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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.


Part 55,
Consumed By His Glory!

''He hath swallowed up death for ever; and the Lord Jehovah will wipe away tears from off all faces;
and the reproach of his people will he take away from off all the earth: for Jehovah hath spoken it.'' Isa
25: 8. ASV.
It is very interesting to see that not only does the Amerian Standard !rite that ''He has swallowed
up death forever.'' "#t also #nited in this o$inion is the RV, the ISV, %o#ng&s ' Conordant. It !o#ld
seem that the original te(t is stating it in the $ast tense 'HE HAS' !hih in )od*s o$inion ma+es it a done
deal as !ell as an e($lanation ,or o#r $resent #nderstanding. The meaning,#l !ord here is forever. -e
annot in o#r ,ive sense realm yet see or #nderstand the onnotation o, this verse "#t dee$ !ithin o#r )od
realm or Christ identity there is a !itness, an eternal !itness. %es as it has "een !ritten that !e o#nt those
things that are not seen as though they were.
''For indeed, being in the tabernacle, we groan, having been weighted down, inasmuch as we do not
wish to be unclothed, but to be clothed, so that the mortal may be swallowed up by the life'' 2Co 5:/.
0ITV. -onder,#lly this is the $roess that !e are e($eriening no!, !hether !e realise it or not1
he rial !f he "efining #rocess!

''ut He knows the way that $ take !"e has concern for it, appreciates, and pays attention to it#. $hen He
has tried me% $ shall come forth as refined gold !pure and luminous#.'' 2o" 23:45. Am$.
''ut He is unchangeable, and who can turn "im% &nd what He wants to do% that He does. For "e
performs &that which He has' planned for me, and of many such matters "e is mindful'' ''For 'od has
made my heart faint% timid% and broken, and the &lmighty has terrified me,'' 2o" 23:43&4/,46. Am$.

