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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Objective & Learning Outcomes

Objective To ensure that each student can use and demonstrate the basic and extra functions of MS Office Word 2010. Learning Outcomes At the end of the lessons, students will be able to: use basic probability concepts. manipulate basic functions. format the text and work with table. demonstrate extra touches to complete a document. review and print the documents.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Word 2010 is a word processor that allows us to create various types of documents such as letters, papers, flyers, faxes and more For Word 2010 versions; they kept the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar. However a few commands such as Open and Print are housed in Backstage view, which replaces the Microsoft Office Button.
Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Document 1- Microsoft Word

Click on a command to do something

Each tab will have one or more groups

Click on a tab to see more commands

Some groups will have an arrow that you can click for more options

The Ribbon contains commands to do common tasks. It is also contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. Ribbon can be minimized/ maximized according to the need. Just click the arrow or use the shortcut key.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is located above the ribbon, and it lets access common commands no matter which tab are on. By default, it shows the Save, Undo, and Repeat commands. To add other commands users may customizes it according to needs. -Click on the arrow to have the drop down menu.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Backstage View
Backstage view gives various options for saving, opening a file, printing, or sharing document; like Office Button Menu (Word 2007) or the File Menu (earlier versions of Word). To get to Backstage view, click on File tab
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Backstage View (cont.)


These familiar tasks, can be found in Backstage view


Contains information about current document


For easy access, recent documents will appeared here


Can create new, blank document/ choose any templates


Provide print and print setting


To access Microsoft Office help or check for updates

Easy to email documents, post it on web or change the file format


Various options can be made here like control Spelling & Grammar Check setting, AutoRecovery and etc

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Create and Open A Document

To CREATE a new document, go to the Backstage view. Select New; then Select Blank document under Available Templates. It will be highlighted by default. To OPEN previous document, select Open. Then Open dialog box appears. Select your document and then click Open.

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Or just go to Recent Documents list. And click on required document from the list.


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Working With Text

Insert Text
Move mouse to a location where the text need to appear in the document. Click the mouse. The insertion point appears.

Select Text
Place the insertion point next to the and click the mouse, and while holding it down, drag your mouse over the text to select it. Release the mouse button. A highlighted box will appear over the selected text.

Delete Text
Place the insertion point next to the text and press the Backspace key on the keyboard to delete text to the left. Press the Delete key to delete text to the right of the insertion point.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Working With Text (cont.)

Copy and Paste
Select the text and click the Copy command on the Home tab. Else, right-click on the document and select Copy. Then place the insertion point where the text to appear. Click the Paste command on the Home tab and the text will appear.

Cut and Paste

Select the text and click the Cut command on the Home tab/ rightclick on the document and select Cut. Place your insertion point where you wish the text to appear. Click the Paste command on the Home tab. The text will appear.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Working With Text (cont.)

Drag and Drop
Select the text you wish to copy. Click and drag the text to the location you wish it to appear. The cursor will have a rectangle under it to indicate that you are moving text.

Dragging and dropping text

Release the mouse button and the text will appear. If text does not appear in the exact location, click the Enter key on the keyboard to move the text to a new line.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Find and Replace

To Find
Word can automatically search specific text within the document using the Find feature. Click the Find command. Type in text that need to be find and it will be highlighted in yellow, and a preview will appear in the Navigation pane.

To Replace

It can even allows user to change words or phrases using Replace. Click the Replace command

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Type text that need to be find in Find what and text that need to be replace in Replace with. Replace All is use to replace all instances within the document.


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Formatting Text
Formatting the text enable our document look more interesting and more appealing. It can draw the reader's attention to specific parts of the document and help communicate message. Formatting text included the font size, style, and color; highlight the text; and use the Bold, Italic, Underline, and Change Case commands. In order to all the formatting, user need to highlight the related text that need to be formatted; before click on the command buttons.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Formatting Text (cont.)

To Change the Font Size
Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size box on the Home tab. Select the font size that wish to use. Else, used Grow Font and Shrink Font commands to change the size. Highlight the text. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font box on the Home tab. Select the font you wish to use. The font will change in the document.

To Change the Font Style

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Formatting Text (cont.)

To Change the Font Colour To Highlight Text
From the Home tab, click the Text Highlight Color drop-down arrow. The Highlight Color menu appears. Select the desired highlight color. Select the text you wish to modify. It will then be highlighted.

Select the text and click the Font Color drop-down arrow on the Home tab. The Font Color menu appears. Select the colour needed. //Select More Colors at the bottom of the list to access the Colors dialog box.
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//To switch back to the normal cursor, click the Text Highlight Color command.


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Formatting Text (cont.)

Bold, Italic, & Underline
Highlight the text and select Bold, Italic or Underline Commands to format the text.

