone via IR or Bluetooth. Unmodied means that the string is sent exactly as it is in the phone number eld. Numbers only means that any characters are skipped and only send numbers since some phones do not like having the parentheses or dashes sent. Parsed for my area code means that the area code is extracted from the number which is useful when dialing via DTMF. Force Area Codes If you want area codes to always show up in a phone dial, select this option. Dial Prex If you need to enter a dial prex such as 71*, you can enter that here. Long Distance Prex You can enter here the code needed for dialing long distance. It is usually 1 in the United States, for example. International Dialing Number If you have a number you have to dial rst when calling internationally such as a passcode, enter that number here. Country Codes Enter your country codes here. Area Codes Enter your area codes here. If you have multiple codes such as in Houston, enter them with a comma separating them and no spaces.

Pocket Informant 8

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Notes View Note Mode This mode is used to determine which tools are enabled when you open an existing note while in the Notes View. If you are in writing mode, the SIP is displayed and you can type. If you are in drawing mode, the SIP is not displayed and the drawing tools are checked. PIM Note View Mode This mode is used to determine which tools are enabled when you open an existing note to view in a Pocket Informant item. If you are in writing mode, the SIP is displayed and you can type. If you are in drawing mode, the SIP is not displayed and the drawing tools are checked. PIM Note New Mode This mode is used to determine which tools are enabled when you create a new note for a Pocket Informant item. If you are in writing mode the SIP is displayed and you can type. If you are in drawing mode, the SIP is not displayed and the drawing tools are checked. Word Wrap Pocket Informant can set the notes window to either visually wrap to the window or the page. By default its done to the Page because otherwise sometimes the notes window will wrap things incorrectly making a mess. You can change this to Wrap to Window to allow a normal visual word wrap. Bring up Alarm Dialog after recording WAV Enabling this setting will cause an Alarm dialog to pop up after recording a new WAV le with the Alarm Note shortcut button.

Journaling Settings
The journaling section of options allows you to decide which events will be recorded in your journal automatically, and which will not.

Special Date Format Settings

The Special Date Format Settings section allows you to specify the date format you wish your short dates to appear as. While Pocket Informant uses your regional settings for most date formatting there are certain date formats which are not provided by the operating system.

Advanced Settings
This section contains options for advanced users only. Contacts View is Threaded

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