Part o, the glorio#s message in 2o" is that )od loved him greatly, as !ith all o, #s, "#t as !ith all men,
he !as as !e are, $laed in this sit#ation o, the im$er,etion o, the ,lesh ' there is a trial o, o"ediene (
obedience is better than sacrifice ( His purging ( our choosing) ''Mark what we are sa!"# th!s !s "ot
referr!"# to s!" or s!" $o"s$!ous"ess.'' The end res#lt o, A00 men is $er,etion, the $er,etion o, )od
7imsel,, !hih !e already have !ithin #s ' is no! "eing realised, ' whe" He has tr!ed %e I shall $o%e
forth as Gold. It may seem a ontrary message "#t +no! this that in the end res#lt ''He has swallowed
up death forever)'' And the ,inal res#lt is !e shall all "e ''Consumed By His Glory)''
*here $s his *onderful #rocess Happening+
-e read in 8alahi, '',nd they shall be -ine, says the Lord of hosts, in that day when ) publicly
recognise and openly declare them to be -y .ewels /-y special possession% -y peculiar treasure*. &nd )
will spare them, as a man spares his own son who serves him. +hen shall you return and discern between
the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves 'od and him who does not serve "im. 8al 3:49&
48. Am$.
The l#e to the a"ove :#estion in the heading is ,o#nd in the !ord retur". Ret#rn to !here; The
ans!er is ,o#nd in something that a great a$ostle has le,t #s. -e onsider !ith a!e this almost hidden
gem along !ith Peters )odly given insight.
''&nd we have the prophetic word !made# firmer still. 0ou will do well to pay close attention to it as to
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
a lamp shining in a dismal /s1ualid and dark2 place, until the 3,0 breaks through !the gloom# and the
,orning -tar rises .comes into being* $4 0!5" H6,"7)'' 2Pe 4:4<. Am$.
In o#r hearts or w!th!" o#r o!n "eing ' not o#tside o, o#rselves. This is !hat I "elieve that 8alahi
had in mind !hen he re,erred to to o#r retur"!"#, ,or !hen !e do !e an ertainly disern "et!een the
righteo#s ' the !i+ed ( flesh or mistaken identity ( ,irst !ithin o#rselves ' then !ithin others ' they
!ho are not yet serving him in a ,#rther enlightenment !e thro#gh o#r inner Christ identity ' int#ition
hel$ them to retur"& #nderstand ' regain their lost estate. This is Christ the 7ead !or+ing thro#gh the
rest o, 7is tr#e "ody !hih is in no !ay divided.
In 8alahi /:2, 8ost versions read ''with healing in "is wings'' very interestingly =errar =enton a
translator held in high esteem "y many inter$rets this verse th#s:
''ut the -un of righteousness will shine forth to you with restoration on "is wings, and you shall be
brought out and, and sport like a bullock from the stall, and tread down the wicked, for they will be dust
under your feet, on the day when $ perform it,'' says the Lord of "osts.'' 8al /:2. =errar =enton.
He w!ll sh!"e forth w!th RESTORATION o" h!s w!"#s. I $ersonally thin+ that he has $ro$o#nded a
very strong $oint ' !hen vie!ing it ,rom the as$et o, the third day message it ,its $er,etly ' to mysel,
it seems to ma+e more sense. Is not this the time o, the restoration o, all things; ''whom the heaven must
receive until the times of restoration of all things, whereof God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets
that have been from of old)'' At 3:24. ASV. The tho#ght o, "eing 'rou#ht out !hih one or t!o other
versions s#$$ort also a$$eals to me !hen onsidering the most holy $lae #nderstanding ' not the #s#al
#o forth !hih may have "een good in o#r old !" part #nderstanding, nevertheless o#$ling the t!o I ,eel
