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INTUC was born on May 3, 1947 as historic necessity, just before Indian attained independence. The constitution of INTUC was adopted in the second days proceedings of the conference; Mahatma Gandhi who was then in Delhi also blessed the new found trade union centre. Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) is the trade union wing of the Indian National Congress. And is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation. According to provisional statistics from the Ministry of Labour, INTUC had a membership of 3892011 in 2002. Thus declared the iron man and unifier of India. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, in his presidential address to unique congregation of national leader like Pandit Javaharlal Nehru, Jagjivan Ram, Aruna Asaf Ali, Ram Manohar Lohia, G. Ramanujam, V.V. David, Shankar Rao Deo, B.G. Kher, O.P. Ramasami Reddiar, Ravi ShankarShukla, Hare Krishna Mehtab, S.K. Patil, Kamaldevi Chattopadhyaya, Ahoka Mehta, R.R. Diwakar and Bhimasen Sacar. Prominent among the labour leaders attending the conference were G.L. Nanda, Khadubhai Desai, Suresh Chandra Banerjee, Deven Sen. They had all gathered at conference, held at the Constitution Club, New Delhi on May 3 and 4, 1947, determined to form a new trade union centre which could voice the genuine demands for realizing the aspirations of the working class in the country, at the same time keeping the national interest foremost in view. The number of trade unions centre which could voice the genuine demands for realization of the working class in the country, at the same time keeping the national interest foremost in view.

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) is one of the major Central Trade Unions (CTU) in India. The CITU is progressive trade union centre, opposed to imperialist globalization, championing the cause of working class and defending economic sovereignty of the country. The CITU Conference takes place once in three years. This is the 11th Conference of CITU. From the 7th conference held in the year 1991, the membership strength of CITU during the period between the two conferences has been going up on an average by 0.5 million. The present conference of CITU is held based on the membership strength of about 3.4 million and with around 4,000 trade unions affiliated to it, functioning in different industries and service sectors. Besides, there are a number of trade unions in the country particularly in Insurance, Banking and the central and provincial government services, which are not formally affiliated with CTUs but represent thousands of workers. The CITU represents workers in every field of trade activities including the workers in industrial and service sectors like Coal, Electricity, Steel, Heavy Engineering, Construction, Electronics, Oil & Natural Gas production and refining, Petrochemicals, Fertilizers, Pharmaceuticals, Rail, Road, Air & Water Transport, Port & Docks, Telecommunications, Textile, Financial & other service sectors, Plantation, etc.. At enterprise level, activity of the CITU unions pertains to organizing workers for achieving better wages, service condition, health and safety, etc and through those activities consolidating the collective strength and consciousness of the workers. Besides the above, the CITU unions also intervene in the various aspects of management of the enterprise seeking greater involvement of the workers in the efficient

running of the enterprise and for strengthening participative mechanism at enterprise-level. Apart from the fight against the onslaughts of imperialist globalization in general, the CITU is engaged in particular in the fight against the antipeople policies of liberalization and privatization. The important issues before the trade union movement in the country, inter alia, are attacks on trade union right, right to strike, right to collective bargaining, proemployer retrograde changes in the labour laws, reduction of social security, closure of industrial units and massive retrenchment of workers, outsourcing and casualisation / informalisation of employment, menacing growth of unemployment, etc. In India, the present coalition government at the national level has been promoting religious fanaticism and engineering sectarian violence to divide the working class and the people in the country on religious communal lines.

The circumstances in which BHARATIYA MAZDOOR SANGH (BMS) came into existence in the trade union field of India have shaped its significant role in the trade union movement. BMS was founded on 23rd of July, 1955 the day being the birth anniversary of Lok Manya Bal Gangadhar Tilak veteran of Freedom Movement. Two important aspects stand out in connection with this: (A) Formation of BMS was not the result of split in the existing trade union organizations, unlike in the case of almost all other trade unions. Hence it had the formidable responsibility of building its organizational structure from the grass root level.

