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Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook

October 2011

Table of Contents

Simple Pasta Bolognese.....................................................................................................Page 1 Spanish Omelette................................................................................................................Page 2 Easy Roast Chicken............................................................................................................Page 3 Asian Ginger Beef...............................................................................................................Page 4 Pork Chops & Roast Potatoes.......................................................................................Page 5 Grilled Prawns.....................................................................................................................Page 6 Roast Turkey Crown with lemon and thyme.........................................................Page 7 Orange or Lemon Cake....................................................................................................Page 8 Roast Gammon Joint........................................................................................................Page 9 Crusty bread rolls...............................................................................................................Page 10

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Simple Pasta Bolognese

Posted on January 23, 2011 by Admin

Page 1

Ingredients: 500g lean steak mince garlic clove crushed 2 beef oxo cubes 1 pepper chopped 1 onion or one leek chopped salt jar of bolognese pepper spaghetti Method: Preheat your halogen oven at 240 degrees for a couple of minutes. Put in all of the ingredients apart from the spaghetti and bolognese sauce. Set dial for 7 minutes and blast on 240 degrees, stirring occasionally until mince has browned. Add spaghetti (broken in half) and the jar of bolognese. Ensure spaghetti is mixed in with mince and covered by sauce. Cover with lid and set temp to 200 degrees for 10 mins.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Spanish Omelette
Posted on February 10, 2011 by Admin

Page 2

Ingredients: 300g potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1cm pieces 1 red pepper finely chopped 4 large eggs beaten 1/2 red onion finely chopped 100g feta cheese Method: Preheat halogen oven to 225C for a couple of minutes, put an oven proof dish in to heat through with a drizzle of olive oil in. Add the potatoes to the hot oil and stir to coat. Cook until potatoes are evenly coloured on all sides (stirring occasionally). Add the pepper and onion with a little more olive oil and stir to coat evenly. Cook for a further 5 mins. Remove dish from oven and add the beaten eggs. Give the dish a shake to evenly spread the eggs. Do not stir as eggs will scramble. Put the dish back into the oven and crumble feta cheese (although any cheese would do) over the top along with salt and pepper to taste and cook for a further 5mins until golden and set.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Easy Roast Chicken

Posted on January 4, 2011 by Admin

Page 3

Ingredients: 1.5kg chicken touch of soy sauce to brush 1 onion salt, pepper, chicken seasoning Method: First wash and pat dry chicken, removing the neck and any giblets peeled and place a whole onion in the cavity of the chicken. Then brush skin with soy sauce. Put slices of garlic or lemon under the skin on the breast and legs. Put in oven on rack and cook for 40 minutes at 180C/350F. Turn chicken over and cook a further 15 minutes.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Asian Ginger Beef

Posted on January 23, 2011 by Admin

Page 4

Ingredients: 3tbsp wok oil 1lb 6oz lean braising steak cut into small chunks 2 celery sticls 2 red peppers cored and chopped into chunks 14 floz hot beef or veg stock from cube 1 tbsp dark soy sauce 3cm fresh ginger grated 1/2 tsp dried red chilli 1tbsp cornflour 2 tbsp water 7oz suger snap peas halved length ways 1/2 bunch spring onion Method: Prep time: 25 mins. Cook time: 1hr 10 mins. Serves 6. Heat 2 tbsp oil in large frying pan on hob fry beef until lightly browned. Transfer to casserole dish. Add remaining oil, fry celery peppers until beginning to soften and add to meat. Pour over stock, add soy sauce ginger and chillies, stir gently cover with foil place on low rack. Set temperature 200C (392F) and cook for 50 mins or until beef is tender. Blend cornflour with water. Stir into beef add snap peas and spring onion. Cover cook for a further 10 mins.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Pork Chops & Roast Potatoes

Posted on December 17, 2010 by Admin

Page 5

Ingredients: pork chops, medium size potatoes olive oil all your normal dressing/seasonings Method: Roast Potatoes Part boil the potatoes then roast for 1hr at 200C on the low rack. Just brush with a little olive oil to help with browning. Pork Chops Cook at 200c on High rack for 20 mins. Turn chops after 10 mins. Continue cooking for another 10 mins. If the chops aren't cooked you should leave them longer it depends on their size.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Grilled Prawns
Posted on January 4, 2011 by Admin