that !e are no! "eing 'rou#ht out to #o forth ,rom all o, o#r $ast !ay o, thin+ing ''o" th!s da whe" I
a% perfor%!"# !t.'' )od is right no! on the verge o, reognising ' o$enly delaring 7is >e!els to "e 7is
$e#liar treas#re ' s$aring them as a man s$ares 7is ?!n Son !ho serves 7im. Interestingly the !ord
restoration is related to the the !ord $oosh. STR?@)S, H())*. /0123poosh. & primitive root; to spread;
figuratively act proudly: ( grow up% be grown fat, spread selves% be scattered) The last ,e! !ords need
not to "e added to as they are :#ite sel, e($lanatory1
he 7un !f "ighteousness 7hall ,rise *here+
The a$ostle Peter !o#ld tell #s ''$n your hearts'' in 0#+e !e also read, ''ecause of and through the
heart of tender mercy and loving(kindness of our 'od, a 8ight & the S#n o, righteo#sness & from on high
will dawn upon us and visit &us' +o shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death% to direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace)'' 0#+e 4:98&9<.
Am$. This light is also +no!n as day spring, sun(rising or branch.

''"ast thou commanded the morning since thy days began, ,nd caused the day9spring to know its
place;'' 2o" 38:42. ASV.
7ave !e yet +no!n the tr#e $lae o, the day&s$ring; The sons o, )od in the 9
verse o, the ha$ter
!e are no! reading, !ell +ne! the ans!er ''*hen the morning stars sang together and all the sons of
God shouted for .oy)'' 7o! did these %or"!"# stars realise !ho they !ere ' +no! their $lae; It !as
em"edded in them, ,or they $roeeded ,orth ,rom the Almighty as sp!r!t 'e!"#s >#st as it is in #s today
dee$ !ithin o#r s$irit "eing, ' the reason ,or the amaAing similarity "et!een these %or"!"# stars '
o#rselves is no oinidene ,or indeed !e are one ' the same. %es it is in ,at re,erring to yo# ' I aeons
"e,ore !e !ere ever lo!ered into o#r )en 4:29 e($eriene. -hat a !onder,#l $ast !e have had even
'efore the fou"dat!o" of the world ' as the S$irit Son 2es#s Christ !as lo!ered even "e,ore the $resent
reation so !e as sons o, )od that $roeeded ,orth ,rom the =ather !ere also to "e lo!ered Rom 8:25 '
are $art ' $arel o, this !onder,#l ' mighty $lan.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
!ur 6:istence $n Christ Before his #resent *orld!
''&nd now, 5 Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which $ had with thee before the
world was)'' 2n 49:5. RV
6-o now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory ) had with you before the world e:isted)''
2n 49:5. ISV.
''&nd now, 5 Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which ) had with thee before
the world was)'' 2n 49:5. B2V.
These verses !hen ta+en into onsideration !ith the morning stars, the sons o, )od !ho sho#ted ,or
>oy are agreeing $er,etly !ith the $re&e(istene o, man in his s$irit#al $ristine glory. As !e !ill also
notie the ISV is most s$ei,i. =#rther te(ts !o#ld also "ear o#t this ,at.
''knowing that ye were redeemed, not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, from your vain
manner of life handed down from your fathers; but with precious blood, as of a lamb without spot, even
the blood of 7hrist: who was foreknown indeed before the foundation of the world% but was manifested
at the end of times for your sake%'' 4Pe 4:48&25. ASV.
''5n the one hand, he was foreknown before the creation of the world, but on the other hand, he was
revealed at the end of time for your sake)'' 4Pe 4:25. ISV.
he Comments !f he 6nd Book "eferring o #ristine imes!

