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PE 543 Spring 2012/2013 GAS CONDENSATE Assignment # 5 April 22, 2013 Problem # 1 Generate the drainage relative permeability

y data for an unconsolidated well-sorted sand by using the Wyllie and Gardner method. Assume the following critical saturation values; Soc = 0.3, Swc = 0.25, and Sgc = 0.05. Problem # 2 Resolve Problem # 1 by using Pirsons correlation for the water-oil system.

Problem # 3 Use Coreys approximation to generate the gas-oil relative permeability for a formation with a connate water saturation of 0.25. Problem # 4 Relative permeability measurements are made on three core samples. The measured data are summarized below: Core Sample #1 #2 #3 1 1 1 100 80 150 0.35 0.28 0.35 0.25 0.30 0.20 Sample # 1 kro krw 0.850* 0.000 0.754 0.018 0.557 0.092 0.352 0.198 0.131 0.327 0.000 0.400* Sample # 2 kro krw 0.800 0 0.593 0.077 0.393 0.191 0.202 0.323 0.111 0.394 0.000 0.500* Sample # 3 kro krw * 1.000 0.000 0.872 0.008 0.839 0.027 0.663 0.088 0.463 0.176 0.215 0.286 0.000 0.350* -

h, ft k, md Soc Swc

Sw 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.65 0.72

* values at critical saturations It is believed that a connate water saturation of 0.27 and a critical oil saturation of 30% better describe the formation. Generate the oil and water relative permeability data using the new critical saturations.

Wyllie and Gardner Correlation Wyllie and Gardner (1958) observed that, in some rocks, the relationship between the reciprocal capillary pressure squared (1/Pe2) and the effective water saturation Sw* is linear

over a wide range of saturation. Honapour et al. (1988) conveniently tabulated Wyllie and Gardner correlations as shown below: Drainage Oil-Water Relative Permeabilities Type Of formation kre krw Unconsolidated sand, well sorted (1-Sw*) (Sw*)3 Unconsolidated sand, poorly sorted (1-Sw*)2(1-Sw* 1.5) (So*)3.5 * 2 *2 Cemented sandstone, oolitic limestone (1-So ) (1-Sw ) (So*)4 Drainage Gas-Oil Relative Permeabilities Type Of formation kre krg Unconsolidated sand, well sorted (So*)3 (1-So*)3 Unconsolidated sand, poorly sorted (So*)3.5 (1-So*)2 (1-So* 1.5 ) * 4 * 2 Cemented sandstone, oolitic limestone (So ) (1-So ) (1-So*2) rocks with vugular porosity * Oil water system ( ) [ ]

Equation (5-4) (5-5) (5-6)

Equation (5-7) (5-8) (5-9)

* Gas-oil system ( ) [ ]

Torcaso and Wyllie Correlation Torcaso and Wyllie (1958) developed a simple expression to determine the relative permeability of the oil phase in a gas-oil system. The expression permits the calculation of kro from the measurements of krg. The equation has the following form: ( ) [ ] ( ) ( ( ) ) The above expression is very useful since krg measurements are easily made and kro measurements are usually made with difficulty.

Pirsons Correlation

From petro-physical considerations. Pirosn (1958) derived generalized relationships for determining the wetting and non-wetting phase relative permeability for both imbibition and drainage processes. The generalized expressions are applied for water-wet rocks.

For the water (wetting) phase The above expression is valid for both the imbibition and drainage processes. For the non-wetting phase Imbibition ( ) Drainage ( ) Where Snw Sw Sw* ( = = = )[ ( ) ] [ ( )]

saturation of the non-wetting phase water saturation effective water saturation

Coreys Method Corey (1954) proposed a simple mathematical expression for generating the relative permeability data of the gas-oil system. The approximation is good for drainage processes, i.e., gas-displacing oil. kro = (1-Sg*)4 krg = (Sg*) (2-Sg*)

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