To Change Text Alignment

Select the text. Select one of the four alignment options from the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
Align Text Left: Aligns all the selected text to the left margin. Center: Aligns text an equal distance from the left and right margins. Align Text Right: Aligns all the selected text to the right margin. Justify: Justified text is equal on both sides and lines up equally to the right and left margins. Many newspapers and magazines use fulljustification.

To Change the Text Case

Select the text that wish to modify. Click the Change Case command in the Font group on the Home tab. Select the desired case option from the list.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Saving the Document

All document can be stored by using Save and Save As commands; as well as to save as a Word 97-2003 compatible document, and as a PDF. Save- The document will be saved in its current location with the same file name. Save As- allows to choose a name and location for document. It's useful if it is a new document or to save a different version of a document while keeping the original. To Save as Other File Format: Click the File tab. Select Save As. In the Save as type drop-down menu, select Word 97-2003 Document or PDF or any other format required.

// To Save/ Save As; go to the File tab, select the required command buttons.
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Select the location to save the document and enter a name for the document and click Save.


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Page Layout & Formatting

Page Layout tab allow user to setup the document layout. The printing can be on a different page orientation, margins, columns, and few others.
Go to Page Setup group Click on Orientation command Select either Portrait or Landscape.

To set a new page orientation :

To Set Column : is to divide the text into two or more segments/ sections. Click on the Column command and select any number of column required.

To Set Margin : For margin, click on Margin Command and select any margin size desired. Else use Custom Margin to Adjust the margin sizes for each side of the page.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Tabs, Line & Paragraph Spacing

Tab Key
Can be used to control exactly where text is placed. By default, it will move 1/2 inch to the right every time user click tab on the keyboard.

Line Spacing - give space between lines.

Paragraph Spacing - spacing options between each paragraph.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Working with List

Bulleted and numbered lists can be used in documents to format, arrange and emphasize text. With Word 2010, user could modify existing bullets, insert new bulleted and numbered lists, select symbols as bullets, and format multilevel lists.

Create Multilevel Lists to create an outline with multiple levels. Pressing the Tab key to change the level for that line. Or use the Multilevel List command to choose the types of bullets or numbering that are used.

Create a List: Select text> Click the Numbering or Bullets drop-down arrow on the Home tab.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Documenting would also need graphics, pictures or images to support the texts. With Word 2010, user may use the Illustrations group within the Insert tap. To add Picture, Clip Art, and Shapes: i. Click on the required command> Picture dialog box /Clip Art option/ Shapes drop down menu will appear. ii. Select from the dialog box/ option or drop down menu the required picture, clip art or shape. iii. All pictures, clip arts and shapes are able to be formatted (edit).

The Illustrations included:

- Picture - Clip Art - Shapes - SmartArt
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- Chart - Screenshot



Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Illustrations (cont.)
To add SmartArt: i. Click on the SmartArt command> SmartArt dialog box will appear. To Add Text to a SmartArt Graphic: i. Select the graphic. A border will appear around it with an arrow on the left side.

ii. ii. Select a category on the left of the dialog box and review appear in the center. iii. Select the desired SmartArt graphic and click OK.
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Click the arrow on the left side of the graphic to open the task pane



Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Illustrations (cont.)
To add Chart: i. Click on the Chart command> Chart dialog box will appear. iv. Once the graph selected; excel Select the graphic. An excel worksheet will appear along with the graph. v. The data can be edit using the worksheet.


Select a category on the left of the dialog box and review appear in the center. iii. Select desired Chart> click OK.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Formatting Illustrations
Images or any illustration can be edited into any form user like them to be. User could either crop, add borders, resizing, rotate and remove, arrange position or wrap text.. To Crop i. Select an image> The Format tab will appear>Select the Format tab. ii. Click the Crop command. The black cropping handles appear. The black cropping handles iii. Click and drag a handle to crop an image. Click the Crop command to deselect the crop tool. // Find out how to crop into shape
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To Add Borders i. Select the picture> Select the Format tab> Click the Picture Border command> A drop-down menu will appear.


From the drop-down menu; select a color, weight (thickness), and whether or not the line is dashed.


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Formatting Illustrations (cont.)

To Re-sizing i. Click on the image to select. ii. Click and drag one of the sizing handles on the corners and sides of the text box until it is the desired size. iii. Drag the sizing handles on any of the four corners, it will be able to change the height and width at the same time. //The sizing handles on the top or bottom allow to resize vertically, while the left and right sides will resize the shape horizontally. To Rotate/ Move i. To rotate the shape, drag the green handle
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To Arrange Order/ Position i. Overlaps images position can be rearranged either by bringing the image to the front or send it to the back. ii. If there are multiple images, use Bring Forward or Send Backward to finetune the ordering; or move an image in front of or behind text.



Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Formatting Illustrations (cont.)

To Re-sizing i. Click on the image to select. ii. Click and drag one of the sizing handles on the corners and sides of the text box until it is the desired size. iii. Drag the sizing handles on any of the four corners, it will be able to change the height and width at the same time. //The sizing handles on the top or bottom allow to resize vertically, while the left and right sides will resize the shape horizontally. To Rotate/ Move i. To rotate the shape, drag the green handle
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To Arrange Order/ Position i. Overlaps images position can be rearranged either by bringing the image to the front or send it to the back. ii. If there are multiple images, use Bring Forward or Send Backward to finetune the ordering; or move an image in front of or behind text.



Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Style & Themes

A style is a combination of font style, color, and size of text that can be applied to selected text.

A theme is a set of formatting choices that can be applied to an entire document; includes theme colours, fonts, and effects. Default setting is Office theme. To change the theme; go to page layout> and select any theme desire.

Select the text and click on the style desire. Click the More drop-down arrow to see additional styles // look out for Style Set and Creating a New Style
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Header & Footer

By using header and footer it will make document look professional and polished. Headers and footers generally contain information such as page number, date, document name, etc. Header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin. Footer is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin.

To insert header or footer; go to insert tab> click on Header or Footer button> select any style desire.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Working with Table

To insert a table, place the insertion point> Select Insert tab> click on Table command.

To Insert/ Delete Row and Column highlight the row/ column> right click> select the require command on the menu that appear

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Working with Table (cont.)

To Apply a Table Style Click on the table. The Design tab will appear on the Ribbon. Select the Design tab and locate the Table Styles. Click the More drop-down arrow to see all of the table styles. Hover the mouse over the various styles to see a live preview. Select the desired style. The table style will appear in the document.
To merge/ split To edit cell size

Modifying a Table Using the Layout Tab

nsert/ delete

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Create a New Document with a Template

To Insert a Template: Click File tab to go to Backstage view. Select New. The New Document pane appears> Click Sample templates to choose a built-in template, or select an template category to download a template. Select the desired template and click Create. To Insert Text into a Template: Click on the text you want to replace. The text will appear highlighted and a template tag will appear. Enter some text. It will replace the placeholder text.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Working with Hyperlink

1. 2. Select the text or image you would like to make a hyperlink. Right-click the selected text or image and click Hyperlink. Or, if you would prefer, you can right-click in a blank area of the document and click Hyperlink. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will open. You can also get to this dialog box from the Insert tab by clicking Hyperlink. If you selected text, the words will appear in the Text to display: field at the top. You can change this text if you want. Type the address you would like to link to in the Address: field. Click OK. The text or image you selected will now be a hyperlink.



5. 6.
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You can also insert a hyperlink that links to another portion of the same document by selecting Place in This Document from the Insert Hyperlink dialog box.


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Mail Merge
Mail Merge: Step 1 Choose the type of document you wish to create. In this example, select Letters. Click Next: Starting document to move to Step 2.

Mail Merge: Step 2 Select Use the current document. Click Next: Select recipients to move to Step 3.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Mail Merge (cont.)

Mail Merge: Step 3 Now you'll need an address list so that Word can automatically place each address into the document. The list can be in an existing file, such as an Excel workbook, or you can type a new address list from within the Mail Merge Wizard. From the Mail Merge task pane, select Use an existing list and then click Browse. Locate your file in the dialog box (you may have to navigate to a different folder) and click Open. If the address list is in an Excel workbook, select the worksheet that contains the list and click OK. In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, you can check or uncheck each recipient to control which ones are used in the mail merge. When you're done, click OK to close the dialog box. From the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Select recipients to move to Step 4.

If you don't have an existing address list, you can click the Type a new list button and click Create. You can then type your address list.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Mail Merge (cont.)

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Mail Merge (cont.)

Mail Merge: Step 4
Place the insertion point in the document where you wish the information to appear. Select Address block, Greeting line, Electronic postage, or More items from the task pane. Depending on your selection, a dialog box may appear with various options. Select the desired options and click OK. A placeholder appears in your document. For example: AddressBlock. Repeat these steps each time you need to enter information from your data record. From the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Preview your letters to move to Step 5.

For some letters, you'll only need to add an Address block and Greeting line. Sometimes, however, you may wish to place recipient data within the body of the letter to personalize it even further.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Mail Merge (cont.)

Mail Merge: Step 5 Preview the letters to make sure the information from the recipient list appears correctly in the letter. You can use the left and right scroll arrows to view each document. Click Next: Complete the merge to move to Step 6.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Mail Merge (cont.)