''+he beast was worshipped by everyone whose name wasn't written before the time of creation in the
book of the 8amb who was killed)'' Rev 43:8. CCV.
''and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the
foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain)'' Rev 43:8. CSV

''&ll people living on earth will worship it, e8cept those whose names were written before the creation
of the world in the book of the living which belongs to the Lamb that was killed)'' Rev 43:8. )@D

''9veryone living on earth will worship it, everyone whose name is not written in the ook of Life. +hat
book belongs to the lamb who was slaughtered before the creation of the world.'' Rev 43:8. )-
Did !e hear !hat !e >#st read ''the la%' that was sla!" 'efore the fou"dat!o" or the $reat!o" of
the world.'' Is this tr#ly telling #s that the lam" !as alread sla!" "e,ore the reation; -hat is emerging
here1 I !ish to s#ggest to #s today that the slaying o, the lam" "e,ore this no! reation is m#h more than
,ig#rative nor is >#st an analogy or !as it only in the mind o, )od. A death too+ $lae aeons #$on aeons
ago, 2es#s Christ gave #$ 7is glory long "e,ore 7e a$$eared on this earth. As I thin+ a"o#t this, the
,ollo!ing is !hat I am ,eeling.
A"d "ow O +ather #lor!f %e w!th our O,N SE-+ w!th the #lor wh!$h I had w!th ou 'efore
I #ave up all that I had& eve" our #lor . e"tered !"to the death of self& wh!$h was was death to
our #lor for the o"l #lor I ever had was the +/-- #lor of our ow" self. All o, this ha$$ened
"e,ore ever the !orld ame into "eing. 0et #s read one again 2ohn 49:5.
''&nd now, Father, glorify ,e along with :ourself and restore -e to such ma.esty and honour in :our
presence as $ had with 0ou before the world e:isted)'' 2n 49:5. Am$.
@o! in the light o, !hat !e are reading !e need to remem"er that 2es#s told #s that I and 8y =ather
are o"e. -e have a l#e to this seeming ontradition in 2n 9:3<. ''ut "e was speaking here of the -pirit,
$hom those who believed .trusted, had faith* in "im were afterward to receive. For the !"oly# -pirit had
not yet been given% because Jesus was not yet glorified /raised to honour2)'' 2n 9:3<. Am$
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
-e no! as+ the :#estion. -hen !as 2es#s glori,ied, !hen !as 7e made "oth 0ord ' Christ; The
ans!er is ,o#nd in the ,ollo!ing verse. In C$h /:8&45, !e read that !hen ''"e ascended on high "e led
captivity captive ; gave gifts to men. <ow what can this ascension mean but that "e had previously
descended into the lower parts of the earth. "e who descended is the same as "e who ascended high
above all the heavens that His presence might fill all things% the whole universe% from the lowest to the
highest)'' This is !hen Christ*s $rayer ''restore -e to such ma.esty and honour in :our presence as $
had with 0ou before the world e:isted)'' !as ans!ered. Ats 2:36", !o#ld also veri,y this, ''that God
has made Him both 8ord and Christ)'' -hen 2es#s said to 8ary ''+ouch me not for ) am not yet
ascended to ,y Father. ut go and tell ,y brothers that ) am ascending to ,y Father and your Father
and to ,y 'od and your 'od.'' 2n 25: 49. This is also attesting to the ,at that there !as a time o, the re0
#lor!f!$at!o" o, 2es#s.
!ur 7tandard !f #erfection $s 4ot he 5n9glorified Christ!
The 2es#s that ame to earth over t!o millenni#ms ago !as a !onder,#l, !onder,#l e(am$le to #s, "#t !e
m#st +ee$ in mind that 7e !as not the glori,ied Christ. 7e on "ehal, o, #s had le,t 7is glory. Some o,
the !onder,#l !ords o, the hymn !ritten "y -illiam Dooth Cli""orn !o#ld hel$ #s #nderstand.
Do!n ,rom 7is )lory
Cver living story,
8y )od and Savio#r ame,
And 2es#s !as 7is @ame.
Dorn in a manger,
To 7is o!n a stranger,
A 8an o, sorro!s, tears and agony.
-hat ondesension,
Dringing #s redem$tion.
That in the dead o, night,
@ot one ,aint ho$e in sight,
)od, graio#s, tender,
0aid aside 7is s$lendo#r,
Stoo$ing to !oo, to !in, to save my so#l
-itho#t rel#tane,
=lesh and "lood 7is s#"stane,
7e too+ the ,orm o, man,
Revealed the hidden $lan,
? glorio#s myst*ry
Sari,ie o, Calv*ry,
And no! I +no! Tho# art the great *I Am* -illiam Dooth Cli""orn.
And I +no! that yo# are "ow the great I Am. The #n&glori,ied man 2es#s Christ, great ' !onder,#l as
7e !as, o#ld not ever "ring any o, #s into o#r $lae o, glori,iation. En,ort#nately many have made
2es#s the #n&glori,ied man their 'e"$h %ark, those that have are in ,or a great s#r$rise. As !e have read
there !o#ld never have "een the !onder,#l o#t$o#ring o, the S$irit as in Ats 2 i, 2es#s had not "een
glori,ied ' regained 7is f!rst estate !hih 7e had !ith the =ather "e,ore the !orld e(isted. @one o, the
!onder,#l gi,ts that 7e has given to men !o#ld have "een $ossi"le ' most im$ortant o, all the aess into
the 8ost 7oly Plae !ithin o#r very o!n "eing !o#ld never have "eome a reality to any o, #s1
''which we have as an anchor of the soul, both secure and confirmed, and entering into the interior
beyond the curtain% where the Forerunner, Jesus, entered for our sakes, becoming 7hief =riest according
to the order of ,elchi>edek for the eon.6 7e" 6:4<&25. C0V. -e m#st +ee$ in mind that the ta"ernale