(B) On the very first day it was visualized as a trade union whose base-sheet anchors would be Nationalism, would work as a genuine trade union, keeping itself scrupulously away from party politics. This was also unlike other trade unions which were linked to one or the other political party, overtly or otherwise. BMS in 1955 existed only in the minds of a few determined persons who assembled at Bhopal under the guidance of Shri D.B. Thengadi a thinker and intellectual, who had even earlier dedicated accepting the noble principle of self abnegation, his entire life to social work. He collected a band of determined workers around him to work for the organization selflessly. The first task was to build a strong organizational structure on the noble principles already declared. Constant tour of the country by Shri Thengadiji and the local efforts of his then colleagues resulted in setting up of a union here, and a union there. Of course that looked insignificant in the broad canvas of the trade union field like dots on a large map. With the increase in experience, slowly, BMS unions sprung up in industries. Thus it was only in 1967, twelve years after its formation that the first all India Conference of BMS was held in Delhi, in which the initial national executive was elected. At the time the number of affiliated unions was 541 and total membership was 2, 46,000. Shri Thengadiji was elected General Secretary and Shri Ram Nareshji as first President. BMS is significantly represented in most of the bipartite/tripartite labour and industrial committees/Boards constituted by the Central Government including Indian Labour Conference (ILC), Standing Labour Committee, Central Board for Workers Education, ESI, EPF, National

Productivity Council, National Safety Council, Negotiation Committees of Public Sector Undertakings like BHEL, NTPC, NHPC, BEL, Coal, Industrial Committees of Jute, Textiles, Engineering, ChemicalFertilizers, Sugar, Electricity, Transport and the consultative machinery of Government employees and various other Committees / Boards. The aims and objectives of BMS are: (1) Complete utilization of manpower and resources leading to full employment and maximum production (2) Replacement of profit motive by service motive and establishment of economic democracy resulting in equitable distribution of wealth to the best advantage of all individual citizens and of the national as a whole. (3) Development of autonomous industrial communities forming part and parcel of the nation, culminating in Labourisation of industry (4) Provision of work with living wage to every individual through maximum industrialization of the nation. (5) To bring about unity in the trade union movement. (6) To guide, direct, supervise and coordinate the activities of the affiliated unions. (7) Improvement in conditions of work, life and social and industrial status. (8) To establish, encourage and organise Labour Research Centres and similar activities.

(9) To publish or cause publication of journals, periodicals, pamphlets, pictures, books and many other types of literature mainly concerning labour and their interests and to purchase, sell & circulate them. (10) To render assistance or to establish cooperative societies, welfare institutions, clubs etc., for the overall welfare of the common man in general and the workers and their families in particular.

All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was founded in 1920 with Lala Lajpat Rai as its first president. Up to 1945 Congressmen, Socialists, Communists worked in the AITUC which was the central trade union organization of workers of India. Subsequently the trade union movement got split on political lines.

The membership of the AITUC is 3.6 million. The unions affiliated to AITUC are from textile, engineering, coal, steel, road transport, electricity board and of unorganized sector such as beedi, construction and head-load workers, anganwadi, local bodies and handloom. Recently a number of agriculture workers' unions have affiliated themselves to AITUC The AITUC claimed 64 affiliated unions with a membership of 1,40,854 in 1920 Lala Lajpat Rai, the president of the Indian National Congress became the first president of AITUC

In the Indian conditions, where National Trade Union Centers are wings of one political party or the other, Hind Mazdoor Sabha is the only major trade union organization which is truly independent of political parties, whether in power or in opposition. Hind Mazdoor Sabha made a bold bid to strike a new path of organizing unions as independent organizations without control of political parties. This policy of independence which was declared in the founding conference of HMS in December, 1948, has remained unpolluted throughout the last four decades though this period has seen many upheavals in power politics and on the trade union scene in the county.

Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) is a Centre of Trade Unions who believe in Independence from political parties, including the Government, in Trade Union Work. This does not mean HMS is "Apolitical", but signifies its freedom from Political Control. HMS has a 56 member Working Committee, including Office

Bearers, who are elected in the Biennial Conferences of HMS, Every State, Sh. Manohar Kotwal is the President and Sh. Umraomal Purohit is General Secretary, who is the Executive head. HMS currently has 16 Industrial Federations. N.L.O: - The national labor organization (N.L.O.) formed by the organization wing of the Congress party (thus leaving INTUC with the Congress R).

THE UNITED TRADE UNION CONGRESS (U.T.U.C.) was formed in 1949 when some trade union leader was attended the conference called by socialists in Dec. 1948-did not agree with the ideology and objectives of H.M.S. and hence decided to form a new trade union. The main objectives of these organizations are to conduct trade union activity and built up a central platform for labors on the broadest possible basis of trade union unity, free from sectarian party politics. U.T.U.C. aims at established a pure trade union free from political influence of any party. They strongly criticize government`s labor policy. U.T.U.C.LS:- THE UNITED TRADE UNION CONGRESS- LENIN SARANI, which is a splinter of UTUC.

N.F.I.T.U.:- The national front of Indian Trade Union.

T.U.C.C:- The Trade Union coordination Center. (IFTEKHAR KHAN)

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