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Personal, social and emotional development

Dress up and take part in role play. Use puppets and small world play to act lout a dragon attack on a castle. Take on different roles and cooperate with others to retell the story of St George and the dragon. Become a King or Queen for the day- explore what we might have to say and do. Imagine they are knights getting ready to ght a dragon- talk about what they might do and how they might feel. Coat of arms- Me Shield- making our own coat of arms reecting our personalities/aspirations.

Listen to majestic and royal music and dress up band move to the music. Dance routines- dragon dance, just dance- Shreks swamp. Take part in a knights challengeusing hobby horses, swords and shields. Forest school- Take a walk in an enchanted forest. Follow a dragon

Physical development

Communication, language and literacy

Children will listen to, join in with and re-tell a range of stories, poems and action rhymes about dragons and princesses. Read and listen to a variety of letters that arrive from a princess, ogre or a dragon (linked to Shrek-visual literacy). What shall we write back? Use speech bubbles to create a conversation between a knight and a dragon. Use wordle to create a word bank for describing dragons. Create a comic strip (using iPads). Write a description of an imaginary dragon. Think about what colours, patterns and shapes it would have and how it would move.

Class 10M
Creative Development
Work together, to create a giant dragon head that can be embellished with paint and decorative materials. Make dragon skin using marbling techniques. Design and make shields and swords using recycled materials. Bake cakes and tarts for a tasting session with Princess Pitt. Play with a selection of beads and laces to make our own Royal jewellery- sorting the beads to make individual designs. Use a selection of musical instruments to make majestic and battle sounds. Build a castle from lego bricks, dig moats out of wet sand add water.

Mathematical development
Create an enormous dragon from boxes and craft materials. Discuss size, shapes, height, length etc Use positional language to play a dragon attack game. Put the dragon on the drawbridge; put the knight in front of the dragon etc. Play dragon stories, there were 5 princesses and the dragon ate 2, how many princesses are left? Count/sort sets of dragons, knights, ogres, princesses etc. Shrek survey; turn data gathered into a tally, bar chart, and pictogram. Counting objects found on Shreks journey to rescue the princess. Addition and subtraction activities linked to Shreks feast. Identify 2D and 3D shapes- discuss their properties. (Include cuboids- bricks made for castle).

Knowledge and Understanding of the world

Discuss life in the past- real and imagined knights, their armour and battles. Discuss real and imagined princes, princesses, Kings and Queens. Explore different parts of a castle. Compare their homes to castles. Explore real life dragons and their habitats. Visit a castle and explore the different rooms and environments. Visit a tropical house or invite a visitor into school to show a range of reptiles. Use books, pictures and lms to explore real life dragons. Find out where they live and what they eat. Introduce some dinosaurs that look like dragons. Are they the same?

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