$lan !as a ty$e or analogy o, 7is tr#e ta"ernale *MAN' ' so !hen 7e entered into the interior "eyond the
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
#rtain or "eyond the veil or into heaven itsel,. if we are able to receive it 7e entered into the tr#e s$irit#al
$art o, man as he is the true ta'er"a$le of God. The del#sive veil or #rtain has "een in the ,lesh man all
along ' sine the glori,iation o, Christ, the veil has "een rent ' in tr#th this has revealed the del#sion.
The se$ret pla$e o, the 8ost 7igh is in )od*s tr#e tem$le MAN. Heave" !s wherever God !s dwell!"# '
man in his true Chr!st !de"t!t is the one )od ind!elling ' sharing 7imsel, !ith #s. he man is the
or$orate many mem"er&ed "ody o, Christ. 0et #s not dismiss o#rselves too lightly ' sell o#rselves short
!hen realising that it is )od !ithin yo# !ho is ,#l,illing 7is o!n good !ill ' $leas#re ' is raising #$ the
Christ man !ithin to realise that he is a $arta+er o, the =ather*s divinity ' glory in the full"ess o, Christ.
!ur 4ow 7tandard !f #erfection $s he Glorified Christ!
''He takes away the old to establish the new'' ''$hen 'od speaks of a new !covenant or agreement#, He
makes the first one obsolete .out of use*. &nd what is obsolete .out of use and annulled because of age* is
ripe for disappearance and to be dispensed with altogether)'' 7e" 8:43. Am$.
'''od, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers
manners, has at the end of these days spoken unto us $4 H$7 7on% whom he appointed heir of all things%
through whom also he made the worlds; who being the effulgence of his glory, and the very image of his
substance, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had made purification of sins% sat
down on the right hand of the -a.esty on high; having become by so much better than the angels, as
he has inherited a more e8cellent name than they.'' 7e" 4:4&/. ASV.
Please notie that the original !o#ld tell that 7e has in these last days that is sine Christ instit#ted the
last ' $resent ovenant that )od has s$o+en to #s not D% 7is Son "#t IN HIS SON1 -e as+ !here is this
Son; Ans!er in every man1 I, !e !ill "#t ta+e a little time to o$en o#r s$irit#al ears I an ass#re yo# that
!e !ill reeive an ans!er ' hear !hat 7e is no! saying I@ 7IS S?@ !hih is really o#r tr#e s$irit#al
identity1 ?ne o, the things !e !ill hear lo#d ' lear is that !e all no! have everlast!"# r!#hteous"ess
Daniel <:2/ ' "o %ore $o"s$!ous"ess of s!"s 7e" <:4/. ''-o surely the blood sacrifice of Christ can do
much more. 7hrist offered himself through the eternal 7pirit as a perfect sacrifice to 'od. "is blood will
make us completely clean from the evil & sin & we have done. $t will give us clear consciences so that we
can worship the living 'od.'' CRV. ?ne o, the most !onder,#l gi,ts !hih has "een given to all men is
everlast!"# r!#hteous"ess. ?#r great )od no! sees every man thro#gh the sari,ie o, 7is Son, !e are
not no! "eing >#dged ,or o#r ations in the ,lesh. -e are no! the righteo#sness o, Christ. -hy; 7e
tasted death ,or E1ER2 MAN. ?ne !e have tr#ly tasted o, this tr#th ' yo# "egin to tr#ly #nderstand the
love o, )od it !ill hange yo# ' all things !ill "eome ne! ' old things !ill $ass a!ay1 All o, this is
no! availa"le to o#r #nderstanding in this !onder,#l Glor!f!ed Chr!st.
"eferring ,gain o !ur #re9e:istence!
-e are no! :#oting ,rom Dale 0#ttrell, $#"lisher o, '-ove Of The Truth 3!'le Stud!es' ''+he ?Lamb@
of 'od .our Lord Jesus 7hrist* was slain long before the sin Auestion ever became an issue in the human
race, for "e was ?slain@ from before the foundation of the world) efore there was ever a need for
mankind to be redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus 7hrist, we read that "e was already ?slain.@ "is
cross and sacrifice was ever in the heart of 'od long before "e .'od* subBected the human race and
creation to the realm of vanity and emptiness'' .Comans D:EF*. (((((( ?For of .ek G out of* "im, and
through .dia G through* "im, and to .eis G into* "im, are all things: to whom be glory forever. &men.
Com HH:IJ. KJL.'' Cnd :#ote.
'' ) pray that 'od our Father and our Lord Jesus 7hrist will be kind to you and will bless you with
peaceM =raise the 'od and Father of our Lord Jesus 7hrist for the spiritual blessings that 7hrist has
brought us from heavenM Before the world was created% God had Christ choose us to live with him and
to be his holy and innocent and loving people. 'od was kind and decided that 7hrist would choose us to
be 'od's own adopted children. 'od was very kind to us because of the -on he dearly loves, and so we
should praise 'od.'' C$h 4:2&6. CCV.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
This I "elieve is saying more than !hat is generally #nderstood o, >#st "eing lo!ered ,rom the )en
4:29 reation into this $resent tangi"le !orld "#t it is one again re,erring to the time ''*hen the morning
stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for .oy)'' The a"ove !ord 'efore is !ell e($lained
in, STR?@)S. N G;<=; OPQPRSTU VWXWYZ[\ kat(ab(ol(ay' From 'E]^D; a deposition, that is, founding;
figuratively conception> 9 conceive% foundation) To s#$$ort this !e ite the "elo! te(ts.

