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Preparation and Revision for SATS Reading, Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation: Basic skills Punctuation, Grammar and Writing. Guided reading Reading and understanding. Class Reader/Fiction text Artemis Fowl. Drama/Performing Arts Year 6 Production. Spelling patterns and rules. Extended writing (covering a number of genres).

P.E. & Forest School

P.E. Athletics and Games. PE days may vary, so we ask for appropriate PE kit to be in school every day. They can be taken home at weekends to be washed. Forest school Outdoor skills, problem solving, links to class learning as much as possible to take learning outside the classrooms. Forest schools will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays most weeks, but we recommend that their full kit remains in school all week.

Summer 1 Topic: Potions (Science Focus)

ENGAGE Research famous scientists in history using the Internet (laptops/ipads) Carry out practical investigations DEVELOP Investigations changes of state INNOVATE Making hand-made goods from materials EXPRESS Review and reect upon work carried out *SATS TESTING*

Summer 2 Topic: Summer Festival (Geography Focus)

ENGAGE Make tents and shelters Create an outside classroom Camping (on site) research the history DEVELOP Outdoor games and activities INNOVATE Support in organising the school Summer Fayre EXPRESS Create blogs, posters and leaets

Preparation and Revision for SATS: Counting, partitioning and calculating number patterns place value addition and subtraction Securing number facts and understanding shape properties of number and shape solve one and two step problems doubling and halving Handling data and measures collect organize and present data understand and use metric units and abbreviations interpret divisions on a scale Calculating, measuring and understanding shape solve problems involving money and measures read time to the nearest minute use position and direction Securing number facts, relationships and calculating consolidate multiplication facts up to 10x10 recognize equivalent decimals and fractions nd fractions of number, shape or quantities 66 minute club and weekly mental maths tests.

Year 6 Summer Term

Staff Mr Clarke Class 6C &Year Leader Mrs Guest Class 6G Miss Fletcher Class 6F Mrs Barr Teaching Assistant Mrs Blackwell Teaching Assistant Mrs Unitt Teaching Assistant Mrs Dewell PPA (cover) Mrs Gordon PPA (cover) Mr Crees Forest School Mrs Green Inclusion Manager Mrs Phillips Learning Mentor Tim Atkins Transition/Mentor

Important Autumn Dates

IT IS VITAL THAT CHILDREN ARE IN SCHOOL FOR THEIR SATS TESTS: W/B 13th May 2013 13th May! Reading SATS 14th May! Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation SATS 15th May! Maths Paper A & Mental Maths SATS 16th May! Maths Paper B SATS 24th May! Break up for half term 3rd June! 4th June ! 5th June ! 8th July ! ! 9th July ! ! 15th July! 16th July! 23rd July ! INSET Day School opens for children (Summer 2) Travel workshop (transition project) Reports sent home Open Parents evening (4-6pm) Sports day Year 6 Awards and Production School closes

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