Page 6

Ingredients: 700g of jumbo prawns (cleaned and peeled) 1 1/4 cup of melted butter or margarine 1 garlic clove (peeled and minced) 2 tablespoons of lemon juice Method: Rinse and dry the prawns. In a small bowl, mix the melted butter with the lemon juice along with the garlic. Place the elevated wire rack into the halogen oven and set to 220 degree C. Brush the prawns with the butter mix and arrange directly onto the rack. Grill the prawns for about 8-10 minutes.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Roast Turkey Crown with lemon and thyme

Posted on December 17, 2010 by Admin

Page 7

Ingredients: 4 kg turkey crown 1 bulb garlic, cut in half 1 lemon, cut in half small bunch of thyme 2 bay leaves 2 tbsp olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper Method: Remove and discard giblets and excess fat, wash turkey under cold water and pat dry. Place the garlic, lemon, thyme and bay leaves inside the cavity of the bird and rub the skin with the olive oil, season the skin with cavity well with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Set temperature to 220C and put the turkey onto the low wire rack. Cook for one hour, using the tongs turn the bird so that the other end of the breast is uppermost. Turn the temperature down to 170 C and cook for a further 30 to 45 minutes or until the juices run clear when you insert a skewer into the base of the breast. When cooked, removed the turkey from the Halogen Oven onto a warm plate. Cover the turkey in foil and leave to rest for 10 to 15 minutes.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Orange or Lemon Cake

Posted on January 18, 2011 by Admin

Page 8

Ingredients: 2 tbsp milk 150g sugar 200g self raising flour 150 g butter 2 eggs 1 tsp orange (or lemon) essence Zest & juice of 1 orange (or lemon) 3 tablespoon icing sugar Method: Preheat your halogen oven at 180c for a couple of minutes. Firstly beat the melted butter & sugar together until it turns creamy. Add eggs, and beat again then add the flour, milk, orange (or lemon) essence & zest. Pour the mixture into a greased loaf tin and place on low rack & cook for 30-40 minutes, until firm & cooked. Now place on a cooling rack. Mix the orange (or lemon) juice & icing sugar tog. Pour over the cooled cake. If you're using lemon, you will need to add more sugar, to over come the lemons sourness.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Roast Gammon Joint

Posted on April 17, 2011 by Admin

Page 9

Ingredients: 2 kg gammon joint Method: I cooked a 2 kilo gammon joint yesterday in a 7 litre HO In a conventional oven the advice is 35 min per 450g (1LB) and 35 mins extra at 180C. In the halogen oven, I reduce temperature and cooking time. I put my gammon on the bottom rack and covered the top loosely with foil. Because my oven is smaller I used the extension ring to take the heat source higher. I cooked it at 160C (approx 325F) for 1 hour, turned it and cooked for another 1 hour. I then removed the foil and let it brown for 10 minutes, still at 160C, then turned it for another 10 minutes to brown all round. It was cooked through thoroughly and delicious. Depending on the shape/thickness of your joint, times may vary a bit. Test with a skewer to make sure juices run clear.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

Crusty bread rolls

Posted on June 16, 2009 by Admin

Page 10

Ingredients: 15 g (1/2 oz) fresh yeast 250 300 ml (9 10 fl oz) tepid milk 1 tsp caster sugar 450 g (1 lb) strong plain flour 1 tsp salt 50 g (2 oz) butter Method: Blend the yeast with 150 ml (5 fl oz) of the milk and sugar. Sift flour and salt, add butter, and rub into flour. Stir in yeast mixture and sufficient milk to make fairly soft dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead thoroughly for 10 mins until dough is firm, elastic and no longer sticky. Place in a large bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in size (1 2 hrs). Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead well for 2 3 mins. Divide into 12 equal pieces and shape into rolls. Place the rolls on greased baking sheets (I just cover the rack with foil shinny side up) , spacing them well apart. Cover with tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size. Cut slits in the top of each roll. Bake for 8 mins on a medium heat until well risen and golden. I have found that if I do them on HI which is what I would use for most recipes they brown too quickly.

Top 10 Halogen Oven Recipes Collection Cookbook, October 2011

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