''"e chose us in him ere the world was founded, to be consecrated and unblemished in his sight,'' C$h
4:/. 8o,,att.
''Just as from the beginning he has chosen us through him, before the foundation of the world, that
we may become holy and without blemish before him.'' C$h. 4:/. 0amsa @T.
''according as he had previously chosen us in him, B6?!"6 H6 ?!543,$!4 of the world, that
we might be holy and without blame before him; and, in love,'' C$h 4:/. 8#rdo+.
This !hat !e are sharing today is I ,eel very lose to the heart o, )od ' the ,ollo!ing has "een
:#i+ened to o#r s$irit. The !all !hih has +e$t #s a!ay ' o#t o, the realisation o, o#r ,ormer glory in
$ristine times is no! "eing dealt !ith "y many.
''+hus will ) accomplish -y wrath upon the wall and upon those who have daubed it with whitewash%
and ) will say to you, he wall is no more% neither are they who daubed it,'' CAe 43:45. Am$.

Those $o!ers !ho in the $ast have hidden these things ,rom #s "ea#se o, religiosity are no! "eing
e($osed, ''&nd say, +hus says the Lord 'od: *oe to the women who sew pillows to all armholes & el"o!s
& and fasten magic, protective charms to all wrists, and deceptive veils upon the heads of those of every
stature to hunt and capture human livesM *ill you snare the lives of -y people to keep your own selves
alive+'' CAe 43:48. Am$.

-ill yo# snare the s$irit#al lives my $eo$le that are no! in the in vog#e tr#ths even my $eo$le that
have "een starved ,or so long that yo# may +ee$ yo#r o!n errors ' dee$tions alive;
that sew4 Rather,Fthat ,asten #shions.F "y !hih they intimated that they might ind#lge and re$ose
themselves in se#rity, ,or no enemy !o#ld dist#r" them. The a$artments o, the eastern&s are !ell
s#$$lied !ith #shions, on !hih they sit, lean, rest their heads, and $ro$ #$ their arms.
The a"ove short $assage is an e($lanatory ,ootnote on the a"ove t!o verses. AmaAingly I !as given a
vision in a dream many years ago !hih this $assage partly :#ite gra$hially e($lains. In this most vivid
dream I !as in a room !ith a very attrative !oman !ho I !o#ld say !as in her ,orties lying on #shions
e(atly as desri"ed in the a"ove ,ootnote. She !ith her seeming !isdom ' s$irit#ally o#nter,eited
arnal "ea#ty tried to sed#e me ' ind#e me into her !ay o, thin+ing, s#h !as the $o!er o, this !oman
in this most realisti dream that I had to all on the 0ord 2es#s to release me ,rom this most del#sive
ir#mstane to save me ,rom "eing immersed in the sit#ation. I an tell yo# it shoo+ me #$ ,or some time
' gave me m#h to onsider. The $o!er o, the o#nter,eit an "e very, very $ers#asive as it loo+s so real
es$eially i, !e are in any !ay >#dging any s$irit#al sit#ation ,rom any other $lae than the 8ost 7oly
Plae !ithin o#rselves. @o! $lease do not "e alarmed as I "elieve that the dream !as given to me "y )od
7imsel, ,or 7e +no!ing the ,#t#re needed to ,ore!arn me. The very amaAing thing !hih I have >#st
realled is that all thro#gh this dream even in the very !orst $art o, the ir#mstane the $resene o, )od
!as so $o!er,#l that to me at the time !as :#ite $er$le(ing, "#t then are !e not told I !ill never leave yo#
or ,orsa+e yo#. -e an never $l#m" the de$ths onerning the grae o, )od, $l#s there is no sit#ation that
!e need to "e a,raid o,, ,or, ''<o temptation has taken you but what is common to man; but God is
faithful% who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but with the temptation also will
make a way to escape, so that you may be able to bear it.'' 4Co 45:43. 8B2V.
''+hough ) walk in the midst of trouble% thou wilt revive me; +hou wilt stretch forth thy hand against
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
the wrath of mine enemies, ,nd thy right hand will save me) Jehovah will perfect that which concerneth
me: hy loving9kindness% ! Jehovah% endureth for ever; Forsake not the works of thine own hands.''
Psa 438:9&8. ASV.