Mail Merge: Step 6 Click Print to print the letters. The Merge to Printer dialog box opens. Click All, and then click OK. The Print dialog box will appear. Adjust the print settings if needed, and then click OK.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

A Proper Assignment
1. Structure and organize the assignment 2. Follow the specific/ standard format 3. Find and filter the good sources/ materials 4. Use the right citation 5. No plagiarism 6. Do spell checking/ proof-reading

7. Edit and neaten your final output

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Structure And Organize The Assignment

Outline your main points and plan your contents/ subject matter. Such as: i. The focus of the assignment - what is the main subject? What is the most subject matter you need to focus and highlight? ii. The key concepts - write down words related to the topic. iii. Understand the issues - write down things you think will be important to be written and can fulfil the requirement of the assignment. iv. The sources - where will you find material and resources for your assignment. From books in the library or online searching journals, websites and so on. //Prefer to have both - online resources and printed materials.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Follow Specific/ Standard Format

Standard format for assignment:
Cover Page: Use the template given Header: Programme (left) Module Code (right) Footer: Page No (center) Margin: Normal Alignment: Justify Font Type: Arial Font Size: Title : 14 pt

Sub Title
Content/ Body
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12 pt
11 pt

Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Follow Specific/ Standard Format (Cont.)

Picture and table : Center Title for pictures, diagram, tables etc :
Table : The title of each table must be shown at the top of the table. Pictures/ figure : The titles of figures should appear below them.

Table 1.5: Tree Population in the Research Area

// Title should be Bold and Center

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Figure 2.1: Apple iPad 3



Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Follow Specific/ Standard Format (Cont.)

Standard format for assignment contents:
Cover Page (Please use standard cover page given [CP1] [CP2]) Acknowledgement (for Group Project only) Table of Content Introduction Report (Please use appropriate format) Body/ Content Self Opinion/ Point of View Conclusion References Appendix
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Find and Filter Good Sources/ Materials

In order to get a better output, you need to:
Search more than one database to find a good source. Find more books, journals, and reliable websites for reference Make a comparison or the best idea between several references/resources

Types of Resources

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Use The Right Citation

For Reference , you must use the right citation and within an assignment, it must have ONE style of citation only. As for our standard format, you will be using APA style.
Citation for journals
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Authors 1 Authors 2 Authors 6

Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., et al. (2001). Writing labs and the Hollywood connection. Journal of Film and Writing, 44(3), 213-245.
Journal volume Date of publication
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Article pages Article title


Journal title

If more than six authors


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Use The Right Citation (Cont.)

Citation for books
Book title

Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Place of publish Publisher

Citation for websites

Date of publication

Irving, I & Jacobs, P. (2010). Smoking cessation products to help you quit. Retrieved January 11, 2011, from factors.html/.
Retrieved date
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Retrieved location/ URL

Article title


Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Use The Right Citation (Cont.)

Citation for online journals
Kenneth, I. A. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 8(2). Retrieved January 11, 2011

Citation for dictionaries

Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). (2005). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.

//Reference must be listed out in an alphabetical order. //Every commas and full stop must be placed correctly. //If the date is unavailable for the document, use (n.d) for no date.
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Use The Right Citation (Cont.)

By using Word 2010, you can create this APA style for citation and bibliography at ease. To Create a Citation/ Bibliography Place the curson to the text that need to be citated> Click on reference tab> selecet Insert Citation> add New Source Fill in all the related box in the pop-up window like: Type of source; Author name; Title of the source; the year publish; city and publisher. Then click OK. // Try and find out the outcome..
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End of the writing; and done with all the citation, MS Word 2010 will gather all the source citations and list it in the bibliography. > Click on the button.



Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

No Plagiarism
Lecturers will not tolerate with any plagiarism activities. Thus, how NOT to Plagiarize?
Do not copy any online source entries, especially Wikipedia. Do not copy your friends works. Rephrase every sentence of the source that you find, relevant to your assignment in your own style and language (if you want to use the data and information). Strictly no cut and paste (Please use your own word). List down your references // Todays technologies and the predictability of students make catching plagiarists easier than ever..
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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Do Spell Checking/ Proof-reading

Always proofread your assignment before turning it in to your lecturer. A badly written assignment is a paper that is written by a lazy student, not a stupid student.
Check your spelling and grammar Ensure you are using a standard language: English You can use MS Word 2010 Spelling & Grammar tool
Click on Review tab on the ribbon> Select all or select only text that need to be checked> Click on Spelling.

// Please note, all papers must be written in English.

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Describe basic computer hardware, software, input, output, communication and network devices.

To apply the suitable office application to fulfill given task.

Edit And Organize Your Final Output

Verify and edit your assignment for the final. Ensure your assignment is in a good condition, proper appearance and neat. Recheck and take a good look at:

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Page numbers Titles Labels Headers and footers, List of pictures/figures and tables Text formatting Alignment of your contents and etc


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