''! 3aughter of Babylon !you devastator, youM#, who !ought to be and# shall be destroyed, happy
and blessed shall he be who re1uites you as you have served us) "appy and blessed shall he be who
takes and dashes your little ones against the rockM'' Psa 439:8&<. Am$.
These ?ld Testament $ro$heies are ty$es or analogies, ' in the +no!ledge o, the mery ' the grae
o, )od that has ome to #s thro#gh ' "y the ross 7e is not holding any o, #s g#ilty in any !ay as to the
sin :#estion. The no! #nderstanding o, the dashing o, the little ones against the ro+ is ,o#nd in the
e($os#re o, the identity o, the Da#ghter o, Da"ylon !ho is not any $arti#lar $erson "#t a dee$tive
system o, religiosity that !o#ld dra! #s a!ay ,rom the !onder,#l ,reeing li"erty o, end time tr#th, !hih
is that, "y !hih !e are no! "eing Co"su%ed 3 H!s Glor.
I, only all men o#ld right no! #nderstand the love, the mery ' the non ondemnation o, o#r loving
)od to!ards 7is reation !hih is 7is tr#e man1.... I am ,#lly $ers#aded that the ,ast a$$roahing C@D ?=
A00 =0CS7, is a little loser than !e thin+. as ,o#nd in the ,ollo!ing. '''od said to <oah, $ intend to
make an end of all flesh, for through men the land is filled with violence; and behold, ) will destroy them
and the land)'' )en 6:43. Am$.
This $ro$hey is "oth ,or then ' also ,or today. This verse may seem to la+ mery "#t I !ish to tell
yo# that the e(at o$$osite is tr#e. The land mentioned here is toda none other than the land !here !e
d!ell s$irit#ally !hih is at#ally !ithin o#r thin+ing ' #nderstanding ' )od is soon going to rid men o,
all their hindranes !hih are ,o#nd in their ,lesh ' their ,leshly !ay o, thin+ing. -e are "ow "eing
released to #nderstand o#r tr#e $ristine heritage as the so"s of God who shouted for 5o "e,ore the
lo!ering o, Christ 2n 49:5 !hih o, o#rse m#st im$liate o#rselves. =or !ere !e not originally reated in
Christ 2es#s;
Please allo! me no! to re&ite the ,ollo!ing te(t this time ,rom %o#ng*s. ''lessed is the 'od and
Father of our Lord Jesus 7hrist, who did bless us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in
7hrist, according as He did choose us in him B6?!"6 H6 ?!543,$!4 of the world% for our being
holy and unblemished before "im, in love having foreordained us to the ,3!#$!4 of sons through
Jesus 7hrist to "imself, according to the good pleasure of "is will, to the praise of the glory of "is grace,
in which He did make us accepted in the beloved%'' C$h 4:3&6. %o#ng*s.
''?or even as the ?ather has life in Himself and is self e:istent% so has He given to the 7on to have
life in Himself and be self e:istent.'' 2n 5: 26 Am$. -e have :#oted this verse many times ' I "elieve
that it needs to "e onsidered again ' again so as to realise that the Son is not one man "#t a many
mem"er&d Son ' this very sel, e(istent li,e is a very real $art o, o#rselves !hen !e onsider that !e did
not originate ,rom o#r ,ather ' mother "#t !e originated 'efore the fou"dat!o" of the world, that is
"e,ore this no! +no!n !orld, not only the #nderstanding o, it "#t even the reality o, !hat !e have
ae$ted to "e religio#sly tr#e. In tr#th !e are eah o, #s in o#r Christ sel,, SE-+ E6ISTENT. This is !hy
one has so "ea#ti,#lly !ritten.
''$hat ) have done all men can do, and what ) am all men shall be......+he will of man makes possible
the action of the "oly -pirit. $hen the will of man and the will of 'od are one, the resurrection is a
fact..... -o 7hrist will lift the sons and daughters of the human race, yea, every one of them, from darkness
and from graves of carnal things, to light and everlasting life.''
he "eason ?or he 8owering $s ?ound !nly $n he 8ove%
?oreknowledge ,nd -ercy !f God!

''For the creation .nature* was subBected to frailty /to futility% condemned to frustration*, not because of
some intentional fault on its part, but by the will of "im $ho so subBected it((!yet# with the hope.'' Rom
8:25. A8P.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
''For to vanity was the creation sub.ected, not voluntarily, but because of Him *ho sub.ects it% in
e:pectation@ Rom 8:25. C0V.

''because the creation has become sub.ect to futility, though not by anything it did. he one who
sub.ected it did so in the certainty)'' Rom 8:25. ISV.
''For the creature was made sub.ect to vanity, not willingly% but by reason of him who hath sub.ected
the same in hope%'' Rom 8:25. B2V.
-hat !onder,#l hope& e7pe$tat!o" . $erta!"t is o#rs as !e "egin to realise o#r ,#ll heritage o, !hat
' !ho !e are in o#r $ristine heritage. I am s#re that many !ill ' are re>oiing as )od is grad#ally
revealing 7is to date hidden $lan. 7ear the ,ollo!ing ill#minating ' e(iting $ro$hetial !ord o, Isaiah.

''9"5L_, , Aing will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule with Bustice. &nd each one of
them shall be like a hiding place from the wind and a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a
dry place, like the shade of a great rock in a weary land !to those who turn to them#.'' Isa 32:4&2. Am$.
In verse 2 the B2V !o#ld tell #s a 8A@ instead o, ea$h o"e of the% !hih lari,ies the meaning even
,#rther. A man, a corporate man, each one of them, a corporate man(child, shall "e li+e a hiding $lae.
This Bing is desri"ed as ea$h o"e o, them. 2#st !ho are !e; @ot only sons o, the Bing, "#t "orn ,rom
o#t o, the )reat Deing o, o#r Creative Savio#r. **I am the =irst and I am the 0ast. "esides 8e there is no
)od.... Desides 8e there is no other Ro+. I +no! not any.** Isa //:6'8. **Enderstand that I Am 7e.
De,ore 8e there !as not )od ,ormed, neither shall there "e a,ter 8e. I, even I, am the 0ord, and "esides
8e there is no Savio#r.** Isa /3:45"&44.** Can !e reeive ' ae$t the ,at that in o#r tr#e selves, o#r tr#e
identity that 7e the Bing is o#r tr#e identity; @o !onder the morning stars sang together and the sons o,
)od sho#ted ,or 2oy. Bee$ing also in mind that the Son 7imsel, ( that is the full corporate son ( !ill also
"e s#">et to the =ather who put all th!"#s u"der H!% that )od may "e A-- IN A--.

?For from "im and through "im and to "im are all things. !For all things originate with "im and
come from "im; all things live through Him% and all things center in and tend to consummate and to end
in "im.# +o "im be glory foreverM &men .so be it*.@ Rom 44:36. Am$li,ied Di"le
Tend to ons#mmate, !hen !e are ,#lly $o"su%ed ' H!s #lor then all )od has $romised !ill "e
om$letely ons#mmated in #s, ,or as !e are told that all things te"d to $o"su%%ate ' end in 7im ' if
we can receive it this is also re,erring to o#rselves. =or is 7e not o#r tr#e identity the one in !hom !e
!ere reated.
)od*s rihest to yo# all.
Ralph 8"owles& Apr!l 9:;).
I, !e have "een $rone to h#man error in this artile it is not $#r$osely, ' I tr#st that a little +indness !o#ld allo! ,or any ,a#lt, ' that !e !ill onsider '
im"i"e the "etter or s$irit#al $art o, that !hih is $resented ' intended. R-B.

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